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1. Trends in growing space efficiency of four boreal forest species based on yield table data.

2. Reconstitution historique du paysage préindustriel de la région écologique des hautes collines du Bas-Saint-Maurice.

3. Differences in crown characteristics between black ( Picea mariana) and white spruce ( Picea glauca).

4. Application of shadow fraction models for estimating attributes of northern boreal forests.

5. Tree-ring evidence of larch sawfly outbreaks in western Labrador, Canada.

6. Stand structure and dynamics of Picea mariana on the northern border of the natural closed boreal forest in Quebec, Canada.

7. Xylem production in six tree species growing on an island in the boreal forest region of western Quebec, Canada.

8. Mycorrhizal fungi supply nitrogen to host plants in Arctic tundra and boreal forests: 15N is the key signal.

9. Predictions of wood density and module of elasticity of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and black spruce (Picea mariana) from near infrared spectral analyses.