2,460 results on '"Nell, A."'
Search Results
2. Mille et une nuits dans La Recherche
- Author
Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Sabine van Wesemael, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Subjects
- Night in literature, Sleep in literature, Dreams in literature
- Published
- 2021
3. How the World Changed Social Media
- Author
Daniel Miller, Dr Elisabetta Costa, Dr Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Dr Razvan Nicolescu, Dr Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman, Xinyuan Wang, Daniel Miller, Dr Elisabetta Costa, Dr Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Dr Razvan Nicolescu, Dr Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkatraman, and Xinyuan Wang
- Subjects
- Social media, Information society--Social aspects
- Abstract
How the World Changed Social Media is the first book in Why We Post, a book series that investigates the findings of anthropologists who each spent 15 months living in communities across the world. This book offers a comparative analysis summarising the results of the research and explores the impact of social media on politics and gender, education and commerce. What is the result of the increased emphasis on visual communication? Are we becoming more individual or more social? Why is public social media so conservative? Why does equality online fail to shift inequality offline? How did memes become the moral police of the internet?Supported by an introduction to the project's academic framework and theoretical terms that help to account for the findings, the book argues that the only way to appreciate and understand something as intimate and ubiquitous as social media is to be immersed in the lives of the people who post. Only then can we discover how people all around the world have already transformed social media in such unexpected ways and assess the consequences.Praise for How the World Changed Social Media'A topic ripe for anthropological study, then. And such a study, the “Why We Post” project, has just been published by nine anthropologists, led by Daniel Miller of University College, London.'The Economist'This week, the project has culminated in the start of an online course and the launch of three of the books, which are open-access and translated into multiple languages.'LSE Review of Books'Chileans love'footies', Chinese people dare to use ever increasing optical illusions in selfies and in India they aren't keen on seeing a selfie stick. Anthropologists from the University College London investigated how selfies look globally by living with the locals for 15 months.'Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN)
- Published
- 2016
4. Marcel Proust Aujourd’hui 7
- Author
Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Abstract
Description based on print version record.
- Published
- 2009
5. Proust dans la littérature contemporaine
- Author
Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Abstract
Proust tel qu'il a été relu et retravaillé par un certain nombre d'auteurs contemporains représentatifs de la littérature actuelle: Julien Gracq; Claude Simon; Nathalie Sarraute; Renaud Camus; Gérard Wacjman; Marguerite Yourcenar; Jacques Roubaud; Roland Barthes; Anne-Marie Garat; Jean Rouaud.
- Published
- 2008
6. Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui 5
- Author
Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Published
- 2007
7. Proust Et Le Théâtre
- Author
Romana Goedendorp, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Romana Goedendorp, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Subjects
- Theater in literature
- Published
- 2006
8. Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui 3
- Author
Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, and Sabine van Wesemael
- Abstract
'Revue annuelle bilingue = An annual bilingual review'--Spine.
- Published
- 2005
9. Das Gute und das Gerechte : Eine Einführung in die praktische Philosophie
- Author
Jan Rommerskirchen and Jan Rommerskirchen
- Subjects
- Applied philosophy--Textbooks, Ethics--Textbooks, Practice (Philosophy)--Textbooks
- Abstract
Was ist eine gute Handlung? Und was ist eine gerechte Handlung? Dies sind die beiden zentralen Fragen der praktischen Philosophie. Das Lehrbuch untersucht diese beiden Fragen in den Bereichen der klassischen Ethik, der Sozialethik, der Wirtschaftsethik und der Gerechtigkeitstheorien. Dabei dienen drei Paradigmen der praktischen Philosophie der Zuordnung und der Abgrenzung von Argumenten: das teleologische, das utilitaristische und das deontologische Paradigma. Hierzu werden die klassischen Theorien der praktischen Philosophie von Aristoteles, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham und John Stuart Mill sowie von Immanuel Kant vorgestellt. Im Bereich der Sozialethik werden die Grundlagen der Theorien von Michael Sandel, Peter Singer, Robert Nozick und John Rawls vermittelt, im Bereich der Wirtschaftsethik die Theorien von Amitai Etzioni, Karl Homann und Oswald von Nell-Breuning. Von Charles Taylor, Michael Walzer, Amartya Sen und John Rawls werden Theorien der Gerechtigkeit dargestellt. Der Leser wird jeweils durch praktische Herleitungen in Form von aktuellen Geschehnissen und wissenschaftlichen Experimenten an die Aktualität der Fragen nach dem Guten und dem Gerechten herangeführt.
- Published
- 2019
10. The Invisible Hand and the Common Good
- Author
Bernard Hodgson and Bernard Hodgson
- Subjects
- Economics, Philosophy, Political science, Sociology
- Abstract
This volume consists of papers derived from the Ninth International Conference on Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy (SEEP), held at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, in June of 2002. Let me take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Professor Peter Koslowski for his original stimulus, encouragement, and continual assistance in making the Conference a success. I would also like to thank my Trent colleague, Professor David Holdsworth, for his steadfast help in the management of the Conference and the papers resulting from it. I am obliged to Mr. Louis Taylor of North George Studios in Peterborough for his expert professional service in preparing the manuscript for printing. Finally, let me gratefully acknowledge the generous financial sponsorship of the Conference by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Trent University's Department of Philosophy and Graduate Centre for the Study of Theory, Culture, and Politics. Bernard Hodgson Department of Philosophy Trent University Peterborough, Ontario, Canada May 2004 Contents Preface................................................................................................................ IX Introduction BERNARD HODGSON............................................................................................. 1 Part One Setting the Problem Chapter 1 Public Interest and Self-Interest in the Market and the Democratic Process PETER KOSLOWSKI............................................................................................. 13 Chapter2 The Invisible Hand and Thinness of the Common Good RICHARD DE GEORGE......................................................................................... 38 CONTENTS Part Two Constraining the Invisible Hand Chapter 3 Hiring Invisible Hands for Public Works EDWARDJ. NELL................................................................................................. 51 Chapter4 A Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics JOSEPH HEATH..................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 5 Abstractions and Conceptual Automata in Economics and Non-Economics STEPHEN REGOCZEI.............................................................................................
