
Showing total 3,696 results
3,696 results

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1. Critical research advancements of flipped learning: a review of the top 100 highly cited papers.

2. Learning through reading and writing tasks in higher education: what do students use, paper or screen? (El aprendizaje a través de la lectura y la escritura en la educación universitaria: ¿qué usan los estudiantes, papel o pantalla?).

3. Project-based learning for elementary grades (AASL Standards-Based Learning): by Maura Madigan, Chicago, ALA Editions, 2022, 224 pp., $70 (softcover), ISBN 978-0-8389-3816-4 (paper).

4. JGHE paper types.

5. Repurposing university library spaces for improved learning satisfaction: The moderating role of organizational size.

6. Teachers’ perceptions about IoT technologies in school activities.

7. Cultivating Positive Classroom Environments: Exploring the Efficacy of Immersive Technologies in Removing Barriers to Learning Among Primary School Students.

8. From Earning to Learning: Reasoning and Participation in Youth Co-design of Digital Badges.

9. Difference in Learning Among Students Doing Pen-and-Paper Homework Compared to Web-Based Homework in an Introductory Statistics Course.

10. Functions of crisis in religious education discourse since 1975. A critical corpus-assisted analysis.

11. Improving students' learning—the role of formative feedback: experiences from a crash course for business students in academic writing.

12. A tale of two performativities: when performative learning meets performative technologies in a private language school in China.

13. Real sparks of artificial intelligence and the importance of inner interpretability.

14. Troubling knowledges and difficult pedagogical moments for students learning.

15. Skill hierarchy structure based skill assessment and learning paths.

16. Using Mobile Dual Eye-Tracking to Capture Cycles of Collaboration and Cooperation in Co-located Dyads.

17. Collaborating for nature-based solutions: bringing research and practice together.

18. The role of groups in teaching critical reflection on practice to MSW students.

20. The influence of student learning characteristics on purchase of paper book and eBook for university study and personal interest.

21. Commentary on the papers.

22. Learning from self-help books: an experiential account of management teachers.

23. Global research evidence on nomophobia during 2008-2022: a bibliometric analysis and review.

24. Placement or displacement: An ethnographic study of space in the clinical learning environment.

25. Complexity theory and the enhancement of learning in higher education: The case of the University of Cape Town.

26. Complexity theory and learning: Less radical than it seems?

27. The various guises of translanguaging and its theoretical airstrip.

28. Inside mathematics learning inequality: an analysis of Young Lives Survey data, India.

29. A review study with a systematic approach: pedagogical development for educators in higher engineering education.

30. Responding to Child Neglect in Schools: factors which scaffold safeguarding practice for staff in mainstream education in Wales.

31. Play-pedagogy in a primary school classroom in India: a case against academisation of early years education.

32. A literature review on the empirical studies of technology-based embodied learning.

33. Understanding private supplementary tutoring: metaphors, diversities and agendas for shadow education research (Comprendiendo las clases particulares complementarias: metáforas, variedades y agendas para la investigación sobre educación en la sombra)

34. Re-contextualising real-life learning to a university setting.

35. The conceptual nuances of technology-supported learning in engineering.

36. Not Just Another Research Paper: Understanding Global Sustainability through Digital Documentary.

37. Learning by doing migration: temporal dimensions of life course transitions.

38. Learning sustainability through enterprise work in ecovillages.

39. Learning across working life: educative experiences and individuals' participation.

40. Review by (non)peers as an opportunity for learning: a case study on the editorial process of papers by junior researchers / La revisión por (im)pares como instancia de aprendizaje: un estudio de casos del proceso editorial de artículos de investigadoras noveles

41. Clinical needs and preferences for AI-based explanations in clinical simulation training.

42. Using positioning theory and narrative to explore doctoral students’ developing understandings about theory in educational research.

43. Design and Evaluation for Improving Lantern Culture Learning Experience with Augmented Reality.

44. The activation of nationalist attitudes: how voters respond to far-right parties’ campaigns.

45. How does assessment drive learning? A focus on students' development of evaluative judgement.

46. Cumulative advantage and learning in mid-life.

47. Reconfiguring school learning spaces: students' and teachers' voices on well-being.

48. Vocal improvisation using interactive music technology.

49. ML-Quest: a game for introducing machine learning concepts to K-12 students.

50. Design of a personalised adaptive ubiquitous learning system.