179 results
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2. Balkan Life Courses
- Author
Klaus Roth, Milena Benovska (Eds.) and Klaus Roth, Milena Benovska (Eds.)
- Abstract
The historical upheavals in Southeast Europe since the early 20th century brought about deep transformations of people's life courses. The concept of'life course'enables the understanding of human lives within their socio-cultural and political contexts, stressing people's everyday experiences and agency. The papers in this volume discuss problems such as the impact of migration and mobility on families, such as economic migration transforming traditional structures into individualistic strategies. Other papers give examples of ruptures of life worlds caused by the impact of dramatic historical events. Demonstrating the agency of actors instead of presenting them as passive victims, some authors present approaches that are innovative for the region. Apart from various forms of migration and their impact on life courses, the volume also includes contributions on the role of religion and social memory in the family.
- Published
- 2019
3. Résilience démocratique
- Author
- Abstract
Pourquoi, comment et à quelles conditions la démocratie survit-elle au populisme, à la démagogie, aux dérives illibérales et dictatoriales de toutes sortes? Dans quelle mesure peut-on parler de « résilience démocratique »? Dans un monde démocratique tourmenté, ces questions méritent un examen diachronique et thématique approfondi, à défaut de pouvoir être exhaustif. Tel est l'objet du présent ouvrage, qui croise des approches historiques, sociologiques et philosophiques diverses. Avec les contributions de : Vincent Azoulay, Bertrand Badie, Jean Baechler (†), Marc Boone, Fabrice Brandli, Élisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Antony Dabila, Alexandre Escudier, Yann Le Bohec, Nicolas Leron, Charles-Édouard Levillain, Thomas Maissen, Fernando Menezes de Almeida, Arnaud Mercier, Gilbert Merlio, Christian de Perthuis, Frédéric Ramel, Alain Rouquié, Flocel Sabaté, Ilaria Taddei, Virginie Tournay, François Vergniolle de Chantal et Kurt Weyland.
- Published
- 2024
4. Julia Kristeva
- Author
- Abstract
Toujours en acte, la pensée de Julia Kristeva est à l'écoute des bouleversements de l'histoire, des théories et des disciplines, tout comme des enjeux contemporains et des questions éthiques. Conçue dans les mouvements de révolte et de reliance, elle prend ancrage au cœur de ce qui relie l'intime et le social-historique : là se trouve la force créative d'une œuvre protéiforme, dont le rayonnement dépasse cultures et disciplines. L'exigence de la vision humaniste de l'autrice oblige à suivre l'héritage des Lumières : c'est en confrontant les points de vue que, dans le vaste ensemble de leurs enchevêtrements, la complexité se dévoile. De la signifiance au récit intertextuel, de l'inscription inconsciente aux limites de la vie, de la révolte adolescente à la violence des pouvoirs de l'horreur, des portraits littéraires aux expressions esthétiques et artistiques, du besoin de croire à la pulsion de savoir, les trois volets de cet ouvrage, issu du colloque de Cerisy tenu en 2021 (humanités, littérature, psychanalyse), permettront de considérer à sa juste mesure la singularité du parcours kristévien. Sans pour autant prétendre à l'exhaustivité, les réflexions éclairées par le débat avec de nombreux penseurs, tant français qu'étrangers, permettront d'entretenir un dialogue privilégié avec celle qui se définit comme un « monstre de carrefours », et qui est assurément non seulement une personnalité hors pair, mais aussi l'une des intellectuelles les plus importantes de notre temps.
- Published
- 2024
5. Nostalgia, Nationalism, and the US Militia Movement
- Author
Amy Cooter and Amy Cooter
- Subjects
- Militia movements--United States
- Abstract
Nostalgia, Nationalism, and the US Militia Movement is an accessible primer on the contemporary US militia movement. Exploring the complicated history of militias in the United States, starting with the Revolutionary War period, this book leverages unique data from ethnographic fieldwork, in-depth interviews, and previously unseen archival materials from militia founder Norm Olson to detail the modern movement's origin and trajectory through the attempted insurrection of January 6th and beyond.This book uses the lenses of nostalgia and settler colonialism to explain militia members'actions and beliefs, including their understandings of both nationalism and masculinity. This approach situates militias in a broader political landscape and explains how and why they will continue to be relevant actors in American politics.A general audience will find this book approachable, and it will be of particular interest to people studying militias or other social movement organizations whose vision of an ideal nation rests on a nostalgic image of the past and potentially encourages political violence.
- Published
- 2024
6. The british working class : identity(-ies), representations, (re)definition
- Author
Ruxandra Pavelchievici, Revest didier, Ruxandra Pavelchievici, and Revest didier
- Abstract
It is commonplace in certain quarters to posit that the British working class has virtually disappeared because of the collapse of manufacturing in the last decades of the 20th century. However, it is hardly plausible that there should be nothing left today of a social group that was conspicuous in the past owing both to its deep involvement in the economy and its palpable presence in the urban environment. As a matter of fact, not only has the working class been of interest to film-makers, singers, cartoonists, etc., over the last half century or so, but a majority of 21st-century Britons still consider themselves to be “working-class” while many eke out a living by performing tiring, repetitive, low-skilled and poorly-paid tasks, i.e. tasks typical of those carried out by workers in the past. This issue of Cycnos, therefore, aims at showing that the aforementioned verdict probably fails to take into consideration a number of critical questions that range from the notion of representation to that of permanence (whether physical or otherwise).
- Published
- 2024
7. Populism and Illiberalism in Western Societies: A Sociological and Autopoietic Systems Perspective
- Author
John J. Rodger and John J. Rodger
- Abstract
A major concern in Western countries today is the destabilising influence of radical right political forces which are intent on supplanting liberal democracy with something called illiberal democracy. This book offers a fresh perspective on our understanding of the phenomenon of populism which underpins this radical right challenge. Drawing on the systems theory of Niklas Luhmann, the author applies his conception of autopoietic social systems to the analysis of radical right populism in Britain, Europe and the United States. The unique aspect of this analysis is the bringing together of autopoietic systems theory with insights derived from a more conventional sociological viewpoint offered by Norbert Elias, Pierre Bourdieu, C. Wright Mills and Edwin Sutherland. The book will be of interest to students and researchers in political science and sociology, with a particular interest in applying Luhmann's work to issues relating to democracy and autocracy.
