90 results on '"PEOPLE with intellectual disabilities"'
Search Results
2. Adult Social Care Law and Policy : Lessons From the Pandemic
- Author
Jean V. McHale, Laura Noszlopy, Jean V. McHale, and Laura Noszlopy
- Abstract
Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book provides an in-depth sociolegal examination of adult social care law and policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the tensions between legislation, policy, and practice in what was already an under-resourced and overstretched sector. The authors interrogate the vision and utility of the Care Act 2014 and explore the impact of emergency legislation and operational changes implemented during the pandemic. Detailing what happened to social care provision during this time of intense stress and turbulence – for people who draw on services, for informal carers, and for those who work in the sector – the book highlights fault lines in the system. This is an invaluable resource offering timely lessons for adult social care reform and future pandemic preparedness planning.
- Published
- 2025
3. The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Disability Studies
- Author
Katie Ellis, Mike Kent, Kim Cousins, Katie Ellis, Mike Kent, and Kim Cousins
- Subjects
- Disability studies
- Abstract
Disability impacts everyone in some way. Approximately 10-20% of the world's population live with disability, and the associated issues affect not just these individuals but also their friends, family, and colleagues. When looking at it this way, it is strange that disability continues to be thought of as an anomaly—either as a medical problem located in a damaged body or something that exists exclusively outside the body, in a society that takes little account of non-normative bodies.Critical disability studies both questions these existing notions of disability and interrogates how they have become a part of the academic attitude towards the field. As the first comprehensive handbook on critical disability studies, this volume provides an authoritative overview of the subject. Including 32 chapters written by established scholars and emerging, next-generation researchers it also includes contributions from activists, writers, and practitioners from the global north and the global south.Divided into three parts: Representation, art, and culture; Media, technology, and communication; and Activism and the life course, it offers discussions on core critical disability studies topics including the social model, technology studies, trauma studies, representation, and queer theory, as well as ground-breaking work on emerging and cutting-edge areas such as neurodiversity and critical approaches in the Middle East, United States, Australia, and Europe.It is required reading for all academics and students working in not just critical disability studies but sociology, digital accessibility and inclusion, health and social care, and social and public policy more broadly.
- Published
- 2025
4. Indigenous Disability Studies
- Author
John T. Ward and John T. Ward
- Subjects
- People with disabilities, Indigenous peoples
- Abstract
This book provides a comprehensive approach to the perspectives, lived experiences, and socio-cultural beliefs of Indigenous scholars regarding disabilities through a distinctions-based approach. Indigenous people demonstrate considerable knowledge in a multitude of capacities in spite of legal, monetary, social, economic, health, and political inequalities that they experience within from administrative authorities whether health, education, or governments.By including various knowledge systems related to social-cultural, traditional governance, spirituality, educational, and self-representation within a communal understanding, the knowledge brought forth will be a combination of information from within/communal and outwards/infusion by Indigenous teachers, scholars, academics, and professionals who aim to combat the negative effects of disability labels and policies that have regulated Indigenous peoples.Comprised of five sections: The power, wisdom, knowledge, and lived experiences of Elders Reframing the narrative – Navigating self-representation Learning from within – Including traditional knowledge Challenging colonial authority – Infusing regional ideals and concepts Interpretations, narratives, and lived experiences of grassroots teachers and social service providers It will be an asset to those who seek out a deeper understanding of the complexity of Indigenous people and their knowledge, including anyone who deals with predominantly non-Indigenous mindsets and barriers to education.Courses on disability studies, Indigenous studies, social work, health, education, and development studies will all benefit from this book.
- Published
- 2025
5. The Routledge International Handbook of Feminisms in Social Work
- Author
Carolyn Noble, Shahana Rasool, Linda Harms-Smith, Gianinna Muñoz-Arce, Donna Baines, Carolyn Noble, Shahana Rasool, Linda Harms-Smith, Gianinna Muñoz-Arce, and Donna Baines
- Subjects
- Social service, Feminist theory, Gender-based violence
- Abstract
This handbook highlights innovative and affect-driven feminist dialogues that inspire social work practice, education, and research across the globe. The editors have gathered the many (at times silenced) feminist voices and their allies together in this book which reflects current and contested feminist landscapes through 52 chapters from leading feminist social work scholars from the many branches and movements of feminist thought and practice. The breadth and width of this collection encompasses work from diverse socio-political contexts across the globe including Central and South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. The book is divided into six parts as follows:• Decoloniality, Indigeneity and Radical Theorising• Feminist Social Work in Fields of Practice• Academy and Feminist Research• The Politics of Care• Allyship, Profeminisms and Queer Perspectives• Social Movements, Engaging with the Environment and the More-than-HumanThe above sections present the diverse feminisms that have influenced social work which provides a range of engaging, informative and thought-provoking chapters. These chapters highlight that feminists still face the battle of working towards ending gender-based violence, discrimination, exploitation and oppression, and therefore it is urgent that we feature the many contemporary examples of activism, resistance, best practice and opportunities to emphasise the different ways feminisms remain central to social work knowledge and practice.It will be of interest to all scholars and students of social work and related disciplinary areas including the social and human sciences, global and social politics and policy, human rights, environmental and sustainability programmes, citizenship and women's studies.
- Published
- 2024
6. PARTICIPATIE IN ZORG EN WELZIJN : het creëren van een participatieve omgeving.
- Author
Meralda Slager, Zsuzsu Tavy and Meralda Slager, Zsuzsu Tavy
- Subjects
- Patient participation
- Abstract
Binnen de gezondheidszorg en het sociale domein is participatie van patiënten, cliënten, naasten, mantelzorgers en anderen die ertoe doen van groot belang. Dit geldt voor zowel het verbeteren van de organisatie en de kwaliteit van zorg als voor het bepalen van belangrijke thema's voor onderzoek. Door diegenen te betrekken om wiens leven het gaat en die vanuit eigen ervaring kennis hebben, worden problemen duidelijker. Daarnaast kan samen worden gekeken naar mogelijke oplossingen. Op deze manier wordt gezamenlijk aan een rechtvaardige samenleving gewerkt. In Participatie in zorg en welzijn worden door verschillende auteurs, die allen veel ervaring hebben met het opzetten van participatieprocessen, handvatten geboden om participatie binnen zorg en welzijn te ontwikkelen en te realiseren. Hoe kan er met alle betrokkenen worden gewerkt aan het verbeteren van zorg en welzijn? Hoe creëren we een omgeving waarin juist die mensen om wie het gaat invloed hebben, ook op het gebied van kwaliteit, beleid en onderzoek? Voor professionals binnen de gezondheidszorg en in het sociale domein is het vaak nog zoeken hoe je een participatieve omgeving creëert. Het opzetten van een participatieproject vraagt kennis en kunde. Dit boek helpt elke professional binnen zorg en welzijn om participatie in te richten en samen al doende vorm te geven. Op www.vangorcumstudie.nl zijn aanvullende filmpjes en een lesprogramma voor docenten beschikbaar.
- Published
- 2024
7. Disability Practice : Safeguarding Quality Service Delivery
- Author
Christine Bigby, Alan Hough, Christine Bigby, and Alan Hough
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Services for
- Abstract
This open access book critically engages with the social, political and ethical implications of support for people with disability to be fully included in society. The authors examine contemporary issues of quality and safeguarding in disability services, translating research and practice wisdom into foundational knowledge. Written by leading researchers, the book provides a comprehensive overview of knowledge and practice necessary to prepare readers to deliver enabling support.
