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1. Precarious Talent: highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants in Singapore.

2. 1Malaysia? Young people and everyday multiculturalism in multiracialized Malaysia.

3. Perceived advantages: the influence of urban and suburban neighbourhood context on the socialization and adaptation of Mexican immigrant young men.

4. Moralizing regulation: the implications of policing “good” versus “bad” immigrants.

5. Law and ‘race’ in the citizenship spaces of Myanmar: spatial strategies and the political subjectivity of the Burmese Chinese.

6. Geo power in public spaces of Darwin, Australia: exploring forces that unsettle phenotypical racism.

7. Senegalese immigrant families’ ‘ regroupement ’ in France and the im/possibility of reconstituting family across multiple temporalities and spatialities.

8. Transnational families and the subjective well-being of migrant parents: Angolan and Nigerian parents in the Netherlands.

9. White privilege in the lives of Muslim converts in Britain.

10. ‘Having a German passport will not make me German’: reactive ethnicity and oppositional identity among disadvantaged male Turkish second-generation youth in Germany.

11. ‘It is hard being the different one all the time’: gringos and racialized identity in lifestyle migration to Ecuador.

12. Making the cosmopolitan canopy in Boston's Haymarket Square.

13. Mexico through a superdiversity lens: already-existing diversity meets new immigration.

14. Social change and community cohesion: an ethnographic study of two Melbourne suburbs.

15. Racial affective economies, disalienation and ‘race made ordinary’.

16. Romanian Roma migration: the interplay between structures and agency.

17. No water for the poor: the Roma ethnic minority and local governance in Slovakia.

18. Mestizo racism in Ecuador.

19. Diaspora tourism and the negotiation of belonging: journeys of young second-generation Eritreans to Eritrea.

20. Whiteness in Scotland: shame, belonging and diversity management in a Glasgow workplace.

21. Transgressing community: the case of Muslims in a twenty-first-century British city.

22. Whiteness and loss in outer East London: tracing the collective memories of diaspora space.

23. Ethno-religious minorities and labour market integration: generational advancement or decline?

24. ‘We all eat the same bread’: the roots and limits of cosmopolitan bridging ties developed by Romanians in London.

25. ‘Have you got the Britísh ?’: narratives of migration and settlement among Albanian-origin immigrants in London.

26. The fragility of “white Irish” as a minority ethnic identity in England.

27. Should I stay or should I go? Why Roma migrants leave or remain in nomad camps.

28. Narratives from a Nottingham council estate: a story of white working-class mothers with mixed-race children.

29. The experience of race in the lives of Jewish birth mothers of children from black/white interracial and inter-religious relationships: a Canadian perspective.

30. Press discourses on Roma in the UK, Finland and Hungary.

31. Roma communities, urban development and social bordering in the inner city of Budapest.

32. Transnational childhood and adolescence: mobilizing Sahrawi identity and politics across time and space.

33. Nigerian London: re-mapping space and ethnicity in superdiverse cities.

34. Parents of foreign “terrorist” fighters in Syria – will they report their young?

35. Ethnic variation in network composition in Ürümchi: do state policies matter?

36. Racialized political shock: Arab American racial formation and the impact of political events.

37. Wearing the veil: hijab, Islam and job qualifications as determinants of social attitudes towards immigrant women in Norway.

38. Socioeconomic attainment, cultural tastes, and ethnic identity: class subjectivities among Uyghurs in Ürümchi.

39. Living the multicultural city: acceptance, belonging and young identities in the city of Leicester, England.

40. Gender and the dynamics of mobility: reflections on African migrant mothers and ‘transit migration’ in Morocco.

41. Beyond the playing field: Experiences of sport, social capital, and integration among Somalis in Australia.

42. The limits of post-national citizenship: European Muslims, human rights and the hijab.

43. Data on discrimination in EU countries: statistics, research and the drive for comparability.

44. Researching ethnic conflicts in Nigeria: the missing link.

45. Police marginality, racial logics and discrimination in the banlieues of France.

46. Global migration and South Korea: foreign workers, foreign brides and the making of a multicultural society.

47. Anti-racism ‘from below’: exploring repertoires of everyday anti-racism.

48. The collective singularity of anti-racist actors: a case study of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic.

49. Entrapped transnationalism: West Bank and Israeli Palestinians between closeness and distance.

50. Beyond the cross and the crescent: plural identities and the Copts in contemporary Egypt.