76 results on '"ANDERSON, T. L."'
Search Results
2. Finite Element Analysis of Polymers and Composites
- Author
Sathish Kumar Palaniappan, Rajeshkumar Lakshminarasimhan, Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, Suchart Siengchin, Sathish Kumar Palaniappan, Rajeshkumar Lakshminarasimhan, Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, and Suchart Siengchin
- Abstract
Finite Element Analysis of Polymers and its Composites offers up-to-date and significant findings on the finite element analysis of polymers and its composite materials. It is important to point out, that to date, there are no books that have been published in this concept. Thus, academicians, researchers, scientists, engineers, and students in the similar field will benefit from this highly application-oriented book. This book summarizes the experimental, mathematical and numerical analysis of polymers and its composite materials through finite element method. It provides detailed and comprehensive information on mechanical properties, fatigue and creep behaviour, thermal behaviour, vibrational analysis, testing methods and their modeling techniques. In addition, this book lists the main industrial sectors in which polymers and its composite materials simulation is used, and their gains from it, including aeronautics, medical, aerospace, automotive, naval, energy, civil, sports, manufacturing and even electronics. - Expands knowledge about the finite element analysis of polymers and composite materials to broaden application range - Presents an extensive survey of recent developments in research - Offers advancements of finite element analysis of polymers and composite materials - Written by leading experts in the field - Provides cutting-edge, up-to-date research on the characterization, analysis, and modeling of polymeric composite materials
- Published
- 2024
3. Engineering Tribology, Processing and Modeling
- Author
Yunn Lin Hwang, Thangaprakash Sengodan, Yunn Lin Hwang, and Thangaprakash Sengodan
- Subjects
- Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Electrical engineering, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Physics
- Abstract
Special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
- Published
- 2024
4. 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology
- Author
Ramya Muthusamy, Thangaprakash Sengodan, Ramya Muthusamy, and Thangaprakash Sengodan
- Subjects
- Bioengineering, Building materials, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Civil engineering, Engineering, Manufactures, Mechanical engineering, Mining engineering, Physics, Science
- Abstract
Selected peer-reviewed extended articles based on abstracts presented at the 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT 2023)Aggregated Book
- Published
- 2024
5. Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Devices
- Author
Guohua Xie and Guohua Xie
- Abstract
Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Devices provides a comprehensive reference on the principles and advances in materials design, device structures, and processing technologies of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Most importantly, the book analyses the dynamics of thin-film growth from solutions such as solvent orthogonalization, coffee-ring effects, and interfacial adhesion. Exciton generation and utilization, host–guest energy transfer, and interfacial interaction in the solution-processed films are considered with the material and device design to maximize the electroluminescent performance of OLEDs.The book reviews the materials, devices, and technologies dedicated to solution-processed thin-film devices, which are not only applicable to OLEDs but may be adapted to other emerging semiconducting devices due to the similarity in methods (for instance, quantum-dot LEDs and solar cells, and perovskite-based LEDs/photovoltaics/detectors).This book is suitable for researchers in academia and industry working in the materials science and engineering, chemistry, and physics disciplines. - Discusses the most relevant and emerging solution-processable materials for OLED applications - Reviews device engineering to address defects, charge transport, and exciton generation in fabricated solution-processable thin films - Provides the methods to grow multilayered thin films from solutions with organic semiconductors, with particular attention to new technologies to overcome interfacial mixing effects
- Published
- 2023
6. Handbook of Sustainable Polymers for Additive Manufacturing
- Author
Antonio Paesano and Antonio Paesano
- Subjects
- Green chemistry, Three-dimensional printing--Materials, Additive manufacturing--Materials, Biopolymers, Biodegradable plastics
- Abstract
This book provides the latest technical information on sustainable materials that are feedstocks for additive manufacturing (AM). Topics covered include an up-to-date and extensive overview of raw materials, their chemistry, and functional properties of their commercial versions; a description of the relevant AM processes, products, applications, advantages, and limitations; prices and market data; and a forecast of sustainable materials used in AM, their properties, and applications in the near future. Data included are relative to current commercial products and are presented in easy-to-read tables and charts. Features Highlights up-to-date information and data of actual commercial materials Offers a broad survey of state-of the-art information Forecasts future materials, applications, and areas of R&D Contains simple language, explains technical terms, and minimizes technical lingo Includes over 200 tables, nearly 200 figures, and more than 1,700 references to technical publications, mostly very recent Handbook of Sustainable Polymers for Additive Manufacturing appeals to a diverse audience of students and academic, technical, and business professionals in the fields of materials science and mechanical, chemical, and manufacturing engineering.
- Published
- 2022
7. Steel Corrosion and Degradation of Its Mechanical Properties
- Author
Chun-Qing Li, Wei Yang, Chun-Qing Li, and Wei Yang
- Subjects
- Steel--Corrosion
- Abstract
This book presents the state-of-the-art-knowledge on corrosion of steel, cast iron and ductile iron with a focus on corrosion-induced degradation of their mechanical properties. The information presented in the book is largely derived from the most current research on the effect of corrosion on degradation of mechanical properties. The book covers the basics of steel corrosion, including that of cast iron and ductile iron, that are not well covered in most literature. Models for corrosion-induced degradation of mechanical properties are presented in the book with a view to wider applications. The knowledge presented in the book can be used to prevent corrosion-induced failures of corrosion-affected structures, offering enormous benefits to the industry, business, society and community. Key strengths of the book are that it can be employed by a variety of users for different purposes in designing and assessing corrosion-affected structures, and that the knowledge and techniques presented in the book can be easily applied by users in dealing with corrosion-affected structures, and the uniqueness in examining the corrosion effect on degradation of various mechanical properties.Wtih examples of practical applications, the book is particularly useful for all stakeholders involved in steel manufacturing and construction, including engineering students, academicians, researchers, practitioners and asset managers.