- Published
- 2024
8. Exploring Sexuality and Disability : A Guide for Human Service Professionals
- Author
Shanna Katz Kattari and Shanna Katz Kattari
- Subjects
- Sexual health, People with disabilities--Sexual behavior, People with disabilities--Services for
- Abstract
Offering a current, comprehensive, and intersectional guide for students, practitioners, and researchers, this book synthesizes existing scholarship on culturally responsive practices that assist in exploring, understanding, and affirming the sexuality(ies) of disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent, and Mad individuals.Drawing on an intersectional framework, it integrates insights drawn from an interdisciplinary body of scholarship including psychology, social work, sociology, history, political science, women and gender studies, cultural studies, and education along with perspectives from the practitioners who are actively defining the next generation of best practices.By highlighting the incredible resilience and resistance of disabled individuals'and communities'sexuality and sexual well-being, this book challenges narratives that rely primarily on a one-dimensional view derived from the medical model and the view of disability as something to be “fixed” – or at least tolerated – rather than celebrated. In a world that pathologizes and devalues the sexual existence of disabled individuals, it illustrates how to create thriving communities and relationships, and how they can organize to find their voice, providing a counter-narrative of empowerment that fosters hopefulness, power, and health.It will be of interest to all scholars, students, and professionals across a variety of professions, including social work, psychology, counseling, policy, healthcare, education, community organizing, and multiple social service settings.
- Published
- 2024
9. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation : Promoting Recovery and Self-Determination
- Author
Patrick W. Corrigan, Nicolas Rüsch, Amy C. Watson, Kristin Kosyluk, Lindsay Sheehan, Patrick W. Corrigan, Nicolas Rüsch, Amy C. Watson, Kristin Kosyluk, and Lindsay Sheehan
- Subjects
- Mentally ill--Services for, Mentally ill--Rehabilitation, Needs assessment, Mental health services
- Abstract
The leading text and go-to practitioner resource on psychiatric rehabilitation is now in a thoroughly revised third edition, bringing readers up to date on current ideas, findings, and evidence-based best practices. The expert authors present the knowledge needed to help adults with psychiatric disabilities develop their strengths and achieve their life goals. The book describes effective ways to assess personal needs and aspirations; integrate medical and psychosocial interventions; implement supportive services in such areas as housing, employment, education, substance use, and physical health; and combat stigma and discrimination.'Personal Examples'throughout the text share the experiences of diverse individuals recovering from serious mental illness. New to This Edition •Increased attention to social determinants of health--for example, the impact of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, poverty, and criminal justice involvement. •Chapter on developing more equitable, culturally competent services. •Expanded coverage of physical health and wellness. •New and expanded discussions of community-based participatory research, peer recovery support providers, and other timely topics.
- Published
- 2024
10. Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Revisited : Perspectives Reflected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Author
Arie Rimmerman and Arie Rimmerman
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Social conditions, Social integration, COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Social aspects
- Abstract
Two recent developments created a need for this book, the first is the ratification of the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in most of the countries. The convention clarifies the provisions of their social inclusion and rights for assistive technologies. The second development is the COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted the lives of people around the world, and particularly people with disabilities. The restrictions imposed on the general public to save lives worsened the conditions of people with disabilities who experienced further deterioration of health outcomes, social exclusion, and discrimination. Social inclusion has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic as digital substantially replaced face-to-face communication. The digitalization has changed society and reconfigures social relationships, and thus the dynamics and climate of inclusion. Can digital inclusion compensate persons with disabilities for their social exclusion in virtual reality? The book discusses whether the pandemic changes the status of social inclusion of persons with disabilities. The book explores the roots of social inclusion/exclusion and current use of the term in respect to people with disabilities, the impact of COVID-19 on social inclusion of people with disabilities, and countries'policies to them during the pandemic and afterward. The core issue is regarding relationship between social and digital inclusion during the pandemic and afterward. This has been discussed in respect to persons with various disabilities living in developed and low-medium-income countries and children with disabilities.
- Published
- 2024
11. Knotenpunkt Reha, Bildung und IT : Die berufliche Rehabilitation -Zeitschrift zur beruflichen und sozialen Teilhabe - Heft 2-2024
- Author
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Berufsbildungwerke and Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Berufsbildungwerke
- Abstract
Welche Aussage ist richtig: Bildung braucht die Digitalisierung? Oder: Digitalisierung braucht Bildung? Schnell wird im Verhältnis zwischen zeitgemäßer Bildung und aktuellen Digitalisierungsprozessen in allen Segmenten unserer Gesellschaft deutlich, dass hier ineinander verflochtene Wechselwirkungen stattfinden, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten – zum Teil disruptiv, denken Sie beispielsweise an die Coronajahre – entwickelt haben. Also sind beide Aussagen richtig und gültig: Digitalisierung und Bildung stehen in einer nicht aufzulösenden Wechselwirkung und müssen zusammen gedacht und weiterentwickelt werden. Zusätzlich gibt es ein verbrieftes Recht auf Bildung für jeden Menschen mit einer Behinderung, unabhängig davon welches Alter die/der Betroffene hat und über welches Kompetenzprofil sie/er verfügt. Bildung ist damit ein Grundelement jeder beruflichen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme, egal durch welches Hilfesystem diese geleistet wird und unabhängig vom Alter des Menschen mit Behinderung. Das vorliegende Heft unserer Fachzeitschrift beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten, die zu diesem Wechselspiel zwischen Rehabilitation, Bildung und Digitalisierung gehören und bildet damit einen Teil der Bandbreite dieser verknoteten Interaktionen ab. Zunächst widmet es sich der Gestaltung Beruflicher Bildung für eine Arbeitswelt von Morgen und den damit verbundenen didaktischen Anforderungen an das Bildungspersonal. Ein Modell inklusiver Bildung aus Sachsen-Anhalt zeigt den Weg aus der Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen in den allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt über den Einsatz von Bildungsfachkräften. Schon lange ein Thema im oben skizzierten Spannungsfeld, werden im Anschluss die Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für die Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung abgewogen. Mit der Frage, ob Digitaltechnik ein Inklusionstreiber in der Beruflichen Rehabilitation ist, beschäftigt sich der Folgebeitrag. Abschließend werden das'Informationssystem Rehadat'und die Erfahrungen aus fünf Jahren Einsatz des Gütesiegels'Autismus-gerechtes Berufsbildungswerk'dargestellt. Auch wenn sich die berufliche Rehabilitation zunehmend den neuen Möglichkeiten öffnet, droht sie von der stürmischen digitalen Entwicklung in der Produktions- und Dienstleistungswirtschaft abgehängt zu werden. In der Arbeitswelt laufen Digitalisierungsprozesse in einer Geschwindigkeit ab, die von den Leistungserbringern der Beruflichen Rehabilitation, aber auch von den betroffenen Menschen mit Behinderung nur mit größten Anstrengungen nachvollzogen werden können. Mit Spannung dürfen hier die kommenden Entwicklungen erwartet werden.
- Published
- 2024
12. Rural Social Work in the UK : Themes and Challenges for the Future
- Author
Colin Turbett, Jane Pye, Colin Turbett, and Jane Pye
- Subjects
- Social service, Rural--Great Britain
- Abstract
This book draws together writers from various backgrounds to discuss issues that affect those working in rural social work settings, on themes ranging from current issues that are common to rural localities (including those arising from the Covid-19 pandemic) to future challenges. Common themes that run through all the chapters and hold them together include community and place, stigma and alienation, inequality and social justice, and the environment. Several of the chapters include a strong user voice and challenge cis-heteronormative and other stereotypes of rural life by celebrating diversity in these communities. The book will therefore be invaluable to rural practitioners, students studying to work in rural settings and their educators, as well as rural sociologists and policy makers.
