25 results on '"Farrington, David"'
Search Results
2. Gute Kinderschutzverfahren : Tatsachenwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, rechtlicher Rahmen und Kooperation im familiengerichtlichen Verfahren
- Author
Jörg M. Fegert, Thomas Meysen, Heinz Kindler, Katrin Chauviré-Geib, Ulrike Hoffmann, Eva Schumann, Jörg M. Fegert, Thomas Meysen, Heinz Kindler, Katrin Chauviré-Geib, Ulrike Hoffmann, and Eva Schumann
- Subjects
- Child welfare
- Abstract
In Kinderschutzfällen ist es Aufgabe der Jugendämter und Familiengerichte, im Raum stehende Kindeswohlgefährdungen einzuschätzen und gegebenenfalls durch geeignete Hilfen und Maßnahmen abzuwenden. Diese Einschätzungen und Entscheidungen können den weiteren Lebensweg von Kindern und ihren Eltern stark beeinträchtigen. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass die an familiengerichtlichen Kinderschutzverfahren beteiligten professionellen Akteure sich über ihre eigenen Aufgaben und die der anderen im Klaren sind, damit sie gut zusammenarbeiten können.Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt Grundlagenwissen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und bietet damit das Fundament für eine gute interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Es enthält tatsachenwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Kindeswohlgefährdungen und deren Abwendung Grundlagenwissen zur kindlichen EntwicklungOrientierung zu den beteiligten Akteuren, Vernetzung und Interdisziplinarität Kenntnisse über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen Grundzüge zum Ablauf von KinderschutzverfahrenDie Publikation orientiert sich am interdisziplinären Online-Kurs „Gute Kinderschutzverfahren“ (https://guteverfahren.elearning-kinderschutz.de/) und bietet allen juristischen, sozialpädagogischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Fachkräften die für qualifizierte Kinderschutzverfahren benötigten vertieften Grundlagenkenntnisse. Es handelt sich um eine Open-Access-Publikation mit freiem und uneingeschränktem Zugang zur elektronischen Ausgabe.
- Published
- 2023
3. Ausstieg und Deradikalisierung : Erklärungsansätze – Befunde – Kritik
- Author
Michail Logvinov and Michail Logvinov
- Subjects
- Educational sociology, Emigration and immigration—Social aspects, Deviant behavior, Social control, Social work education
- Abstract
Um Ausstieg und Deradikalisierung von Mitgliedern extremistischer Formationen auslösen, begleiten und unterstützen zu können, bedarf es eines fundierten Wirkfaktoren- und Prozessverständnisses. Daher befasst sich der zweite Band unserer Reihe mit der Post-9/11-Deradikalisierungsforschung, arbeitet relevante Modelle sowie Befunde heraus und formuliert praktische und theoretische Implikationen.
- Published
- 2021
4. Evaluation und Radikalisierungsprävention : Kontroversen – Verfahren – Implikationen
- Author
Michail Logvinov and Michail Logvinov
- Subjects
- Radicalization--Prevention, Radicalization--Evaluation
- Abstract
Dieses essential befasst sich mit Paradigmen und Verfahren der Evaluation und schlägt einen Bogen zu aktuellen Kontroversen rund um das Thema „Evaluationsansätze in der Radikalisierungsprävention“. Michail Logvinov zeichnet Defizite der Evidenzschaffung nach und formuliert Vorschläge für die Wissenschaft und Praxis. Darüber hinaus plädiert er für eine Intensivierung des Wissenstransfers zwischen der Evaluationsforschung und Fachpraxis mit dem Ziel, gegenstandsadäquate wirkungsorientierte Evaluationsdesigns zu entwickeln und zu testen.
- Published
- 2021
5. Contextual Safeguarding and Child Protection : Rewriting the Rules
- Author
Carlene Firmin and Carlene Firmin
- Subjects
- Child welfare--Great Britain, Child abuse--Great Britain--Prevention
- Abstract
This book offers a complete account of Contextual Safeguarding theory, policy, and practice frameworks for the first time. It highlights the particular challenge of extra-familial routes through which young people experience significant harm, such as child sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, serious youth violence, domestic abuse in teenage relationships, bullying, gang-association, and radicalisation.Through analysing case reviews, observing professionals, and co-creating practices with them, Firmin provides a personal, philosophical, strategic, and practical account of the design, implementation and future of Contextual Safeguarding. Drawing together a wealth of practice examples, case studies, policy references, and practitioner insights for the first time, this book articulates a new safeguarding framework and provides a detailed account of its translation across an entire child protection system and its relevant component parts.It will be of interest to all scholars, students, and professionals working within social work, youth justice and youth work, policing and law enforcement, community safety, council services, forensic and clinical psychology, counselling, health, and education.
