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64 results

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1. Psychological impact of the earthquake 2023 in Turkey.

2. An exploratory study of capacity to change at family level in families with adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.

3. Decisional conflict in parents of children with congenital heart defect: Towards development of a model.

4. Rural healthcare professionals' participation in Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): beyond a binary decision.

5. A kaleidoscope of well-being to authentically represent the voices of children and young people with complex cerebral palsy: a case study series.

6. Making Techno-Economic Rationality Work: Tensions in Technology-Enabled Social Service Evaluations.

7. "Thin markets": Recruitment and retention of disability staff to support effective post‐parental care planning in rural Australia.

8. "Spat On and Coughed At": Co-Cultural Understanding of Chinese International Students' Experiences with Stigmatization during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

9. 'I hang out with non‐Christians all the time. I just won't date them': The role of religion in the intimate lives of adults with intellectual disabilities.

10. "My life isn't my life, it's the systems": A qualitative exploration of women's experiences of day‐to‐day restrictive practices as inpatients.

11. Adolescents with suicidal behaviours: A qualitative study about the assessment of Inpatient Service and Transition to Community.

12. 'Localism and intimacy, and... other rather imponderable reasons of that sort': A qualitative study of patient experience of community hospitals in England.

13. Exploring lessons from Covid‐19 for the role of the voluntary sector in integrated care systems.

14. Community healthcare workers' experiences during and after COVID‐19 lockdown: A qualitative study from Aotearoa New Zealand.

15. The perspective of homeless space in the railway stations of India: A critical understanding through inter‐personal network analysis.

16. Family support, forming careers, and breaking the disability mindset: implications for addressing structural barriers to employment pathways in coordinated specialty care for first-episode psychosis.

17. Safeguarding adult reviews: informing and enriching policy and practice on self-neglect.

18. An exploration of the experiences of professionals supporting patients approaching the end of life in medicines management at home. A qualitative study.

19. Living with epidermolysis bullosa: Daily challenges and health‐care needs.

20. How is the emerging role of domiciliary physiotherapists who treat residents with dementia in nursing homes perceived by allied health professionals? A phenomenological interview study.

21. Becoming an Expert by Experience: Benefits and Challenges of Educating Mental Health Nursing Students.

22. The quality and developmental pathways in sibling relationships: A qualitative study of Norwegian children admitted to child welfare service care.

23. Constraints that discourage participation in the labour market by female carers of older relatives in Santiago, Chile.

24. Facilitators and Barriers to Health Seeking among People Who Use Drugs in the Sunyani Municipality of Ghana: An Exploratory Study.

25. Experience of Occupations among People Living with a Personality Disorder.

26. Developing a flipped learning approach to support student engagement: A design‐based research of secondary school mathematics teaching.

27. Developing senior learners' autonomy in language learning. An exploratory study of Hungarian adult educators' support strategies.

28. Public involvement in designing a study on patient‐witnessed cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital.

29. An exploratory study of factors motivating Mexican women to undertake and continue with nutritional programs.

30. Supporting care‐experienced adults' educational journeys: "Linked lives" over the life course.

31. Clarity, confidence and complexity: Learning from mental health nurses' experiences of events involving physiological deterioration of consumers in acute inpatient mental health settings.

32. Exploration of a Novel Preventative Policing Approach in the United Kingdom to Adverse Childhood Experiences.

33. Development of an evidence-based practice framework to guide decision making support for people with cognitive impairment due to acquired brain injury or intellectual disability.

34. 'A bridge to normal': a qualitative study of Indonesian women's attendance in a phase two cardiac rehabilitation programme.

35. Personalisation, customisation and bricolage: how people with dementia and their families make assistive technology work for them.

36. Commerce and crossover of resources in Facebook Groups – A qualitative study.

37. Positioning discourse on homophobia in schools: What have lesbian and gay families got to say?

38. Practitioners' experiences of using blended models within family support: A proof of concept study involving Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Multisystemic Therapy (MST) and Incredible Years (IY) interventions.

39. The social dimensions of gambling among street youth in Mumbai: Is it really an addiction?

40. Protocol for Psychosocial Interventions Based on Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (IBMS) Model for Children with Eczema and Their Parent Caregivers.

41. Mediating Community Participation: Practice of Support Workers in Initiating, Facilitating or Disrupting Encounters between People with and without Intellectual Disability.

42. The symbolic representation of community in social isolation and loneliness among older people: Insights for intervention from a rural Irish case study.

43. Families living with parental mental illness and their experiences of family interventions.

44. Including the 'Spiritual' Within Mental Health Care in the UK, from the Experiences of People with Mental Health Problems.

45. The experiences of working carers of older people regarding access to a web-based family care support network offered by a municipality.

46. Effectiveness of an online social support intervention for caregivers of people with dementia: the study protocol of a randomised controlled trial.

47. Vulnerable young people’s experiences of child and adolescent mental health services.

48. Meeting the health needs of older people with intellectual disabilities: exploring the experiences of residential social care staff.

49. The role of 'social support' in the experience of fibromyalgia - narratives from South Africa.

50. Understanding the supportive care needs of Hispanic men cancer survivors.