- Published
- 2024
13. Handbook of Disability : Critical Thought and Social Change in a Globalizing World
- Author
Marcia H. Rioux, Alexis Buettgen, Ezra Zubrow, José Viera, Marcia H. Rioux, Alexis Buettgen, Ezra Zubrow, and José Viera
- Subjects
- Disabilities--Handbooks, manuals, etc, People with disabilities--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
This important reference work maps the terrain of disability across the world by providing an overview of issues, concerns and developments in the domains of society, culture, medicine, law, policy, justice, education, economics, and science and technology. It is a truly inclusive volume bringing together perspectives from researchers, activists, professionals, service providers, international development experts and policymakers based in the global North and South, and it particularly focuses on the voices of the principal stakeholders---disabled persons themselves. Working from an interdisciplinary matrix, this book reviews historical developments, contemporary practices and policies. It addresses hitherto unchartered areas in the disability discourse that will be significant in the years to come. In the modern world, the social and medical responses to disability have been separation, segregation and incarceration of disabled people. These responses are reflected in practices of special education, building of asylums, medical classifications and sheltered employment. Current thinking on disability is based on the need to overcome such segregation through the enactment of human rights and socially just programmes, policies and laws such as inclusive education, affirmative action, reasonable accommodation, and supported decision-making. This book explores:· The evolution of the concept of disability over space and time and identifies approaches to disability, debility, equality and equity;· Broad trends in research on disability across the world;· New directions in work on disability;· The emergence of a global disability movement and its etiology;· Intersections of disability with other demographic variables like gender, race, caste, and age; and· Historical and socio-economic interfaces with colonialism, globalization, and social development. Spread over14 sections and spanning more than 80 chapters, this volume is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference work available on the subject.
- Published
- 2024
14. Ubuntu Philosophy and Decolonising Social Work Fields of Practice in Africa
- Author
Janestic Mwende Twikirize, Sharlotte Tusasiirwe, Rugare Mugumbate, Janestic Mwende Twikirize, Sharlotte Tusasiirwe, and Rugare Mugumbate
- Subjects
- Social work education--Africa, Social service--Practice--Africa, Ubuntu (Philosophy)
- Abstract
This book addresses a recurrent gap in social work literature by examining Ubuntu as an Indigenous African philosophy that informs social work beyond the largely residual and individualistic conceptualisation of social work that currently prevails in many contexts. Owing to the lack of social work theories, models and generally, literature that is locally and contextually relevant, most social work lecturers based in African context, struggle to access learning materials and texts that centre local indigenous voices and worldviews. It is within this context that the ubuntu philosophy has gained traction. There is increasing consensus that Ubuntu as an African philosophy and way of life, has the potential to be used as a decolonising framework for social work education and practice. Theorising from Ubuntu can influence and be the foundation for African social work theory and knowledge, social work values and ethics, social work research and policy, and Ubuntu informing different fields of social work practice like social work with older people, children and young people, ubuntu and poverty alleviation, ubuntu and the environment, among others. Drawing together social workers engaged in education, research, policy, practice, to theorise Ubuntu and its tenets, philosophies, and values, this book shows how it can be a foundation for a decolonised, more relevant social work education and practice in African contexts.
- Published
- 2024
15. Soziale Arbeit in der Suchthilfe. Lehrbuch
- Author
Daniel Deimel, Diana Moesgen, Henrike Schecke, Daniel Deimel, Diana Moesgen, and Henrike Schecke
- Abstract
Drogen- und Suchthilfe verstehen und anwenden Dieses umfassende Grundlagenwerk komplementiert die Trilogie aus Lehr- und Fallbüchern der Klinischen Sozialarbeit und führt in eines der wichtigsten Arbeitsfelder, die Suchthilfe, ein. Wie beim Lehrbuch »Soziale Arbeit in der Psychiatrie« wurden Lehrende und Praktiker:innen aus verschiedenen Hochschulen und Praxissettings als Mitschreibende gewonnen, die ihre Erfahrung weitergeben wollen. Die Autor:innen nutzen alle die gleiche didaktische Struktur mit Lernzielen, Kästen, Exkursen, Zusammenfassungen und Reflexionsfragen. Neben einer Beschreibung von Suchtmodellen, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und Rahmenbedingungen werden unterschiedliche Methoden und Zugänge zu einer Klientel vorgestellt, die neben medizinischer Behandlung vor allem psychosoziale Unterstützung braucht. Studierende und Berufsanfänger:innen lernen spezialisierte Angebote für verschiedene Personengruppen und Lebenssituationen kennen. Ein konkurrenzloses Kompendium der Suchthilfe mit einem exzellenten Einblick in Forschung, Praxis und Weiterbildung.
- Published
- 2024
16. The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Disability Studies
- Author
Tsitsi Chataika, Dan Goodley, Tsitsi Chataika, and Dan Goodley
- Subjects
- Postcolonialism--Social aspects, Disability studies, People with disabilities--Social conditions, People with disabilities--Cross-cultural studies
- Abstract
This book centres and explores postcolonial theory, which looks at issues of power, economics, politics, religion and culture and how these elements work in relation to colonial supremacy. It argues that disability is a constitutive material presence in many postcolonial societies and that progressive disability politics arise from postcolonial concerns. By drawing these two subjects together, this handbook challenges oppression, voicelessness, stereotyping, undermining, neo-colonisation and postcolonisation and bridges binary debate between global North and the global South.The book is divided into eight sections Setting the Scene Decolonising Disability Studies Postcolonial Theory, Inclusive Development Postcolonial Disability Studies and Disability Activism Postcolonial Disability and Childhood Studies Postcolonial Disability Studies and Education Postcolonial Disability Studies, Gender, Race and Religion Conclusion And comprised of 27 newly written chapters, this book leads with postcolonial perspectives – closely followed by an engagement with critical disability studies – with the explicit aim of foregrounding these contributions; pulling them in from the edges of empirical and theoretical work where they often reside in mainstream academic literature.The book will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies and postcolonial studies as well as those working in sociology, literature and development studies.
- Published
- 2024
17. Doing CBT : A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Behaviors, Thoughts, and Emotions
- Author
David F. Tolin and David F. Tolin
- Subjects
- Cognitive therapy, Anxiety disorders--Treatment
- Abstract
With new case material, expanded pedagogical tools, and updated theory and research, the second edition of this reader-friendly text is an ideal introduction to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for graduate students and practitioners. In a witty, empathic style, David F. Tolin explains the'whats,''whys,'and'how-tos'of addressing the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional elements of clients'psychological problems. Featuring helpful graphics, vivid examples and sample dialogues, and 39 reproducible worksheets and forms that can also be downloaded and printed, the book concludes with four chapter-length case illustrations. New to This Edition •New or expanded discussions of case formulation, transdiagnostic interventions, therapeutic strategies like mindfulness and acceptance, and more. •Increased attention to cultural competence, intermediate beliefs, and linking conceptualization to intervention. •Additional chapter-length case example. Pedagogical Features •Numerous engaging boxes, including'Try This,''The Science Behind It,''Things that Might Bug You about This,” and more. •New in the second edition--chapter-opening'Essential Points,''CBT Spotlight'boxes on popular variants of CBT, and end-of-chapter discussion questions. •Learning worksheets for self-practice of core CBT skills. •End-of-chapter key terms with definitions. See also Experiencing CBT from the Inside Out, by James Bennett-Levy, Richard Thwaites, Beverly Haarhoff, and Helen Perry, a unique self-practice/self-reflection workbook, and The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, by Nikolaos Kazantzis, Frank M. Dattilio, and Keith S. Dobson, which provides key recommendations for optimizing outcomes.
