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1. Reply to the comments by Pillai, S. P., George, B. G., Ray, J. S., and Kale, V. S., (GJ‐19‐0112) on Paper: "Depositional history and provenance of cratonic "Purana" basins in southern India: A multipronged geochronology approach to the Proterozoic Kaladgi and Bhima basins" by Joy et al., 2018

2. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of Bundelkhand Craton, North India: A connection to Columbia supercontinent.

3. Tectono‐climatic and depositional environmental controls on the Neolithic habitation sites, Vaigai River Basin, Southern India.

4. Evaluating the impact of climate change and geo‐environmental factors on flood hazards in India: An integrated framework.

5. Provenance and sedimentation age of the Proterozoic clastic succession of the Garhwal‐Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, NW‐India: Clues from U–Pb zircon and Sr–Nd isotopes.

6. Geochemistry and magnetite mineral properties in a porphyry copper prospect in A‐type granitoids: A case study from the Karbi Hills of Northeast India.

7. Crustal reworking and growth during India–Asia continental collision: Insights from early Cenozoic granitoids in the central Lhasa Terrane, Tibet.

8. Geochemical signatures of surface sediments from the Mahanadi river basin (India): Chemical weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings.

9. Palaeoarchaean sedimentation and magmatic processes in the eastern Iron Ore Group, eastern India: A commentary.

10. Lithosphere–asthenosphere interaction and carbonatite metasomatism in the genesis of Mesoproterozoic shoshonitic lamprophyres at Korakkodu, Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India.

11. Collisional processes between the Qiangtang Block and the Lhasa Block: Insights from structural analysis of the Bangong–Nujiang Suture Zone, central Tibet.

12. Deltaic coastline of the Siwalik (Neogene) foreland basin: evidences from the Gish River section, Darjeeling Himalaya.

13. Significance of seismites in the Late Cretaceous transgressive Nimar Sandstone succession, Son-Narmada rift valley, Central India.