- Published
- 2024
8. Figures d’une pionnière Hommage à Raymonde Moulin 1 : Faces of a pioneer A tribute to Raymonde Moulin 1
- Abstract
Figure tutélaire de la sociologie des arts et de la culture, Raymonde Moulin nous a quittés en août 2019 après avoir produit une œuvre scientifique marquante qui a donné à ce domaine de la sociologie sa dynamique et sa force ainsi qu'une place éminente au sein de la discipline sociologique elle-même.L'organisation du colloque de Marseille « Sociologie de l'Art » en 1985 (actes publiés en 1986 puis réédités en 1999) a de ce point de vue été un moment essentiel et fondateur qui a donné une structuration solide à la recherche dans cet espace de la sociologie française à la suite des travaux de Francastel, Bastide, Goldmann, Duvignaud, Bourdieu et autres Passeron.C'est pourquoi notre revue, qui lui doit aussi beaucoup, lui rend aujourd'hui hommage, en deux volumes doubles : Figures d'une pionnière (OPuS 31-32) & Au-delà de la valeur (OPuS 33-34).Raymonde Moulin en était une fidèle abonnée et ne ménageait ni ses conseils, ni ses critiques pour en améliorer le contenu et le fonctionnement dans un soutien attentif et constant, avec rigueur et sans complaisance.Nous remercions les contributeurs à cet hommage qui souhaite souligner et éclairer la place éminente de l'œuvre scientifique de Raymonde Moulin, tout comme sa contribution à la gestion de la recherche, au sein de la sociologie des arts et de la culture bien sûr, mais aussi au cœur de la sociologie tout court.
- Published
- 2024
9. Les communs sans tragédie
- Author
- Abstract
Depuis plusieurs années, le concept de'communs's'est imposé pour contester le paradigme de la propriété, tant publique que privée. En effet, davantage encore que celui de'biens communs', celui-ci n'évoque pas seulement des pratiques d'appropriation (fussent-elles collectives), mais aussi bien de simples relations sociales, des manières alternatives de se rapporter au monde. Par là même, à l'heure des défis écologiques, il invite à subvertir les fondements anthropologiques de la pensée économique traditionnelle et à reformuler notre compréhension tant de la sphère privée que de la sphère publique. Saisissant l'occasion de la première traduction française de l'article pionnier de la juriste états-unienne Carol Rose, « La comédie des communs » (1986), le présent ouvrage entend montrer que, loin d'être voués à l'échec et à la tragédie, les communs sont porteurs de promesses dont la portée n'a pas encore été entièrement mesurée. Avec les contributions de : Thomas Boccon-Gibod, Marie Alice Chardeaux, Pierre Crétois, Aude-Solveig Epstein, Chloé Gaboriaux, Florent Masson, Thomas Perroud, Carol Rose.
- Published
- 2024
10. Navigating Nationality : Exploring the Role and Uses of National Self-Description for Zimbabwean Migrants in South Africa
- Author
Johannes Kögel and Johannes Kögel
- Subjects
- National characteristics, South African, Nationalism--Africa, Southern, Immigrants--Research--South Africa, Immigrants--South Africa--Cape Town, Zimbabweans--South Africa--Cape Town--Interviews
- Abstract
In recounting their migration journey, references to nationality pervade the narratives of Zimbabweans in South Africa. Given the challenges many migrants confront based on their nationality, this presents a seeming paradox. This qualitative interview study, conducted with Zimbabwean migrants in two areas of Cape Town—Observatory and Dunoon—aims to elucidate the nuances of national self-descriptions in a demanding environment. Identifying as Zimbabwean serves as a sanctuary and a retreat, where alternative identifications often prove transient; embracing Zimbabweanness fosters an affirmative and positive self-perception, surpassing the limitations of other collective self-descriptions. Rather than pre-emptively characterizing a nationalist demeanour, the articulation of national self-description emerges as a strategic tool to navigate experiences of hostility and discrimination, while also asserting legitimate claims to equal opportunities. In this way, nationality takes a trajectory that diverges from conventional notions of nationality (and the ones of the nation-state or citizenship) as per Northern theory, contributing to alternative conceptualizations within the framework of the Global South.
- Published
- 2024
11. Del crepúsculo al anochecer
- Author
Julio César Becerra Pozos, Rolando Javier Salinas García, Julio César Becerra Pozos, and Rolando Javier Salinas García
- Abstract
Crepúsculo proviene del latín crepusculum, el cual refiere a la breve transición de la noche en día y viceversa, es decir, una potencialidad y transición hacia un periodo de mayor iluminación o hacia la oscuridad nocturna. En ese tenor, Del crepúsculo al anochecer: juventudes a través del trabajo, violencias y sus espacios explora la condición juvenil en diversas aristas conceptuales y la cercana etnografía de las condiciones de jóvenes en distintos espacios y geografías desde el norte, centro y sureste del país, así como las espacialidades virtuales. Ello, en un estudio reflexivo en torno a tres elementos centrales que se interconectan directa y tangencialmente con las juventudes: trabajo, espacio y el binomio precarización/violencias.
- Published
- 2024
12. Hatkrim
- Author
author unknown and author unknown
- Abstract
Hva skal til for at straffbare handlinger blir hatkriminalitet og ikke bare kriminalitet? Det er mye oppmerksomhet rundt hatefulle ytringer, men hvilke ytringer er egentlig straffbare og dermed hatkriminalitet? Hvorfor har vi i det hele tatt egne bestemmelser om hatkriminalitet? Boken drøfter disse og mange flere spørsmål knyttet til dette temaet. Selv om den først og fremst er en juridisk fagbok, vil den også være til nytte for andre med interesse for hva hatkriminalitet er, og hvordan denne kriminalitetstypen er regulert.