- Published
- 2024
18. Behavior Analysis : Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice
- Author
Henry S. Roane, Andrew R. Craig, Valdeep Saini, Joel E. Ringdahl, Henry S. Roane, Andrew R. Craig, Valdeep Saini, and Joel E. Ringdahl
- Subjects
- Ethics--Research, Behavioral assessment, Behaviorism (Psychology)
- Abstract
This is the first comprehensive volume to bridge the gap between the science of behavior and applied behavior analysis (ABA). The book demonstrates how laboratory research informs real-world interventions to facilitate behavior change, and vice versa. Most of the chapters are written by researcher–clinician collaborators, who highlight commonalities and differences in the ways they conceptualize behavior and collect, analyze, and use data. Chapters present translational perspectives on conditioning, reinforcement, extinction, choice, verbal behavior, and more. Ethical considerations in translational research are explored. Training in foundational knowledge is a key requirement for behavior analyst certification, making this a needed resource for current and future ABA practitioners.
- Published
- 2024
19. The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities
- Author
Angharad E. Beckett, Anne-Marie Callus, Angharad E. Beckett, and Anne-Marie Callus
- Subjects
- Children with disabilities--Social conditions, Teenagers with disabilities--Social conditions
- Abstract
This book will be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in disability studies, childhood studies, medicine and health sciences, and sociology. It also provides insights that will be of use and value to professionals working with disabled children and adolescents in education, health and in disability-specific services.Opening with four narratives that offer the reader a window into the lived experience of disabled children, adolescents and their families, subsequent chapters explore a range of issues facing disabled children from early childhood through to late adolescence. Topics include family life, early intervention, inclusive and post-secondary education, the right to play, digital participation, the effects of labelling and matters relating to agency and sexuality.With chapters discussing research from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK amongst others, this book: contributes to the existing body of knowledge about the lives of disabled children and adolescents, with a focus on socially created disabling factors provides the reader with analysis of issues affecting disabled children and adolescents according to different conceptual frameworks, national contexts and with regard to different types of impairments/disabilities highlights the main issues that confront disabled children and adolescents, their families and their allies in the early twenty-first century highlights the importance of actively listening to the perspectives of disabled children and adolescents It provides a rich source of knowledge and information about the lives of disabled children and adolescents, and a variety of perspectives on how their lives are affected by material and non-material factors, social structures and cultural constructions.
- Published
- 2024
20. The Routledge International Handbook of Disability Human Rights Hierarchies
- Author
Stephen Meyers, Megan McCloskey, Gabor Petri, Stephen Meyers, Megan McCloskey, and Gabor Petri
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Social conditions, People with disabilities--Civil rights, Discrimination against people with disabilities, Social status
- Abstract
Disability is defined by hierarchy. Regardless of culture or context, persons with disabilities are almost always pushed to the bottom of the social hierarchy.With the advent of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), disability human rights seemingly provided a path forward for tearing down ableist social hierarchies and ensuring that all persons with disabilities everywhere were treated equally. Despite important progress, the disability human rights project not only remains incomplete, but has often created new hierarchies among persons with disabilities themselves or across the human rights it promotes. Certain groups of persons with disabilities have gained new voices while others remain silenced and certain rights are prioritized over others depending on what states, international organizations, or advocates want rather than what those on the ground need most.This volume was inspired both by the continued need to expose human rights violations against persons with disabilities, but to also explore the nuanced role that hierarchies play in the spread, implementation, and protection of disability human rights. The enjoyment of human rights is not equal nor is the recognition of specific individuals and groups'rights. In order to change this situation, inequalities across the disability human rights movement must be explored.Divided into five parts: Who counts as disabled? Political, social, and cultural context Which rights on top, whose rights on bottom? Pushed to the periphery in the disability rights movement Representations of disability and comprised of 34 newly-written chapters including case-studies from the Anglophone Caribbean, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, Ghana, Haiti, Hungary, India, Israel, Kenya, Latin America, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Serbia and South Africa, and other countries, this book will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, sociology, human rights law and social policy.
- Published
- 2024
21. Schnittstelle Gesundheitswesen und Kinder- und Jugendhilfe : Medizinische, psychologische und psychiatrische Versorgung
- Author
Daniel Kieslinger, Stephan Hiller, Daniel Kieslinger, and Stephan Hiller
- Abstract
Junge Menschen haben das Recht auf ein gesundes, gewaltfreies Aufwachsen und die bestmögliche Gesundheit (Art 24 UN-KRK), was durch das sozialstaatliche Unterstützungssystem verwirklicht werden soll. Emotionale Fürsorge, gesunde Ernährung, adäquate Förderung und die Prävention psychischer und physischer Krankheiten ermöglichen eine ganzheitliche Teilhabe und ein Heranwachsen zu einer selbstständigen und eigenverantwortlichen Persönlichkeit. Die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe nimmt hierbei eine wesentliche Rolle ein, wodurch sich zahlreiche unterschiedliche Schnittstellen mit dem Gesundheitswesen ergeben, die Kooperationen erforderlich machen: die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie im Kontext von psychischen Auffälligkeiten junger Menschen, die Erwachsenenpsychiatrie bei jungen Volljährigen und bei Hilfebedarfen Kinder psychisch und suchtkranker Eltern, die Pädiatrie im Kontext von Kindeswohlgefährdungen sowie das System der'frühen Hilfen'. Die Beiträge beleuchten insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der anstehenden Veränderungen durch die inklusive Kinder- und Jugendhilfe die benannten Schnittstellen, stellen bestehende und kommende Herausforderungen und Chancen dar und zeigen angezeigte fachliche Entwicklungen auf. Um ein möglichst breites Bild zu erhalten, kommen Expert•innen aus Wissenschaft, Forschung und Praxis zu Wort.
- Published
- 2024
22. Social Work with Young People in Care : Looking After Children in Theory and Practice
- Author
Nigel Patrick Thomas, Karen Winter, Nigel Patrick Thomas, and Karen Winter
- Subjects
- Child welfare, Social work with children
- Abstract
This introduction to social work with children and young people who are looked after (in care or accommodated) by statutory or voluntary agencies is the only textbook on the subject which addresses this area of work across all four nations of the UK.Providing a clear theoretical and ethical basis, it introduces and develops a set of core themes, reflective of contemporary developments including: • the influence of, and tensions between, dominant discourses that shape the social work service (relationship-based practice, early intervention and prevention, social innovation, evidence-based practice and outcomes); • the use and abuse of concepts of ‘children's needs'and ‘best interests'; • ideas of parenting and parental responsibility, and the relationships between children, families, communities and the state; • the importance of recognising that children and young people have rights and considering their views; • trauma, trauma-informed practice, transitions and resilience.With chapters addressing a sequence of topics – assessment and planning, residential and foster care, leaving care, and permanence – there is a specific focus on working with disabled children, children from minority ethnic communities, and marginalised groups of children and young people, including refugees and asylum seekers, LGBTQIA+ children and those who have been trafficked.Packed full of useful pedagogical features, including material on the legal and policy context, summaries of research evidence, notes for good practice, group teaching exercises, references to legislation and guidance, and guides to further reading, it will be core reading on any child and family care modules, general preparation for practice courses, Frontline, Step Up, as well as for all social work practitioners.