- Published
- 2022
8. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering : An Integrated Approach
- Author
William D. Callister, Jr, David G. Rethwisch, William D. Callister, Jr, and David G. Rethwisch
- Subjects
- Materials
- Abstract
This revised Sixth Edition presents the basic fundamentals on a level appropriate for college students who have completed their freshmen calculus, chemistry, and physics courses. All subject matter is presented in a logical order, from the simple to the more complex. Each chapter builds on the content of previous ones. In order to expedite the learning process, the book provides:'Concept Check'questions to test conceptual understanding End-of-chapter questions and problems to develop understanding of concepts and problem-solving skills End-of-book Answers to Selected Problems to check accuracy of work End-of chapter summary tables containing key equations and equation symbols A glossary for easy reference
- Published
- 2021
9. Holzphysik : Eigenschaften, Prüfung und Kennwerte
- Author
Peter Niemz, Walter Ulrich Sonderegger, Peter Niemz, and Walter Ulrich Sonderegger
- Abstract
Das Standardwerk zur Holzphysik mit ausführlicher DatenbankHolz und Holzwerkstoffe unterscheiden sich grundlegend von anderen Materialien, insbesondere durch ihre Anisotropie (die Richtungsabhängigkeit der Eigenschaften), die Feuchteaufnahme durch Sorption und Kapillarkräfte sowie die starke Feuchteabhängigkeit aller Eigenschaften. Die Autoren erläutern wichtige holzphysikalische Eigenschaften, theoretische Grundlagen und Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Struktur und den Eigenschaften. Die Kenntnis dieser speziellen Eigenschaften ist Voraussetzung für den Einsatz und die Be- und Verarbeitung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen. In der Lehre kann das Buch als Grundlage für Vorlesungen im Bereich Holzphysik und Holzwerkstoffe verwendet werden. Auch für die Praxis ist es aufgrund der Vielzahl der zusammengestellten Kennwerte und Normen ein wichtiger Ratgeber. In der Neuauflage wurden einige Ergänzungen vorgenommen und die Normen aktualisiert. Auf plus.hanser-fachbuch.de finden Sie zu diesem Titel zum Nachschlagen von Kennwerten für bauphysikalische Eigenschaften von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen eine kostenlose ausführliche Datenbank.
- Published
- 2021
10. Betriebsfestigkeit : Bauteile sicher auslegen!
- Author
Sebastian Götz, Klaus-Georg Eulitz, Sebastian Götz, and Klaus-Georg Eulitz
- Abstract
Dieses verständlich geschriebene Lehrbuch in praxisorientierter Darstellung schließt erstmalig die Lücke zwischen Lehrbüchern zur Technischen Mechanik und Fachbüchern zur Betriebsfestigkeit. Zusätzlich werden die theoretischen Hintergründe zur aktuellen 7. Auflage der FKM-Richtlinie erläutert. Daher ist es auch für den praktisch tätigen Ingenieur in der Festigkeitsberechnung sehr nützlich. Zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele sowie Verständnisfragen und Aufgaben in jedem Kapitel ermöglichen ein erfolgreiches Selbststudium. Es kann neben der Ausbildung im Fach Betriebsfestigkeit auch in den Fächern Maschinenelemente, Konstruktion, Werkstofftechnik, Stahlbau, experimentelle Mechanik und Leichtbau sehr gut eingesetzt werden.
- Published
- 2020
11. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Global Edition
- Author
Norman E. Dowling, Stephen L. Kampe, Milo V. Kral, Norman E. Dowling, Stephen L. Kampe, and Milo V. Kral
- Subjects
- Materials--Testing, Materials--Mechanical properties
- Abstract
For upper-level undergraduate and graduate level engineering courses in Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Predicting the mechanical behavior of materials Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 5th Edition introduces the spectrum of mechanical behavior of materials and covers the topics of deformation, fracture, and fatigue. The text emphasises practical engineering methods for testing structural materials to obtain their properties, predicting their strength and life, and avoiding structural failure when used for machines, vehicles, and structures. With its logical treatment and ready-to-use format, the text is ideal for upper-level undergraduate students who have completed an elementary mechanics of materials course. The 5th Edition features many improvements and updates throughout including new or revised problems and questions, and a new chapter on Environmentally Assisted Cracking. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you will receive via email the code and instructions on how to access this product. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
- Published
- 2020
12. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanostructured Materials : An Understanding of Mechanical Behavior
- Author
Snehanshu Pal, Bankim Chandra Ray, Snehanshu Pal, and Bankim Chandra Ray
- Subjects
- Nanostructured materials--Mechanical properties, Molecular dynamics--Simulation methods
- Abstract
Molecular dynamics simulation is a significant technique to gain insight into the mechanical behavior of nanostructured (NS) materials and associated underlying deformation mechanisms at the atomic scale. The purpose of this book is to detect and correlate critically current achievements and properly assess the state of the art in the mechanical behavior study of NS material in the perspective of the atomic scale simulation of the deformation process. More precisely, the book aims to provide representative examples of mechanical behavior studies carried out using molecular dynamics simulations, which provide contributory research findings toward progress in the field of NS material technology.
- Published
- 2020
13. Functionalized Engineering Materials and Their Applications
- Author
Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Pious C. V., Zakiah Ahmad, Józef Tadeusz Haponiuk, Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Pious C. V., Zakiah Ahmad, and Józef Tadeusz Haponiuk
- Subjects
- Materials
- Abstract
Scientists and researchers are looking for new smart materials to replace old or conventional materials for better performance and for new applications. The use of polymeric materials and nanomaterials is increasing due to their wide-spectrum tunability and many properties. It is now easier to formulate materials for special purposes using these materials than using conventional materials and methods. Many commercial products made from polymeric materials and nanomaterials are now in use and on the market. This book presents a diverse selection of cutting-edge research on the development of polymeric materials and nanomaterials for new and different applications. These include electrical applications, biomedical applications, sensing applications, coating applications, and others. A few chapters dedicated to materials for construction applications are also included. Discussions include the properties, behavior, preparation, processing, and characterization of various polymeric materials, nanomaterials, and their composites. Some of the chapter authors present theoretical studies of these systems, which can help readers to develop a better understanding in this area.