- Published
- 2013
11. The Chicago School Diaspora : Epistemology and Substance
- Author
Jacqueline Low, Gary Bowden, Jacqueline Low, and Gary Bowden
- Subjects
- Chicago school of sociology--History, Sociology--Illinois--Chicago--History, Sociology--United States--History
- Abstract
When the University of Chicago was founded in 1892 it established the first sociology department in the United States. The department grew rapidly in reputation and influence and by the 1920s graduates of its program were heading newly formed sociology programs across the country and determining the direction of the discipline and its future research. Their way of thinking about social relations revolutionized the social sciences by emphasizing an empirical approach to research, instead of the more philosophical'armchair'perspective that previously prevailed in American sociology. The Chicago School Diaspora presents work by Canadian and international scholars who identify with what they understand as the'Chicago School tradition.'Broadly speaking, many of the scholars affiliated with sociology at Chicago understood human behaviour to be determined by social structures and environmental factors, rather than personal and biological characteristics. Contributors highlight key thinkers and epistemological issues associated with the Chicago School, as well as contemporary empirical research. Offering innovative theoretical explanations for the diversity and breadth of its scholarly traditions, The Chicago School Diaspora offers a fresh approach to ideas, topics, and approaches associated with the origins of North American sociology. Contributors include Michael Adorjan (University of Hong Kong, China), Gary Bowden (University of New Brunswick), Jeffrey Brown (University of New Brunswick), Tony Christensen (Wilfrid Laurier University), Luis Cisneros (postdoctoral scholar, University of Arizona), Gary A. Cook (Beloit College), Mary Jo Deegan (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Scott Grills (Brandon University), Mervyn Horgan (University of Guelph), Mark Hutter (Rowan University), Benjamin Kelly (Nipissing University), Rolf Lindner (Humboldt University & HafenCity University, Germany), Jacqueline Low (University of New Brunswick), Mourad Mjahed (Peace Corps, Rabat, Morocco), DeMond S. Miller (Rowan University), Edward Nell (New School for Social Research), David A. Nock (Lakehead University), Defne Över (PhD candidate, Cornell University), George Park (Memorial University), Thomas K. Park (University of Arizona), Dorothy Pawluch (McMaster University), Robert Prus (University of Waterloo), Antony J. Puddephatt (Lakehead University), Isher-Paul Sahni (Concordia University), Roger A. Salerno (Pace University), William Shaffir (McMaster University), Greg Smith (University of Salford, UK), Robert A. Stebbins (University of Calgary), Izabela Wagner (Warsaw University, Poland and CEMS EHESS - School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, France), and Yves Winkin (ENS Lyon, France).
- Published
- 2013
12. Betriebliche Mitbestimmung in Kirche und Diakonie : Anspruch und Wirklichkeit im Bereich der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg
- Author
Roland Ensinger and Roland Ensinger
- Subjects
- Political science
- Abstract
Schon vor Jahren forderten die beiden großen Kirchen in ihrem gemeinsamen Sozialwort eine konsequente Umsetzung der Ordnungen für die Vertretung und Mitwirkung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in den diakonischen/karitativen Diensten und Einrichtungen. Folgt die Praxis diesem Appell und wenn ja, wie? Auf eine kritische Analyse der historischen, theologischen, rechtlichen und institutionellen Faktoren und auf umfangreiche Befragungen gestützt, untersucht Roland Ensinger die Besonderheiten der Mitbestimmungsmöglichkeiten betrieblicher Interessenvertretung in kirchlichen Diensten und Einrichtungen. Er kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Ausgestaltung der Beteiligungspraxis angesichts zunehmender Strukturveränderungen und im Kontext des zentralen Leitbilds „christlicher Dienstgemeinschaft“ als defizitär zu bewerten ist. Bestätigt wird dieser Befund auch durch Vergleiche mit spezifischen Bestimmungen des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes und des Personalvertretungsrechtes. Die empirische Studie versteht sich deshalb auch als Reflexionsbeitrag zur Überprüfung des kircheneigenen Mitarbeitervertretungsrechtes. „Roland Ensinger hat einen unverzichtbaren Schritt auf dem vorzugswürdigen Weg getan, für mehr Gerechtigkeit kirchlicher Arbeitsverhältnisse zu werben.“ (Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hengsbach, Nell-Breuning-Institut, Frankfurt am Main)
- Published
- 2006
13. Afrocentric Traditions
- Author
Jr. Conyers and Jr. Conyers
- Subjects
- African Americans--Study and teaching, African Americans--Intellectual life, Afrocentrism, African Americans--Social conditions
- Abstract
Ever since the first contacts between Europe and Africa, African people have operated from the fringes of Eurocentric experience in the Western mind. Much of what we have studied in African history and culture, or literature and linguistics, or politics and economics, has been orchestrated from the standpoint of Europe's interests. Whether it is a matter of economics, history, politics, geographical concepts, or art, Africans have been seen as peripheral. This volume reviews the past in order to evaluate the present and move ahead with appropriate policies for the future. The articles in this volume, the first in a new serial publication in Africana studies, cover a broad range of subject matter and methodology. Topics range from the W.E.B. DuBois-Booker T. Washington schism that led to the formation of the Niagara movement, to the popular dissemination of black hip-hop culture. It opens with a description of Afrocentricity by Molefi K. Asante. Kobi K.K. Kambon and Reginald Rackley discuss the construct, that produces European cultural'misidentification'among Africans. Nell Irvin Painter, in discussing the Shoah and Southern history, parallels the rhetoric of hate that permeated the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century German diatribes against Jews with that of the Southern white supremacists against blacks. Anthony B. Pinn notes similarities that tie together slavery and colonialism in a bond of existential and ontological destruction. Anthony J. Lemelle, Jr., examines critical issues about black masculinity. James B. Stewart elaborates on the development of Africana studies. Julius E. Thompson explores the historical importance of the African-American writer in Mississippi history. Cary DeCordova Wintz the basis of the conflict between W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington in an effort to expose its underlying causes. James L. Conyers, Jr. summarizes social and cultural movements, in particular the popular black hip-hop culture. Rounding out the pres
- Published
- 2005
14. Toward a Sociology of Education
- Author
John Beck, Chris Jenks, Nell Keddie, Michael F. D. Young, John Beck, Chris Jenks, Nell Keddie, and Michael F. D. Young
- Subjects
- Educational sociology
- Abstract
By including material from literary, philosophical, and anthropological sources, and by selecting readings which consider educational practice both within and beyond formal educational contexts, this book broadens the character of sociological inquiry in education. The editors bring together material they have found valuable when working with students of education and sociology at all levels. Many of these articles and extracts are either inaccessible or have not been reprinted. The collection should stimulate inquiry about the assumptions underlying current debates on curriculum, streaming, school organization, methods of teachin, and preconceived notions of ability.
- Published
- 1978
15. Zolidarität : Eine historisch-wissenssoziologische Untersuchung zum Funktions- und Deutungswandel des Solidaritätsbegriffs
- Author
Marc Drobot and Marc Drobot
- Subjects
- Sociology
- Abstract
Gegenstand des Buches sind die sich wandelnden Funktions- und Deutungsweisen des Begriffs ›Solidarität‹ im Kontext des gesellschaftlichen Wandels seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Ausgangspunkt ist die Frage, warum der Begriff zu dieser Zeit aufkam und welche gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen seine Entstehung bedingten. Von hier aus wird die zentrale These entfaltet, dass mit dem Begriff ›Solidarität‹ historisch flexibel auf die spezifischen Probleme und Bedürfnisse moderner, sich funktional differenzierender Gesellschaften reagiert werden konnte, dass der Begriff jedoch auch selbst diesen Differenzierungsprozessen unterlag. Vor diesem Hintergrund beleuchtet die Untersuchung detailliert die begrifflichen, theoretischen und historisch-sozialen Bedingungen der Herausbildung des Solidaritätsbegriffs als Schnittstelle politischer, sozialer und ökonomischer Diskurse im 19. Jahrhundert und setzt diese mit zeitgenössischen Deutungsweisen des Begriffs in Beziehung. Durch die historisch-soziologische Analyse wird so eine Geschichte des Solidaritätsbegriffs jenseits politischer Deutungen freigelegt, die abseits normativer Erwartungen den Begriff als wandelbaren, aber produktiven Diskursknoten im gesellschaftlichen Kommunikationsgefüge herausstellt.
