
Showing total 18 results
18 results

Search Results

1. Resolution of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Conjecture.

2. Design of New Word Retrieval Algorithm for Chinese-English Bilingual Parallel Corpus.

3. Comparison of Algorithms for the AI-Based Fault Diagnostic of Cable Joints in MV Networks.

4. Speed Proportional Integrative Derivative Controller: Optimization Functions in Metaheuristic Algorithms.

5. Reed–Muller Codes: Theory and Algorithms.

6. Symmetric Cryptography on RISC-V: Performance Evaluation of Standardized Algorithms.

7. Single Image Super-Resolution Quality Assessment: A Real-World Dataset, Subjective Studies, and an Objective Metric.

8. Near-Optimal Sparsity-Constrained Group Testing: Improved Bounds and Algorithms.

9. A Hierarchical Universal Algorithm for Geometric Objects' Reflection Symmetry Detection.

10. Index-Based Solutions for Efficient Density Peak Clustering.

11. GFocus: User Focus-Based Graph Query Autocompletion.

12. Metaheuristics for pharmacometrics.

13. A novel algorithmic construction for deductions of categorical polysyllogisms by Carroll's diagrams.

14. A distributed message passing algorithm for computing perfect demand matching.

15. Harmony search: Current studies and uses on healthcare systems.

16. A comprehensive survey of clustering algorithms: State-of-the-art machine learning applications, taxonomy, challenges, and future research prospects.

17. An Efficient and Reliable Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network.

18. RCELF: A residual-based approach for Influence Maximization Problem.