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1. Of histories (un)shared: India – Pakistan, postage stamps, and 1857.

2. India's engagement with the International Monetary Fund: growing into an ownership role.

3. India and the framework convention on tobacco control: the politics of rising power attitudes toward international rules.

4. Securing health care within a 'magical' state: the construction of eligibility in India.

5. Nullification of citizenship: negotiating authority without identity documents in coastal Odisha, India.

6. 'Court'ing Hindu nationalism: law and the rise of modern Hindutva*.

7. Enterprise Hindutva and social media in urban India.

8. Engagement and disengagement from the margins: perceptions of the state by urban Muslim artisans in India.

9. A state within a state? Exploring relations between the Indian state and the Tibetan community and government-in-exile.

10. Interactions of 'power' in the making and shaping of social policy.

11. To curate in the field: archaeological privatization and the aesthetic 'legislation' of antiquity in India.

12. Role of Japanese official development assistance in enhancing infrastructure development in India.

13. India's forest federalism.

14. The impact of NABARD's Self Help Group-Bank Linkage Programme on poverty and empowerment in India.

15. What a long, strange trip it's been: reflections on the causes of India's growth miracle.

16. Leisure capital in the new economy: the rapid rise of the multiplex in India.