- Published
- 2018
14. Physical Metallurgy : Principles and Design
- Author
Gregory N. Haidemenopoulos and Gregory N. Haidemenopoulos
- Subjects
- Physical metallurgy
- Abstract
Physical metallurgy is one of the main fields of metallurgical science dealing with the development of the microstructure of metals in order to achieve desirable properties required in technological applications. Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Design focuses on the processing–structure–properties triangle as it applies to metals and alloys. It introduces the fundamental principles of physical metallurgy and the design methodologies for alloys and processing. The first part of the book discusses the structure and change of structure through phase transformations. The latter part of the books deals with plastic deformation, strengthening mechanisms, and mechanical properties as they relate to structure. The book also includes a chapter on physical metallurgy of steels and concludes by discussing the computational tools, involving computational thermodynamics and kinetics, to perform alloy and process design.
- Published
- 2018
15. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa Vol. 38
- Author
Akii Okonigbon Akaehomen Ibhadode and Akii Okonigbon Akaehomen Ibhadode
- Subjects
- Engineering--Research--Africa
- Abstract
We present to our readers the 38th volume of the International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa which contains scientific articles describing the results of engineering research and solutions in the fields of materials and processing technologies in the mechanical engineering, construction and chemical technologies, ergonomics, environmental engineering and engineering management. The articles will be useful for the professionals concerned with mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical engineering, engineering management as well as for academic teachers and students majoring in these fields of engineering science.
- Published
- 2018
16. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture
- Author
Ricardo R. Ambriz, David Jaramillo, Gabriel Plascencia, Moussa Nait Abdelaziz, Ricardo R. Ambriz, David Jaramillo, Gabriel Plascencia, and Moussa Nait Abdelaziz
- Subjects
- Fracture mechanics--Congresses, Materials--Fatigue--Congresses
- Abstract
This book presents the proceedings of one of the major conferences in fatigue, fracture and structural integrity (NT2F). The papers are organized and divided in five different themes: fatigue and fracture mechanics of structures and advanced materials; fatigue and fracture in pressure vessels and pipelines: mechanical behavior and structural integrity of welded, bonded and bolted joints; residual stress and environmental effects on the fatigue behavior; and simulation methods, analytical and computation models in fatigue and fracture.
- Published
- 2018
17. Introduction to Composite Materials Design
- Author
Ever J. Barbero and Ever J. Barbero
- Subjects
- Manufacturing processes, Composite materials--Mechanical properties
- Abstract
The third edition of Introduction to Composite MaterialsDesign is a practical, design-oriented textbook aimed at students and practicing engineers learning analysis and design of composite materials and structures. Readers will find the third edition to be both highly streamlined for teaching, with new comprehensive examples and exercises emphasizing design, as well as complete with practical content relevant to current industry needs. Furthermore, the third edition is updated with the latest analysis techniques for the preliminary design of composite materials, including universal carpet plots, temperature dependent properties, and more. Significant additions provide the essential tools for mastering Design for Reliability as well as an expanded material property database.
- Published
- 2018
18. Monotonic and Ultra-Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Pipeline Steels : Experimental and Numerical Approaches
- Author
António Augusto Fernandes, Abílio M.P. de Jesus, Renato Natal Jorge, António Augusto Fernandes, Abílio M.P. de Jesus, and Renato Natal Jorge
- Subjects
- Mechanics, Steel--Fatigue, Pipelines--Cracking
- Abstract
This book covers the development of innovative computational methodologies for the simulation of steel material fracture under both monotonic and ultra-low-cycle fatigue. The main aspects are summarised as follows: i) Database of small and full-scale testing data covering the X52, X60, X65, X70 and X80 piping steel grades. Monotonic and ULCF tests of pipe components were performed (buckled and dented pipes, elbows and straight pipes). ii) New constitutive models for both monotonic and ULCF loading are proposed. Besides the Barcelona model, alternative approaches are presented such as the combined Bai-Wierzbicki-Ohata-Toyoda model. iii) Developed constitutive models are calibrated and validated using experimentally derived testing data. Guidelines for damage simulation are included. The book could be seen as a comprehensive repository of experimental results and numerical modeling on advanced methods dealing with Ultra Low Cycle Fatigue of Pipelines when subjected to high strain loading conditions.
- Published
- 2018
19. Welding Handbook
- Author
Sinnes, Kathy, Welding Handbook Committee, Sinnes, Kathy, and Welding Handbook Committee
- Subjects
- Welding--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
This chapter introduces the basic concepts of the conventional and more widely used joining, cutting, and thermal spraying processes. The distinguishing features of the various processes are summarized and compared to one another. Among the joining processes reviewed are the electric arc, resistance, and solid-state welding processes as well as brazing, soldering, and adhesive bonding. The cutting processes examined include thermal and nonthermal methods of material removal. Thermal spray processes, including flame spraying (FLSP), plasma arc spraying, arc spraying, and detonation flame spraying, will also be reviewed in this chapter
- Published
- 2018
20. Wood Fracture Characterization
- Author
Marcelo F. S. F. de Moura, Nuno Dourado, Marcelo F. S. F. de Moura, and Nuno Dourado
- Subjects
- Structural engineering, Fracture mechanics, Mechanical engineering
- Abstract
Wood Fracture Characterization provides a guide to the application of modern fracture mechanics concepts to wood materials used in structural engineering, which commonly involve discontinuities and irregularities. The authors cover the tests, data reduction schemes and numerical methods devised for wood structural applications, based on cohesive zone analysis, and used to validate experimental-based methodologies. Five detailed Case Studies are included to link theory with engineering practice. This important new text explains the basics of fracture mechanics, and extends them as needed to cover the special behaviour of an anisotropic wood materials.
