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35 results

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1. Research on User Default Prediction Algorithm Based on Adjusted Homogenous and Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning.

2. Recommendation Algorithm of Industry Stock Trading Model with TODIM.

3. Design of Comprehensive Rating Algorithm for Classroom Teaching Effect under the Background of Sports Education Integration.

4. Recursive Importance Sketching for Rank Constrained Least Squares: Algorithms and High-Order Convergence.

5. An explainable machine learning based prediction model for Alzheimer's disease in China longitudinal aging study.

6. Comparative analysis of the TabNet algorithm and traditional machine learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility assessment in the Wanzhou Region of China.

7. Harnessing the potential of trace data and linguistic analysis to predict learner performance in a multi‐text writing task.

8. Coupling of SME innovation and innovation in regional economic prosperity with machine learning and IoT technologies using XGBoost algorithm.

9. Design of a Fuzzy Algorithm-Based Evaluation System for the Effectiveness of International Online Chinese Listening and Speaking Teaching.

10. Research on Digital Industry Development Algorithm Based on Deep Learning.

11. Empirical Method for Thyroid Disease Classification Using a Machine Learning Approach.

12. An effective matching algorithm with adaptive tie-breaking strategy for online food delivery problem.

13. Clinical validation of automated depth camera-based measurement of the Fugl-Meyer assessment for upper extremity.

14. Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University Researcher Has Published New Data on Machine Learning (Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Algorithms in the Remote Mobile Medical Diagnosis System of Internet Hospitals).

15. Research from First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University Reveals New Findings on Public Health (Medical image analysis using deep learning algorithms).


17. Machine learning-based decision support system for orthognathic diagnosis and treatment planning.

18. Clinically Oriented CBCT Periapical Lesion Evaluation via 3D CNN Algorithm.

19. Extraction of Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of Rainfall Data by PCA Algorithm.

20. DBN with IQPSO Algorithm for Permeability Prediction: A Case Study of the Lizhai Geothermal Field, Zhangye Basin (Northern China).

21. Forecasting the Return of Carbon Price in the Chinese Market Based on an Improved Stacking Ensemble Algorithm.

22. Development and international validation of logistic regression and machine‐learning models for the prediction of 10‐year molar loss.

23. A Comprehensive Assessment of Cultivation Environment of Top Innovative High-Level Talents Based on Deep Learning Algorithm.

24. Fast and noninvasive electronic nose for sniffing out COVID-19 based on exhaled breath-print recognition.

25. Prediction of Surface Settlement Induced by Large-Diameter Shield Tunneling Based on Machine-Learning Algorithms.

26. Constructing long-short stock portfolio with a new listwise learn-to-rank algorithm.

27. Estimating PM2.5 Concentrations in Contiguous Eastern Coastal Zone of China Using MODIS AOD and a Two-Stage Random Forest Model.

28. Machine Learning Approaches-Driven for Mortality Prediction for Patients Undergoing Craniotomy in ICU.

29. Leveraging machine learning for quantitative precipitation estimation from Fengyun-4 geostationary observations and ground meteorological measurements.

30. Comparison of Twelve Machine Learning Regression Methods for Spatial Decomposition of Demographic Data Using Multisource Geospatial Data: An Experiment in Guangzhou City, China.

31. Landslide hazard assessment based on Bayesian optimization–support vector machine in Nanping City, China.

32. A new algorithm for matching Chinese NBS firm-level with customs data.

33. A hybrid interval prediction model for the PQ index using a lower upper bound estimation-based extreme learning machine.

34. New Self-Driving Cars Study Results Reported from Zhengzhou Normal University (Data Poisoning Attacks With Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms Against Federated Learning in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles).

35. Researcher from Sichuan University Reports Recent Findings in Skin Diseases and Conditions (Recent Advancements and Perspectives in the Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning: A Review).