- Published
- 2025
16. Humanistic Wellbeing : Toward a Value-Based Science of the Good Life
- Author
Joar Vittersø and Joar Vittersø
- Subjects
- Happiness, Well-being
- Abstract
This open access book seeks to change the way we think about happiness and the good life. It starts ambitiously by exploring how the biological question, “What is life?” can be integrated with the philosophical question, “What is good?” It ends with a radical idea for how scientific reasoning can include a value-based theory of the good life. Anchored in basic knowledge about human nature, the new humanistic theory of wellbeing suggests that a life is good to the extent that it allows us to perform our humanness well. The theory further defines a well-performed humanness as the fulfilment of three universal human needs: the need for stability, the need for change, and the need to and for care. To reach this standpoint, the author critically examines major concepts in the wellbeing literature, such as values, happiness, life satisfaction, affect, hedonia, eudaimonia, and the good life. Based on these reviews, the author argues that a science of wellbeing cannot be strictly descriptive and value-free. A life should not be considered good only because it feels good or is thought of as good for the person living it. A good life must also be committed to a universal morality. Therefore, the humanistic theory of wellbeing suggests that it is good to like one's life, but even better to like it for the right reasons.
- Published
- 2025
17. Reading Images From the Past : In Honour of Karl A.E. Enenkel
- Author
Walter S. Melion, Christoph Pieper, Paul J. Smith, Anita Traninger, Walter S. Melion, Christoph Pieper, Paul J. Smith, and Anita Traninger
- Abstract
Reading Images from the Past is conceived as a Festschrift for Karl Enenkel. The contributors include art historians, literary scholars, and historians, and the topics cover a wide range of periods, countries, and cultural contexts. They explore the complex relation between word and image, consider the rhetorical and hermeneutic functions of various types of image-making, and examine theories and practices of knowledge production across various media. They also reflect on the multi-faceted uses of the past in early modern European culture within debates on art, antiquarian studies, book culture, literature, and historiography. Throughout the volume, special attention is paid to the interaction amongst visual and textual forms and materials. Contributors: Barbara Baert, Susanna de Beer, Frans Blom, Wietse de Boer, Stijn Bussels, Arjan van Dijk, Jan van Dijkhuizen, Anna Dlabačová, Reindert Falkenburg, Christine Göttler, Harald Hendrix, Jan L. de Jong, Marc Laureys, Coen Maas, Walter S. Melion, Alicia C. Montoya, Colette Nativel, Konrad Ottenheym, Christian Peters, Christoph Pieper, Lukas Reddemann, Bernd Renner, David Rijser, Bernd Roling, Sophie van Romburgh, Robert Seidel, Paul J. Smith, John Thompson, Anita Traninger, Geert Warnar, Claus Zittel, and Cornel Zwierlein.
- Published
- 2025
18. Soziologisch denken mit Hans Blumenberg : Zwischen Begriff und Metapher
- Author
Catherine Gotschy and Catherine Gotschy
- Subjects
- Sociology, Knowledge, Sociology of, Social sciences—Philosophy
- Abstract
Wenn die Soziologie sich als Wirklichkeitswissenschaft versteht, so setzt sie sich unweigerlich der grundlegenden Frage aus, was sie unter dem Begriff Wirklichkeit versteht und welche methodischen Zugänge sie zu ihr legt. Mit dem Philosophen Hans Blumenberg kann diesen Fragen mit besonderer Rücksicht darauf nachgegangen werden, welche Auswirkungen die je spezifischen Wirklichkeitsverständnisse der Wissenschaftler•innen auf ihre Forschungspraxis haben. Hierzu erschließt das Buch einerseits wichtige theoretische und methodologische Dimensionen der Metaphorologie Blumenbergs und rekonstruiert andererseits einige erkenntnistheoretische Prämissen und sozial-historischen Gründe. Darunter fällt insbesondere Blumenbergs Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Logik und Ästhetik als gegenseitige Bedingung der Begriffsbildung, die auf Eindeutigkeit tendiert, und Metaphorik, die sich durch Mehrdeutigkeit auszeichnet. Hierzu lotet er die Funktionen dieser beiden zentralen Elemente einer intellektuellen Denkbewegung aus, über deren Nachvollzug erkennbar ist, inwiefern ein spezifischer Möglichkeitssinn systematisch in die Untersuchungen der soziologischen Wirklichkeitswissenschaft miteinbezogen werden kann. Zudem eröffnet sich ein Zugang zu einer kultursoziologisch interessierten Ideengeschichte der Soziologie selbst, die ihre Grundlagen auch auf die Interessen der Wissenschaftler•innen an ihren jeweiligen sozial-historischen Problemlagen befragt.
- Published
- 2025
19. Dismantling the Racism Machine : A Manual and Toolbox
- Author
Karen Gaffney and Karen Gaffney
- Subjects
- Racism
- Abstract
This significantly updated second edition serves students and general readers alike who seek to learn what is often not taught, a basic history of race and racism in the US. If we are to dismantle systemic racism and create a more just society, people need a place to begin.This accessible, introductory, and interdisciplinary guide can be one such place. Grounded in critical race theory, this book uses the metaphor of the Racism Machine to highlight that race is a social construct and that racism is a system of oppression based on invented racial categories. It debunks the false ideologies that race is biological, that race has always existed, that systemic racism is over, and that anti‑White racism is real. As a manual, this book presents clear instructions for understanding the history of race and how a small elite created a racial hierarchy to protect their power through a divide‑and‑conquer strategy that lives on today.As a toolbox, this book provides a variety of specific action steps that readers can take to address racism in a post‑civil rights era where extremists have weaponized the study of race and racism.
- Published
- 2025
20. The Mechanic and the Luddite : A Ruthless Criticism of Technology and Capitalism
- Author
Dr. Jathan Sadowski and Dr. Jathan Sadowski
- Subjects
- Technology--Economic aspects, Technology--Political aspects, Capitalism--Political aspects
- Abstract
This short book demystifies how the two systems of technology and capitalism work together and equips readers with practical tools to dismantle them and build a better world, bit by bit. Our society is constantly made to serve the needs of two systems: technology and capitalism. Neither exists outside humans, but both are treated as above and beyond us. The Mechanic and the Luddite offers the critical tools needed to deconstruct these systems—how they work, whom they work for, and what work they do in our lives. With signature style and energy, Jathan Sadowski presents a provocative one-stop shop for understanding the political economy of technology and capitalism. Each chapter breaks down key features of technological capitalism, offering sharp, synthetic, and authoritative analysis of topics like innovation, labor, data, and risk. It's not enough to know how the machinery of capitalism is put together and how its parts operate; we must also know whom the machines serve and when they should be taken apart, to be rebuilt for new purposes or destroyed for good. The Mechanic and the Luddite provides the political guidance needed to make these crucial decisions.
- Published
- 2025
21. The Extraordinary in the Mundane : Family and Forms of Community in China
- Author
Becky Yang Hsu and Becky Yang Hsu
- Subjects
- Communities--China, Community development--China
- Abstract
How do individuals address serious challenges in a context where organized gatherings are subject to strict government control? This book brings together a diverse group of scholars to explore the many ways people in China self-organize and create varied forms of coordination to solve important problems.Through compelling, detail-rich case studies, The Extraordinary in the Mundane shows that family structures and networks deeply shape these modes of association. Because the public-private dichotomy does not resonate with many people in China, they rely on informal social ties, not formal organizations or state agencies, to confront personal challenges. Chapters present vivid ethnographic portraits that consider both positive and negative aspects of community formation. A woman with an autistic child creates an organization to advocate for inclusion of neurodivergent children in public schools. A trainee in a psychological counseling course finds mutual support among other participants. A boy is taken by his father to an internet addiction treatment camp that aims to restructure family interactions. A woman in her seventies shows off the burial clothes she prepared for herself, to the admiration of a group of friends. Offering a glimpse into the unofficial realities that often remain off the record, this book provides a wide-ranging and timely examination of the varieties of civic action in contemporary China.