- Published
- 2018
21. Advanced Thermoelectrics : Materials, Contacts, Devices, and Systems
- Author
Zhifeng Ren, Yucheng Lan, Qinyong Zhang, Zhifeng Ren, Yucheng Lan, and Qinyong Zhang
- Subjects
- Thermoelectric materials, Nanostructured materials, Thermal conductivity
- Abstract
This book provides an overview on nanostructured thermoelectric materials and devices, covering fundamental concepts, synthesis techniques, device contacts and stability, and potential applications, especially in waste heat recovery and solar energy conversion. The contents focus on thermoelectric devices made from nanomaterials with high thermoelectric efficiency for use in large scale to generate megawatts electricity. Covers the latest discoveries, methods, technologies in materials, contacts, modules, and systems for thermoelectricity. Addresses practical details of how to improve the efficiency and power output of a generator by optimizing contacts and electrical conductivity. Gives tips on how to realize a realistic and usable device or module with attention to large scale industry synthesis and product development. Prof. Zhifeng Ren is M. D. Anderson Professor in the Department of Physics and the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston.Prof. Yucheng Lan is an associate professor in Morgan State University.Prof. Qinyong Zhang is a professor in the Center for Advanced Materials and Energy at Xihua University of China.
- Published
- 2018
22. Biocatalysis and Nanotechnology
- Author
Peter Grunwald and Peter Grunwald
- Subjects
- Nanotechnology, Biocatalysis, Enzymes--Biotechnology, Biotechnology--Industrial applications
- Abstract
Nanobiocatalysis has rapidly developed into a subarea of enzyme biotechnology. It combines the advances in nanotechnology that have generated nanoscale materials of different sizes, shapes, and physicochemical properties, and the excellent characteristics of biocatalysts into an innovative technology. This book provides an overview of the various relations between nanotechnology and biocatalysis. It discusses the fabrication and application of nanomaterials for the immobilization of enzymes used in the sustainable production of goods and chemicals. Nanosupports have several advantages compared with bulk solid materials because of their high surface area, which results in a significantly reduced mass transfer limitation and comparatively high enzyme loading. These characteristics are also of great use for applications in the fields of enzymatic biosensors, biofuel cells, bioelectronics, and photoelectrochemical analyte detection, where conductive nanomaterials improve the rate of electron transfer. The book also presents an overview of nanotoxicology and covers nanostructured enzyme catalysis in organic solvents and its potential application for biodiesel production, probing of enzymatic activity, and identification of enzyme functions of inorganic nanoparticles as enzyme mimics.
- Published
- 2017
23. Design Procedures for the Use of Composites in Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM Technical Committee 234-DUC
- Author
Carlo Pellegrino, José Sena-Cruz, Carlo Pellegrino, and José Sena-Cruz
- Subjects
- Concrete, Concrete construction, Cement composites
- Abstract
This book analyses the current knowledge on structural behaviour of RC elements and structures strengthened with composite materials (experimental, analytical and numerical approaches for EBR and NSM), particularly in relation to the above topics, and the comparison of the predictions of the current available codes/recommendations/guidelines with selected experimental results. The book shows possible critical issues (discrepancies, lacunae, relevant parameters, test procedures, etc.) related to current code predictions or to evaluate their reliability, in order to develop more uniform methods and basic rules for design and control of FRP strengthened RC structures.General problems/critical issues are clarified on the basis of the actual experiences, detect discrepancies in existing codes, lacunae in knowledge and, concerning these identified subjects, provide proposals for improvements. The book will help to contribute to promote and consolidate a more qualified and conscious approach towards rehabilitation and strengthening existing RC structures with composites and their possible monitoring.
- Published
- 2016
24. Plasticity : Fundamentals and Applications
- Author
P.M. Dixit, U.S. Dixit, P.M. Dixit, and U.S. Dixit
- Subjects
- Deformations (Mechanics), Plasticity
- Abstract
All materials undergo some deformation under the application of a load. When the load is removed, a solid material may return to its original state or retain some deformation. Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications places emphasis on the fundamentals of elastic-plastic deformation. This book includes topics such as stress, strain, constitutive relations, fracture, anisotropy, and contact problems. In addition the text also provides a discussion of updated Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations.
- Published
- 2015
25. Diffusion in Solids and Liquids IX
- Author
Andreas Öchsner, Graeme E. Murch, Ali Shokuhfar, João M.P.Q. Delgado, Andreas Öchsner, Graeme E. Murch, Ali Shokuhfar, and João M.P.Q. Delgado
- Subjects
- Diffusion--Congresses
- Abstract
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids Mass Transfer - Heat Transfer - Microstructure & Properties - Nanodiffusion and Nanostructured Materials (DSL-2013), June 24-28, 2013, Madrid, Spain
- Published
- 2014
26. Environmental Degradation of Advanced and Traditional Engineering Materials
- Author
Lloyd H. Hihara, Ralph P.I. Adler, Ronald M. Latanision, Lloyd H. Hihara, Ralph P.I. Adler, and Ronald M. Latanision
- Subjects
- Materials--Biodegradation, Biomedical materials--Biodegradation, Materials--Deterioration, Corrosion and anti-corrosives, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Material Science, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Structural
- Abstract
One of the main, ongoing challenges for any engineering enterprise is that systems are built of materials subject to environmental degradation. Whether working with an airframe, integrated circuit, bridge, prosthetic device, or implantable drug-delivery system, understanding the chemical stability of materials remains a key element in determining t
- Published
- 2014
27. Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures
- Author
Weicheng Cui, Xiaoping Huang, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui, Xiaoping Huang, and Fang Wang
- Subjects
- Metals--Fatigue
- Abstract
In order to apply the damage tolerance design philosophy to design marine structures, accurate prediction of fatigue crack growth under service conditions is required. Now, more and more people have realized that only a fatigue life prediction method based on fatigue crack propagation (FCP) theory has the potential to explain various fatigue phenomena observed. In this book, the issues leading towards the development of a unified fatigue life prediction (UFLP) method based on FCP theory are addressed. Based on the philosophy of the UFLP method, the current inconsistency between fatigue design and inspection of marine structures could be resolved.This book presents the state-of-the-art and recent advances, including those by the authors, in fatigue studies. It is designed to lead the future directions and to provide a useful tool in many practical applications. It is intended to address to engineers, naval architects, research staff, professionals and graduates engaged in fatigue prevention design and survey of marine structures, in fatigue studies of materials and structures, in experimental laboratory research, in planning the repair and maintenance of existing structures, and in rule development. The book is also an effective educational aid in naval architecture, marine, civil and mechanical engineering.Prof. Weicheng Cui is the Dean of Hadal Science and Technology Research Center of Shanghai Ocean University, China. Dr. Xiaoping Huang is an associate professor of School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Dr. Fang Wang is an associate professor of Hadal Science and Technology Research Center of Shanghai Ocean University, China.
