
Showing total 9,841 results
9,841 results

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1. A reviewer-reputation ranking algorithm to identify high-quality papers during the review process.

2. Convergence and correctness of belief propagation for weighted min–max flow.

4. Comment on the paper “Thermoluminescence glow-curve deconvolution functions for mixed order of kinetics and continuous trap distribution by G. Kitis, J.M. Gomez-Ros, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 440, 2000, pp 224–231”

5. Multi-rater Prism: Learning self-calibrated medical image segmentation from multiple raters.

6. Iterative algorithms for partitioned neural network approximation to partial differential equations.

7. Accelerated primal-dual methods with adaptive parameters for composite convex optimization with linear constraints.

8. Nonnegative iterative reweighted method for sparse linear complementarity problem.

9. PriNeRF: Prior constrained Neural Radiance Field for robust novel view synthesis of urban scenes with fewer views.

10. Macro-micro synchronization strategy based on fuzzy time-delay compensation for high-precision laser on-the-fly processing.

11. A Bregman proximal subgradient algorithm for nonconvex and nonsmooth fractional optimization problems.

12. RA-HOOI: Rank-adaptive higher-order orthogonal iteration for the fixed-accuracy low multilinear-rank approximation of tensors.

13. A second-order adaptive DLN algorithm with different subdomain variable time steps for the 3D closed-loop geothermal system.

14. An adaptive fractional-order regularization primal-dual image denoising algorithm based on non-convex function.

15. Efficient enumeration of maximal split subgraphs and induced sub-cographs and related classes.

16. Snow Geese Algorithm: A novel migration-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm for constrained engineering optimization problems.

17. Lagrange multiplier structure-preserving algorithm for time-fractional Allen-Cahn equation.

18. TetraFreeQ: Tetrahedra-free quadrature on polyhedral elements.

19. An accelerated stochastic extragradient-like algorithm with new stepsize rules for stochastic variational inequalities.

20. A bi-variant variational model for diffeomorphic image registration with relaxed Jacobian determinant constraints.

21. An onboard periodic rescheduling algorithm for satellite observation scheduling problem with common dynamic tasks.

22. On CD-chromatic number and its lower bound in some classes of graphs.

23. An algorithm of line segmentation and reading order sorting based on adjacent character detection: A post-processing of OCR for digitization of Chinese historical texts.

24. Analysis of a fractional-step parareal algorithm for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

25. Hopf-type representation formulas and efficient algorithms for certain high-dimensional optimal control problems.

26. A warm-start FE-dABCD algorithm for elliptic optimal control problems with constraints on the control and the gradient of the state.

27. Placement optimization of elastic spacers for multi-layer space membrane structure.

28. Piecewise DMD for oscillatory and Turing spatio-temporal dynamics.

29. Dirichlet-Neumann and Neumann-Neumann waveform relaxation algorithms for heterogeneous sub-diffusion and diffusion-wave equations.

30. Combined Interval Prediction Algorithm Based on Optimal Relevancy, Redundancy and Synergy.

31. Energy Saving Analysis of refrigeration room Group Control Based on Kernel Ridge Regression Algorithm.

32. A counterexample of size 20 for the problem of finding a 3-dimensional stable matching with cyclic preferences.

33. A novel numerical inverse technique for multi-parameter time fractional radially symmetric anomalous diffusion problem with initial singularity.

34. An anti-greedy random walk algorithm for heat exchanger network synthesis.

35. Training multi-source domain adaptation network by mutual information estimation and minimization.

36. Geodesic property of greedy algorithms for optimization problems on jump systems and delta-matroids.

37. Variable sample-size operator extrapolation algorithm for stochastic mixed variational inequalities.

38. Star algorithm for neural network ensembling.

39. Local and parallel finite element algorithms based on charge-conservation approximation for the stationary inductionless magnetohydrodynamic problem.

40. A projection-based hybrid PRP-DY type conjugate gradient algorithm for constrained nonlinear equations with applications.

41. A proximal fully parallel splitting method with a relaxation factor for separable convex programming.

42. Adaptive bias-variance trade-off in advantage estimator for actor–critic algorithms.

43. A parallel finite element post-processing algorithm for the damped Stokes equations.

44. Bi-level programming and multi-objective optimization for the distribution of resources in hierarchical organizations.

45. Expanded multi-scroll attractor system analysis and application for remote sensing image encryption.

46. Development of a morphological color image processing algorithm for paper-based analytical devices.

47. Impact of errors in paper-based and computerized diabetes management with decision support for hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes. A post-hoc analysis of a before and after study.

48. Training circuit-based quantum classifiers through memetic algorithms.

49. Prevention of enclosed voids in topology optimization using a cumulative sum flood fill algorithm.

50. Digital topological rough set structures and topological operators.