- Published
- 2020
6. Communities That Care : Building Community Engagement and Capacity to Prevent Youth Behavior Problems
- Author
Abigail A. Fagan, J. David Hawkins, David P. Farrington, Richard F. Catalano, Abigail A. Fagan, J. David Hawkins, David P. Farrington, and Richard F. Catalano
- Subjects
- Juvenile delinquents--Social conditions.--Unit, Youth--Mental health services--United States, Community health services--United States, Behavior modification--United States
- Abstract
Scholars and policymakers increasingly call for evidence-based, prevention-oriented, and community-driven approaches to improve public health and reduce youth crime, substance use, and related problems. However, few functional models exist. In Communities that Care, four leading experts on prevention describe one such system to illustrate how communities effectively engage in prevention activities. Communities That Care (CTC) is a coalition-based prevention system implemented successfully in dozens of communities across the world that promotes healthy development and reduces crime rates for youth. Drawing on literature from criminology, community psychology, and prevention science this book describes the conditions and actions necessary for effective community-based prevention. The authors illustrate how effective community-based prevention can be undertaken by describing how the CTC prevention system has been developed, implemented, evaluated, and disseminated across the U.S. and internationally. Communities that Care shares invaluable lessons about the implementation and evaluation of community-level interventions and establishes a set of best practices for anyone seeking to engage in and/or evaluate effective prevention efforts.
- Published
- 2019
7. Liberal Child Welfare Policy and Its Destruction of Black Lives
- Author
James G. Dwyer and James G. Dwyer
- Subjects
- Children--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States, Child welfare--United States, Poor African Americans--Social conditions, African American children--Social conditions, African American families--Social conditions
- Abstract
How can we end the inter-generational cycle of poverty and dysfunction in the US's urban ghettos? This ground-breaking and controversial book is the first to provide a child-centered perspective on the subject by combining a wealth of social science information with sophisticated normative analysis to support novel reforms—to child protection law and practice, family law, and zoning— that would quickly end that cycle. The rub is that the reforms needed would entail further suffering and loss of liberty for adults in these communities, and liberal advocacy organizations and academics are so adult-centered in their sympathies and thinking that they reflexively oppose any such measures. Liberals have instead promoted one ineffectual parent-focused program after another, in an ideologically-driven quest for the magic pill that can save both adults and children in these communities at the same time. This `insider critique'of liberal child welfare policy reveals a dilemma that liberals have yet to face squarely: there is an ineradicable conflict of interests between many young children and their parents, especially in areas of concentrated poverty, and one must choose sides.It is a must read for legal academics, political scientists, urban policy experts, as well as professionals working in social work, law, education, urban planning, legislative offices, and administrative agencies.
- Published
- 2018
8. Youth Labor in Transition : Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe
- Author
Jacqueline O'Reilly, Janine Leschke, Renate Ortlieb, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, Paola Villa, Jacqueline O'Reilly, Janine Leschke, Renate Ortlieb, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, and Paola Villa
- Subjects
- Youth--Employment--Europe, Young adults--Employment--Europe, Labor policy--Europe, School-to-work transition--Europe
- Abstract
Exacerbated by the Great Recession, youth transitions to employment and adulthood have become increasingly protracted, precarious, and differentiated by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Youth Labor in Transition examines young people's integration into employment, alongside the decisions and consequences of migrating to find work and later returning home. The authors identify key policy challenges for the future related to NEETS, overeducation, self-employment, and ethnic differences in outcomes. This illustrates the need to encompass a wider understanding of youth employment and job insecurity by including an analysis of economic production and how it relates to social reproduction of labor if policy intervention is to be effective. The mapping and extensive analysis in this book are the result of a 3½-year, European Union-funded research project (Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe, or STYLE; http://www.style-research.eu) coordinated by Jacqueline O'Reilly. With an overall budget of just under 5 million euros and involving 25 research partners; an international advisory network and local advisory boards of employers, unions, and policymakers; and non-governmental organizations from more than 20 European countries, STYLE is one of the largest European Commission-funded research projects to exist on this topic. Consequently, this book will appeal to an array of audiences, including academic and policy researchers in sociology, political science, economics, management studies, and more particular labor market and social policy; policy communities; and bachelor's- and master's-level students in courses on European studies or any of the aforementioned subject areas.