- Published
- 2014
28. Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XII
- Author
Alberto Milazzo, Ferri M.H.Aliabadi, Alberto Milazzo, and Ferri M.H.Aliabadi
- Subjects
- Fracture mechanics--Congresses, Continuum damage mechanics--Congresses
- Abstract
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2013), September 17-19, 2013, Sardinia, Italy
- Published
- 2014
29. The Physics of Deformation and Fracture of Polymers
- Author
A. S. Argon and A. S. Argon
- Subjects
- Plastics, Polymers--Fracture, Polymers--Plastic properties
- Abstract
Demonstrating through examples, this book presents a mechanism-based perspective on the broad range of deformation and fracture response of solid polymers. It draws on the results of probing experiments and considers the similar mechanical responses of amorphous metals and inorganic compounds to develop advanced methodology for generating more precise forms of modelling. This, in turn, provides a better fundamental understanding of deformation and fracture phenomena in solid polymers. Such mechanism-based constitutive response forms have far-reaching application potential in the prediction of structural responses and in tailoring special microstructures for tough behaviour. Moreover, they can guide the development of computational codes for deformation processing of polymers at any level. Applications are wide-ranging, from large strain industrial deformation texturing to production of precision micro-fluidic devices, making this book of interest to both advanced graduate students and to practising professionals.
- Published
- 2013
30. Recent Advances in Composite Materials : In Honor of S.A. Paipetis
- Author
E.E. Gdoutos, Zaira Marioli-Riga, E.E. Gdoutos, and Zaira Marioli-Riga
- Subjects
- Materials science, Mechanics, Multibody systems, Vibration, Mechanics, Applied
- Abstract
This book contains 31 papers presented at the symposium on'Recent Advances in Composite Materials'which was organized in honor of Professor Stephanos A. Paipetis. The symposium took place at Democritus University of Thrace, in Xanthi, Greece on June 12-14, 2003. The book is a tribute to Stephanos A. Paipetis, a pioneer of composite materials, in recognition of his continuous, original diversified and outstanding contributions for half a century. The book consists of invited papers written by leading experts in the field. It contains original contributions concerning the latest developments in composite materials. It covers a wide range of subjects including experimental characterization, analytical modeling and applications of composite materials. The papers are arranged in the following six sections: General concepts, stress and failure analysis, mechanical properties, metal matrix composites, structural analysis and applications of composite materials. The first section on general concepts contains seven papers dealing with composites through the pursuit of the consilience among them, computation and mechatronic automation of multiphysics research, a theory of anisotropic scattering, wave propagation, multi-material composite wedges, a three-dimensional finite element analysis around broken fibers and an in situ assessment of the micromechanics of large scale bridging in ceramic composites.
- Published
- 2013
31. Biomimetic Biomaterials : Structure and Applications
- Author
Andrew J. Ruys and Andrew J. Ruys
- Subjects
- Biomedical materials, Biomimetic materials
- Abstract
A significant proportion of modern medical technology has been developed through biomimetics, which is biologically inspired by studying pre-existing functioning systems in nature. Typical biomimetically inspired biomaterials include nano-biomaterials, smart biomaterials, hybrid biomaterials, nano-biocomposites, hierarchically porous biomaterials and tissue scaffolds. This important book summarises key research in this important field.The book is divided into two parts: Part one is devoted to the biomimetics of biomaterials themselves while part two provides overviews and case studies of tissue engineering applications from a biomimetics'perspective. The book has a strong focus on cutting edge biomimetically inspired biomaterials including chitin, hydrogels, calcium phosphates, biopolymers and anti-thrombotic coatings. Since many scaffolds for skin tissue engineering are biomimetically inspired, the book also has a strong focus on the biomimetics of tissue engineering in the repair of bone, skin, cartilage, soft tissue and specific organs.With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Biomimetic biomaterials is a standard reference for both the biomaterials research community and clinicians involved in such areas as bone regeneration, skin tissue and wound repair. - Places strong focus on cutting edge biomimetically-inspired biomaterials including chitin, hydrogels, calcium phosphates, biopolymers and anti-thrombotic coatings - Provides overviews and case studies of tissue engineering applications from a biomimetics perspective - Also places focus on the biomimetics of tissue engineering in the repair of bone, skin, cartilage, soft tissue and specific organs
- Published
- 2013
32. Sol-Gel Technologies for Glass Producers and Users
- Author
Michel Andre Aegerter, M. Mennig, Michel Andre Aegerter, and M. Mennig
- Subjects
- Ceramic materials, Colloids
- Abstract
Sol-Gel Techniques for Glass Producers and Users provides technological information, descriptions and characterizations of prototypes, or products already on the market, and illustrates advantages and disadvantages of the sol-gel process in comparison to other methods. The first chapter entitled'Wet Chemical Technology'gives a summary of the basic principles of the sol-gel chemistry. The most promising applications are related to coatings. Chapter 2 describes the various'Wet Chemical Coating Technologies'from glass cleaning to many deposition and post-coating treatment techniques. These include patterning of coatings through direct or indirect techniques which have became very important and for which the sol-gel processing is particularly well adapted. Chapter 3 entitled'Bulk Glass Technologies'reports on the preparation of special glasses for different applications. Chapter 4 entitled'Coatings and Materials Properties'describes the properties of the different coatings and the sol-gel materials, fibers and powders. The chapter also includes a section dedicated to the characterization techniques especially applied to sol-gel coatings and products.