- Published
- 2023
13. Les diasporas sahariennes et sahéliennes en Europe : Communication et perception en exil
- Abstract
Ce numéro thématique des cahiers L'Ouest saharien présente des recherches récentes en sciences humaines et sociales sur les diasporas sahariennes et sahéliennes installées en Europe. Il aborde la migration et l'exil en interrogeant les logiques liées à l'autodésignation d'un groupe comme diaspora et la complexité des liens qu'une communauté diasporique entretient avec autrui. La réflexion collective aborde trois thèmes fondamentaux : les enjeux et moyens de communication mis en œuvre dans la communauté diasporique, les formes que peuvent prendre les processus de communication et enfin les organisations et les réseaux qui entrent en jeu dans le cadre migratoire.
- Published
- 2023
14. Norbert Elias and Sigmund Freud : The Psychoanalytic Foundations of the Civilizing Process
- Author
André Oliveira Costa and André Oliveira Costa
- Subjects
- Civilization--Philosophy, Psychoanalysis--History
- Abstract
This book explores the influence of Freudian psychoanalysis on Norbert Elias'theory of the civilizing process – an influence acknowledged by Elias himself – conducting a dialogue with a view to analyzing points of contact and distance between them. Examining the development of Elias'work, it sheds light on the integration of psychoanalytic concepts in his thought, considering the dynamics that exist between individuals and social processes, as the civilizing process affects the psychic economy of individuals and psychic structures serve to sustain civilization. A genealogical study of Freudian concepts as expressed in the trajectory of Elias's sociology, it will appeal to scholars of sociology and psychology with interests in social and psychoanalytic theory.
- Published
- 2023
15. Rethinking Intercultural Education in Times of Migration and Displacement
- Author
Nektaria Palaiologou, Editor and Nektaria Palaiologou, Editor
- Abstract
Which are the main issues which are at the forefront of the academic discourse within the field of intercultural education today?That's the central question on which the current volume attempts to shed some light.By presenting theoretical foundations, research findings, practical examples and case studies, the book helps readers to go beyond stereotypes and prejudices, strengthening the intercultural education principles in their practices. The diverse perspectives contained in the book, provided through contributions from authors from different countries, encourage readers to critically reflect on the promotion and further development of intercultural and multicultural education, and on the different approaches for effectively facing complex diversity issues in multicultural settings.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Multiple Authors and Multiple Authors
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Multiple Authors and Multiple Authors
- Published
- 2022
18. Change the Attitude-Change the Climate through restorative justice: Training manual
- Author
GLOCAL partnership and GLOCAL partnership
- Published
- 2022
19. La responsabilità sociale delle imprese - e-Book : Un percorso verso lo sviluppo sostenibile. Profili di governance e accountability
- Author
Luisa Pulejo, Lara Tarquinio, Federica Balluchi, Arianna Lazzini, Katia Furlotti, Ulpiana Kocollari, Gianfranco Rusconi, Silvana Signori, Carmelo Marisca, Carlo Vermiglio, Antonella Bachiorri, Alice Medioli, Riccardo Torelli, Luisa Pulejo, Lara Tarquinio, Federica Balluchi, Arianna Lazzini, Katia Furlotti, Ulpiana Kocollari, Gianfranco Rusconi, Silvana Signori, Carmelo Marisca, Carlo Vermiglio, Antonella Bachiorri, Alice Medioli, and Riccardo Torelli
- Published
- 2022
20. Università e società - e-Book : Mezzo secolo di Università in Italia
- Author
Alberto Maria Febbrajo and Alberto Maria Febbrajo
- Published
- 2022
21. Flerkulturell forståelse i praksis
- Author
Båtnes, Per Inge and Båtnes, Per Inge
- Abstract
Flerkulturell forståelse i praksis bygger på erfaringer og problemstillinger knyttet til det flerkulturelle Norge. Profesjonsutøvere i helse- og omsorgssektoren, i NAV og i utdanningssektoren har et yrkesaktivt forhold til den flerkulturelle virkeligheten. Derfor er det viktig å forstå flere kulturer enn ens egen, samtidig som man må forstå hvordan man kan leve med kulturelt mangfold. Boken presenterer et allsidig utvalg av erfaringer og problemstillinger knyttet til profesjonsutøvelse i det flerkulturelle Norge. Problemstillingene settes inn i en større global kontekst, og temaene spenner fra migrasjonens betydning for levemåter og for relasjoner mellom mennesker, til transnasjonale liv og nye og uvante premisser for menneskelig utvikling og læring. Forfatternes mål er å utløse refleksjoner og diskusjoner.
- Published
- 2022
22. Lo specchio nero del diritto - e-Book : Conformità e trasgressione tra potenziamento tecnologico e giustizialismo sociale
- Author
Michelangelo Pascali and Michelangelo Pascali
- Published
- 2022
23. Globalizzazione e contrasto ai rischi di default - e-Book : Scelte economiche, finanziarie, sociali e scenari giuridici ed etici
- Author
Claudio Scrocca, Franco Pontani, Claudio Scrocca, and Franco Pontani
- Published
- 2022
24. Il processo di aiuto del servizio sociale - e-Book : Prospettive metodologiche
- Author
Giovanni Cellini, Marilena Dellavalle, Giovanni Cellini, and Marilena Dellavalle
- Published
- 2022
25. Allianser : verdier, metoder og teori i behandlings- og miljøorientert arbeid med barn, unge og deres familier
- Author
Tjersland, Odd Arne and Tjersland, Odd Arne
- Abstract
Alle mennesker bærer i seg muligheten til forandring. Uansett opphav, historie og aktuell situasjon, har alle muligheten til å gjøre noe annet og mer positivt ut av livet sitt. Boka byr på praksisnære metodebeskrivelser til arbeid med mennesker som strever med livet sitt. Den er aktuell for alle fagfolk som arbeider systematisk og målrettet med barn, ungdom og familier, poliklinisk eller innenfor rammen av en institusjon. Den er også relevant for studenter innen helse- og sosialfag, lærerutdanning eller psykologi. Denne 3.utgaven er en betydelig omarbeidet versjon av førsteutgaven fra 2010, og gir en grundigere redegjørelse for teorier, samt en oppdatert innføring i forskningsfunn knyttet til behandling av barn og familier, i og utenfor institusjon.