- Published
- 2018
9. Wenn Inhaftierung die Lebenssituation prägt : Lokale Unterstützungsangebote und Online-Beratung für Angehörige
- Author
Lydia Halbhuber-Gassner, Barbara Kappenberg, Wolfgang Krell, Lydia Halbhuber-Gassner, Barbara Kappenberg, and Wolfgang Krell
- Abstract
Inhaftierung ist nicht nur ein gravierender Einschnitt in das Leben der verurteilten Person, sondern auch der Angehörigen: PartnerIn, Kinder, Eltern, Großeltern, Geschwister, enge Freunde. Diese werden häufig von der Inhaftierung überrascht. Neben dem Schock müssen sie auftretende psychische, soziale und materielle Probleme lösen und alleine die Erziehungsverantwortung und Alltagsbewältigung tragen. Aus Scham und Angst vor Ablehnung sowie sozialer Isolation wird die Inhaftierung vor der Familie und dem Umfeld häufig geheim gehalten. Das hindert die Betroffenen aber auch daran, sich vor Ort Unterstützung zu holen. Hier bietet die Online-Beratung eine gute Möglichkeit anonym, kostenlos sowie unabhängig von Ort und Zeit Fachleute um Rat zu fragen. Der Reader präsentiert neben Grundlagen zur Problematik der Angehörigen das breite Spektrum an Hilfeangeboten. Diese reichen von persönlicher Unterstützung, Gruppenarbeit in oder außerhalb der Haft bis zur Online-Beratung. Darüber hinaus werden viele Praxisbeispiele vorgestellt, die Orientierung und Anregung für alle in der Arbeit mit Inhaftierten und vor allem deren Angehörigen geben.
- Published
- 2016
10. Mental Health, Crime and Criminal Justice : Responses and Reforms
- Author
Jane Winstone and Jane Winstone
- Subjects
- Criminal justice, Administration of, Mentally ill offenders, People with mental disabilities and crime, Mental illness
- Abstract
It has long been known that the pathway through the criminal justice system for those with mental health needs is fraught with difficulty. This interdisciplinary collection explores key issues in mental health, crime and criminal justice, including: offenders'rights; intervention designs; desistance; health-informed approaches to offending and the medical needs of offenders; psychological jurisprudence, and; collaborative and multi-agency practice. This volume draws on the knowledge of professionals and academics working in this field internationally, as well as the experience of service users. It offers a solution-focused response to these issues, and promotes both equality and quality of experience for service users. It will be essential reading for practitioners, scholars and students with an interest in forensic mental health and criminal justice.
- Published
- 2016
11. Wirkungen Sozialer Arbeit : Potentiale und Grenzen der Evidenzbasierung für Profession und Disziplin
- Author
Stefan Borrmann, Barbara Thiessen, Stefan Borrmann, and Barbara Thiessen
- Abstract
Seit rund zwei Jahrzehnten wird die Soziale Arbeit immer wieder mit der Frage konfrontiert, wie sich die Wirkungen ihrer Arbeit nachweisen lassen. Die wissenschaftlich fundierte Soziale Arbeit muss sich zu diesem Thema positionieren – nicht zuletzt weil die Zuweisung finanzieller Ressourcen zunehmend davon abhängt. Durch die Darstellung der Potenziale und Grenzen der Evidenzbasierung vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Handlungsfelder leistet dieses Buch einen wertvollen Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion.
- Published
- 2016
12. Le sociographe hors-série n°8. Contraindre et éduquer, un pari impossible ?
- Author
Catherine Lenzi, Nordine Ahmed Touil, Catherine Lenzi, and Nordine Ahmed Touil
- Abstract
Des voix plurielles s'y consacrent : juristes, sociologues, psychologues, professionnels de l'éducatif au sens large, formateurs, enseignants, chercheurs, philosophes nous proposent des conjugaisons à géométries plurielles de ces deux items a priori antinomiques. Ce numéro se dessine sous les formes d'une peinture avec un traitement en quatre dimensions : le dessin (cadres d'expériences, juridiques, etc.), les sujets (les acteurs de ces schèmes éducatifs), la composition ( la manière dont les acteurs composent dans le périmètre des limites) et le canevas (les figures visibles ou invisibles que génère cette composition).