- Published
- 2013
33. Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen
- Author
Wolfgang Grellmann, Sabine Seidler, Wolfgang Grellmann, and Sabine Seidler
- Subjects
- Condensed matter, Polymers, Materials—Analysis, Engineering, Physical chemistry
- Abstract
Das Anliegen des Konferenzberichtes besteht darin, den derzeitigen Erkenntnisstand auf dem Gebiet des Verformungs- und Bruchverhaltens von Polymerwerkstoffen in Form eines'Status Reports'darzustellen. Hierfür wurden ausgewählte Vorträge des 6. Problemseminars'Deformations- und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen'thematisch zusammengestellt und durch weitere Beiträge aus der eigenen Forschungsarbeit ergänzt. Besondere Schwerpunkte bestehen auf den Gebieten: Zähigkeitscharakterisierung mit Hilfe bruchmechanischer Konzepte (Neuere Entwicklungen, Experimentelle Methode, Approximative Methoden), Morphologie-Eigenschafts- Korrelationen (Homopolymerisate, Blends, Copolymerisate), Hybride Methoden der Kunststoffprüfung und Kunststoffdiagnostik, Bikompatible Werkstoffe und medizinische Implantate, Einsatz- und Anwendungsgrenzen von Kunststoffen. Zur Untersuchung des Deformations- und Bruchverhaltens von Kunststoffen mit experimentellen Methoden der technischen Bruchmechanik liegen langjährige Erfahrungen der Autoren vor, die durch eine Vielzahl von Einzelpublikationen belegt sind.
- Published
- 2013
34. Fractal Surfaces
- Author
John C. Russ and John C. Russ
- Subjects
- Fractals, Surfaces (Physics)--Measurement
- Abstract
The author integrates discussions of fractal geometry, surface modeling techniques, and applications to real world problems to provide a comprehensive, accessible overview of the field. His work will equip researchers with the basic tools for measurement and interpretation of data, stimulating more work on these problems and, perhaps, leading to an understanding of the reasons that Nature has adopted this geometry to shape much of our world.
- Published
- 2013
35. Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XI
- Author
Qing Fen Li, Yu Long Li, Ferri M.H.Aliabadi, Qing Fen Li, Yu Long Li, and Ferri M.H.Aliabadi
- Subjects
- Mechanical engineering
- Abstract
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2012), September 18-21, 2012, Xian, China
- Published
- 2012
36. Comprehensive Nuclear Materials
- Author
Todd R Allen, Roger E Stoller, Shinsuke Yamanaka, Todd R Allen, Roger E Stoller, and Shinsuke Yamanaka
- Subjects
- Radioactive wastes, Nuclear reactors--Materials
- Abstract
Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, Five Volume Set discusses the major classes of materials suitable for usage in nuclear fission, fusion reactors and high power accelerators, and for diverse functions in fuels, cladding, moderator and control materials, structural, functional, and waste materials. The work addresses the full panorama of contemporary international research in nuclear materials, from Actinides to Zirconium alloys, from the worlds'leading scientists and engineers. - Critically reviews the major classes and functions of materials, supporting the selection, assessment, validation and engineering of materials in extreme nuclear environment - Fully integrated with F-elements.net, a proprietary database containing useful cross-referenced property data on the lanthanides and actinides - Details contemporary developments in numerical simulation, modelling, experimentation, and computational analysis, for effective implementation in labs and plants
- Published
- 2012
37. Mechanics of Paper Products
- Author
Kaarlo Niskanen and Kaarlo Niskanen
- Subjects
- Paper products, Paper--Mechanical properties
- Abstract
This graduate level textbook focuses on the mechanical properties and performance of products made of fiber-based materials such as paper and board. The book aims to help students develop effective skills for solving problems of product performance and engineering challenges in new product development. Therefore the material is organized with a problem-based approach - a practical example of product performance is presented and then the relevant mechanics are analyzed to deduce which material properties control the performance.
- Published
- 2012
38. Advances in Materials and Processing
- Author
B.S. Sunder Daniel, Gajanan P. Chaudhari, B.S. Sunder Daniel, and Gajanan P. Chaudhari
- Subjects
- Materials--Congresses
- Abstract
Challenges and OpportunitiesSelected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing – Challenges and Opportunities (AMPCO 2012), November 2-4, 2012, Roorkee, India
- Published
- 2012
39. Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
- Author
S.H. Teoh, K.H. Lee, S.H. Teoh, and K.H. Lee
- Subjects
- Fracture mechanics--Congresses
- Abstract
Recent advances in the field of fracture of engineering materials and structures have increasingly indicated its multidisciplinary nature. This area of research now involves scientists and engineers who work in materials science, applied mathematics and mechanics, and also computer scientists. The present volume, which contains the Proceedings of the Joint FEFG/lCF International Conference on Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures held in Singapore from the 6th to 8th of August 1991, is a testimony of this multidisciplinary nature. This International Conference was the Second Symposium of the Far East Fracture Group (FEFG) and thus provided a unique opportunity for researchers and engineers in the Far East region to exchange and acquire knowledge of new advances and applications in fracture. The Conference was also the Inter-Quadrennial International Conference on Fracture (ICF) for 1991 and thus appealed to researchers in the international arena who wished to take advantage of this meeting to present their findings. The Conference has brought together over 130 participants from more than 24 countries, and they represented government and industrial research laboratories as well as academic institutions. It has thus achieved its objective of bringing together scientists and engineers with different backgrounds and perspectives but with. a common interest in new developments in the fracture of engineering materials and structures. This volume contains 4 keynote papers, 4 invited papers and 130 contributed papers.