- Published
- 2024
23. The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching
- Author
Jarosław Przeperski, Rajendra Baikady, Jarosław Przeperski, and Rajendra Baikady
- Subjects
- Social work education
- Abstract
This handbook is a comprehensive text on social work education based on the narratives of social work educators, practitioners, and researchers from Asia and the Pacific, North and South America, Australia and Oceania, and Europe. It discusses innovations, challenges, pedagogy, and tested methods of social work teaching at various levels of educational programmes.The volume: Examines key concepts that underpin debates concerning social work teaching, research, and practice Brings out key concerns, debates, and narratives concerning various teaching, learning, and pedagogical methods from different countries Documents principal perspectives of different stakeholders involved in social work education – from educators and practitioners to novice social workers The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching will be an effective instrument in informing policy decisions related to social work teaching and pedagogy at the global and local levels. It will be essential for educators, researchers, and practitioners within social work institutions and for professional associations around the world.
- Published
- 2024
24. Soziale Arbeit und Sport
- Author
Nina Proufas, Karlsson Olberg, Christoph Clephas, Nina Proufas, Karlsson Olberg, and Christoph Clephas
- Abstract
This textbook sheds light on the field of social work in sport, which is currently being developed. Through an independent presentation of the discipline and profession of social work and sport, the question of whether the term'science'is justified for social work and sport is the subject of a critical and reflective discussion. Based on this, sport social work is presented by means of qualitative interviews under the characteristic of its professional realization. In this context, fan work and all-day care as well as offers by sports clubs serve as illustrative examples. Finally, two concrete examples – disability and migration – are used to show where sport becomes visible as a method of integration and inclusion.
- Published
- 2024
25. Sozial - Innovativ - Nachhaltig : Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für die Sozialwirtschaft
- Author
Birgit Schmidtke, Martin Lu Kolbinger, Daniela Molzbichler, Birgit Schmidtke, Martin Lu Kolbinger, and Daniela Molzbichler
- Subjects
- Welfare economics, Social service, Sustainability
- Abstract
Der Tagungsband zum 8. Fachkongress der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialmanagement / Sozialwirtschaft (INAS) an der FH Salzburg thematisiert aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive innovative, soziale und nachhaltige Ansätze der Sozialwirtschaft, um auf aktuelle gesellschaftliche Problemlagen zu reagieren und zukünftige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Die hier zusammengeführte sozialwissenschaftliche Expertise ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis für die Bedingungen, Methoden und Wirkungen sozialer und nachhaltiger Innovationen.
- Published
- 2024
26. The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health
- Author
Lieketseng Ned, Minerva Rivas Velarde, Satendra Singh, Leslie Swartz, Karen Soldatić, Lieketseng Ned, Minerva Rivas Velarde, Satendra Singh, Leslie Swartz, and Karen Soldatić
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Medical care, People with disabilities--Social conditions, Health services administration
- Abstract
This handbook will raise awareness about the importance of health and well-being of people with disabilities in the context of the global development agenda: Leaving No-one Behind.There has been a growing discussion on how people with disabilities should be included in the global health landscape. An estimated one billion people have some form of disability, 80% of whom live in low- and middle-income settings. People with disabilities are more likely to be poor, with restricted access to health and social services, education, rehabilitation and employment. Despite this, people with disabilities are often overlooked in global health and development efforts. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that unless systematically planned for and included in policies and programmes, people with disabilities remain at an increased risk of being adversely affected in times of humanitarian crisis and emergency disasters.Divided into eight sections: Disability and Health Frameworks Health Justice, Rights and Bioethics Gendering Disability Health Disability and Global Mental Health Disability and Access to Healthcare, Including Workforce Development Crises and Health Technology and Digital Health Disability, Ageing and Dementia Care This handbook covers the full range of topics pertaining to disability and global health including inclusive health; access to rehabilitation; global mental health and disability; medical training and disability; community based inclusive development for improving health and rehabilitation; maternal health and sexual reproduction; preventive care and health promotion for people with disabilities; health, disability and indigenous knowledges; bioethics and human rights; data protection; and health in the global south.It will be of interest to all scholars, students and professionals working in the fields of disability studies, health studies, nursing, medicine, allied health, development studies and sociology.
- Published
- 2024
27. Autismus und herausforderndes Verhalten : Praxisleitfaden Positive Verhaltensunterstützung
- Author
Georg Theunissen and Georg Theunissen
- Subjects
- Autistic children--Behavior modification
- Abstract
Autismus nimmt in den letzten Jahren zu. Inzwischen wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Anteil autistischer Menschen an der Gesamtbevölkerung bei etwa 1 Prozent liegt. Das betrifft in Deutschland ungefähr 800.000 Menschen im Autismus-Spektrum. Der Leitfaden ist für heilpädagogische und pädagogische Fachkräfte (auch Lehrer:innen), aber auch für Eltern konzipiert, die sich Hilfe oder Unterstützung beim Umgang mit herausforderndem Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus dem Autismus- Spektrum wünschen. Die 6., aktualisierte Auflage enthält u.a. einen Sicherheitsplan, ein Beispiel aus der Erwachsenenarbeit, Aspekte des Bundesteilhabegesetzes sowie ein Modell für einen personenbezogenen Unterstützungsplan im Anhang.
- Published
- 2024
28. Social Work and Social Innovation : Emerging Trends and Challenges for Practice, Policy and Education in Europe
- Author
Jean Pierre Wilken, Anne Parpan-Blaser, Sarah Prosser, Suzan van der Pas, Erik Jansen, Jean Pierre Wilken, Anne Parpan-Blaser, Sarah Prosser, Suzan van der Pas, and Erik Jansen
- Subjects
- Social service--Europe
- Abstract
Written by leading experts from across Europe, this book provides a grounded exploration of innovation in the practice, research and education of social work. It focuses on the role of participation, collaboration and co-creation as key drivers of social innovation within these fields, providing practical examples of social entrepreneurship, people-centred design and participatory led innovation.The positive outcomes of local social innovations are analysed in the wider European framework, with reflections and recommendations for advancing innovation in policy, service provision, education and research.
- Published
- 2024
29. Facilitating Social Justice, Service Delivery, and Advocacy Through Multicultural Counseling Competencies
- Author
Keith B. Wilson, Si-Yi Chao, Keith B. Wilson, and Si-Yi Chao
- Subjects
- Cross-cultural counseling, Social justice
- Abstract
'This book aims to offer both a theoretical framework and the most recent empirical research findings in the area of social variables (e.g., gender, race) as they connect with multicultural counseling competencies. Learning Objective 1: To define and understand how social variables impact the lives of both marginalized groups and those who are not marginalized part of marginalized groups in the United States. Learning Objective 2: To increase knowledge of why it is more challenging to advocate for those who may not look like you do. Learning Objective 3: To increase knowledge about the primary reasons why it is challenging to apply social justice concepts in everyday life. Learning Objective 4: To increase the knowledge and application of how to advocate for marginalized and non-marginalized groups using the Multicultural Counseling Competencies'--
- Published
- 2023
30. Disability and Labour in the Twentieth Century : Historical and Comparative Perspectives
- Author
Radu Harald Dinu, Staffan Bengtsson, Radu Harald Dinu, and Staffan Bengtsson
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--Employment--History--20th century
- Abstract
This volume puts disability and labour at the centre of historical enquiry. It offers fresh perspectives on the history of disability and labour in the twentieth century and highlights the need to address the topic beyond regional boundaries. Bringing together historians and disability scholars from a variety of disciplines and regions, the chapters investigate various historical settings, ranging from work cooperatives to disability associations and informal workplaces, and analyse multiple meanings of labour in different political and economic systems through the lens of disability. The book's contributors demonstrate that the nexus between labour and disability in modern, industrialised societies resists easy generalisations, as marginalisation and integration were often two sides of the same coin: While the experience of many disabled people has been marked by exclusion from mainstream production, labour also became a vehicle for integration and emancipation. Addressing one of the research gaps of the disability history field, which has long been dominated by British and North American perspectives, the book sheds light on less-studied examples from Scandinavian countries and Eastern Europe including Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Romania. Cutting across national, cultural and class divides the volume provides a springboard for reflections on common experiences of disability and labour during the twentieth century. It will be of interest to all scholars and students working in the field of disability studies, sociology and labour history.
