
Showing total 15 results
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1. Optimal analysis for bandit learning in matching markets with serial dictatorship.

2. An [formula omitted] query time algorithm for reducing ϵ-NN to (c,r)-NN.

3. An optimal algorithm for 2-bounded delay buffer management with lookahead.

4. Almost linear time algorithms for minsum k-sink problems on dynamic flow path networks.

5. A simple linear time algorithm for the locally connected spanning tree problem on maximal planar chordal graphs.

6. How to catch [formula omitted]-heavy-hitters on sliding windows.

7. A fast algorithm for data collection along a fixed track.

8. Online algorithms for 1-space bounded 2-dimensional bin packing and square packing.

9. The string guessing problem as a method to prove lower bounds on the advice complexity.

10. A practical decision procedure for Propositional Projection Temporal Logic with infinite models.

11. Algorithms for parameterized maximum agreement forest problem on multiple trees.

12. Schedules for marketing products with negative externalities.

13. A formal proof of the deadline driven scheduler in PPTL axiomatic system.

14. 2-Connecting outerplanar graphs without blowing up the pathwidth.

15. Efficient CTL model-checking for pushdown systems.