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1. Exploring Whether and How People Experiencing High Deprivation Access Diagnostic Services: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

2. Consultations With Muslims From Minoritised Ethnic Communities Living in Deprived Areas: Identifying Inequities in Mental Health Care and Support.

3. Embedding Public Involvement in a PhD Research Project With People Affected by Advanced Liver Disease.

4. What Does 'Preconception Health' Mean to People? A Public Consultation on Awareness and Use of Language.

5. Evaluation of Public Involvement in Doctoral Research Using a Four‐Dimensional Theoretical Framework.

6. Shaping research for people living with co‐existing mental and physical health conditions: A research priority setting initiative from the United Kingdom.

7. Fluctuating salience in those living with genetic risk of motor neuron disease: A qualitative interview study.

8. A virtuous cycle of co‐production: Reflections from a community priority‐setting exercise.

9. The experiences of people with liver disease of palliative and end‐of‐life care in the United Kingdom—A systematic literature review and metasynthesis.

10. Co‐designing a theory‐informed, multicomponent intervention to increase vaccine uptake with Congolese migrants: A qualitative, community‐based participatory research study (LISOLO MALAMU).

11. Experiences and views of people who frequently call emergency ambulance services: A qualitative study of UK service users.

12. Nothing about us without us: A co‐production strategy for communities, researchers and stakeholders to identify ways of improving health and reducing inequalities.

13. The impacts and implications of the community face mask use during the Covid‐19 pandemic: A qualitative narrative interview study.

14. What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs?

15. The interactive dimensions of encounters in HIV care: From trauma to relational traumatic growth.

16. Addressing social inequity through improving relational care: A social–ecological model based on the experiences of migrant women and midwives in South Wales.

17. Medical consumerism in the UK, from 'citizen's challenge' to the 'managed consumer'—A symbol without meaning?

18. Exploring the obesity concerns of British Pakistani women living in deprived inner‐city areas: A qualitative study.

19. Communicating decisions about care with patients and companions in emergency department consultations.

20. Framing the failure of medical implants: Media representations of the ASR hip replacements in the UK.

21. Public attitudes towards COVID‐19 contact tracing apps: A UK‐based focus group study.

22. Easy read and accessible information for people with intellectual disabilities: Is it worth it? A meta-narrative literature review.

23. Comparative optimism about infection and recovery from COVID‐19; Implications for adherence with lockdown advice.

24. Patient experience feedback in UK hospitals: What types are available and what are their potential roles in quality improvement (QI)?

25. A critical analysis of the implementation of service user involvement in primary care research and health service development using normalization process theory.

26. Patient and public perspectives of community pharmacies in the United Kingdom: A systematic review.

27. Decision making in NICE single technological appraisals: How does NICE incorporate patient perspectives?

28. The power of symbolic capital in patient and public involvement in health research.

29. PReSaFe: A model of barriers and facilitators to patients providing feedback on experiences of safety.

30. Public involvement in research within care homes: benefits and challenges in the APPROACH study.

31. Service user involvement in mental health care: an evolutionary concept analysis.

32. Community Engagement in a complex intervention to improve access to primary mental health care for hard-to-reach groups.

33. Positive reporting? Is there a bias is reporting of patient and public involvement and engagement?