- Published
- 2022
26. Slektsfosterhjem : mellom barnevern og familie
- Author
Holtan, Amy and Holtan, Amy
- Abstract
Barns oppvekst hos slektninger har lange tradisjoner i vårt samfunn. Slektsfosterhjem som barneverntiltak er derimot et relativt nytt fenomen. Både i Norge og i andre vestlige land prioriteres fosterhjem i slekt. I boka belyses ulike sider ved utviklingen, etableringen og praktiseringen av slike fosterhjem. Tematikken i kapitlene spenner fra historiske utviklingstrekk til forskningsresultater om slektsfosterhjem, og tar for seg familieliv og relasjoner i spennet mellom det offentlige og det private. Boka er utarbeidet med utgangspunkt i et longitudinelt forskningsprosjekt som har pågått i 20 år, og den baserer seg på flere empiriske delstudier som er utført av forfatterne selv og andre forskere. Forskningsprosjektet er unikt i sitt slag, både fordi det studerer slektsfosterhjem over tid, og fordi det løfter fram perspektivene til barn, deres foreldre og slektningene som har fungert som fosterforeldre. Begrepsapparatet og perspektivene er fra sosiologisk teori.
- Published
- 2022
27. Genre et sexualité en Corée
- Abstract
Pour ce sixième numéro de la Revue Tan'gun spécialisée sur les Corée, il nous paraissait inévitable de parler de genre et de sexualité. Pourquoi? Parce que la Corée du Sud se démarque de nombreux pays par le dynamisme des féminismes qui s'ancrent dans la société. Le phénomène n'est pas nouveau mais il se confronte à d'autant plus de réticence sociale et médiatique qu'il se radicalise. En effet, plus des femmes s'engagent contre le patriarcat, plus des hommes font usage de la violence pour exprimer leur volonté de conserver des privilèges masculins. Quelques articles mettront également en exergue les problématiques sociales LGBT, médiatisées car elles permettent aux politiciens de s'arroger un électorat conservateur. Enfin, la Corée du Nord n'est pas absente de ce numéro. On y traitera de la vision de l'homosexualité en tant que phénomène occidental.
- Published
- 2022
28. El recuerdo de voto en las encuestas : un análisis exhaustivo a partir del caso español
- Author
Balaguer de la Riva, Jaime and Balaguer de la Riva, Jaime
- Subjects
- Voting research, Voting--Europe, Voting--Spain, Voting
- Abstract
Miles de personas acuden a sus centros de votación. Al cabo de unas horas, conocemos el escrutinio. En seguida, queremos entender qué ha sucedido. Pero el fenómeno electoral plantea varios desafíos. Para empezar, el voto individual es secreto. ¿Podemos analizar correctamente las motivaciones de un acto de esta naturaleza? La vía más empleada para hacerlo consiste en encuestar a una muestra representativa del electorado y preguntarle, a posteriori, por su conducta el día de las elecciones. Obtenemos así el denominado recuerdo de voto. Esta estrategia ha sido fructífera y es el sustento de un amplio corpus de conocimiento que relaciona el voto con determinadas características personales y del contexto sociopolítico. Sin embargo, un análisis pormenorizado del recuerdo de voto revela inconsistencias, errores, sesgos y negativas que hay que responder. En esta monografía se abordan las relaciones entre la memoria, el voto y las encuestas. Se examinan datos de centenares de muestras a nivel europeo, nacional y autonómico, de series temporales y de varios estudios con diseños de panel. Los problemas de representatividad de las muestras, las características sociopolíticas de las personas entrevistadas y el contexto político inciden de manera notable en el recuerdo de voto. Esto tiene consecuencias. Como veremos, la mayoría de encuestas tiende a sobreestimar la fidelidad y la consistencia de los votantes. Los partidos políticos de mayor tamaño y cercanos al votante mediano tienden a ser mejor recordados, aunque dicha relación está sesgada en detrimento de las formaciones conservadoras y centristas. Todo ello puede conducirnos a equívocos relevantes al analizar el comportamiento electoral. Este trabajo pretende, en última instancia, ayudarnos a entender mejor la medición y el cambio en las preferencias de voto en España. Contiene hallazgos y recomendaciones de interés, tanto para analizar elecciones ya celebradas, como para proyectar resultados de convocatorias futuras a partir de sondeos de opinión.
