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2. Abū Bakr Ibn Al-ʿArabī (d. 543/1148) : Legacy and Impact on the Transmission of Al-Ghazālī’s (d. 505/1111) Thought in Al-Andalus
- Author
Ilyass Amharar and Ilyass Amharar
- Subjects
- Conference papers and proceedings, Islam--Spain--Andalusia--Congresses, Islam--Doctrines--History--Congresses, Islamic philosophy--Congresses
- Abstract
Gathering the proceedings of a symposium organized on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī's (d. 543/1148) passing, this volume brings together a diverse array of contributions highlighting his legacy, his relationship with his master al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), his unparalleled role in the transmission of Islamic knowledge in al-Andalus, and his lasting impact on various disciplines, including ḥadīth, theology, Islamic law, Quranic exegesis, legal theory, grammar, adab, and Sufism. This book, written by internationally recognized scholars, not only commemorates the scholarly legacy of Ibn al-ʿArabī but also illustrates how his intellectual teachings have shaped the landscape of Islamic thought in the Western Muslim world. Proudly, this book is the most accomplished reference bringing together recent advances on ongoing research around the qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī. Composed of articles written in English, Arabic and French, it will be of interest to specialists as well as the general public keen to learn more about the intellectual history of al-Andalus. Rassemblant les actes d'un colloque organisé à l'occasion du 900e anniversaire de la disparition du qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī (m. 543/1148), ce volume réunit un large éventail de contributions mettant en lumière son héritage, sa relation avec son maître al-Ghazālī (m. 505/1111), son rôle sans pareil dans la transmission du savoir islamique en al-Andalus, et son impact durable sur diverses disciplines, y compris le ḥadīth, la théologie, le droit islamique, l'exégèse coranique, la théorie juridique, la grammaire, l'adab et le soufisme. Ecrit par des chercheurs internationaux, ce livre ne commémore pas seulement l'héritage savant d'Ibn al-ʿArabī mais illustre également comment ses enseignements intellectuels ont façonné le paysage de la pensée islamique dans le monde musulman occidental. Cet ouvrage est la référence la plus accomplie rassemblant les avancées récentes sur les recherches en cours autour du qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī. Composé d'articles rédigés en anglais, en arabe et en français, il intéressera tant les spécialistes que le grand public désireux d'en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire intellectuelle de l'Andalousie. Contributors Mohammed Aalouane, Ilyass Amharar, Noureddine Elhmidy, Maribel Fierro, Kenneth Garden, Abdelghani Idaikal, Delfina Serrano-Ruano, Bruna Soravia, Jaafar Ben El Haj Soulami, and Abdallah Taourati.
- Published
- 2024
3. The Fatimids : Select Papers on Their Governing Institutions, Social and Cultural Organization, Religious Appeal, and Rivalries
- Author
Paul Walker and Paul Walker
- Subjects
- Fatimites, Fatimites--History
- Abstract
The chapters of this volume contain a series of detailed studies of various aspects of Fatimid rule in the regions of its Mediterranean and Near Eastern empire, 909 to 1171 AD, including separately the role of the imam-caliph, wazīr, chief qāḍī and dāʿī, and other political and public offices of this Shīʿī caliphate. Geographically it covers North Africa, Sicily, the Levant, Hijaz, Cairo and Egypt in the medieval period, with special attention to books, science and libraries, court society, festivals, intellectual traditions and Ismaili doctrines, its religious appeal, military, enemies and rivals, among them the Abbasids, Umayyads, and Ibadis.
- Published
- 2023
4. Kopftuch(verbot): Rechtliche, theologische, politische und pädagogische Perspektiven
- Author
Ranja Ebrahim, Ulvi Karagedik, Ranja Ebrahim, and Ulvi Karagedik
- Subjects
- Conference papers and proceedings, Hijab (Islamic clothing)--Government policy--A, Hijab (Islamic clothing)--Law and legislation --, Hijab (Islamic clothing)--Egypt--Congresses, Hijab (Islamic clothing)--Bosnia and Herzegovina, Freedom of religion--Congresses, H?ija¯b--Politique gouvernementale--Autriche -, H?ija¯b--E´gypte--Congre`s, H?ija¯b--Bosnie-Herze´govine--Congre`s, Liberte´ religieuse--Congre`s
- Abstract
Der Konferenzband diskutiert aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven das Kopftuch im Kontext von Verbotsdebatten im deutschsprachigen Raum und möglichen Konsequenzen für das gesellschaftliche Miteinander. Der Mehrwert dieser Publikation ergibt sich aus der Auseinandersetzung mit dem sonst populistisch und politisch ausgeschlachteten Thema des muslimischen Kopftuches und bietet anstelle dessen eine differenzierte und vor allem differenzierende Elaboration sowohl für die im Feld stehenden Lehrenden als auch für die interessierte Allgemeinheit.
