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1. Human mediated translocation of Pacific paper mulberry [Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L’Hér. ex Vent. (Moraceae)]: Genetic evidence of dispersal routes in Remote Oceania.

2. A paper-based, cell-free biosensor system for the detection of heavy metals and date rape drugs.

3. De Novo Assembly of Expressed Transcripts and Global Transcriptomic Analysis from Seedlings of the Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia kazinoki x Broussonetia papyifera).

4. Diagnosis of amphimeriasis by LAMPhimerus assay in human stool samples long-term storage onto filter paper.

5. Partner choice correlates with fine scale kin structuring in the paper wasp Polistes dominula.

6. Phylogeographic analysis reveals high genetic structure with uniform phenotypes in the paper wasp Protonectarina sylveirae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae).

7. Exposure to Paper Mill Effluent at a Site in North Central Florida Elicits Molecular-Level Changes in Gene Expression Indicative of Progesterone and Androgen Exposure.

8. Comprehensive Transcriptome Analysis of Response to Nickel Stress in White Birch (Betula papyrifera).

9. Not stealing from the treasure chest (or just a bit): Analyses on plant derived writing supports and non-invasive DNA sampling.

10. High Quality Genome-Wide Genotyping from Archived Dried Blood Spots without DNA Amplification

11. How learning can change the course of evolution.

12. Low income countries have the highest percentages of open access publication: A systematic computational analysis of the biomedical literature.

13. Optimal parameter identification of synthetic gene networks using harmony search algorithm.

14. A deadline constrained scheduling algorithm for cloud computing system based on the driver of dynamic essential path.

15. CRISPR-cas gene-editing as plausible treatment of neuromuscular and nucleotide-repeat-expansion diseases: A systematic review.

16. How to integrate wet lab and bioinformatics procedures for wine DNA admixture analysis and compositional profiling: Case studies and perspectives.

17. In silico identification of critical proteins associated with learning process and immune system for Down syndrome.

18. DNA Extraction and Amplification from Contemporary Polynesian Bark-Cloth.

19. Efficient algorithms for Longest Common Subsequence of two bucket orders to speed up pairwise genetic map comparison.

20. Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to stroke in Ghana and Nigeria: A SIREN call to action.

21. A large-scale analysis of bioinformatics code on GitHub.

22. Experimental Evolution of Trichoderma citrinoviride for Faster Deconstruction of Cellulose.

23. Spatial statistical tools for genome-wide mutation cluster detection under a microarray probe sampling system.

24. Associations between body size, nutrition and socioeconomic position in early life and the epigenome: A systematic review.

25. Maximizing adaptive power in neuroevolution.

26. Evaluation of phenotypic and functional stability of RAW 264.7 cell line through serial passages.

27. An enhanced artificial bee colony algorithm (EABC) for solving dispatching of hydro-thermal system (DHTS) problem.

28. Evolutionary games, climate and the generation of diversity.

29. Filthy lucre: A metagenomic pilot study of microbes found on circulating currency in New York City.

30. Association of PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms on estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) gene to changes into serum lipid profile of post-menopausal women: Effects of aging, body mass index and breast cancer incidence.

31. Optimum Design of PIλDμ Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System Using Combinatorial Test Design.

32. Microbiome profiling of the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).

33. Spontaneous lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients with Epstein-Barr virus infection show highly variable proliferation characteristics that correlate with the expression levels of viral microRNAs.

34. Research on multi-agent genetic algorithm based on tabu search for the job shop scheduling problem.

35. Robust methods in Mendelian randomization via penalization of heterogeneous causal estimates.

36. Retrospective longitudinal study of ALS in Cyprus: Clinical characteristics, management and survival.

37. Structural analysis of the recognition of the -35 promoter element by SigW from Bacillus subtilis.

38. Bayesian hierarchical negative binomial models for multivariable analyses with applications to human microbiome count data.

39. Tracking outbreak populations of the pepper weevil Anthonomus eugenii (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) using complete mitochondrial genomes.

40. Direct interaction network and differential network inference from compositional data via lasso penalized D-trace loss.

41. Nonlinear diversification rates of linguistic phylogenies over the Holocene.

42. Molecular and morphological convergence to sulfide-tolerant fishes in a new species of Jenynsia (Cyprinodontiformes: Anablepidae), the first extremophile member of the family.

43. Inference on chains of disease progression based on disease networks.

44. Seamless assembly of DNA parts into functional devices and higher order multi-device systems.

45. Quantitative genetic parameters for growth and wood properties in Eucalyptus “urograndis” hybrid using near-infrared phenotyping and genome-wide SNP-based relationships.

46. In silico analysis of PFN1 related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

47. Genome-wide association analysis of HDL-C in a Lebanese cohort.

48. Predicting biomedical relationships using the knowledge and graph embedding cascade model.

49. Statistical methods for classification of 5hmC levels based on the Illumina Inifinium HumanMethylation450 (450k) array data, under the paired bisulfite (BS) and oxidative bisulfite (oxBS) treatment.

50. Model-free feature screening for categorical outcomes: Nonlinear effect detection and false discovery rate control.