- Published
- 2022
29. Crítica de la economía colaborativa : análisis del modelo y sus alternativas desde una perspectiva sociológica
- Author
de Rivera Outomuro, Javier and de Rivera Outomuro, Javier
- Subjects
- Cooperation, Multi-sided platform businesses, Economics--Sociological aspects, Information technology--Economic aspects
- Abstract
Este libro presenta una investigación sobre la economía “colaborativa”, un fenómeno que comenzó a describirse a mediados de 2010 con referencia a las plataformas de intercambio que operaban entre particulares. El movimiento estuvo auspiciado desde sus inicios por el éxito de grandes plataformas, como Airbnb, impulsadas a su vez por la inversión de grandes sumas de capital riesgo. En su expansión, el “paradigma colaborativo” trató de incluir bajo su paraguas a iniciativas de base comunitaria, plataformas sin ánimo de lucro que ofrecían diferentes servicios de colaboración, creando con ello una categoría confusa y polifacética que se popularizó con el nombre de “economía colaborativa”. La presente obra comienza con una aproximación crítica al proceso que dio lugar a este paradigma y sus implicaciones sociales. Asimismo, aporta una perspectiva sociológica al estudio de las plataformas de intercambio para establecer una tipología que identifique los diferentes modelos económicos y sociales a los que responden. De este modo, se identifican empíricamente dos tendencias contrapuestas en la economía digital: una que avanza hacia la intensificación del capitalismo digital, la precariedad y la concentración de riqueza; y otra que explora diferentes formas de economía comunitaria, orientadas a satisfacer necesidades sociales a partir de relaciones igualitarias, “realmente” colaborativas. Como conclusión, se reflexiona sobre la relación dialéctica entre los principios de valor sobre los que se sostiene cada una de estas tendencias. En este proceso, esta investigación apuesta por el desarrollo de una “sociología de las instituciones digitales”, proponiendo un marco teórico y metodológico desde el que estudiar cómo, en términos generales, las plataformas digitales construyen nuevas realidades. Desde esta perspectiva, las plataformas —y las organizaciones que hay detrás de ellas— se constituyen como nuevas instituciones sociales, capaces de producir grandes procesos de socialización, así como de ocupar posiciones clave en la sociedad actual.
- Published
- 2021
30. Endettement et surendettement en Suisse : regards croisés : Verschuldung und überschuldung in der Schweiz: Interdisziplinäre Blickwinkel
- Author
Caroline Henchoz, Tristan Coste, Fabrice Plomb, Caroline Henchoz, Tristan Coste, and Fabrice Plomb
- Abstract
Au pays de l'épargne et des banques, l'endettement privé a longtemps été considéré comme un problème mineur. Pour la première fois, des chercheurs et des intervenants sociaux proposent un état des lieux de l'endettement problématique et du surendettement en Suisse. Les contributions réunies dans ce livre bilingue (français/allemand) contribuent toutefois à enrichir la réflexion au-delà des frontières. Forte d'une tradition libérale où les vertus civiques comme la responsabilité financière personnelle et l'esprit d'économie sont valorisées et encouragées, la Suisse constitue en effet un terreau propice pour rendre compte des dimensions structurelles de l'endettement et du surendettement. Cet ouvrage met en lumière les mécanismes juridiques, administratifs, économiques et sociaux qui favorisent ces processus d'endettement.
- Published
- 2021
31. Les origines du baby-boom en Suisse au prisme des parcours féminins
- Author
Aline Duvoisin and Aline Duvoisin
- Subjects
- Baby boom generation--Switzerland, Mothers--Switzerland--Social conditions--20th century
- Abstract
L'ampleur et l'exceptionnalité qui ont caractérisé le baby-boom ont concouru à en construire une représentation dénuée de nuances. L'ouvrage interroge alors l'hétérogénéité qui a caractérisé ce phénomène dans le contexte suisse. Dans une perspective de parcours de vie et en recourant à des méthodes mixtes, l'interrelation des trajectoires familiales et professionnelles des cohortes féminines est examinée au regard du système de valeurs promulgué dans la société suisse de l'époque pour montrer comment un phénomène d'ampleur a pu être le produit d'une diversité de parcours de vie. Si l'ouvrage se concentre sur la Suisse, le développement de l'approche méthodologique mixte qu'il propose offre un cadre d'analyse renouvelé, dont les apports pour la compréhension du baby-boom peuvent être transférer à divers contextes nationaux et à l'étude d'autres phénomènes démographiques.
- Published
- 2020
32. La diaspora africaine en Norvège. Immigration et intégration en Europe : The africain diaspora in Norway. Immigration and Integration in Europe
- Author
Samba Diop and Samba Diop
- Abstract
Certains pays européens, dont la Norvège, sont demeurés longtemps et largement en marge des grands circuits migratoires du monde. De nombreuses thématiques sont analysées dans cet essai : l'éducation, la religion, les langues en présence, les primo-migrants et leurs descendants, la « remigration » et le retour au bercail, le racisme et la discrimination, les réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile, les politiques d'intégration, les problèmes d'identité. Un livre pour mieux connaître la condition des immigrés africains vivant notamment en Norvège, une situation diverse, souvent difficile et porteuse de peu d'espoir.
- Published
- 2020
33. Power Switch : How We Can Reverse Extreme Inequality
- Author
Paul O'Brien and Paul O'Brien
- Subjects
- Social change, Power (Social sciences), Equality
- Abstract
Is it actually possible? …that we might emerge from this pandemic with a peaceful global power switch from those who have too much to those who don't have enough? With billionaires able to decide the fate of nations, private corporations more powerful and less accountable than ever, and political autocrats around the world shaking our confidence in democratic institutions, power resides in all the wrong places. And so our world is in crisis. In such moments, activists find opportunities. Not to restore the pre-crises order, but to transform it. Paul O'Brien argues that progressive activists may never have a better opportunity to rewrite economic rules, systems and outcomes in favor of those who don't have enough. His book offers practical action steps for activists who want to drive a power switch that overcomes extreme inequalities in our world.
- Published
- 2020
34. A Handbook on Discretion in Public Procurement
- Author
Despoina Kotsi, Author and Despoina Kotsi, Author
- Abstract
This handbook details an EU case law approach to the concept of discretionary eligibility within the context of public procurement. It provides examples from the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in order to provide insights into applicable discretionary power on the part of the contracting authority. The measurement of its tolerable range, as shown here, is directly related to the entire range of European law, and in particular to the general principles guiding its very own European spirit. Both EU and WTO grammatical interpretations are highlighted here as legitimized limits to the discretionary power exercised by public authorities.