- Published
- 2021
5. Lesen, Deuten und Verstehen?! : Debatten über heilige Texte in Orient und Okzident
- Author
Sebastian Günther, Florian Wilk, Sebastian Günther, and Florian Wilk
- Subjects
- Conference papers and proceedings, History, Sacred books--History--Congresses, Religious education--History--Congresses, Livres sacre´s--Histoire--Congre`s, E´ducation religieuse--Histoire--Congre`s, Religious education, Sacred books
- Abstract
Der vorliegende Sammelband untersucht die Konzepte, Methoden und Inhalte der Auslegung autoritativer religiöser Texte in Antike und Mittelalter. Diese Texte sind Ausgangs- und Ansatzpunkte in Unterweisungen, die zur Orientierung und Identitätsbildung dienen, dem Einzelnen ebenso wie Gemeinschaften und Gesellschaften. Fachvertreterinnen und Fachvertreter unterschiedlicher Disziplinen - aus Geschichte, Philologie, Orientalistik, Religionswissenschaft und Theologie - spüren der vielfältigen Bedeutung der oft'heilig'genannten Schriften für Bildung und Erziehung nach. Sie beleuchten die Rolle, die diese Texte für Lehre und Lernen in ihren Ursprungskulturen hatten und haben. Darüber hinaus zeigen sie interkulturelle Bezüge auf, die heute für Diskussionen um Bildung und Religion in den multikulturellen Demokratien Europas höchst relevant sind.
- Published
- 2021
6. Lebendiger Islam : Praxis- und Methoden-Reflexion der islamisch-theologischen Studien in Deutschland
- Author
Katharina Völker, Ertugrul Sahin, Katharina Völker, and Ertugrul Sahin
- Subjects
- Conference papers and proceedings, Islam--Study and teaching--Germany--Congress, Islam--E´tude et enseignement--Allemagne--Co, Islam--Study and teaching
- Abstract
Vorliegender Sammelband ist das Ergebnis der Forscher-Werkstatt Lebendiger Islam, welche 2019 an der Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen stattfand. Die AutorInnen gewähren Einblicke in Methoden und Ergebnisse ihrer mehrjährigen Studien, die vor allem muslimisches Leben im Hier und Jetzt ergründen. Sowohl die Lebendigkeit als auch die Ergiebigkeit der jungen Wissenschaftsdisziplin Islamische Theologie lassen sich hier am regen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs aber auch in den Praxisräumen des angewandten Muslim-Seins erkennen. Die Beiträge stammen von MitarbeiterInnen der Zentren für Islamische Studien in Frankfurt/Gießen und für Islamische Theologie in Tübingen, sowie dem Lehrstuhl für sozialwissenschaftliche Erforschung des Islam im Europa des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts in Münster.
- Published
- 2021
7. Islam and Rationality : The Impact of Al-Ghazālī. Papers Collected on His 900th Anniversary. Vol. 1
- Author
Georges Tamer and Georges Tamer
- Subjects
- Faith and reason--Islam, Practical reason, Rationalism
- Abstract
This volume offers an account of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111) as a rational theologian who created a symbiosis of philosophy and theology and infused rationality into Sufism. The majority of the papers herein deal with important topics of al-Ghazālī's work, which demonstrate his rational treatment of the Qurʾān and major subjects of Islamic theology and everyday life of Muslims. Some other contributions address al-Ghazālī's sources and how his intellectual endeavors were later received by scholars who had the same concern of reconciling religion and rationality within Islam, Christianity and Judaism.With contributions by Binyamin Abrahamov, Hans Daiber, Ken Garden, Avner Giladi, Scott Girdner, Frank Griffel, Steven Harvey, Alfred Ivry, Jules Janssens, Taneli Kukkonen, Luis Xavier López-Farjeat, Wilferd Madelung, Yahya M. Michot, Yasien Mohamed, Eric Ormsby, M. Sait Özervarlı, and Hidemi Takahashi.
- Published
- 2015
8. Islam and Rationality : The Impact of Al-Ghazālī. Papers Collected on His 900th Anniversary. Vol. 2
- Author
Frank Griffel and Frank Griffel
- Subjects
- Islam, Islamic philosophy
- Abstract
Al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111) is one of the most influential thinkers of Islam. There is hardly a genre of Islamic literature where he is not regarded as a major authority. Islamic Law, Sufism, ethics, philosophy, and theology are all deeply shaped by him. Yet in the past thirty years, the field of Ghazālī-studies has been shaken by the realization that Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā, d. 428/1037) and other philosophers had a strong influence on him. Now, after the 900th anniversary at his death, the field emerges stronger than ever. This second volume of Islam and Rationality: The Impact of al-Ghazālī brings together twelve leading experts on al-Ghazālī who write about his thought and the impact it had on later Muslim thinkers.Contributors are: Anna Ayşe Akasoy, Ahmed El Shamsy, Kenneth Garden, Frank Griffel, Jules Janssens, Damien Janos, Taneli Kukkonen, Stephen Ogden, M. Sait Özervarlı, Martin Riexinger, Ulrich Rudolph, and Ayman Shihadeh.
