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1. Scalable ATLAS pMSSM computational workflows using containerised REANA reusable analysis platform.

2. Offline Data Processing Software for the Super Tau Charm Facility.

3. A dimensions aware evaluator for High Energy Physics applications.

4. Predicting Resource Utilization Trends with Southern California Petabyte Scale Cache.

5. FTS Service Evolution and LHC Run-3 Operations.

6. Pulsed Production of Antihydrogen in AEgIS.

7. Few-Body Reactions with the Trojan Horse Method.

8. R&D status for an innovative crystal calorimeter for the future Muon Collider.

9. LHAASO Status and Physics Results.

10. Three-particle system in a finite volume: formalism, quantization condition, spectrum and energy shift.

11. Providing large-scale disk storage at CERN.

12. Development and operational experience of the web based application to collect, manage, and release the alignment and calibration configurations for data processing at CMS.

13. The cosmic ray energy spectrum measured with the new Tibet hybrid experiment.

14. Extensive Air Showers and Cosmic Ray Physics above 1017 eV.

15. Scientific and personal recollections of Roberto Petronzio.

16. Chemistry aided nuclear physics studies.

17. Eugene P. Wigner -- in the light of unexpected events.

18. Comparison of Physics Frameworks for WebGL-Based Game Engine.

19. High energy density physics studies using intense particle beams at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt.

20. Development of our laser fusion integration simulation.

21. Hohlraum designs for high velocity implosions on NIF.

22. Time travel, Clock Puzzles and Their Experimental Tests.

23. Ultrafast AMO physics at the LCLS x-ray FEL.

24. High strain rate tensile and compressive effects in glassy polymers.

25. Preface.