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35 results

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2. The chromosomal evolution and analyses of Turkish Cousinia species.

3. Improvements in the phylogeny of Epilobium and Chamaenerion inferred from nrDNA and cpDNA data focusing on Türkiye.

4. A new Achillea (Asteraceae) species from southwestern Turkey.

5. Traditional herbal remedies used in kidney diseases in Turkey: an overview.

6. Tragopogon abbreviatus (Asteraceae): a little-known species inferred from morphological and molecular analysis.

7. Nutlet structures of subsection Fragiles of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) from Turkey and their systematic applications.

8. New records and rare taxa for the freshwater algae of Turkey from the Tatar Dam Reservoir (Elazığ).

9. The distribution of centric diatoms in different river catchments in the Anatolian Peninsula, Turkey.

10. Additional Records of Raphanus L. and Campanula L. for the Flora of Turkey.

11. Taxonomic and nomenclatural contributions to Pyrus L. (Rosaceae) from Turkey.

12. The revision of the genus Fritillaria L. (Liliaceae) in the Mediterranean region (Turkey).

13. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement Flora of Turkey V.

14. Lectotypii cation, description, and distribution of Arabis del exa (Cruciferae).

15. A new species of Minuartia (Caryophyllaceae) from northwestern Anatolia, Turkey.

16. Check-list of Additional Taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey IV.

17. The Rediscovery of Some Taxa Thought to Have Been Extinct in Turkey.

18. Check-List of the Genus Biarum Schott in the Flora of Turkey, with a New Record for Turkey: Biarum syriacum (Spreng.) H.Riedl.

19. The Flora of Akçadağ (Van-Turkey).

20. The Flora of Akçadağ (Van-Turkey).

21. Flora of Pirreşit Mountain (Van, Turkey).

22. Ferula parva Freyn & Bornm. (Apiaceae): A Contribution to an Enigmatic Species from Turkey.

23. Check-List of Additional Taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey III.

24. Folk Medicines in Merzifon (Amasya, Turkey).

25. New Records of the Dictyocha antarctica Lohmann, Dictyocha crux Ehrenberg and Nitzschia rectilongaTakano Species from the Sea of Marmara.

26. Flora of Bozburun Mountain and Its Environs (Antalya-Isparta-Burdur, Turkey).

27. Achillea salicifolia Besser subsp. salicifolia ( Asteraceae) in Turkey, with Taxonomic Remarks.

28. Flora of Kirmir Valley (Güdül, Ankara).

29. The Flora of Bitlis River Valley.

30. Lichen Records from the Alpine Region of Uluda&circg;(Olympus) Mountain in Bursa --Turkey.

31. On the Distribution and Relationships of the South-West Asian Species of EryngiumL. (Apiaceae-Saniculoideae).

32. Flora of KizildaČ Mountain (Isparta) and Environs.

33. Planktonic Diatom (Bacillariophyceae) Flora of Sultan Sazligi Marshes (Kayseri).

34. Flora of Karagüney Mountain (Kirikkale).

35. A comment on the Results Reported by Çetin and Şen.