- Published
- 2023
31. Inequality and Social Work
- Author
Rick Hood and Rick Hood
- Subjects
- Equality, Social service, Service social
- Abstract
Inequality lies at the heart of many of the challenges you will face as a social worker as you prepare to work with some of the most excluded, disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals, families and communities. This book is designed to help you think critically about the skills and knowledge you need to understand and tackle inequality, and provide meaningful help to those people most in need. Key topics include: - what is inequality and the role of social work - social inequalities - health and welfare inequalities - global inequalities - the role of social policy - intersectional social work, radical social work and community-based approaches.
- Published
- 2023
32. Living on the Edge : Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood
- Author
Samuel Keller, Inger Oterholm, Veronika Paulsen, Adrian D. van Breda, Samuel Keller, Inger Oterholm, Veronika Paulsen, and Adrian D. van Breda
- Subjects
- Youth--Employment, Education, Youth--Institutional care, Youth--Government policy
- Abstract
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY licence. Young people transitioning out of care towards independence, work and adulthood are on the edge of these phases of life. Considering previously neglected groups of care leavers such as unaccompanied migrants, street youth, those leaving residential care, young parents and those with a disability, this book presents cutting-edge research from emerging global scholars. The collection addresses the precarity experienced by many care leavers, who often lack the social capital and resources to transition into stable education, employment and family life. Including the voices of care leavers throughout, it makes research relevant to practitioners and policymakers aiming to enable, rather than label, vulnerable groups.
- Published
- 2023
33. Unterstütztes Wohnen und Teilhabe
- Author
Friedrich Dieckmann, Theresia Heddergott, Antonia Thimm, Friedrich Dieckmann, Theresia Heddergott, and Antonia Thimm
- Subjects
- Public housing--Germany, Housing policy--Germany, People with mental disabilities--Germany, People with disabilities--Housing--Germany
- Abstract
Das Buch fasst die Forschung zum unterstützten Wohnen und zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung zusammen und weist Richtungen für die inhaltliche und methodische Weiterentwicklung. Im ersten Teil wird die Forschung zum Wohnen mit Unterstützung in der Teilhabeforschung verortet und ein Überblick über die Entwicklung und den Stand der deutschsprachigen und internationalen Wohnforschung gegeben. Der zweite Teil setzt mit der partizipativen Forschung und der Zusammenstellung internationaler standardisierter Erhebungsinstrumente forschungsmethodische Impulse. Im dritten Teil werden innovative Themenfelder (Sozialraum, Organisationskultur, technisch unterstützte Teilhabe, Menschen mit komplexem Unterstützungsbedarf) mit ihren Erkenntnissen und Herausforderungen vorgestellt.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.
- Published
- 2023
34. Social Work Theory and Ethics : Ideas in Practice
- Author
Dorothee Hölscher, Richard Hugman, Donna McAuliffe, Dorothee Hölscher, Richard Hugman, and Donna McAuliffe
- Subjects
- Social workers--Professional ethics, Social service--Moral and ethical aspects, Social service
- Abstract
This reference work addresses the ideas that shape social work. Much of the social work literature addresses questions of theory and ethics separately, so that the body of thought that is represented in social work scholarship and research creates a distinction between them. However, the differences between these categories of thought can be somewhat arbitrary. This volume goes beyond this simple separation of categories. Although it recognises that questions of theory and ethics may be addressed distinctly, the connections between them can be made evident and drawn out by analysing them alongside each other.Social work's use and development of theory can be understood in two complementary ways. First, theory from the social sciences and other disciplines can be applied for social work; second, considered, systematic examinations of practice have enabled theory to be developed out of social work. These different approaches are usually referred to as'theory for practice'and'practice theory'. The advancement of social work theory occurs often through the interplay between these two dimensions, through research and scholarship in the field.Similarly, social work ethics draw on principles and concepts that have their roots in philosophical inquiry and also involve applied analysis in the particular issues with which social workers engage and their practices in doing so. In this way social work contributes to wider debates through advancement of its own perspectives and knowledge gained through practice.Social Work Theory and Ethics: Ideas in Practice offers a unique approach by bringing together the complementary dimensions of theory with each other and at the same time with ethical research and scholarship. It presents an analysis of the ideas of social work in a way that enables connections between them to be identified and explored. This reference is essential reading for social work practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, academics and students, as well as an invaluable resource for universities, research institutes, government ministries and departments, major non-governmental organisations, and professional associations of social work.
- Published
- 2023
35. Migrants Who Care : West Africans Working and Building Lives in U.S. Health Care
- Author
Fumilayo Showers and Fumilayo Showers
- Subjects
- Medical personnel, Foreign--United States, West Africans--United States--Migrations
- Abstract
As the U.S. population ages and as health care needs become more complex, demand for paid care workers in home and institutional settings has increased. This book draws attention to the reserve of immigrant labor that is called on to meet this need. Migrants Who Care tells the little-known story of a group of English-speaking West African immigrants who have become central to the U.S. health and long-term care systems. With high human capital and middle-class pre-migration backgrounds, these immigrants - hailing from countries as diverse as Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, and Liberia - encounter blocked opportunities in the U.S. labor market. They then work in the United States, as home health aides, certified nursing assistants, qualified disability support professionals, and licensed practical and registered nurses. This book reveals the global, political, social, and economic factors that have facilitated the entry of West African women and men into the health care labor force (home and institutional care for older adults and individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities; and skilled nursing). It highlights these immigrants'role as labor brokers who tap into their local ethnic and immigrant communities to channel co-ethnics to meet this labor demand. It illustrates how West African care workers understand their work across various occupational settings and segments in the health care industry. This book reveals the transformative processes migrants undergo as they become produced, repackaged, and deployed as health care workers after migration. Ultimately, this book tells the very real and human story of an immigrant group surmounting tremendous obstacles to carve out a labor market niche in health care, providing some of the most essential and intimate aspects of care labor to the most vulnerable members of society.
- Published
- 2023
36. Social Work During COVID-19 : Glocal Perspectives and Implications for the Future of Social Work
- Author
Timo Harrikari, Joseph Mooney, Malathi Adusumalli, Paula McFadden, Tuomas Leppiaho, Timo Harrikari, Joseph Mooney, Malathi Adusumalli, Paula McFadden, and Tuomas Leppiaho
- Subjects
- Social service--Health aspects, COVID-19 (Disease)--Social aspects
- Abstract
This book focusses on social work in the time of COVID-19. Social workers, their clients, and the organisations they represent have been affected by the pandemic in multiple ways. The pandemic and various efforts to curb the viral outbreak, such as face masks and lockdowns, have forced social workers to adapt to a ‘new normal', launch new practices, mobilise social support and networks remotely, and above all, defend the most vulnerable populations. This requires an understanding of how social work and its clients are prepared for, capable to respond to, and further, to recover from a societal crisis and human disasters, like a coronavirus pandemic. Divided into three parts, it provides a wealth of knowledge related to social work in different local and cultural contexts during the period of the global pandemic. With experienced social work researchers across a diversity of settings, contexts, and research traditions, the book is reflective of the ‘glocal'response of social work. Offering new perspectives on challenges social workers have faced in dealing with the pandemic, it makes critical and timely insights into the innovations and adaptations in social work responses, with a strong empirical basis.It will be of interest to all social work scholars, students, and practitioners.
