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1. Research on UAV Robust Adaptive Positioning Algorithm Based on IMU/GNSS/VO in Complex Scenes.

2. An Improved UWB/IMU Tightly Coupled Positioning Algorithm Study.

3. Research on Positioning Accuracy of Mobile Robot in Indoor Environment Based on Improved RTABMAP Algorithm.

4. Trajectory-BERT: Trajectory Estimation Based on BERT Trajectory Pre-Training Model and Particle Filter Algorithm.

5. Research on Combined Localization Algorithm Based on Active Screening–Kalman Filtering.

6. UAV Localization Algorithm Based on Factor Graph Optimization in Complex Scenes.

7. Dynamic QoS Prediction Algorithm Based on Kalman Filter Modification.

8. An Optimal Linear Fusion Estimation Algorithm of Reduced Dimension for T -Proper Systems with Multiple Packet Dropouts.

9. A Polar Robust Kalman Filter Algorithm for DVL-Aided SINSs Based on the Ellipsoidal Earth Model.

10. A New Polar Transfer Alignment Algorithm with the Aid of a Star Sensor and Based on an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter.

11. Attitude Solving Algorithm and FPGA Implementation of Four-Rotor UAV Based on Improved Mahony Complementary Filter.

12. Performance Analysis of Localization Algorithms for Inspections in 2D and 3D Unstructured Environments Using 3D Laser Sensors and UAVs.

13. Design and Implementation of Real-Time Localization System (RTLS) Based on UWB and TDoA Algorithm.

14. Application of Improved 5th-Cubature Kalman Filter in Initial Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Alignment for Large Misalignment Angles.

15. Adaptive UAV Attitude Estimation Employing Unscented Kalman Filter, FOAM and Low-Cost MEMS Sensors.

16. An Alignment Method Based on KF-ASMUKF Hybrid Filtering for Ship's SINS under Mooring Conditions.

17. A Simulation Environment for Benchmarking Sensor Fusion-Based Pose Estimators.

18. Comparison of Six Sensor Fusion Algorithms with Electrogoniometer Estimation of Wrist Angle in Simulated Work Tasks.

19. An Enhanced Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Fingerprint Using Fine-Grained CSI and RSSI Measurements of IEEE 802.11n WLAN.

20. Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Multiple Fading Factors Kalman Filter.

21. Error Modelling for Multi-Sensor Measurements in Infrastructure-Free Indoor Navigation.

22. How Magnetic Disturbance Influences the Attitude and Heading in Magnetic and Inertial Sensor-Based Orientation Estimation.

23. Pose Estimation of a Mobile Robot Based on Fusion of IMU Data and Vision Data Using an Extended Kalman Filter.

24. Radar Tracking with an Interacting Multiple Model and Probabilistic Data Association Filter for Civil Aviation Applications.

25. Optimization of the Sampling Periods and the Quantization Bit Lengths for Networked Estimation.

26. Auxiliary Truncated Unscented Kalman Filtering for Bearings-Only Maneuvering Target Tracking.

27. An Improved BLE Indoor Localization with Kalman-Based Fusion: An Experimental Study.

28. Localization Based on Magnetic Markers for an All-Wheel Steering Vehicle.

29. UWB/Binocular VO Fusion Algorithm Based on Adaptive Kalman Filter.

30. Integrated Navigation System Design for Micro Planetary Rovers: Comparison of Absolute Heading Estimation Algorithms and Nonlinear Filtering.

31. Kinematic Model-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Heading Correction and Lower Body Motion Tracking.

32. An Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Vehicle Driving State Observer Based on Modified Sage–Husa UKF Algorithm.

33. A New Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Human Body Motion Tracking Using the Second Estimator of the Optimal Quaternion Algorithm and the Joint Angle Constraint Method with Inertial and Magnetic Sensors.

34. A Novel Carrier Loop Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Kalman Filter (KF) for Weak TC-OFDM Signals.

35. Novel X-ray Communication Based XNAV Augmentation Method Using X-ray Detectors.

36. A Dynamic Navigation Model for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and an Application to Autonomous Front-On Environmental Sensing and Photography Using Low-Cost Sensor Systems.

37. A Steady-State Kalman Predictor-Based Filtering Strategy for Non-Overlapping Sub-Band Spectral Estimation.

38. ARS: Adaptive Robust Synchronization for Underground Coal Wireless Internet of Things.

39. Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Path Tracking of Autonomous Vehicle.

40. Underwater 3D Doppler-Angle Target Tracking with Signal Time Delay.

41. A Novel Method of Human Joint Prediction in an Occlusion Scene by Using Low-Cost Motion Capture Technique.

42. Autonomous Internet of Things (IoT) Data Reduction Based on Adaptive Threshold.

43. Sensor Fusion of Monocular Cameras and Laser Rangefinders for Line-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Tasks in Autonomous Mobile Robots.

44. A Zero Velocity Detection Algorithm Using Inertial Sensors for Pedestrian Navigation Systems.

45. Real-Time Estimation of Pathological Tremor Parameters from Gyroscope Data.

46. A Comparison of RBF Neural Network Training Algorithms for Inertial Sensor Based Terrain Classification.

47. Performance Analyses of a RAIM Algorithm for Kalman Filter with GPS and NavIC Constellations.

48. Triple Estimation of Fractional Variable Order, Parameters, and State Variables Based on the Unscented Fractional Order Kalman Filter.

49. Dynamic Object Tracking on Autonomous UAV System for Surveillance Applications.

50. ESPEE: Event-Based Sensor Pose Estimation Using an Extended Kalman Filter.