- Published
- 2015
13. Kinderrechte in pädagogischen Beziehungen : Band 1: Praxiszugänge
- Author
Annedore Prengel, Ursula Winklhofer, Annedore Prengel, and Ursula Winklhofer
- Abstract
Für die Bildungswege der Kinder und Jugendlichen ist entscheidend, ob sie es mit Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen zu tun haben, die sie anerkennen und ermutigen oder die sie demütigen und verletzen. Band 1: Praxiszugänge, führt in das Thema Kinderrechte und die Qualität pädagogischer Beziehungen ein. Die Autorinnen und Autoren informieren über grundlegende pädagogische und psychologische Erkenntnisse und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen. Vielfältige Beiträge beschreiben konkrete Ansätze zur Verbesserung pädagogischer Beziehungen in schulischen und sozialpädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern sowie Beispiele aus der Praxis internationaler Entwicklungen.
- Published
- 2014
14. Children of the Prison Boom : Mass Incarceration and the Future of American Inequality
- Author
Sara Wakefield, Christopher Wildeman, Sara Wakefield, and Christopher Wildeman
- Subjects
- Children of prisoners--Social conditions.--Uni, Corrections--Social aspects--United States, Imprisonment--United States, Equality--United States
- Abstract
An unrelenting prison boom, marked by stark racial disparities, pulled a disproportionate number of young black men into prison in the last forty years. In Children of the Prison Boom, Sara Wakefield and Christopher Wildeman draw upon broadly representative survey data and interviews to describe the devastating effects of America's experiment in mass incarceration on a generation of vulnerable children tied to these men. In so doing, they show that the effects of mass imprisonment may be even greater on the children left behind than on the men who were locked up. Parental imprisonment has been transformed from an event affecting only the unluckiest of children-those with parents seriously involved in crime-to one that is remarkably common, especially for black children. This book documents how, even for children at high risk of problems, paternal incarceration makes a bad situation worse, increasing mental health and behavioral problems, infant mortality, and child homelessness. Pushing against prevailing understandings of and research on the consequences of mass incarceration for inequality among adult men, these harms to children translate into large-scale increases in racial inequalities. Parental imprisonment has become a distinctively American way of perpetuating intergenerational inequality-one that should be placed alongside a decaying public education system and concentrated disadvantage in urban centers as a factor that disproportionately touches, and disadvantages, poor black children. More troubling, even if incarceration rates were reduced dramatically in the near future, the long-term harms of our national experiment in the mass incarceration of marginalized men are yet to be fully revealed. Optimism about current reductions in the imprisonment rate and the resilience of children must therefore be set against the backdrop of the children of the prison boom-a lost generation now coming of age.
- Published
- 2014
15. Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften : Praxisbuch zur Elternarbeit
- Author
Waldemar Stange, Rolf Krüger, Angelika Henschel, Christof Schmitt, Waldemar Stange, Rolf Krüger, Angelika Henschel, and Christof Schmitt
- Subjects
- Education--Parent participation, Child rearing, Child welfare
- Abstract
'Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften'im Spannungsfeld von Schule, Jugendhilfe und Familie sind derzeit nicht optimal gelöst. Trotz vorhandener Praxis und teilweise langer Traditionen im Bereich der Elternarbeit mangelt es in Deutschland an modernen Konzepten zur Kooperation mit Eltern in der Bildungs- und Erziehungsarbeit. Dieses'Praxisbuch'bietet in einer Vielzahl von Portraits einen tiefen Einblick in gelingende Elternarbeit, der ein Spektrum vom Eltern-Baby-Kurs über die Elternarbeit in der Kita und der Schule bis hin zu Eltern-Kompetenz-Trainings und Elternbriefen eröffnet. Der Band versteht sich auch als Ergänzung zu dem Grundlagenband zu Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften, indem er in Orientierung an Lebensphasen und Feldern der Elternarbeiten vielfältige Programme darstellt und ganz konkrete Programmprofile gelingender Kooperationsarbeit sichtbar macht.
- Published
- 2013
16. Sociology, Youth and Youth Work Practice
- Author
Simon Bradford and Simon Bradford
- Subjects
- Youth--Social conditions, Social work with youth, Youth workers
- Abstract
How can sociology inform our understanding of young people's experiences? Introducing core theories by drawing on a range of cultural resources - from pioneering research to genre-defining films - this book demonstrates how a sociological imagination can enhance informal educational and social welfare approaches to work with young people.