- Published
- 2025
22. What the Boss Doesn't Want Us to Know : Discovering Power and Winning Campaigns
- Author
Tom Juravich, Olivia Geho, Andrew Gorry, Tom Juravich, Olivia Geho, and Andrew Gorry
- Abstract
After the labor movement faded away in the lives of most Americans, organizing is back! Workers are organizing at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple, and Google, to name just a few. But it's going to take more than picket signs and marches in front of stores and corporate headquarters to win real union contracts with real protections for these workers. To beat these firms and others like them, workers and their unions will need to learn much more about their adversaries to identify key vulnerabilities and build effective campaigns to win. What the Boss Doesn't Want Us to Know is the first volume to teach the basics of conducting this research and how to use it to build winning campaigns. It explores how to identify corporate decision-makers, profit centers, growth plans, and secondary targets and the kinds of power that activists can use to beat even global giants. What the Boss Doesn't Want Us to Know is for more than just professional researchers and campaigners. This book offers up a radical new practice for investigating employers. The authors propose a member-based, democratic approach to corporate research that will train an army of rank-and-file researchers to investigate and beat the firms that control so much of our lives. This approach has already been successfully utilized with NewsGuild of New York at the New York Times, Reuters, Gannett, the United Food and Commercial Workers at Tyson Foods, workers at Google (the Alphabet Workers Union), Apple retail workers, the Association of Flight Attendants at Delta Air Lines, and Trader Joe's United. The lessons contained in this book hold great promise to supercharge the new organizing wave currently sweeping across America.
- Published
- 2025
23. Legal Formulae : Exploring Legal Multi-words in English, Italian and French
- Author
Patrizia Giampieri and Patrizia Giampieri
- Subjects
- Applied linguistics, Civil law, Law and the social sciences, Law—History, Linguistics—Methodology
- Abstract
This book analyses and investigates the neutral legal formulae of the English common law and the Italian and French civil law traditions, together with those used in international settings such as the European Union. It explores the usage of English formulae (and of their Italian and French counterparts) that are mentioned in terms of service, national and EU legislation, and in national and European parliamentary debates. The author takes a comparative approach to analysing the various corpora, carrying out cross-analyses to allow understanding of the usage(s) in contexts of neutral legal formulae. This reveals insights into word frequencies in the three languages and legal systems, as well as in different genres, and the book goes on to compare the relative frequencies of the neutral formulae across the three languages to investigate their variety. This book will be of interest to academics, students and practitioners in fields including linguistics, law, and corpus-based legal translation.
- Published
- 2025
24. Citizen Scholar : Public Engagement for Social Scientists
- Author
Philip N. Cohen and Philip N. Cohen
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Citizenship
- Abstract
What is the role of professional scholars in civic life? How and why should academics seek to reach audiences beyond their disciplines and institutions? Must there be tension between advancing along an academic career path and taking part in public conversations, or can these goals reinforce each other?This book is a practitioner's guide to civic engagement today, showing current and aspiring social scientists how to build a career in the public sphere. Drawing from personal experience and in-depth research, Philip N. Cohen gives straightforward advice that acknowledges professional risks as well as rewards. He calls on readers to embrace the reciprocal relationship between professional scholarship and active citizenship, arguing that aligning personal and vocational identities can enhance both public and academic contributions. Citizen Scholar explores intellectual work on social media, communication on topical issues, the role of political activism, and how to build trust while developing a public intellectual identity. It features lively examples from Cohen's own work, from data-visualization principles to his experience suing President Trump for blocking him on Twitter—and winning.For social scientists seeking to reach a wider public, Citizen Scholar provides tools and strategies for intellectual engagement and imparts invaluable perspective on how to lead a fulfilling professional and civic life.
- Published
- 2025
25. 'Hilfe wäre es, wenn es mir was bringt' : Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für Drogenkonsumierende in Haft
- Author
Franziska Schneider and Franziska Schneider
- Subjects
- Social service, Deviant behavior, Social control
- Abstract
Dieses Buch bietet einerseits Handlungsempfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Situation drogenkonsumierender Inhaftierter und des Allgemeinen Vollzugsdienstes und andererseits einen Zukunftsausblick für zukünftige Haftanstalten, mit diesem Themenbereich besser umgehen zu können. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Strafe und Hilfe resultiert aus der Diskrepanz zwischen der strikten Vorgabe, dass eine JVA ein drogenfreier Raum sein sollte, und der Tatsache, dass dies derzeit nicht als gegeben angesehen werden kann. Diesem Umstand kann auf zweierlei Art Rechnung getragen werden: Einerseits kann man versuchen, den Konsum von illegalen Drogen durch strenge Kontrollen einzuschränken und ihn zu bestrafen, anderseits kann man aber auch Hilfsmaßnahmen für Konsumierende anbieten. Folglich stellt sich die Frage, wie Inhaftierte und Angehörige des AVD mit diesem Widerspruch umgehen. Auch ist bisher nicht geklärt, inwieweit Inhaftierte Hilfsmaßnahmen, beispielsweise aus Angst vor möglichen Konsequenzen durch das Bekanntwerden des Konsums illegaler Substanzen, nicht in Anspruch nehmen. Ebenso soll in diesem Rahmen das Interesse drogenkonsumierender Inhaftierter an Hilfsangeboten sowie ihre Beweggründe für oder gegen eine Teilnahme an Maßnahmen herausgearbeitet werden. Ziel des Projektes war es, das Spannungsfeld zwischen Strafe und Hilfe in der intramuralen Gesundheitsfürsorge im deutschen Justizvollzug zu erforschen. Hierbei wurde vor allem der Konsum illegaler Substanzen in einer deutschen JVA durch die Analyse von Gesprächen mit Inhaftierten und Angehörigen des AVD in den Fokus gerückt. Substanzkonsum in Haft geht häufig sowohl mit Repression als auch mit dem Angebot von Hilfsmaßnahmen einher. Die sozialen Gruppen, die von diesem Spannungsfeld besonders betroffen sind, wurden in dieser Arbeit eingehend betrachtet. Besonders relevant ist dieses Buch sowohl für die Mitarbeitenden des Vollzugs selbst, die dadurch einen reflektierten Blick auf ihre Aufgaben und die an sie gestellten Erwartungen erhalten als auch für Politik und Öffentlichkeit: Es zeigt sich, wie groß das Spannungsfeld zwischen Strafe und Hilfe bei Drogenkonsum in Haft ist und welche Möglichkeiten es gibt, diese Kluft zu überwinden und drogenkonsumierenden Inhaftierten aber auch den Mitarbeitenden einen guten Umgang damit zu ermöglichen.
