
Showing total 137 results
137 results

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1. Graph Laplace for Occluded Face Completion and Recognition.

2. LCD Motion Blur: Modeling, Analysis, and Algorithm.

3. Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization.

4. Robust Shape Tracking With Multiple Models in Ultrasound Images.

5. Sparse Contextual Activation for Efficient Visual Re-Ranking.

6. Overall Well-Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition With Multifocal Images: A Model-Based Method.

7. Chromaticity Space for Illuminant Invariant Recognition.

8. Interactive Image Segmentation Using Dirichlet Process Multiple-View Learning.

9. A Sparsity-Driven Approach for Joint SAR Imaging and Phase Error Correction.

10. Robust Image Deblurring With an Inaccurate Blur Kernel.

11. Commutability of Blur and Affine Warping in Super-Resolution With Application to Joint Estimation of Triple-Coupled Variables.

12. Camera Constraint-Free View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval.

13. Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments.

14. Graph Cuts for Curvature Based Image Denoising.

15. Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis.

16. Wavelet Frame Accelerated Reduced Support Vector Machines.

17. Segmentation of Tracking Sequences Using Dynamically Updated Adaptive Learning.

18. Adaptive Active Appearance Models.

19. A Computational Model for Color Naming and Describing Color Composition of Images.

20. Specification of the Observation Model for Regularized Image Up-Sampling.

21. Morse Operators for Digital Planar Surfaces and Their Application to Image Segmentation.

22. Sparse/DCT (S/DCT) Two-Layered Representation of Prediction Residuals for Video Coding.

23. Blur and Illumination Robust Face Recognition via Set-Theoretic Characterization.

24. Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising.

25. Probabilistic Approach to Realistic Face Synthesis With a Single Uncalibrated Image.

26. An Alternating Direction Algorithm for Total Variation Reconstruction of Distributed Parameters.

27. Principal Curves for Lumen Center Extraction and Flow Channel Width Estimation in 3-D Arterial Networks: Theory, Algorithm, and Validation.

28. Scale-Aware Saliency for Application to Frame Rate Upconversion.

29. Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Speckle Reduction With a Shifting Technique.

30. A Variational Method for Multiple-Image Blending.

31. BM3D Frames and Variational Image Deblurring.

32. Spatially Adapted Total Variation Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise.

33. A General Fast Registration Framework by Learning Deformation–Appearance Correlation.

34. Adaptive Perona–Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising.

35. A Generalized Logarithmic Image Processing Model Based on the Gigavision Sensor Model.

36. An Edge-Sensing Generic Demosaicing Algorithm With Application to Image Resampling.

37. Framelet Algorithms for De-Blurring Images Corrupted by Impulse Plus Gaussian Noise.

38. Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images.

39. Multiple Player Tracking in Sports Video: A Dual-Mode Two-Way Bayesian Inference Approach With Progressive Observation Modeling.

40. A Variational Model for Histogram Transfer of Color Images.

41. Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information.

42. Unsupervised Multiphase Segmentation: A Phase Balancing Model.

43. Hyperspectral Image Compression: Adapting SPIHT and EZW to Anisotropic 3-D Wavelet Coding.

44. Region-Level Image Authentication Using Bayesian Structural Content Abstraction.

45. A Multiresolution Stochastic Level Set Method for Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation.

46. Denoising for 3-D Photon-Limited Imaging Data Using Nonseparable Filterbanks.

47. Image Feature Localization by Multiple Hypothesis Testing of Gabor Features.

48. Toward a Generic Evaluation of Image Segmentation.

49. Variational Optical Flow Computation in Real Time.

50. Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking.