
Showing total 65 results
65 results

Search Results

1. Applying behaviour change theory to parent‐led language interventions for children in the early years.

2. Understanding capacity for implementing new interventions: A qualitative study of speech and language therapy services for children with speech sound disorder.

3. Public Perceptions of the Australian Health System During COVID‐19: Findings From a 2021 Survey Compared to Four Previous Surveys.

4. Youth Perspectives on 'Highly Personalised and Measurement‐Based Care': Qualitative Co‐Design of Education Materials.

5. A systematic review of digital access to post‐diagnostic health and social care services for dementia.

6. The clinical use of personal hearing amplifiers in facilitating accessible patient–provider communication: A scoping review.

7. Supporting safe swallowing of care home residents with dysphagia: How does the care delivered compare with guidance from speech and language therapists?

8. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

9. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

10. Assessing the Gap Between Women's Expectations and Perceptions of the Quality of Intrapartum Care in Jordan: A Two‐Stage Study Using the SERVQUAL Model.

11. Strategies for involving patients and the public in scaling initiatives in health and social services: A scoping review.

12. Electronic medication administration record (eMAR) in Swedish home healthcare—Implications for Nurses' and nurse Assistants' Work environment: A qualitative study.

13. Decoding the persistence of delayed hospital discharge: An in‐depth scoping review and insights from two decades.

14. Towards an Implementation‐STakeholder Engagement Model (I‐STEM) for improving health and social care services.

15. Experiences of South African speech–language therapists providing telepractice during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative survey.

16. A randomized study of parent‐ versus child‐directed intervention for Dutch toddlers with DLD.

17. Dementia care navigation: A systematic review on different service types and their prevalence.

18. Co‐designing a theory‐informed, multicomponent intervention to increase vaccine uptake with Congolese migrants: A qualitative, community‐based participatory research study (LISOLO MALAMU).

19. Walk‐in Together: A pilot study of a walk‐in online family therapy intervention.

20. 'Like going into a chocolate shop, blindfolded': What do people with primary progressive aphasia want from speech and language therapy?

21. Who cares for the carer? Codesigning a carer health and wellbeing clinic for older care partners of older people in Australia.

22. The role of education, concept knowledge, work setting and clinical experience in communication partner training: A survey of Flemish speech and language therapists.

23. 'Is there something wrong with your voice?' A qualitative study of the voice concerns of people with laryngotracheal stenosis.

24. Factors influencing the success of telepractice during the COVID‐19 pandemic and preferences for post‐pandemic services: An interview study with clinicians and parents.

25. The perspectives of Australian speech pathologists in providing evidence‐based practices to children with autism.

26. Should relational effects be considered in health care priority setting?

27. Exploring the impact of remoteness on people with head and neck cancer: Utilisation of a state‐wide dataset.

28. Tapping into the power of coproduction and knowledge mobilisation: Exploration of a facilitated interactive group learning approach to support equity‐sensitive decision‐making in local health and care services.

29. "Impaired Resilience (00210)" in patients under fertility treatment: Clinical validation study.

30. Impact of COVID‐19 on digital practice in UK paediatric speech and language therapy and implications for the future: A national survey.

31. Co‐designing a peer‐led model of delivering behavioural activation for people living with depression or low mood in Australian farming communities.

32. Outcomes management practices in tiered school‐based speech–language therapy: A Canadian example.

33. Speech pathology prescribing in the outpatient setting: A review of requirements, considerations and barriers.

34. Programmatic adaptations to acute malnutrition screening and treatment during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

35. 'It Makes You Sit Back and Think Where You Wanna Go': Veteran experiences in virtual whole health peer‐led groups.

36. Enhancing community weight loss groups in a low socioeconomic status area: Application of the COM‐B model and Behaviour Change Wheel.

37. Similar values, different expectations: How do patients and providers view 'health' and perceive the healthcare experience?

38. Living with epidermolysis bullosa: Daily challenges and health‐care needs.

39. Influence of patient and hospital characteristics on inpatient satisfaction in China's tertiary hospitals: A cross‐sectional study.

40. Participatory codesign of patient involvement in a Learning Health System: How can data‐driven care be patient‐driven care?

41. Priorities and preferences for care of people with multiple chronic conditions.

42. Changes in walking ability, intellectual disability, and epilepsy in adults with cerebral palsy over 50 years: a population-based follow-up study.

43. 'We're all in the same boat': An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study of experiences of being an 'expert' during patient and public involvement within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

44. Reluctant educators and self‐advocates: Older trans adults' experiences of health‐care services and practitioners in seeking gender‐affirming services.

45. Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the implementation of the transitional discharge model for community integration of psychiatric clients.

46. Health care service for families with children at early risk of developmental delay: an All Our Families cohort study.

47. Challenges of delivering evidence‐based stroke services for rural areas in Australia.

48. Organisational models of health services for children and adolescents in out-of-home care: Health technology assessment.

49. International expert recommendations of clinical features to prompt referral for diagnostic assessment of cerebral palsy.

50. Newborns in crisis: An outline of neonatal ethical dilemmas in humanitarian medicine.