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1. Whole genome sequence of Vibrio cholerae directly from dried spotted filter paper.

2. Longitudinal assessment of anti-PGL-I serology in contacts of leprosy patients in Bangladesh.

3. A systematic review of scabies transmission models and data to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of scabies interventions.

4. Diel periodicity and visual cues guide oviposition behavior in Phlebotomus papatasi, vector of old-world cutaneous leishmaniasis.

5. Integrating evidence, models and maps to enhance Chagas disease vector surveillance.

6. Towards a science of global health delivery: A socio-anthropological framework to improve the effectiveness of neglected tropical disease interventions.

7. Occupational exposure to human Mycobacterium bovis infection: A systematic review.

8. Towards elimination of visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent—Translating research to practice to public health.

9. Zika virus infection in pregnancy: Establishing a case definition for clinical research on pregnant women with rash in an active transmission setting.

10. Challenges in developing methods for quantifying the effects of weather and climate on water-associated diseases: A systematic review.

11. Healthcare demand in response to rabies elimination campaigns in Latin America.

12. Sindbis virus polyarthritis outbreak signalled by virus prevalence in the mosquito vectors.

13. Large scale detailed mapping of dengue vector breeding sites using street view images.

14. Modelling the impact of a Schistosoma mansoni vaccine and mass drug administration to achieve morbidity control and transmission elimination.

15. On lifestyle trends, health and mosquitoes: Formulating welfare levels for control of the Asian tiger mosquito in Greece.

16. Strategies for tackling Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis: A systematic review and comparison of transmission models, including an assessment of the wider Taeniidae family transmission models.

17. Determinants for progression from asymptomatic infection to symptomatic visceral leishmaniasis: A cohort study.

18. Exploring the effect of human and animal population growth on vector-borne disease transmission with an agent-based model of Rhodesian human African trypanosomiasis in eastern province, Zambia.

19. Update on the current status of onchocerciasis in Côte d’Ivoire following 40 years of intervention: Progress and challenges.

20. What motivates Ebola survivors to donate plasma during an emergency clinical trial? The case of Ebola-Tx in Guinea.

21. Development of an urban molecular xenomonitoring system for lymphatic filariasis in the Recife Metropolitan Region, Brazil.

22. The Global Epidemiology of Syphilis in the Past Century – A Systematic Review Based on Antenatal Syphilis Prevalence.

23. Development and validation of a scale to assess attitudes of health care providers towards persons affected by leprosy in southern India.

24. Phylogeography and demographic history of the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius nasutus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in the Brazilian Caatinga biome.

25. Spatial distribution of Taenia solium exposure in humans and pigs in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

26. Classification of containers with Aedes aegypti pupae using a Neural Networks model.

27. Addressing the most neglected diseases through an open research model: The discovery of fenarimols as novel drug candidates for eumycetoma.

28. Pyrethroid resistance persists after ten years without usage against Aedes aegypti in governmental campaigns: Lessons from São Paulo State, Brazil.

29. Rabies in the Americas: 1998-2014.

30. Implementation of a decentralized community-based treatment program to improve the management of Buruli ulcer in the Ouinhi district of Benin, West Africa.

31. An agent-based model of tsetse fly response to seasonal climatic drivers: Assessing the impact on sleeping sickness transmission rates.

32. Caregivers’ views on stigmatization and discrimination of people affected by leprosy in Ghana.

33. Dried Blood Spots for Measuring Vibrio cholerae-specific Immune Responses.

34. Harmonized clinical trial methodologies for localized cutaneous leishmaniasis and potential for extensive network with capacities for clinical evaluation.

35. Scabies in the age of increasing drug resistance.

36. Zika virus: An updated review of competent or naturally infected mosquitoes.

37. Performance of Parasitological and Molecular Techniques for the Diagnosis and Surveillance of Gambiense Sleeping Sickness.

38. Host outdoor exposure variability affects the transmission and spread of Zika virus: Insights for epidemic control.

39. Spatiotemporal and molecular epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Libya.

40. Modeling zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis incidence in central Tunisia from 2009-2015: Forecasting models using climate variables as predictors.

41. An economic evaluation of vector control in the age of a dengue vaccine.

42. Development of a set of community-informed Ebola messages for Sierra Leone.

43. Challenges in preparing and implementing a clinical trial at field level in an Ebola emergency: A case study in Guinea, West Africa.

44. Application of a household-based molecular xenomonitoring strategy to evaluate the lymphatic filariasis elimination program in Tamil Nadu, India.

45. Pre-control relationship of onchocercal skin disease with onchocercal infection in Guinea Savanna, Northern Nigeria.

46. Developing photoreceptor-based models of visual attraction in riverine tsetse, for use in the engineering of more-attractive polyester fabrics for control devices.

47. Management and modeling approaches for controlling raccoon rabies: The road to elimination.

48. Cyclobenzaprine Raises ROS Levels in Leishmania infantum and Reduces Parasite Burden in Infected Mice.

49. A Multi-Host Agent-Based Model for a Zoonotic, Vector-Borne Disease. A Case Study on Trypanosomiasis in Eastern Province, Zambia.

50. Mapping Soil Transmitted Helminths and Schistosomiasis under Uncertainty: A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Evidence.