- Published
- 2012
40. Topics in Fracture and Fatigue
- Author
A.S. Argon and A.S. Argon
- Subjects
- Fracture mechanics, Materials--Fatigue
- Abstract
Fracture in structural materials remains a vital consideration in engineering systems, affecting the reliability of machines throughout their lives. Impressive advances in both the theoretical understanding of fracture mechanisms and practical developments that offer possibilities of control have re-shaped the subject over the past four decades. The contributors to this volume, including some of the most prominent researchers in the field, give their long-range perspectives of the research on the fracture of solids and its achievements. The subjects covered in this volume include: statistics of brittle fracture, transition of fracture from brittle to ductile, mechanics and mechanisms of ductile separation of heterogenous solids, the crack tip environment in ductile fracture, and mechanisms and mechanics of fatigue. Materials considered range from the usual structural solids to composites. The chapters include both theoretical points of view and discussions of key experiments. Contributors include: from MIT, A.S. Argon, D.M. Parks; from Cambridge, M.F. Ashby; from U.C. Santa Barbara, A.G. Evans, R. McMeeking; from Glasgow, J. Hancock; from Harvard, J.W. Hutchinson, J.R. Rice; from Sheffield, K.J. Miller; from Brown, A. Needleman; from the Ecole des Mines, A. Pineau; from U.C. Berkeley, R. O. Ritchie; and from Copenhagen, V. Tvergaard.
- Published
- 2012
41. Probabilistic Structural Mechanics Handbook : Theory and Industrial Applications
- Author
C.R. Sundararajan and C.R. Sundararajan
- Subjects
- Structural stability--Statistical methods, Structural dynamics--Statistical methods, Probabilities
- Abstract
The need for a comprehensive book on probabilistic structural mechanics that brings together the many analytical and computational methods developed over the years and their applications in a wide spectrum of industries-from residential buildings to nuclear power plants, from bridges to pressure vessels, from steel structures to ceramic structures-became evident from the many discussions the editor had with practising engineers, researchers and professors. Because no single individual has the expertise to write a book with such a di.verse scope, a group of 39 authors from universities, research laboratories, and industries from six countries in three continents was invited to write 30 chapters covering the various aspects of probabilistic structural mechanics. The editor and the authors believe that this handbook will serve as a reference text to practicing engineers, teachers, students and researchers. It may also be used as a textbook for graduate-level courses in probabilistic structural mechanics. The editor wishes to thank the chapter authors for their contributions. This handbook would not have been a reality without their collaboration.
- Published
- 2012
42. Failure Mechanisms in Polymer Matrix Composites : Criteria, Testing and Industrial Applications
- Author
Paul Robinson, Emile Greenhalgh, Silvestre Pinho, Paul Robinson, Emile Greenhalgh, and Silvestre Pinho
- Subjects
- Polymeric composites--Defects
- Abstract
Polymer matrix composites are increasingly replacing traditional materials, such as metals, for applications in the aerospace, automotive and marine industries. Because of the relatively recent development of these composites there is extensive on-going research to improve the understanding and modelling of their behaviour – particularly their failure processes. As a consequence there is a strong demand among design engineers for the latest information on this behaviour in order to fully exploit the potential of these materials for a wide range of weight-sensitive applications. Failure mechanisms in polymer matrix composites explores the main types of composite failure and examines their implications in specific applications.Part one discusses various failure mechanisms, including a consideration of manufacturing defects and addressing a variety of loading forms such as impact and the implications for structural integrity. This part also reviews testing techniques and modelling methods for predicting potential failure in composites. Part two investigates the effects of polymer-matrix composite failure in a range of industries including aerospace, automotive and other transport, defence, marine and off-shore applications. Recycling issues and environmental factors affecting the use of composite materials are also considered.With its distinguished editors and international team of expert contributors Failure mechanisms in polymer matrix composites is a valuable reference for designers, scientists and research and development managers working in the increasing range of industries in which composite materials are extensively used. The book will also be a useful guide for academics studying in the composites field. - Discusses various failure mechanisms, including manufacturing defects - Reviews testing techniques and modelling methods for predicting potential failure - Investigates failure in aerospace, automotive, defence, marine and off-shore applications
- Published
- 2012
43. Mechanics of Fiber and Textile Reinforced Cement Composites
- Author
Barzin Mobasher and Barzin Mobasher
- Subjects
- Fiber cement, Fiber cement--Testing, Fiber-reinforced concrete
- Abstract
Among all building materials, concrete is the most commonly used-and there is a staggering demand for it. However, as we strive to build taller structures with improved seismic resistance or durable pavement with an indefinite service life, we require materials with better performance than the conventional materials used today. Considering the enor
- Published
- 2012
44. Introduction to Composite Materials Design
- Author
Barbero, Ever J. and Barbero, Ever J.