- Published
- 2025
26. Soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Politik : Orientierungen von Politikern in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden
- Author
Roswitha Pioch and Roswitha Pioch
- Abstract
In der modernen Gesellschaft gehen die Meinungen darüber, was sozial gerecht ist, weit auseinander. Spitzenpolitiker und hochrangige Experten der Sozialpolitik gehen bei ihren Reformvorschlägen zum Umbau des Sozialstaates von den verschiedensten Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen aus. Roswitha Pioch hat eine Vielzahl Interviews mit den Akteuren durchgeführt und kann auf dieser Grundlage zeigen, welche Motive diese Akteure leiten und wie normative Orientierungen die Arbeit von sozialstaatlichen Institutionen beeinflussen können. Unveränderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 2000
- Published
- 2024
27. Ideologie und Utopie : Neuausgabe der Originalfassung von 1929. Herausgegeben von Klaus Lichtblau
- Author
Karl Mannheim, Klaus Lichtblau, Karl Mannheim, and Klaus Lichtblau
- Subjects
- Sociology—History, Culture, Knowledge, Sociology of
- Abstract
Es gibt wohl kaum ein Buch im Bereich der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, das gegen Ende der Weimarer Republik eine dermaßen große Aufmerksamkeit im deutschen Sprachraum auf sich gezogen hat wie die 1929 beim Verlag Friedrich Cohen in Bonn erschienene Aufsatzsammlung Ideologie und Utopie von Karl Mannheim. Denn diese hatte eine leidenschaftlich geführte Kontroverse ausgelöst, der als ‚Streit um die Wissenssoziologie‘ in die Geschichte eingegangen ist. Die in diesem Buch zusammengefassten Studien stellen zugleich einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verständnis der Geschichte der neuzeitlichen sozialen Bewegungen in Europa und zu einer strikt historisch ausgerichteten Politischen Soziologie dar. Im Vorwort des Herausgebers dieser Neuausgabe werden dabei nicht nur die entsprechenden ideengeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge angesprochen, sondern auch die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Editionen von Ideologie und Utopie verdeutlicht.
- Published
- 2024
28. The Affective Agency of Public Space : Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion
- Author
Asma Mehan and Asma Mehan
- Abstract
The Affective Agency of Public Space explores the pivotal role that public spaces play in fostering social inclusion and community cohesion within various settings, including Europe and the United States. This scholarly work underscores the critical importance of developing inclusive public zones that enhance urban life and promote integration and interaction among diverse community groups. It also confronts and debunks common myths about ‘different people,'actively addressing misconceptions while promoting the recognition of diverse identities and voices. Through a comparative lens, the book presents insightful case studies that illustrate its core themes. Serving as a timely and important academic resource, this text is indispensable for urban planners, educators, architects, designers, and sociologists committed to progressive urban planning methodologies.
- Published
- 2024
29. Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology
- Author
Christine Overdevest and Christine Overdevest
- Subjects
- Environmental sociology--Encyclopedias, Climatic changes--Encyclopedias
- Abstract
The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology serves as a repository of insight on the complex interactions, challenges and potential solutions that characterize our shared ecological reality. Presenting innovative thinking on a comprehensive range of topics, expert scholars, researchers, and practitioners illuminate the nuances, complexities and diverse perspectives that define the continually evolving field of environmental sociology. Entries provide clear and concise explanations of complex concepts and theories on the relationship between material, ecological and social progress and barriers to progress, contributing to a wealth of thought-provoking research designed to encourage critical thinking and reflection. This authoritative Encyclopedia will serve as a comprehensive research tool for students, researchers and scholars of environmental sociology, environmental studies and sustainability studies. Key Features: 99 enlightening entries authored by an impressive collective of contributorsAn accessible and engaging format designed to cater to a wide audience of students, researchers and expertsTimely insights on contemporary issues and developments in the field of environmental sociology, from climate adaptation and degrowth to the carbon intensity of well-being and Rights of Nature
- Published
- 2024
30. Beyond Death and Jail : Anti-Blackness, Black Masculinity, and the Demonic Imagination
- Author
Ronald B. Neal and Ronald B. Neal
- Subjects
- Racial profiling in law enforcement--United States, African American boys--Social conditions, African American men--Social conditions, Discrimination in criminal justice administration--United States, Masculinity--United States
- Abstract
Beyond Death and Jail: Anti-Blackness, Black Masculinity, and the Demonic Imagination calls for a complete reassessment and overhaul of ethical, political, and religious thinking with respect to anti-Blackness and Black masculinity in the United States. In light of the prison industrial complex and a decade of homicide (2012-2022) of Black men and Black boys which spawned the Movement for Black Lives, Ronald B. Neal calls attention to a crisis of imagination on the part of elite social activists and intellectuals. Neal questions more than four decades of academic theory concerned with justice which has and continues to inform the most popular expressions of Black American activism. Readers are asked to grapple with the dilemmas which plague Black men and Black boys as a starting point for a reinvigorated imagination including new theories of justice and new paradigms of action. Neal contends that we can do better in those efforts that seek to engage and overcome anti-Blackness in the United States.
- Published
- 2024
31. Churches Online in Times of Corona : Die CONTOC-Studie: Empirische Einsichten, Interpretationen und Perspektiven
- Author
Thomas Schlag, Ilona Nord, Wolfgang Beck, Arnd Bünker, Georg Lämmlin, Sabrina Müller, Johann Pock, Martin Rothgangel, Thomas Schlag, Ilona Nord, Wolfgang Beck, Arnd Bünker, Georg Lämmlin, Sabrina Müller, Johann Pock, and Martin Rothgangel
- Subjects
- COVID-19 (Disease)--Religious aspects, Internet in church work, Church work, Social media
- Abstract
Die CONTOC-Studie hat in ökumenischer und internationaler Ausrichtung die digitale kirchliche Praxis unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie im Frühsommer 2020 erforscht. Dieser Band dokumentiert die Rahmenbedingungen und Umfrageergebnisse in den beteiligten Ländern. Daran schließen sich Perspektiven zu den zukünftigen Herausforderungen für die digitale Angebotspraxis und das Selbstverständnis der kirchlichen Akteur•innen an. Churches Online in Times of Corona. The CONTOC study: Empirical insights, interpretations and perspectives The CONTOC study has explored digital church practice under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early summer of 2020 in an ecumenical and international way. This volume documents the framework conditions and survey results in the participating countries. This is followed by perspectives on the future challenges for the digital practice and the selfunderstanding of church actors.
- Published
- 2024
32. The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism
- Author
Wayne H. Brekhus, Thomas DeGloma, William Ryan Force, Wayne H. Brekhus, Thomas DeGloma, and William Ryan Force
- Subjects
- Social interaction, Symbolic interactionism
- Abstract
The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism features a diverse array of cutting-edge scholarship in symbolic interactionism (SI). Contributors present original research in various established and emerging areas of concern while outlining key theoretical and methodological foundations of this multifaceted and broadly relevant perspective in the field of sociology. The scholars featured in this volume present new and evolving outlooks on foundational SI themes including the self and identity, the interactive construction of meaning, classical pragmatism, interactionist research methods, performance, culture and subcultures, cognition, emotion, organizations and institutions, and social constructionism. Contributors merge these and other traditional concepts and perspectives of symbolic interactionism with a range of other influences to bring SI to bear on various developing areas of research, and to address a variety of new and interesting questions, problems, and issues. These include issues pertaining to race and racism, gender, sex and sexuality, power, digital technologies and computer-mediated interaction, crime, health and illness, and environmental concerns. Presenting an expansive and forward-looking take on symbolic interactionism while providing readers with valuable tools with which to conduct their own research, this handbook addresses important developments that are reshaping the field. The handbook is organized into four parts: (I) theoretical and methodological orientations; (II) culture, context, and symbolic interaction; (III) power and inequalities; and (IV) environment, disasters, and risk. In each part, contributors demonstrate the timely and unique contributions of symbolic interactionism to our understanding of important issues and social problems in the contemporary world.
