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1. Does infrastructural development foster export upgrading in Africa?

2. Financial Development, Foreign Banks and Economic Growth in Africa.

3. Développement financier, croissance économique et productivité globale des facteurs en Afrique Sub-saharienne*.

4. La vulnérabilitééconomique, défi persistant à la croissance africaine.

5. The Role of Property Rights in the Relationship between Capital Flows and Economic Growth in SSA: Do Natural Resources Endowment and Country Income Level Matter? .

6. Trade Openness and Inflation Performance: A Panel Data Analysis in the Context of African Countries.

7. Institutional Environment and Microfinance Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa.

8. Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy and Economic Growth in Southern Africa.

9. Analysis of Gender Equality in Youth Employment in Africa.

10. Impacts of the Economic Crisis on Human Development and the MDGs in Africa.

11. Education and Economic Development in Africa.

12. Food Security and Human Development in Africa: Strategic Considerations and Directions for Further Research.

13. Poverty Alleviation in the People's Republic of China: The Implications for Sino-African Cooperation in Poverty Reduction.

14. Building Complementarities in Africa between Different Development Cooperation Modalities of Traditional Development Partners and China.

15. Unlocking Productive Entrepreneurship in Africa's Least Developed Countries.

16. Promoting of Investment in Africa.

17. External Shocks and the HIPC Initiative: Impacts on Growth and Poverty in Africa.

18. NEPAD: The Need and Obstacles.

19. African Social Sciences and Development in the New Century: Challenges and Prospects.

20. Software Piracy and Scientific Publications: Knowledge Economy Evidence from Africa.

21. The Ten Commandments of Applied Regional Integration Analysis: The African Case.

22. Does Famine Matter for Aggregate Adolescent Human Capital Acquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa?

23. Inequality, Economic Growth and Poverty in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

24. African Emerging Equity Markets Re-examined: Testing the Weak Form Efficiency Theory.

25. Industrial Strategies for Economic Recovery and Long-term Growth in Africa.

26. Does China Transfer Productivity Enhancing Technology to Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Manufacturing Firms.

27. Africa's Economic Growth: Opportunities and Constraints.

28. Labour Market Flexibility, Wages and Incomes in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 1990s.

29. Telecommunications Investment in Africa: Implications of US Reform of the International Settlement Rate System.

30. Non-parametric Diversity Indices of Technical Capability of African Countries.

31. Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Selected African Countries.

32. Financial Development and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Evidence from Time Series Analysis.

33. Determinants of Income Inequality and its Effects on Economic Growth: Evidence from African Countries.

34. Human Capital and Systems of Innovation in African Development.

35. Causal Relationship between Domestic Savings and Economic Growth: Evidence from Seven African Countries.


37. Introduction.