- Published
- 2012
17. Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften : Grundlagen und Strukturen von Elternarbeit
- Author
Waldemar Stange, Rolf Krüger, Angelika Henschel, Christof Schmitt, Waldemar Stange, Rolf Krüger, Angelika Henschel, and Christof Schmitt
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Social service
- Abstract
'Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften'im Spannungsfeld von Schule, Jugendhilfe und Familie sind derzeit nicht optimal gelöst. Vielmehr befindet sich das Thema auf einem eher dürftigen Entwicklungsstand - vor allem im internationalen Vergleich. Dieser Grundlagenband zeichnet die zentralen Diskurslinien der derzeitigen Debatte um Erziehungs-und Bildungspartnerschaften nach, stellt die wissenschaftlichen und fachlichen Hintergründe vor und erörtert die zugrunde liegenden Strukturen. Die Beiträge der namhaften Autoren dieses Bandes sind anschlussfähig an die begonnene Debatte um Gesamtkonzepte im Sinne von „Präventions- und Bildungsketten“, um lokale Bildungslandschaften und übergreifende Netzwerkkonzepte. Das Buch gibt aber auch einen ersten Einblick in Konzepte und Handlungsfelder auf dem Weg in eine gelingende Praxis.
- Published
- 2012
18. The Global Victimization of Children : Problems and Solutions
- Author
Clayton A. Hartjen, S. Priyadarsini, Clayton A. Hartjen, and S. Priyadarsini
- Subjects
- Children--Crimes against, Child labor
- Abstract
This book describes the concept of child victimization in all its facets. Millions of young people throughout the world face violence, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and exploitation on a daily basis. The worldwide victimization of young people can be prevented, or, at least, its incidence can be greatly reduced, if purposeful action is taken to do so. This volume researches and documents some of the ways in which young people throughout the world are victimized, and suggests strategies for preventing various forms of child vistimization. Eight distinct forms of victimization are identified and analyzed in detail. Included are discussions on child prostitution and pornography, economic exploitation through child labor and trafficking, physical and other abuse inflicted on young people in schools and other institutions, the use of children as armed combatants, and the denial of the basic needs and rights of children to such things as home and to education. In each chapter the authors discuss the nature of the victimization, its global dimensions and prevalence, and the measures governments and/or others are taking, or failing to take, to combat the harm based on the concept that youth victimization is a form of government crime.
- Published
- 2012
19. Kritisches Forschen in der Sozialen Arbeit : Gegenstandsbereiche - Kontextbedingungen - Positionierungen - Perspektiven
- Author
Elke Schimpf, Johannes Stehr, Elke Schimpf, and Johannes Stehr
- Subjects
- Social sciences--Methodology, Social sciences, Social service
- Abstract
Das Thema'Forschung'hat Konjunktur - allerdings fällt auf, dass in den Diskursen relativ wenig Bezug auf eine theoretische Verortung genommen wird. Eine Selbstreflexion der Wissenschaft Sozialer Arbeit findet kaum statt. Hier setzt dieser Band an, in dem wesentliche Dimensionen'kritischen Forschens'erarbeitet werden. Es geht um die Formulierung gesellschaftskritischer Perspektiven, die sich im Erkenntnisinteresse, in der Bestimmung des Analysegegenstandes und den daran anschließenden Fragestellungen theoretisch-inhaltlich konkretisieren. Und es erfolgt eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Kontextbedingungen, dem Forschungsprozess selbst und den daraus resultierenden Positionierungen.
- Published
- 2012
20. Handbuch Jugendkriminalität : Kriminologie und Sozialpädagogik im Dialog
- Author
Bernd Dollinger, Henning Schmidt-Semisch, Bernd Dollinger, and Henning Schmidt-Semisch
- Subjects
- Social work with youth--Germany, Subculture--Germany, Juvenile delinquency--Germany, Youth--Germany--Social conditions, Violence in adolescence--Germany
- Abstract
Die Lebensphase'Jugend'wird häufig mit Defiziten, Störungen und riskanten Verhaltensweisen assoziiert. Besondere mediale und politische Aufmerksamkeit erhalten Jugendliche dann, wenn sie mit strafrechtsrelevantem Verhalten in Erscheinung treten. In diesen publizistisch-politischen Kontexten stoßen kriminologische und sozialpädagogische Befunde und Erkenntnisse häufig auf wenig Interesse. Dieses Handbuch thematisiert daher zentrale Felder der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung über Phänomen und Bearbeitung jugendlicher Kriminalität. Es kommen dabei ebenso konsensuelle wie strittige Befunde zur Sprache.