- Subjects
- Manufacturing processes, Composite materials--Mechanical properties
- Abstract
Presenting a wealth of completely revised examples and new information, Introduction to Composite Materials Design, Second Edition greatly improves on the bestselling first edition. It incorporates state-of-the-art advances in knowledge and design methods that have taken place over the last 10 years, yet maintains the distinguishing features and vi
- Published
- 2011
45. Composite Joints and Connections : Principles, Modelling and Testing
- Author
P Camanho, Stephen R. Hallett, P Camanho, and Stephen R. Hallett
- Subjects
- Joints (Engineering), Composite materials
- Abstract
The growing use of composites over metals for structural applications has made a thorough understanding of the behaviour of composite joints in various applications essential for engineers, but has also presented them with a new set of problems. Composite joints and connections addresses these differences and explores the design, modelling and testing of bonded and bolted joints and connections.Part one discusses bolted joints whilst part two examines bonded joints. Chapters review reinforcement techniques and applications for composite bolted and bonded joints and investigate the causes and effects of fatigue and stress on both types of joint in various applications and environments. Topics in part one include metal hybridization, glass-reinforced aluminium (GLARE), hybrid fibre metal laminates (FML), glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) and carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. Topics in part two include calculation of strain energy release rates, simulating fracture and fatigue failure using cohesive zone models, marine and aerospace applications, advanced modelling, stress analysis of bonded patches and scarf repairs.Composite joints and connections is a valuable reference for composite manufacturers and composite component fabricators, the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding and civil engineering industries and for anyone involved in the joining and repair of composite structures. - Explores the design, modelling and testing of bonded and bolted joints and connections - Reviews reinforcement techniques and applications for composite bolted and bonded joints - Investigates the causes and effects of fatigue and stress on bolted and bonded joints in various applications and environments
- Published
- 2011
46. Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers
- Author
Wolfgang Grellmann, Sabine Seidler, Wolfgang Grellmann, and Sabine Seidler
- Subjects
- Polymers--Fracture, Deformations (Mechanics)
- Abstract
The application of fracture mechanics to polymers and composites allows the quantitative description of the toughness behaviour by means of fracture mechan ics parameters and enables preventive failure analysis. In recent years this young scientific discipline has developed rapidly, and now the experimental results are looking for more applications in industrial practice. However, the practical appli cations of fracture mechanics parameters to structural-integrity assessment are severely restricted owing to their limited transferability from specimens to com ponents. Indeed, geometry-independent fracture mechanics parameters are very important for the reliable functioning of polymers and components in nearly all industrial application fields. These application fields include the polymer development, quality control, con struction and polymer-specific design of reliable components in the motor indus try, the electrical industry and the manufacture of household appliances, as well as applications in information technology and medical applications. The present status report on the deformation and fracture behaviour of polymer materials was composed on the basis of revised lectures presented at the Merse burg discussion conference entitled'Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers'and additional single contributions. The editors and authors have tried hard to present information about the applied fracture mechanics of polymers and composites in the light of their current re search work.
- Published
- 2011
47. Biomaterials : A Nano Approach
- Author
Seeram Ramakrishna, Murugan Ramalingam, T .S. Sampath Kumar, Winston O. Soboyejo, Seeram Ramakrishna, Murugan Ramalingam, T .S. Sampath Kumar, and Winston O. Soboyejo
- Subjects
- Biomedical materials, Nanostructured materials, Biotechnology
- Abstract
There are several well-known books on the market that cover biomaterials in a general way, but none provide adequate focus on the future of and potential for actual uses of emerging nanontechnology in this burgeoning field.Biomaterials: A Nano Approach is written from a multi-disciplinary point of view that integrates aspects of materials science a
- Published
- 2010
48. Advances in Materials Science Research
- Author
Wythers, Maryann C. and Wythers, Maryann C.
- Subjects
- Materials science
- Abstract
Materials science includes those parts of chemistry and physics that deal with the properties of materials. It encompasses four classes of materials, the study of each which may be considered a separate field: metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Materials science is often referred to as materials science and engineering because it has many applications. This new volume gathers important research from around the globe in this dynamic field including the detection and toughening of microcracks, electrospinning materials and applications, cement, concrete and composite processing, and applications and paramagnetism.
- Published
- 2010
49. Micromechanisms of Fracture and Fatigue : In a Multi-scale Context
- Author
Jaroslav Pokluda, Pavel Šandera, Jaroslav Pokluda, and Pavel Šandera
- Subjects
- Mechanics, Mechanical engineering, Fracture mechanics, Materials--Fatigue
- Abstract
Micromechanisms of Fracture and Fatigue forms the culmination of 20 years of research in the field of fatigue and fracture. It discusses a range of topics and comments on the state of the art for each. The first part is devoted to models of deformation and fracture of perfect crystals. Using various atomistic methods, the theoretical strength of solids under simple and complex loading is calculated for a wide range of elements and compounds, and compared with experimental data. The connection between the onset of local plasticity in nanoindentation tests and the ideal shear strength is analysed using a multi-scale approach. Moreover, the nature of intrinsic brittleness or ductility of perfect crystal lattices is demonstrated by the coupling of atomistic and mesoscopic approaches, and compared with brittle/ductile behaviour of engineering materials. The second part addresses extrinsic sources of fracture toughness of engineering materials, related to their microstructure and microstructurally-induced crack tortuosity. Micromechanisms of ductile fracture are also described, in relation to the fracture strain of materials. Results of multilevel modelling, including statistical aspects of microstructure, are used to explain remarkable phenomena discovered in experiments. In the third part of the book, basic micromechanisms of fatigue cracks propagation under uniaxial and multiaxial loading are discussed on the basis of the unified mesoscopic model of crack tip shielding and closure, taking both microstructure and statistical effects into account. Applications to failure analysis are also outlined, and an attempt is made to distinguish intrinsic and extrinsic sources of materials resistance to fracture. Micromechanisms of Fracture and Fatigue provides scientists, researchers and postgraduate students with not only a deep insight into basic micromechanisms of fracture behaviour of materials, but also a number of engineering applications.
- Published
- 2010
50. Advances in Structural Adhesive Bonding
- Author
David A. Dillard and David A. Dillard
- Subjects
- Adhesives, Structural engineering
- Abstract
Adhesive bonding is often effective, efficient, and often necessary way to join mechanical structures. This important book reviews the most recent improvements in adhesive bonding and their wide-ranging potential in structural engineering.Part one reviews advances in the most commonly used groups of structural adhesives with chapters covering topics such as epoxy, polyurethane, silicone, cyanoacrylate, and acrylic adhesives. The second set of chapters covers the various types of adherends and pre-treatment methods for a range of structural materials such as metals, composites and plastics. Chapters in Part three analyse methods and techniques with topics on joint design, life prediction, fracture mechanics and testing. The final group of chapters gives useful and practical insights into the problems and solutions of adhesive bonding in a variety of hostile environments such as chemical, wet and extreme temperatures.With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Advances in structural adhesive bonding is a standard reference for structural and chemical engineers in industry and the academic sector. - Reviews advances in the most commonly used groups of structural adhesives including epoxy, silicone and acrylic adhesives - Examines key issues in adhesive selection featuring substrate compatibility and manufacturing demands - Documents advances in bonding metals, plastics and composites recognising problems and limitations
- Published
- 2010
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