- Published
- 2020
35. Managing Cultural Diversity in the Mediterranean Region
- Author
Moha Ennaji, Editor and Moha Ennaji, Editor
- Abstract
This book highlights the various cultures and religions of Mediterranean countries, and discusses issues related to managing diversity and minority rights, and the role of intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It centers on the interconnectedness between culture, politics, religion, gender, race, migration, and language. To promote a fruitful exchange, the volume considers approaches that integrate social, economic, cultural, religious and political dimensions, and surveys the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of multiculturalism. The contributions gathered here also debate issues relating to history, modernity, cultural specificities of the region, and their role in the consolidation of peace, democracy, social justice, and development. The book uses an analytic framework coupled with a synthetic method, while providing a roadmap to achieve a better management of pluralism in the Mediterranean area, which will help different populations to live together in harmony and to continue their battle for broadmindedness, acceptance, and coexistence.
- Published
- 2020
36. Transgression and Its Limits
- Author
Matt Foley, Editor, Neil McRobert, Editor, Aspasia Stephanou, Editor, Matt Foley, Editor, Neil McRobert, Editor, and Aspasia Stephanou, Editor
- Subjects
- Literature and society, Social change
- Abstract
Transgression and Its Limits is a long overdue collection that reads the complex relationship between artistic transgressions and the limits of law and the subject. In mid-twentieth century theoretical understandings of transgressive culture, it is the existence of the limit that guarantees the possibility and success of the transgression. While the limit calls for obedience, it also tempts with the possibility of violation. To breach the limits of the acceptable is to simultaneously define them. However, this classical understanding of transgression may no longer apply under the conditions of post-modernity, late-capitalism, and the simulated or empty transgressions that this period of the simulacra encourages. Context becomes paramount in reading the myriad forms of transgression that encompass politics, aesthetics and the ethics of the obscene; while a range of theoretical perspectives are employed in order to elucidate the economies at work underneath the seemingly transgressive act. The essays selected include explorations of transgression in cinema, photography, art, law, music, philosophy, technology, and both classical and contemporary literature and drama. Professor Fred Botting's (co-author of Bataille and The Tarantinian Ethics) analysis of transgression from Bataille, to Baudrillard and Ballard compliments the collection's concerns about the status of transgression. Aside from fourteen critical essays on topics such as early-modern drama, George Bataille, J. G. Ballard, the female necrophilic, “torture-porn” cinema, and the art of Robert Mapplethorpe and Salvador Dali, there is also a new discussion of transgression between novelist Iain Banks and Professor Roderick Watson (Emeritus at the University of Stirling). With its focus on the paradoxical nature of the impulse to transgress, as well at its wide-ranging historical and artistic concerns, Transgression and Its Limits is a landmark book in a rapidly developing scholarly field.
- Published
- 2020
37. The Politics of Cultural Memory
- Author
Jim Aulich, Editor, Lucy Burke, Editor, Simon Faulkner, Editor, Jim Aulich, Editor, Lucy Burke, Editor, and Simon Faulkner, Editor
- Subjects
- Collective memory, Collective memory in literature, Nationalism and collective memory, Nationalism and the arts
- Abstract
This edited collection explores the political dimensions of cultural memory work in its varied forms of representation, from public monuments to literary texts. Addressing the different ways that cultural texts represent the past in the present, the collection demonstrates that cultural memory is something actively made: the site of a struggle over meanings that can serve a range of political and cultural purposes. The collection offers essays that discuss the politics of cultural memory both in theory and in practice, and features work by some of the leading scholars in the field including Susannah Radstone, Graham Dawson, Felicity Collins and Therese Davis. Contributors explore the ways in which memory comes to be articulated through particular cultural practices, from film and photography to literature and public monuments, all of which have their own codes and conventions, modes of address and audiences. As such this volume brings together scholars working in a range of disciplines (literary studies, history, art history, film studies) and in so doing seeks to establish a dialogue between different disciplines and methodologies and to explore cultural memory work in a range of different intellectual fields, cultural forms and political and historical contexts, for instance, the Holocaust, Northern Ireland, Australia, Palestine, and the former Soviet Bloc.The collection will be of interest to students, researchers and scholars working in the area of cultural memory studies, for whom it will represent an invaluable collection of current work in the field. It will also interest scholars working in the particular areas with which it engages, for instance, postcolonial studies, Holocaust studies, Eastern European Studies, Irish Studies, Art History and English Studies.
- Published
- 2020
38. Nationalism, Ethnicity, Citizenship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- Author
Martyn Barrett, Editor, Chris Flood, Editor, Martyn Barrett, Editor, and Chris Flood, Editor
- Abstract
Nationalism, ethnicity and citizenship lie at the heart of many of the societal changes that are currently transforming countries across the world. Global migration has undermined old certainties provided by the established framework of nation-states, with inward migration, cultural diversity and transnational affiliations having become established facts of life in many countries. These phenomena raise significant challenges for traditional conceptions of citizenship.This book provides a detailed examination, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, of contemporary issues relating to nationalism, ethnicity and citizenship. The book aims to take stock of current understandings in this area, and to establish whether there are connections between the understandings that are being articulated within different social science disciplines. The contributors, who are all senior international figures in their respective fields, are drawn from a range of disciplines, including Politics, Sociology, Communication/Media, Geography, Psychology and Education. Collectively, they address the following specific questions: •To what extent do multiculturalism and transnationalism undermine nationalism or, on the contrary, provoke its reassertion? •How do the multiple identities and multiple levels of belonging experienced today interact with traditional nationalist ideology?•Within multicultural societies, how far do representations of ‘cultural others'still play a role in nationalist constructions of ‘the nation'? •How successfully have the welfare systems of nation-states responded to the influx of migrants? •How have national politicians responded to the cultural diversity of their own countries and have they moved beyond the traditional logic of nationalism within their thinking? •Why are extreme right-wing parties gaining increased levels of support? •What social and psychological resources do citizens require in order to function effectively at the political level within multicultural democratic societies?•How can the educational systems of states, which have traditionally been used for nationalist purposes, be harnessed to enhance the competences needed by their citizens for successful living in multicultural societies?•What changes need to be made to educational policies in order to ensure the effective integration of minority citizens? Despite the fact that they have been written from different disciplinary perspectives, the various chapters in this book paint a consistent picture. They offer a view of a world in which nationalism is still very much a dominant ideology which configures the discourse and thinking of citizens and politicians alike about nation-states, ethnic diversity, multiculturalism and citizenship. The crucial role of education is also highlighted, with school systems being uniquely positioned to equip citizens with the psychological resources and intercultural competences that are needed to function effectively within multicultural societies.