- Published
- 2023
37. Governance in the Social Economy : An Introduction
- Author
Ludger Kolhoff and Ludger Kolhoff
- Subjects
- Economics--Political aspects, Economics--Sociological aspects, Microeconomics
- Abstract
In this textbook, governance aspects are presented and explained in a comprehensible way at different levels: After a look at the roots of the governance discussion in economics and political science, political and economic negotiation and problem-solving processes are discussed on the macro level'Orders of Governance'and institutional and normative framework conditions are considered; on the meso level'Cooperation', forms of steering and control as well as cooperation and coordination of social economy enterprises are dealt with; and on the micro level'Interactions', governance is dealt with from the perspective of the actors and their interactions.
- Published
- 2023
38. Selling Social : Procurement, Purchasing, and Social Enterprises
- Author
Jennifer Sumner, Andrea Chan, Annie Luk, Jack Quarter, Jennifer Sumner, Andrea Chan, Annie Luk, and Jack Quarter
- Subjects
- Government purchasing--Environmental aspects--Canada, Government purchasing--Social aspects--Canada, Social entrepreneurship--Canada, Nonprofit organizations--Canada
- Abstract
Since the 2010s, all levels of governments in Canada have gradually initiated social procurement as a policy tool to further their social values and political agendas. Social enterprises of various shapes and sizes across the country have served as partners in the execution of those agendas. Selling Social examines the experiences of these enterprises in social procurement and social purchasing. Selling Social presents the findings of a three-year Canadian research project detailing experiences of work integration social enterprises (WISEs) selling their goods and services to organizational purchasers, including governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Drawing on survey findings and interviews, the book explores a diverse group of social enterprises from across Canada, showcasing their successes and their challenges based on real-life examples to aid social enterprises that are considering this path. The book emphasizes the importance of including social and environmental considerations in procurement and purchasing decisions, particularly at larger scales and through public policy. In doing so, Selling Social extends the understanding of social enterprises beyond their social and economic outcomes and into the broader movement towards responsible procurement and purchasing.
- Published
- 2023
39. Psychische Störungen und intellektuelle Beeinträchtigungen : Ein Lehrbuch und Kompendium für die Praxis
- Author
Albert Lingg, Georg Theunissen, Albert Lingg, and Georg Theunissen
- Abstract
Die 8., aktualisierte Auflage ist das einzige Kompendium und Lehrbuch im deutschsprachigen Raum, das aus der Perspektive zeitgemäßer Behindertenarbeit und interdisziplinärer Sicht grundlegende und praktische Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen vermittelt. Die Inhalte beziehen sich sowohl auf psychische Störungsbilder und psychiatrisches Basiswissen als auch auf (sozial)psychiatrische, psychopharmakologische, psychotherapeutische, heilpädagogische und lebensweltbezogene Handlungsansätze für die Arbeit mit intellektuell behinderten Menschen. Das Buch ist für die praktische Arbeit in der Behindertenhilfe unverzichtbar.
- Published
- 2023
40. Soziale Arbeit in Krisenzeiten : Ausgabe 4/2023 - Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit
- Author
Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V and Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V
- Abstract
Der Umgang mit Krisen gehört zum Kerngeschäft Sozialer Arbeit – aber Dimension und Qualität aktueller Krisen verlangen Flexibilität und unkonventionelle Lösungen. In diesem Heft werden die Herausforderungen für die alltäglichen Praktiken und die Strukturen Sozialer Arbeit reflektiert, die sich aus der Covid-19-Pandemie, aus Umweltkatastrophen wie der Flut im Ahrtal, aus der Aufnahme zahlreicher Geflüchteter und der Klimakrise ergeben.
- Published
- 2023
41. Migration and Social Work : Approaches, Visions and Challenges
- Author
Emilio José Gómez-Ciriano, Elena Cabiati, Sofia Dedotsi, Emilio José Gómez-Ciriano, Elena Cabiati, and Sofia Dedotsi
- Subjects
- Social work with refugees--Europe, Refugees--Services for--Europe
- Abstract
With cross-cultural perspectives from contributors in nine countries, this book showcases much-needed research on current issues around migration and social work in Europe. Focusing on the reception, experiences and integration of refugees and asylum seekers, the chapters also consider the impact of recent EU policies on borders and integration.With racism on the rise in some European societies, the book foregrounds international social work values as a common framework to face discriminatory practice at macro and micro levels. Featuring recommendations for inclusive practice that ‘opens doors', this book features the voices of migrants and the practitioners aiding their inclusion in new societies.
- Published
- 2023
42. Rights in Practice for People with a Learning Disability : Stories of Citizenship
- Author
Liz Tilly, Jan Walmsley, Liz Tilly, and Jan Walmsley
- Subjects
- Learning disabled--Civil rights
- Abstract
This book aims to raise awareness about the possibility of achieving the goals of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), in order for all disabled people to enjoy the benefit of human rights. The stories of people who have been supported to enjoy their rights and their citizenship will enable readers to focus on how services and support can enable people with a learning disability to have their rights upheld, with an outcome of citizenship, independence and achievement. Despite the UNCRDP being in place since 2006, a significant number of learning disability service provider organisations and professionals in the UK are not aware of its existence. This book aims to bridge the gap between policy and practice to demonstrate the value of a human rights approach as the foundation for services and support for people with a learning disability.
- Published
- 2023
43. The Social Work Experience : A Case-Based Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
- Author
Mary Ann Suppes, Carolyn Cressy Wells, Melinda Lee Kiltz, Mary Ann Suppes, Carolyn Cressy Wells, and Melinda Lee Kiltz
- Subjects
- Social service--United States, Social service--Vocational guidance--United St
- Abstract
The Social Work Experience is a case-based, contemporary introduction to the social work profession. In-depth coverage explores 8 major fields of practice and the latest ethical and professional standards. Social welfare policies are presented in historical perspective, along with discussion of current issues and probable future trends. Authentic, current chapter-opening case studies introduce a wide variety of real-world situations and portray diverse populations in both client and social worker roles. The 8th Edition incorporates professional social work values and ethics into the contents of every chapter. New short case studies in each chapter, in addition to the chapter-opening cases, illustrate special issues and concerns in social work practice today.
- Published
- 2023
44. Young People, Stalking Awareness and Domestic Abuse
- Author
Maria Mellins, Rachael Wheatley, Caroline Flowers, Maria Mellins, Rachael Wheatley, and Caroline Flowers
- Subjects
- Youth--Attitudes, Youth--Conduct of life, Offenses against the person--Prevention, Youth and violence--Prevention
- Abstract
This book addresses domestic abuse and stalking among young people in the UK and Ireland, with a focus on intersectionality and lifestyle settings. In partnership with the Alice Ruggles Trust, this book draws on a wealth of expert contributions including those with lived experience, frontline services such as Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, charities EmilyTest and Hollie Gazzard Trust, researchers of so-called honour-based abuse and online harms, and forensic psychologists who work with people who stalk. It begins with an overview of ways to recognise harmful behaviours, including those carried out online. The discussion then moves on to methods and motivations of stalking and coercive control and the various lifestyle contexts including education environments, young people in the workplace, and the role of the police and frontline support services in tackling these issues. It is a vital resource for undergraduate students across criminology, sociology, law, psychology, education, social justice, policing, and forensic psychology, as well as a combination of academic researchers and professionals working within stalking and domestic abuse support and prevention. This action-orientated book also includes'Key Points'and ‘Discussion Questions'in each chapter to direct student learning in the classroom and to create discussion points for wider readers.
