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1. A reviewer-reputation ranking algorithm to identify high-quality papers during the review process.

2. Convergence and correctness of belief propagation for weighted min–max flow.

3. Multi-rater Prism: Learning self-calibrated medical image segmentation from multiple raters.

4. Iterative algorithms for partitioned neural network approximation to partial differential equations.

5. Accelerated primal-dual methods with adaptive parameters for composite convex optimization with linear constraints.

6. Nonnegative iterative reweighted method for sparse linear complementarity problem.

7. PriNeRF: Prior constrained Neural Radiance Field for robust novel view synthesis of urban scenes with fewer views.

8. Macro-micro synchronization strategy based on fuzzy time-delay compensation for high-precision laser on-the-fly processing.

9. A Bregman proximal subgradient algorithm for nonconvex and nonsmooth fractional optimization problems.

10. RA-HOOI: Rank-adaptive higher-order orthogonal iteration for the fixed-accuracy low multilinear-rank approximation of tensors.

11. A second-order adaptive DLN algorithm with different subdomain variable time steps for the 3D closed-loop geothermal system.

12. An adaptive fractional-order regularization primal-dual image denoising algorithm based on non-convex function.

13. A parallel compact Marine Predators Algorithm applied in time series prediction of Backpropagation neural network (BNN) and engineering optimization.

14. Efficient enumeration of maximal split subgraphs and induced sub-cographs and related classes.

15. Snow Geese Algorithm: A novel migration-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm for constrained engineering optimization problems.

16. A time two-grid algorithm for two-dimensional nonlinear time-fractional partial integro-differential equations.

17. Lagrange multiplier structure-preserving algorithm for time-fractional Allen-Cahn equation.

18. TetraFreeQ: Tetrahedra-free quadrature on polyhedral elements.

19. An accelerated stochastic extragradient-like algorithm with new stepsize rules for stochastic variational inequalities.

20. A bi-variant variational model for diffeomorphic image registration with relaxed Jacobian determinant constraints.

21. An onboard periodic rescheduling algorithm for satellite observation scheduling problem with common dynamic tasks.

22. On CD-chromatic number and its lower bound in some classes of graphs.

23. An algorithm of line segmentation and reading order sorting based on adjacent character detection: A post-processing of OCR for digitization of Chinese historical texts.

24. Analysis of a fractional-step parareal algorithm for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

25. Hopf-type representation formulas and efficient algorithms for certain high-dimensional optimal control problems.

26. A warm-start FE-dABCD algorithm for elliptic optimal control problems with constraints on the control and the gradient of the state.

27. Placement optimization of elastic spacers for multi-layer space membrane structure.

28. Piecewise DMD for oscillatory and Turing spatio-temporal dynamics.

29. Advanced spectral boundary integral equation method for modeling wave propagation in elastic metamaterials with doubly periodic arrays of rectangular crack-like voids.

30. A novel numerical inverse technique for multi-parameter time fractional radially symmetric anomalous diffusion problem with initial singularity.

31. An anti-greedy random walk algorithm for heat exchanger network synthesis.

32. Training multi-source domain adaptation network by mutual information estimation and minimization.

33. Geodesic property of greedy algorithms for optimization problems on jump systems and delta-matroids.

34. Variable sample-size operator extrapolation algorithm for stochastic mixed variational inequalities.

35. Star algorithm for neural network ensembling.

36. Local and parallel finite element algorithms based on charge-conservation approximation for the stationary inductionless magnetohydrodynamic problem.

37. A projection-based hybrid PRP-DY type conjugate gradient algorithm for constrained nonlinear equations with applications.

38. A proximal fully parallel splitting method with a relaxation factor for separable convex programming.

39. Adaptive bias-variance trade-off in advantage estimator for actor–critic algorithms.

40. A parallel finite element post-processing algorithm for the damped Stokes equations.

41. Bi-level programming and multi-objective optimization for the distribution of resources in hierarchical organizations.

42. Expanded multi-scroll attractor system analysis and application for remote sensing image encryption.

43. Autonomous bonobo optimization algorithm for power allocation in wireless networks.

44. Stokes problem with the Coulomb stick–slip boundary conditions in 3D: Formulations, approximation, algorithms, and experiments.

45. Importance-based distributed persistent coverage strategy over environmental hotspots using quadrotors: Algorithm and experiments.

46. ET-PDA: An event-triggered parameter distributed accelerated algorithm for economic dispatch problems.

47. Robust model predictive control for continuous nonlinear systems with the quasi-infinite adaptive horizon algorithm.

48. Distributed matrix-weighted fusion model predictive control algorithm.

49. Distributed generalized Nash equilibrium seeking: A backward-reflected-forward-backward-based algorithm.

50. Optimization of unconstrained problems using a developed algorithm of spectral conjugate gradient method calculation.