
Showing total 15 results
15 results

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1. Efficient algorithms for two generalized 2-median problems and the group median problem on trees

2. The bipanconnectivity and -panconnectivity of the folded hypercube

3. Active learning on anchorgraph with an improved transductive experimental design.

4. 2-Connecting outerplanar graphs without blowing up the pathwidth.

5. Multi-scale gist feature manifold for building recognition

6. Computing large matchings in planar graphs with fixed minimum degree

7. The surviving rate of an outerplanar graph for the firefighter problem

8. Claw finding algorithms using quantum walk

9. A randomized algorithm for determining dominating sets in graphs of maximum degree five

10. Distance paired-domination problems on subclasses of chordal graphs

11. Hardness results and approximation algorithms for (weighted) paired-domination in graphs

12. The maximum edge-disjoint paths problem in complete graphs

13. Formula dissection: A parallel algorithm for constraint satisfaction

14. Path constraints in semistructured data

15. Ranks of graphs: The size of acyclic orientation cover for deadlock-free packet routing