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3. On the probe problem for (r,ℓ)-well-coveredness: Algorithms and complexity.

4. Formal verification of parallel prefix sum and stream compaction algorithms in CUDA.

5. New algorithms for fair k-center problem with outliers and capacity constraints.

6. Order based algorithms for the core maintenance problem on edge-weighted graphs.

7. Compact suffix automata representations for searching long patterns.

8. Faster parameterized algorithms for two vertex deletion problems.

9. How majority-vote crossover and estimation-of-distribution algorithms cope with fitness valleys.

10. Execution trace sets for real computation.

11. Algorithms for diameters of unicycle graphs and diameter-optimally augmenting trees.

12. The Steiner k-eccentricity on trees.

13. Set-constrained delivery broadcast: A communication abstraction for read/write implementable distributed objects.

14. Approximation algorithms for fuzzy C-means problem based on seeding method.

15. Incidence coloring of Mycielskians with fast algorithm.

16. Tight competitive analyses of online car-sharing problems.

17. Streaming algorithms for monotone non-submodular function maximization under a knapsack constraint on the integer lattice.

18. MUL-tree pruning for consistency and optimal reconciliation - complexity and algorithms.

19. Loosely-stabilizing maximal independent set algorithms with unreliable communications.

20. Smallest number of vertices in a 2-arc-strong digraph without good pairs.

21. New approximation algorithms for the heterogeneous weighted delivery problem.

22. APX-hardness and approximation for the k-burning number problem.

23. Optimal analysis for bandit learning in matching markets with serial dictatorship.

24. A deterministic approximation algorithm for metric triangle packing.

25. A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing a minimal reachable directed acyclic graph with two senders and two targets.

26. A linear time algorithm for the r-gathering problem on the line.

27. Almost optimal algorithms for diameter-optimally augmenting trees.

28. Computing the longest common almost-increasing subsequence.

29. A simple linear time algorithm to solve the MIST problem on interval graphs.

30. The work function algorithm for the paging problem.

31. Efficient algorithms for ride-hitching in UAV travelling.

32. Approximation algorithm for prize-collecting sweep cover with base stations.

33. One-visibility cops and robber on trees: Optimal cop-win strategies.

34. Computing the multi-string BWT and LCP array in external memory.

35. Range partitioning within sublinear time: Algorithms and lower bounds.

36. A sub-linear time algorithm for approximating k-nearest-neighbor with full quality guarantee.

37. The impact of the Gabriel subgraph of the visibility graph on the gathering of mobile autonomous robots.

38. The fewest clues problem.

39. Approximation of set multi-cover via hypergraph matching.

40. Vertex deletion on split graphs: Beyond 4-hitting set.

41. Quantum algorithm for the multicollision problem.

42. Deterministic normal position transformation and its applications.

43. Hardness results for three kinds of colored connections of graphs.

44. A fast algorithm for maximizing a non-monotone DR-submodular integer lattice function.

45. Exact algorithms for the repetition-bounded longest common subsequence problem.

46. A semantic relatedness preserved subset extraction method for language corpora based on pseudo-Boolean optimization.

47. Leader-based de-anonymization of an anonymous read/write memory.

48. Approximation algorithm for (connected) bounded-degree deletion problem on unit disk graphs.

49. Better guarantees for k-median with service installation costs.

50. A linear time algorithm for connected p-centdian problem on block graphs.