- Published
- 2020
39. El duelo revelado: la vida social de las fotografías familiares de las víctimas del franquismo. 2ª Edición revisada
- Author
Moreno Andrés, Jorge and Moreno Andrés, Jorge
- Subjects
- Political persecution--History--20th century, Francoism--History
- Abstract
¿Quién guarda las fotografías familiares en una casa? ¿Cómo circulan dentro del espacio doméstico? ¿Qué ocurre cuando pertenecen a aquellos que padecieron la violencia política? ¿Por qué en unas casas perviven y en otras desaparecen? Las fotografías de las víctimas de la guerra civil española y la posguerra tuvieron y tienen una vida marcada y definida por este drama. Este libro describe y analiza sus usos y sus tránsitos, irremediablemente sometidos a la mediación de la represión franquista en sus diversas formas: asesinato, desaparición, prisión o exilio. Indagando desde su materialidad, estas imágenes nos hablan, a través de sus costuras, amputaciones, notas, retoques y escondites, de las prácticas y los desplazamientos intergeneracionales que hacen posible la transmisión de la memoria traumática. De esta manera, podemos observar cómo la vida social de las fotografías objetiva los procesos del duelo, la gestión femenina de la historia familiar y sus secretos, las estrategias de disimulo en la comunicación con la cárcel o en el exilio, los sentimientos de pertenencia o de esperanza, etc. Este volumen propone al lector una ruta particular por alcobas, bolsillos, salones, cementerios, celdas y cajones, siguiendo siempre el rastro de una fotografía. Un itinerario por lugares, pero también por superficies y relatos, en que se busca constantemente el sentido de la imagen. Las fotografías que aparecen en este libro fueron recopiladas durante un trabajo de campo de más de ocho años de duración realizado en la provincia de Ciudad Real. Desde allí, la investigación llevó a su autor a otras ciudades españolas, como Madrid, Barcelona y Valencia, y se completó en países como México, Francia, Argelia, Venezuela y Estados Unidos.
- Published
- 2020
40. Migrasjon, helse og profesjon
- Author
Debesay, Jonas and Debesay, Jonas
- Subjects
- Transcultural medical care--Norway, Minorities--Medical care--Norway
- Abstract
De siste femten årene har internasjonal migrasjon økt betraktelig, og helsepersonell møter daglig brukere med migrasjonsbakgrunn i sin yrkesutøvelse. En kulturelt mer sammensatt befolkning utfordrer helseprofesjoners kunnskapsgrunnlag, verdier og holdninger. Behovet for økt innsikt i brukernes forventninger, kunnskap og behov er derfor økende. Denne vitenskapelige antologien setter søkelyset på - sentrale aspekter ved migrasjon og profesjonsutøvelse i helsetjenesten - ulike situasjoner brukere med migrasjonsbakgrunn befinner seg i som barn, voksne og eldre - aktuell kunnskap som helsepersonell må tilegne seg for å øke tjenestekvaliteten - hvilke erfaringer helsepersonell med utenlandsk bakgrunn kan møte i Helse-Norge Boken egner seg som pensum for studenter på bachelor- og masternivå i helse- og sosialfagene, men er også aktuell for profesjonsutøvere og beslutningstakere i helse- og sosialinstitusjoner.
- Published
- 2020
41. Karriereveiledning for individ og samfunn
- Author
Kjærgård, Roger and Kjærgård, Roger
- Abstract
Karriereveiledning framstår i dag både som et politisk redskap og en individuell velferdstjeneste, og skal være et gode for samfunnet og individet. Dette dobbelte perspektivet skaper både spenninger og muligheter for et ungt fagfelt. Selve begrepet karriere vekker også ulike assosiasjoner i befolkningen. Har alle en karriere? Boka gir en bred tilnærming til karriereveiledning, og søker å skape refleksjon og utvikling hos leserne. Her kommer stemmer fra ulike aktører fram. Boka har tre deler: Karriereveiledningsperspektiver og samfunnsutvikling gir innsikt om ulike spenninger og utfordringer karriereveiledning kan møte i et samfunns- og individperspektiv. Organiseringa av karriereveiledning drøfter ulike organiseringsformer innenfor karriereveiledningsfeltet, både på system- og individnivå. Individuelle veiledningsoverveielser løfter frem noen utvalgte perspektiver på utøvelsen av karriereveiledning i den brede forståelse av karriere. Boka henvender seg til personer som arbeider med karriereveiledning, studenter i karriereveiledning og personer i forvaltingen og politikere.
