
Showing total 18 results
18 results

Search Results

1. An exploratory study of capacity to change at family level in families with adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.

2. "Thin markets": Recruitment and retention of disability staff to support effective post‐parental care planning in rural Australia.

3. 'I hang out with non‐Christians all the time. I just won't date them': The role of religion in the intimate lives of adults with intellectual disabilities.

4. Living with epidermolysis bullosa: Daily challenges and health‐care needs.

5. The quality and developmental pathways in sibling relationships: A qualitative study of Norwegian children admitted to child welfare service care.

6. Developing a flipped learning approach to support student engagement: A design‐based research of secondary school mathematics teaching.

7. Public involvement in designing a study on patient‐witnessed cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital.

8. Supporting care‐experienced adults' educational journeys: "Linked lives" over the life course.

9. Exploration of a Novel Preventative Policing Approach in the United Kingdom to Adverse Childhood Experiences.

10. Mediating Community Participation: Practice of Support Workers in Initiating, Facilitating or Disrupting Encounters between People with and without Intellectual Disability.

11. The experiences of working carers of older people regarding access to a web-based family care support network offered by a municipality.

12. A Life Less Ordinary: Foster Carers' Views and Experiences of Negative Peer Interactions in Fostering Households.

13. Physical health nurse consultant role to improve physical health in mental health services: A carer's perspective.

14. Choice and caring: The experiences of parents supporting young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions as they move into adulthood.

15. Examining the preparation and ongoing support of adults to take their medications as prescribed in kidney transplantation.

16. Consumer sexual relationships in a Forensic mental health hospital: Perceptions of nurses and consumers.

17. Challenges to and opportunities for improving mental health services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in Ireland: A narrative account.

18. Implementing a major stream in mental health nursing: Barriers to effectiveness.