- Published
- 2024
33. The Practical Accomplishment of Everyday Activities Without Sight
- Author
Brian L. Due and Brian L. Due
- Subjects
- Blind
- Abstract
This book is about the everyday life of people with visual impairment or blindness. Using video ethnographic methods and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, it unpacks the practical accomplishments of everyday activities such as navigating in public space, identifying objects and obstacles, being included in workplace activities, interacting with guide dogs, or interacting in museums or classes in school.Navigation, social inclusion, and the world of touch constitute key phenomena that are affected by visual impairment and which we study in this book. Whereas sighted people use their sight for navigating, for figuring out the location of co-participants and the embodied cues they produce, and for achieving understanding of objects in the world, visually impaired people on the contrary cannot rely on vision for navigating, for interpreting embodied cues, or for identifying or recognizing objects. Other sensory resources and other practices are employed to accomplish these basic human actions. The chapters in this book present examples and findings relevant to these issues and draw out the general theoretical implications of these findings. Whereas existing research often studies visual impairment from a medical, cognitive, and psychological perspective, this book provides insights into how visually impaired people accomplish ordinary activities in orderly, organized ways by a detailed study of their actions. While most books describe cognitive and biological issues, many of them using experimental methods, this book provides empirical findings about the actual daily lives as it naturally unfolds based on video recordings. The book contributes insights into the practices of living with visual impairment as well as perspectives for rethinking some of the most basic aspects of human sociality, including perception, interaction, multisensoriality and ocularcentrism (the view that the world is de facto designed by and for sighted persons). As such, the book provides novel findings in the field of ethnomethodological conversation analysis.Renewing the social model of disability, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology with interests in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, the emergence of practical skills, and understandings of disability in terms of relations between the individual and the social environment.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.
- Published
- 2024
34. Senza eredi : Ritratti di maestri veri, presunti e controversi in un'epoca che li cancella
- Author
Marcello Veneziani and Marcello Veneziani
- Abstract
La nostra è la prima epoca senza eredi. Non riconosciamo eredità ricevute e non lasceremo eredità da trasmettere. Nessuno continuerà l'opera, nessuno salverà quel che poteva e doveva essere salvato. Non lasceremo tracce. Il tempo non è galantuomo ma smemorato: non renderà giustizia. Viviamo tra contemporanei senza antenati né posteri, uniti solo dal vago domicilio nella stessa epoca; non consorti, al più coinquilini occasionali. È l'epilogo coerente di una società senza padri divenuta società senza figli. E ciò vale a partire dagli autori e dalle loro opere. Per reagire a questa amnesia, cancellazione ed emorragia, e salvare il salvabile, Marcello Veneziani ha composto una raccolta di settanta miniature di saggi, succinte biografie, profili non convenzionali, in vari casi sconvenienti. Da Pascal a Vico, da Leopardi a Manzoni, da Baudelaire a Proust e a Kafka, da Vattimo a Ratzinger, fino ai pensatori e agli scrittori più vicini a noi e viventi. Prima di loro, a essere senza eredi sono i classici, i grandi del passato, cancellati o abbandonati, quando non maledetti. Siamo scesi dalle spalle dei giganti. Senza eredi non è possibile nemmeno un pensiero nuovo, rivolto al futuro e all'essenziale, in grado di superare la nostra società dell'oblio che tende a perdere il senso critico, la cultura e l'umanità. La vera sciagura del presente non è l'avanzata dell'Intelligenza Artificiale ma la ritirata dell'Intelligenza Umana. Non resta che ribellarsi a questa china riscoprendo un diverso destino.
- Published
- 2024
35. Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies
- Subjects
- Positive psychology, School management and organization, School administration, Psychology, Industrial, Leadership, Strategic planning, Well-being, Political leadership
- Abstract
This reference work is an important resource in the growing field of heroism studies. It presents concepts, research, and events key to understanding heroism, heroic leadership, heroism development, heroism science, and their relevant applications to businesses, organizations, clinical psychology, human wellness, human growth potential, public health, social justice, social activism, and the humanities. The encyclopedia emphasizes five key realms of theory and application: Business and organization, focusing on management effectiveness, emotional intelligence, empowerment, ethics, transformational leadership, product branding, motivation, employee wellness, entrepreneurship, and whistleblowers; clinical-health psychology and public health, focusing on stress and trauma, maltreatment, emotional distress, bullying, psychopathy, depression, anxiety, family disfunction, chronic illness, and healthcare workers'wellbeing; human growth and positive psychology, discussing altruism, authenticity, character strengths, compassion, elevation, emotional agility, eudaimonia, morality, empathy, flourishing, flow, self-efficacy, joy, kindness, prospection, moral development, courage, and resilience; social justice and activism, highlighting anti-racism, anti-bullying, civil disobedience, civil rights heroes, climate change, environmental heroes, enslavement heroes, human rights heroism, humanitarian heroes, inclusivity, LGBTQ+ heroism, #metoo movement heroism, racism, sustainability, and women's suffrage heroes; and humanities, relating to the mythic hero's journey, bliss, boon, crossing the threshold, epic heroes, fairy tales, fiction, language and rhetoric, narratives, mythology, hero monomyth, humanities and heroism, religious heroes, and tragic heroes.
- Published
- 2024
36. Handbuch Kulturpolitik
- Author
Johannes Crückeberg, Julius Heinicke, Jan Christopher Kalbhenn, Katrin Lohbeck, Henning Mohr, Friederike Landau-Donnelly, Johannes Crückeberg, Julius Heinicke, Jan Christopher Kalbhenn, Katrin Lohbeck, Henning Mohr, and Friederike Landau-Donnelly
- Subjects
- Political science, Executive power, Comparative government, Ethnology—Europe, Culture
- Abstract
Das Handbuch bietet einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Kulturpolitik und Kulturpolitikforschung in Deutschland. Aus verschiedenen Perspektiven werden die historischen Entwicklungen, Theorie(n) der Kulturpolitik und aktuelle Herausforderungen der Praxis erörtert. Darüber hinaus informiert das Handbuch über die Methoden der Kulturpolitikforschung und Positionen in unterschiedlichen Wirkungsfeldern.
- Published
- 2024
37. Mapping Inequality in an Era of Neoliberalism
- Author
Stephen Valocchi and Stephen Valocchi
- Subjects
- Social classes--United States, Capitalism--United States, Neoliberalism--United States, Equality--United States, Income distribution--United States, Class consciousness--United States, Social conflict--United States
- Abstract
Offering a unique, comprehensive, and critical introduction to increasingly visible social inequalities, this textbook examines the political and economic causes and cultural consequences of a stratifying system that allocates material resources and human dignity on the basis of private profit and labor exploitation.Mapping Inequality in an Era of Neoliberalism foregrounds capitalism as the major source of the power relations in the United States, as a class system that serves the dominant vector of inequality and sets the parameters of social mobility. The book starts with racialized capitalist power and shows how this power is constituted in structures of opportunity and constraint. It also uses ethnographic accounts to “flip the script” to show how individuals in the class structure construct identities.Providing students with tools for understanding, Valocchi engagingly introduces many of the crucial concepts in this area of sociology – power, opportunity structures, ideology, social and cultural capitals, and intersectional class identities – connecting them as part of a uniquely critical approach.