- Published
- 2011
21. Understanding Children′s Social Care : Politics, Policy and Practice
- Author
Nick Frost, Nigel Parton, Nick Frost, and Nigel Parton
- Subjects
- Children--Services for--Great Britain, Social work with children--Great Britain, Social work with children--Political aspects--Great Britain
- Abstract
'These two authors are always worth reading for their breadth and originality. Their new book offers a timely and stimulating analysis of modern children′s services'David Berridge, Professor of Child and Family Welfare, University of Bristol'Clear yet thorough; practical yet politically insightful; complicated yet coherent... this book will appeal to those who want to get an overview of the territory, but also to those who wish to drill down deeper and understand the theoretical underpinning of government policies'Martin C Calder, Honorary Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam Univeristy This is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of children′s social care in England following the introduction of Every Child Matters and the 2007 Children′s Plan. Up-to-date and accessible, the book examines the key issues surrounding child care policy, politics and legislation, and the implications they have for practice. The book is organised into three sections: -From Children′s Departments to Departments of Children′s Services analyses the historical and political changes in the children′s service since 1948. -Different Service Areas provides a critical review of the main service areas, including safeguarding and child protection. -Current Issues and Future Prospects considers the main challenges and future prospects for children′s social care. Essential reading for those studying child social care on programmes in social work, childhood studies and social policy, the book will also interest postgraduates and practitioners in child care.
- Published
- 2009
22. Criminal Lessons : Case Studies and Commentary on Crime and Justice
- Author
Frederic G. Reamer and Frederic G. Reamer
- Subjects
- Crime--Case studies, Criminal behavior--Case studies, Crime prevention--Case studies, Criminal justice, Administration of--Case studies
- Abstract
Why do people commit crimes? How can crime be prevented? And what can society and criminal justice professionals do to implement constructive responses to criminal behavior? Summarizing what he has learned about crime and criminals during his long career, one of social work's most distinguished theoreticians speculates about the factors that lead to crime and considers what we can do to prevent and respond to it meaningfully. Criminal Lessons is based on more than thirteen thousand cases in which Frederic G. Reamer has been involved as a parole board member, a role that was supplemented by his earlier experiences working in a federal correctional facility, a state penitentiary, and a forensic unit in a state psychiatric hospital. Reamer presents an original and compelling typology of crime that classifies offenders on the basis of the circumstances that led to their offenses. He isolates seven categories, tracing crime to desperation, greed, rage, revenge, frolic, addiction, or mental illness. Using actual case studies to illustrate these patterns of'criminal circumstances,'Reamer presents a model for the prevention of, and response to, crime and throughout the book offers recommendations related to social services, criminal justice, and public policy.
- Published
- 2003
23. Working with Young Offenders
- Author
John Pitts and John Pitts
- Abstract
This book offers a comprehensive and critical account of the changes introduced into the UK youth justice system by the 1998 Crime and Disorder legislation, and its implications for youth justice managers and professionals. It identifies strategies for the practitioner that address the impact of crime, the social predicament of the young offender and the effectiveness of formal and informal mechanisms of social control and social support, thereby showing ways of coming to grips with one of the most serious problems besetting the poorest members of our society.
- Published
- 1999
24. Women and Social Work : Towards a Woman-centred Practice
- Author
Jalna Hanmer, Daphne Statham, Jalna Hanmer, and Daphne Statham
- Abstract
In this second edition of a classic text, the changes in the lives of women using social services and women working in them are sensitively charted with the aim of reflecting on how non-sexist women-centred practice can be nurtured and developed. Retaining its original emphasis on attitudes, values and the social welfare context, the text explores the core areas of poverty, work (including providing support for children and adults), violence and familial relationships, but with a stronger emphasis on the important diversities created by age, disability and employment, as well as by race, class and sexuality.
- Published
- 1999
25. Criminology for Social Work
- Author
David Smith and David Smith
- Abstract
Criminology for Social Work critically reviews the major strands in criminological theory and research in terms of their implications for social workers in the criminal justice system. While acknowledging the complexity of the links to be made, it argues that they are able to enhance practice by making it more critical and realistic. Individual chapters discuss criminological psychology, the labelling perspective, the concentration of crime and victimisation in particular localities, the contributions of feminist criminology, and the evidence of racism in criminal justice. They also cover the connections between criminology and policy. The conclusion suggests how criminology could be enriched by feminist philosophy and psychology.
- Published
- 1995
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