- Published
- 2020
42. India in the World
- Author
Antonia Navarro-Tejero, Editor and Antonia Navarro-Tejero, Editor
- Abstract
This volume uniquely gathers scholarly articles dealing with very dissimilar and kaleidoscopic perspectives on India. It provides an informative overview of the country, which has wide-ranging influences reaching far from India itself, since it has criss-crossed connections with many countries around the world. If read as a collection, this volume is witness to an interlocking network of ideas, attitudes and ideologies that emerge from the contemporary social and political world. The book, thus, highlights a variety of issues and the chapters promise to treat them with adequate justice.These features mean that this book can be approached by any person interested in India, given that it offers a diverse range of interesting topics related to the country. The reader glancing through the book will find themes spanning from the analysis of postcolonial literature written in English by Indian women, to sociological reflections on several diasporic situations, and from crossed influences between Indian culture and that of other countries, to the latest discussion topics in ancient Indian history, to mention a few.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Multiple Authors and Multiple Authors
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Multiple Authors and Multiple Authors
- Published
- 2020
45. Las Ciencias sociales. Al otro lado del discurso neoliberal
- Author
Flores Osorio, Jorge Mario, Huerta-Charles, Luis, Bravo, Omar Alejandro, Díaz Gómez, Álvaro, Varios, Flores Osorio, Jorge Mario, Huerta-Charles, Luis, Bravo, Omar Alejandro, Díaz Gómez, Álvaro, and Varios
- Abstract
El libro asume de manera clara y directa que las ciencias sociales que recoge una tradición que ya, desde el informe de la Comisión Gulbenkian para la reestructuración de las ciencias sociales (Wallerstein, 1996), las caracterizan, a saber: su desprendimiento de la filosofía en el siglo XVII, su recorrido para posicionarse en el concierto del conocimiento académico, su centralidad en el conocimiento, la referencia que ellas hacen al mundo empírico, que puede ser indagado mediante el uso del método científico, sin que este se reduzca al experimento de laboratorio. Todo lo anterior se puede enmarcar para efectos reflexivos y de producción de un nuevo conocimiento que esté “al otro lado del neoliberalismo” [Álvaro Díaz Gómez].
- Published
- 2020
46. Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Taboo, Bodies and Identities
- Author
Lili Hernández, Editor and Lili Hernández, Editor
- Subjects
- Cultural relations, Taboo, Identity (Philosophical concept), Language and culture
- Abstract
To cross boundaries, to go beyond borders: an evocative idea, but what are the implications and consequences of transgression? How are boundaries challenged, redefined and overcome within the intricacies of taboos, bodies and identities? Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Taboos, Bodies and Identities brings together a range of articles that address this theme using different frameworks of interpretation. As in the case of taboo, boundaries are often internalised and may function as regulators for a society. Their existence becomes visible the moment they are violated. The essays in this book explore voluntary and accidental encounters with boundaries not only from theoretical perspectives but also from the experience of those who are part of transitions on a regular basis in their everyday lives. The notion of otherness is central to the articles in this book. The definition and interpretation of cultural others become part and parcel of the process of negotiation of bodies and identities. While ‘the other'is marked by outward bodily signs, spaces, taboos and cultural practices, the self is empowered by resisting submission to dominant modes and descriptions. Deconstructing boundaries becomes part of the project of redefining the self. This book will appeal to academics and researchers in communications, cultural studies, sociology, health sciences, anthropology, literature, and applied linguistics.
- Published
- 2020
47. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Soziale Menschenrechte
- Author
Druschel, Julia, Goldbach, Nikolaus, Paulmann, Franziska, Vestena, Carolina, Druschel, Julia, Goldbach, Nikolaus, Paulmann, Franziska, and Vestena, Carolina
- Abstract
Der Tagungsband stellt die Ergebnisse der Diskussionen anlässlich der Fachtagung „Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Soziale Menschenrechte“ vor, die unter den DoktorandInnen des kooperativen Promotionskollegs Soziale Menschenrechte und externen ReferentInnen geführt wurden. Der Band beinhaltet Reflexionen über die Durchsetzung sozialer Menschenrechte aus den Blickwinkeln der Rechts-, Politik-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie der Philosophie. Ausgangspunkt der Beiträge ist der eigenständige Stellenwert sozialer Menschenrechte und deren Interdependenzen mit bürgerlichen und politischen Menschenrechten. Der Tagungsband leistet einen Beitrag zur Debatte über die Realisierungsmöglichkeiten Sozialer Rechte in nationalen und internationalen Kontexten und richtet sich sowohl an fachinteressiertes Publikum als auch an Mitwirkende internationaler Organisationen, soziale Bewegungen und andere AkteurInnen, die sich in Praxis und Wissenschaft mit diesen Fragen auseinandersetzen. Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Carolina Alves Vestena; Nazmul Arefin; Effrosyni Bakirtzi; Aleksandra Draganić; Julia Druschel; Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Eichenhofer; Arne Frankenstein; Nikolaus Goldbach; PD Dr. Janne Mende; Riccardo Montaldo; Ulrike A. C. Müller; Juliane Ottmann; Janette Otterstein; Franziska Paulmann; Yannick Poullie; Anna-Mara Schön; Nizar Shbikat; Janine Walter, Anna Weber; Katharina Weyrich. Mit einem Vorwort von Jun.Prof. Dr. Minou Banafsche und Prof. Dr. Walter Pfannkuche.
- Published
- 2020
48. Transnationalismus
- Author
Nowicka, Magdalena and Nowicka, Magdalena
- Abstract
Cross-border practices and structures are common and well described in research literature. However, there is no theory on transnationalism. This book proposes that transnationalism should be seen as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism is not congruent with structures, but focuses on what happens within those structures. This book argues that it is inadequate to project nation state concepts onto another territorial scale, as research into forms of cross-border connectivity commonly does. Instead, the transnational paradigm focuses on reconfigurations of power and rearrangements of local cultures that produce new meanings due to the porosity of nation states and global interconnectedness. Moreover, that paradigm helps us to understand the coming together of multiple affiliations, practices and dispositions.
- Published
- 2019
49. Wisdom in the Context of Globalization and Civilization
- Author
Henryk Krawczyk, Author and Henryk Krawczyk, Author
- Abstract
What happens when our developed knowledge does not support human activities in politics, economy, culture, and infrastructure today? The solution lies in knowing what wisdom is and willingly applying it to most of humanity's activities, transforming a chaotic civilization into a wise one.A merely knowledge-rich society cannot sustain its civilization without being wise and willing to learn and apply this essential human virtue in practice. This book investigates the issues of human cognition with regards to current issues surrounding globalization and civilization in such a way as to define wisdom not only as an art, but as a science too. Its investigation emphasises the learning of wisdom at schools and colleges, and stresses that its application in practice should be as commonplace as arithmetic.
- Published
- 2019
50. Youth-led evidence from the UK, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Portugal, Sweden and Italy
- Author
Multiple Authors and Multiple Authors
- Published
- 2019
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