- Published
- 2024
38. Knowledge and Practical Knowledge : For an Analysis of the Working Practices of Social Workers
- Author
Silvia Carbone and Silvia Carbone
- Subjects
- Social service, Social workers
- Abstract
How is the work of social workers shaped in terms of individuals and the internal organization of the structure? And how does the relationship between knowledge and practical knowledge affect professional vision, performance and choices of action? This book helps to explore how the working practice of social workers is expressed on that path where knowledge and practical knowledge, learnt in situations, becomes knowing how to work together, weaving together relationships among people, professions, objects, languages, technologies and institutions. The book therefore proposes new ways of combining these two aspects: how social workers construct their knowledge through everyday practices and what it means to empirically study the practical knowledge of social workers.
- Published
- 2024
39. Money in Modern Social Encyclicals
- Author
Piotr Karaś and Piotr Karaś
- Subjects
- Money--Religious aspects--Catholic Church
- Abstract
The oft-used phrase ‘Money makes the world go round'not only highlights the purely economic nature of money but also underscores its significant implications for politics, society, and humanity. It is, therefore, unsurprising that the subject of money is also addressed in religious doctrines. This book aims to present the Catholic Church's official stance on money, as articulated in the papal social encyclicals. The popes are less concerned with monetary theories or abstract considerations about money, but rather with its use and the resulting consequences for both the community and the individual. Social encyclicals serve as a critical lens to analyze the role of money in contemporary society. Money, in itself, is neither inherently good nor bad; it must assume the status of a means and cannot function as an end in itself.
- Published
- 2024
40. Patrimoines en arts et médias : Transmissions, médiations, redécouvertes
- Abstract
Les nouvelles interrogations à propos de la notion de patrimoine, des processus de patrimonialisation et de l'émergence de nouveaux objets ou pratiques culturels qui méritent d'être patrimonialisés continuent d'animer le débat scientifique. Cet ouvrage questionne ce qui fait aujourd'hui patrimoine, de la scène théâtrale à la lumière muséale en passant par l'architecture et le patrimoine immatériel. Les contributions réunies dans le présent volume permettent ainsi de penser à nouveau les enjeux propres à des disciplines aussi diverses que les études théâtrales, les études cinématographiques et l'histoire de l'art.
- Published
- 2024
41. Landscape Conflicts
- Author
Karsten Berr, Lara Koegst, Olaf Kühne, Karsten Berr, Lara Koegst, and Olaf Kühne
- Subjects
- Landscapes--Social aspects, Land use
- Abstract
Landscape conflicts, for example in connection with / in view of the energy transition, climate policy, transport policy, nature conservation, the extraction of mineral raw materials, the design of urban landscapes or tourism are potentially associated with high economic, social and political costs even before a possible escalation. It is therefore undoubtedly useful to gain a better understanding of landscape-related conflicts in terms of their causes, their course, their dynamics, their inherent logic and possible regulatory procedures. Frequently, such conflicts manifest themselves in particular in different claims and aspired or arrogated interpretative sovereignties concerning what can or may be considered together as'landscape'(here understood as a special case to'space'), and these conflicts are not limited to the economic dimension, but they also ignite in social, political and cultural, often also in aesthetic and moral questions. The contributions to this anthology therefore focus on the question of how landscape conflicts can be seen as a productive social normality and be brought to a non-violent and not necessarily consensual settlement.
- Published
- 2024
42. La regolazione organizzativa nei servizi sociali - e-Book : Strumenti di analisi e casi concreti
- Author
Eleonora Costantini, Tommaso Fabbri, Ylenia Curzi, Roberto Albano, Paola Torrioni, Cesare Bianciardi, Eleonora Costantini, Tommaso Fabbri, Ylenia Curzi, Roberto Albano, Paola Torrioni, and Cesare Bianciardi
- Published
- 2024
43. The Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery
- Author
Maria Krambia Kapardis, Colin Clark, Ajwang’ Warria, Michel Dion, Maria Krambia Kapardis, Colin Clark, Ajwang’ Warria, and Michel Dion
- Subjects
- Slavery--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Human trafficking--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
This handbook takes a comprehensive approach to studying and understanding modern slavery, particularly forced labour and human trafficking. It considers the historical and cultural roots of modern slavery and suggests that analyzing the issue from humanities, social sciences, criminological, and business perspectives could lead to a better understanding of its emergence worldwide. The handbook also highlights the role of religions/spiritualities and multinational corporations in the expansion of modern slavery and argues that exploring their potential ethical responsibilities is essential. Furthermore, it combines theoretical frameworks of intersectionality and globalization to study the interconnectedness of various factors in shaping and understanding modern slavery. Finally, it contains an impressive range of geographic and conceptual approaches to the problems of combating modern slavery.
- Published
- 2024
44. Towards a Relational Theory of the Firm : Relational Governance, Cost and Stakeholder Business Models
- Author
Josef Wieland and Josef Wieland
- Subjects
- Economics, Business enterprises
- Abstract
This book lays the groundwork for a relational theory of the firm as a network of stakeholder resources and interests. Drawing on the author's earlier publications on relational economics as the political economy of a global cooperative economy or stakeholder capitalism, it explores the governance and managerial implications of a relational economy for firms, while also critically revisiting the traditional and resource-based view of the firm. In turn, it explains concepts such as relational governance, relational costs, relational spaces, rent from cooperation, and shared value creation, as well as a dynamic and process-oriented relational business model. The book discusses the epistemological and methodological prerequisites of a relational theory of the firm and addresses their theoretical taxonomy. A relational theory of the firm is a work in progress; the book represents an invitation to join this theoretical and empirical undertaking.
- Published
- 2024
45. What We Talk About When We Talk About Crime
- Author
Jennifer Fleetwood and Jennifer Fleetwood
- Abstract
Over the past few decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the number of people who speak publicly about their experience of crime. These personal accounts used to be confined to the police station and the courtroom, but today bookshops heave with autobiographies by prisoners, criminals, police and barristers while streaming platforms host hours of interviews with serial killers, death-row residents, vigilantes and gang members. In this fascinating new book, criminologist Jennifer Fleetwood examines seven infamous crime stories to make sense of this modern confessional impulse, including Howard Marks's outlandish autobiography Mr Nice, Shamima Begum's controversial Times interview, Prince Andrew's disastrous Newsnight appearance and Myra Hindley's unpublished prison letters.