- Published
- 2023
45. Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care
- Author
Stefanija Alisauskiene, Natallia Bahdanovich Hanssen, Daiva Kairienė, Stefanija Alisauskiene, Natallia Bahdanovich Hanssen, and Daiva Kairienė
- Subjects
- Interprofessional relations, Inclusive education, Early childhood education
- Abstract
This edited volume covers issues related to educational research and practices for early childhood education and care (ECEC), highlighting interprofessional and family-professional collaboration within inclusive education in different cultural contexts. Contributors include authors from throughout Europe, including Lithuania, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Spain, UK, and Ukraine. Chapters provide a forum for intentional dialogue about and shared understanding of successful and inspiring ECEC practices, the main barriers of interprofessional and family-professional collaboration, and opportunities for further improvement of inclusive ECEC practices.
- Published
- 2023
46. Participation in Digital Education : Results of the Educational Study of the Genossenschaft Der Werkstätten Für Behinderte Menschen in Norddeutschland E. G., (Germany)
- Author
Ludger Kolhoff, Julia Hartung-Ziehlke, Karen Frankenstein, Ludger Kolhoff, Julia Hartung-Ziehlke, and Karen Frankenstein
- Subjects
- People with disabilities—Education, Educational technology, Continuing education, Social work education
- Abstract
Digital education offers support the equal participation of people with disabilities in lifelong learning. They thus provide access for independent living and participation in all areas of life and are highlighted as a central factor of successful inclusion. In order to give people with impairment the opportunity to participate in digital education, the educational and qualification needs of people with impairment in 10 member institutions of the Cooperative of Workshops for Disabled People in Northern Germany e.G. were recorded in 2016 - 2018. In this volume, existing analyses on the educational needs of people with impairments and existing educational offers are evaluated and more than 500 people with impairments are interviewed. On the basis of this study, needs-oriented digital educational offers are created in a targeted manner.
- Published
- 2023
47. Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan
- Author
Fintan Sheerin, Carmel Doyle, Fintan Sheerin, and Carmel Doyle
- Subjects
- People with mental disabilities--Health and hygiene, People with mental disabilities--Care, Intellectual disability
- Abstract
This textbook provides nurses, allied health and social care professionals with the background knowledge necessary to support individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. It is a unique and viable resource which is particularly timely, as recent decades have seen a significant change in the demographics and associated care and support needs of this population. The textbook is laid into four sections to provide a logical structure for the content with chapters developing key topic areas relevant to the field. The introductory section sets the overall context for the book and considers the importance of developing an understanding of intellectual disability as a core concept identifying philosophies and models of service that underpin health and social care across the lifespan. Communication as a basis for caring and the overall concept of person-centred caring in a multidisciplinary context is considered. The second section explores key concepts from birth to adulthood exploring the nature of intellectual disability, the child with intellectual disability and other related neurodevelopmental conditions. The third section explores adulthood to older age and considers specific health care needs, understanding behaviour and other fundamental concepts including mental health, ageing and palliative care. The fourth and final section explores the integration of health and social care addressing such issues as supporting and enabling families, education, employment, and sexuality and relationships. Edited by experienced and widely respected professionals, this textbook is written by international practitioners, educators and researchers who all play critical roles in working with individuals with intellectual disability and their families.
- Published
- 2023
48. Rethinking Disability and Human Rights : Participation, Equality and Citizenship
- Author
Inger Marie Lid, Edward Steinfeld, Michael Rembis, Inger Marie Lid, Edward Steinfeld, and Michael Rembis
- Subjects
- Citizenship--Developing countries, Discrimination against people with disabilities--Developing countries, People with disabilities--Civil rights--Developing countries, Barrier-free design--Developing countries
- Abstract
This book examines the role of disability in the right to political and social participation, an act of citizenship that many disabled people do not enjoy.The disability rights movement does not accept the use of disability to create limits on citizenship, which poses challenges for contemporary societies that will become ever greater as the science and technology of enhancing human abilities evolves. Comprised of eight chapters, three interludes, and a postscript written by leading scholars and disability rights activists, the book explores citizenship for people with disabilities from an interdisciplinary perspective using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a point of departure and the concept of universal design as a strategy for actualizing full citizenship for all. Situating disability in its historical and cultural contexts, the authors offer directions for rethinking citizenship, including implications for access to the built environment, information and communication systems, education, work, community life and politics.This book will be of interest to all scholars and students working in disability studies, planning, architecture, public health, rehabilitation, social work, and education.
- Published
- 2023
49. Risk Management in the Behavioral Health Professions : A Practical Guide to Preventing Malpractice and Licensing-Board Complaints
- Author
Frederic G. Reamer and Frederic G. Reamer
- Subjects
- COVID-19 (Disease)--Social aspects--United States, Psychology--United States, Risk management--United States, Medical innovations--United States
- Abstract
Risk Management in the Behavioral Health Professions is a comprehensive handbook for mental health and social service providers on prevention of malpractice lawsuits and licensing-board complaints. Frederic G. Reamer draws on his extensive firsthand experience as an expert witness in litigation and licensing-board cases throughout the United States to give readers an insider's view of practical risk-management strategies. He provides in-depth discussion of common risk areas and steps practitioners can take to protect clients and themselves.Key topics include confidentiality and privileged communication; service delivery, including informed consent, assessment, boundary issues, suicide risk management, and use of technology; impaired practitioners; supervision and consultation; documentation; deception and fraud; and interruption and termination of services. Reamer offers pragmatic advice about how to respond to a lawsuit or licensing-board complaint. He emphasizes the challenges and risks related to remote service provision, especially during public health crises and pandemics. The book includes sample risk-management forms and templates as well as extensive case examples that illustrate fundamental risk-management concepts.Designed for behavioral health professionals including social workers, psychologists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychiatrists, and substance use disorder treatment counselors, this book is an indispensable resource on how to navigate challenging ethics and risk-management issues.
- Published
- 2023
50. Social Work, Social Welfare, and Social Development in Nigeria : A Postcolonial Perspective
- Author
Mel Gray, Solomon Amadasun, Mel Gray, and Solomon Amadasun
- Subjects
- Social service--Nigeria
- Abstract
This groundbreaking book provides a comprehensive account of social work, social welfare, and social development in Nigeria from a postcolonial perspective. It examines the historical development of social work and social welfare and the colonial legacies affecting contemporary social welfare provision, development planning, social work practice, and social work education. Against this historical backdrop, it seeks to understand the position of social work within Nigeria's minimalist structure of welfare provision and the reasons why social work struggles for legitimacy and recognition today. It covers contexts of social work practice, including child welfare, juvenile justice, disabilities, mental health, and ageing, as well as areas of development-related problems and humanitarian assistance as new areas of practice for social workers, including internally displaced and trafficked people, and their impact on women and children. It seeks to understand Nigeria's ethnoreligious diversity and indigenous cultural heritage to inform culturally appropriate social work practice.This book offers a global audience insight into Nigeria's developmental issues and problems and a local audience – social science and human service researchers, educators, practitioners, students, and policymakers - a glimpse of what's possible when people work together toward a common goal.It will be of interest to all scholars and students of social work, development studies and social policy.
- Published
- 2023
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