- Published
- 2024
46. Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten : Zur Erfassbarkeit einer systemischen Transformation
- Author
Sabine Pfeiffer, Manuel Nicklich, Michael Henke, Martina Heßler, Martin Krzywdzinski, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Sabine Pfeiffer, Manuel Nicklich, Michael Henke, Martina Heßler, Martin Krzywdzinski, and Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer
- Subjects
- Employees--Effect of technological innovations on
- Abstract
Diese Open Access Publikation bündelt Ergebnisse aus der ersten Förderphase des interdisziplinären DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 2267 „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten“. Digitalisierung verändert Arbeit mit vielfältigen Konsequenzen für Arbeit(smarkt) und Qualifizierung. Wie dramatisch und grundsätzlich diese Veränderungen sind, wird seit Jahren kontrovers diskutiert und anwendungsbezogen erforscht. Das Schwerpunktprogramm nimmt die Veränderung der Arbeitsgesellschaft als Ganzes in den Blick – Geschichts-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften analysieren die vielschichtigen und widersprüchlichen Dynamiken als eine systemische Transformation. Leitend ist dabei die These von drei Bewegungsdynamiken: die Durchdringung (z.B. von digitalen Arbeitsprozessen), die Verfügbarmachung (z.B. von Daten über einzelne Arbeitshandlungen) und die Verselbständigung (z.B. von datengetriebenen Wertschöpfungsketten). Methodische Reflexionen zu Erfassbarkeit der Transformation runden den Band ab.
- Published
- 2024
47. Breaking the Silos : Exploring the Multiple Perspectives of Positive Psychology
- Author
Ofra Walter, Phil Fitzsimmons, Jonathan Kasler, Surekha Routray, Ofra Walter, Phil Fitzsimmons, Jonathan Kasler, and Surekha Routray
- Subjects
- Positive psychology
- Abstract
This book offers a new look at well-being from a multidisciplinary standpoint. Research from industry clearly indicates that factors such as creativity, critical awareness, well-being, interdisciplinary understanding of positive psychology, and the ability to form strong relationships will determine the viability of organizations as collectively we enter the second half of the twenty-first century. Thus, a sound understanding of how these facets become melded into entrepreneurship, the workplace environment, and creative innovation is a requirement for individuals in the workplace. With a dearth of information about these facets as individual components and as a collective whole, this book draws these elements of overall well-being into a multidisciplinary focus. Thus, with chapters covering diverse fields such as philosophy, education, economics, mathematics, and medicine, the book offers a fresh approach to how positive psychology impacts entrepreneurship.
- Published
- 2024
48. Institutionelle Strukturen und makroökonomische Stabilität : Eine international vergleichende Analyse
- Author
Paul-Günther Schmidt and Paul-Günther Schmidt
- Abstract
Ein Vergleich der Inflationsraten und Arbeitslosenquoten verschiedener Länder offenbart markante zwischenstaatliche Unterschiede, die über lange Zeiträume hinweg bemerkenswert dauerhaft sind. Diese Beobachtung wirft die Frage auf, worin die hartnäckigen zwischenstaatlichen Stabilitätsdifferenziale begründet liegen, und unter welchen Bedingungen sich gesamtwirtschaftliche Stabilität in einzelnen Ländern überhaupt verwirklichen läßt. Paul-Günther Schmidt stellt mit seiner'post-monetaristischen'Theorie einen Erklärungsansatz vor, der die makroökonomische Entwicklung eines Landes primär in institutionellen Merkmalen des wirtschaftlichen und politischen Systems bedingt sieht. Dabei zieht der Verfasser nicht nur das Zentralbanksystem und das Wechselkursregime, sondern auch das nationale Bankensystem, das Regierungssystem und die Organisation des Arbeitsmarktes in Betracht. Seine international vergleichende Analyse der Erfahrungen von 47 Industrie-, Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern während des letzten Viertels des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts liefert eine Fülle empirischer Evidenz für die praktische Relevanz der hier vorgelegten Theorie. Deutlichkeit und Stringenz der Befunde stützen die zentrale Botschaft des Buches, daß der Grad gesamtwirtschaftlicher Stabilität langfristig in der institutionellen Architektur des wirtschaftlichen und politischen Systems eines Landes begründet liegt. Dabei kommt dem Arbeitsmarkt eine Schlüsselrolle zu.
- Published
- 2024
49. Die verrechtlichte Religion : Der Öffentlichkeitsstatus von Religionsgemeinschaften
- Author
Hans G. Kippenberg, Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Hans G. Kippenberg, and Gunnar Folke Schuppert
- Abstract
Seit zwanzig Jahren boomen weltweit religiöse Gemeinschaften. Wenig spricht noch für die These, Religionen würden in den Bereich des Privaten abgedrängt. Es ist umgekehrt: im Namen von Religionen werden öffentlich Ansprüche gestellt. Dies geschieht nicht mehr (nur) durch die offiziellen Repräsentanten. Der Platz von Religionen in der Öffentlichkeit säkularer Staaten ist rechtlich definiert und erlaubt es auf vielfältige Weise, religiöse Erfahrungen und Bewertungen in die Zivilgesellschaft zu transportieren. In diesem Band, der aus einer Tagung am Max-Weber-Kolleg hervorgegangen ist, klären Juristen, Soziologen und Religionswissenschaftler gemeinsam die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Verfassungsrechten und Religionen. Anhand der Situation in Deutschland, von Rückblicken auf das Römische Recht und Vergleichen mit den USA weisen sie nach, daß die Rechtskonzeptionen von Religionen eine lange Geschichte haben, sich signifikant von einander unterscheiden und das Öffentlichwerden von Religionen einschließlich des Islam mit bestimmen. Mit Beiträgen von: Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Hans G. Kippenberg, Andreas Bendlin, Stefan Korioth, Wolfgang Vögele, Ulrich Willems, Paul Kirchhof, Frank Adloff, Christian Walter, Winnifred Sullivan, Katja Mertin, Jan-Peter Hartung und Gritt Klinkhammer
- Published
- 2024
50. The Sociology of Virtue : The Political and Social Theories of Georges Sorel
- Author
John L. Stanley and John L. Stanley
- Abstract
Georges Sorel's reputation as a proponent of violence has helped to link his ideas to fascist and totalitarian thought. Much of the literature on Sorel as developed this theme, at the expense of what Sorel himself stated as his primary purpose,'the discovery of the historical genesis of morals.'How, Sorel asked, in the light of the development of modern industry and the vast powers of the modern state the individual can possess a sense of self-worth and at the same time help to sustain a cultural vitality similar to the great societies of antiquity? How is it possible to avoid the utter resignation and nihilistic relativism of modern existence? In his writings Sorel outlined a sociology of virtue that combined the importance of family love as the basis of community feelings with acceptance of the basis of individual vitality as constant industrial struggle against nature. Sorel's solution is different from Marx's: in place of the ida of transcended alienation, Sorel envisions an agonal striving against nature's unceasing resistance to our efforts. The Feuerbachian unity of nature that, for Marx, had been alienated under capitalism, Sorel regarded as being inherently fragmented by scientific procedures themselves, as well as by the industrial processes that correspond to those scientific procedures. For Sorel, the struggle against nature is the struggle that enables man to overcome himself, to strive against his own inclination to passivity, sloth, and licentiousness. The Marxist concept of totality so necessary to the vision of a communist society is rejected, in favor of a pragmatic, pluralist view of nature that parallels the social pluralism of a regime of workers'syndicates. The primary function of Sorel's famous'myth of the general strike'is to link the workers'constant struggles against capitalist employers to the never-ending struggle against nature. The feelings engendered by such a strubble constitute the true core of socialism; without such feelings, socialism is doomed to the same decay that Sorel and Marx foresaw for capitalist civilization. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1981.
- Published
- 2024
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