- Published
- 2016
9. Guelen-Inspired Hizmet in Europe : The Western Journey of a Turkish Muslim Movement
- Author
Gürkan Çelik, Johan Leman, Karel Steenbrink, Gürkan Çelik, Johan Leman, and Karel Steenbrink
- Subjects
- Conference papers and proceedings, Gu¨len Hizmet Movement--Congresses, Gu¨len Hizmet Movement, Islam--Europe--Congresses, Islam and state--Europe--Congresses, Muslims--Europe--Congresses, Islam, Islam and state, Muslims
- Abstract
The Hizmet Movement initiated by Fethullah Gülen in Turkey in the 1960s is today active in more than 160 countries. The participants of Hizmet are often less visible among the Muslim minorities in Western societies. They do not build mosques or hold regular prayer meetings like institutional Muslims or Sufi masters, but establish emancipatory schools without religious instruction, cherish networks of business people, publish the newspaper Zaman in various national editions, and run dialogue charities for intercultural and interreligious encounters. Small groups come together in private houses to hold sohbets, that is spiritual talks on faith, religion and society, and to discuss Hizmet-related projects in the light of teachings articulated by Gülen in his books and talks. This book provides a broad presentation of Gülen's thought and practice. These issues are discussed in the first part of this book. The second part presents six case studies from countries where the name of Gülen has been attached to a great variety of social activities in the field of education, media, business, dialogue, and the support of integration and defence of human rights. These countries are Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Albania as the centre of Muslims in the Balkans. Although the participants of Hizmet are quite small in number and work in an extremely decentralised way, they are among the best educated and most socially active of the Turkish-speaking communities in their countries. This is therefore an important study of a group of Muslims who cannot simply be categorized as «conservative» or «progressive», «pietistic» or «political».
- Published
- 2015
10. Print and the Urdu Public : Muslims, Newspapers, and Urban Life in Colonial India
- Author
Megan Eaton Robb and Megan Eaton Robb
- Subjects
- Madi¯nah (Bijnor, India), Press--History--20th century.--India--Bijn, Urdu newspapers--History--20th century.--Ind, Islamic press--History--20th century.--India, Journalism--Social aspects--History--20th ce, Muslims--Press coverage--India, Islam--Press coverage--India
- Abstract
In early twentieth century British India, prior to the arrival of digital medias and after the rise of nationalist political movements, a small-town paper from the margins of society became a key player in Urdu journalism. Published in the isolated market town of Bijnor, Madinah grew to hold influence across North India and the Punjab while navigating complex issues of religious and political identity. In Print and the Urdu Public, Megan Robb uses the previously unexamined perspective of the Madinah to consider Urdu print publics and urban life in South Asia. Through a discursive and material analysis of Madinah, the book explores how Muslims who had settled in ancestral qasbahs, or small towns, used newspapers to facilitate a new public consciousness. The book demonstrates how Madinah connected the Urdu newspaper conversation both explicitly and implicitly with Muslim identity and delineated the boundaries of a Muslim public conversation in a way that emphasized rootedness to local politics and small urban spaces. The case study of this influential but understudied newspaper reveals how a network of journalists with substantial ties to qasbahs produced a discourse self-consciously alternative to the Western-influenced, secularized cities. Megan Robb augments the analysis with evidence from contemporary Urdu, English, and Hindi papers, government records, private diaries, private library holdings, ethnographic interviews, and training materials for newspaper printers. This thoroughly researched volume recovers the erasure of qasbah voices and proclaims the importance of space and time in definitions of the public sphere in South Asia. Print and the Urdu Public demonstrates how an Urdu newspaper published from the margins became central to the Muslim public constituted in the first half of the twentieth century.
- Published
- 2021
11. The Qurʾan and Its Handwritten Transmission : Current Researches
- Author
François Déroche and François Déroche
- Subjects
- Qur'an--Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Arabic
- Abstract
Qurʾan manuscripts are a growing field of research: art historians, specialists of the text, historians of the Muslim communities through the ages and the areas are exploring new avenues which are illustrated in this book. From the Western part of the Islamicate world to India, from the early decades of Islam to the fifteenth century, from the glamorous Blue Qurʾan to the modest copies circulating in sixteenth-century Spain, the authors of the various papers draw the attention to the many ways.
- Published
- 2024
12. Gog and Magog : Contributions Toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif
- Author
Georges Tamer, Andrew Mein, Lutz Greisiger, Georges Tamer, Andrew Mein, and Lutz Greisiger
- Subjects
- Millennium (Eschatology) in art--Congresses, Gog (Fictitious character)--In literature--Congresses, Gog (Fictitious character)--In art--Congresses, Millennium (Eschatology) in literature--Congresses, Eschatology--Congresses, Islamic eschatology--Congresses, Eschatology, Jewish--Congresses
- Abstract
The tale of a collective evil force known as Gog and Magog has occupied the imagination of Jews, Christians, and Muslims for millennia, finding expression in literary and scholarly works and other cultural artifacts. This book gathers the papers from two conferences at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg by scholars ranging from history, to religious studies, to art history, and is the most thorough work on the subject to date.
- Published
- 2023
13. Religion and State in the Altaic World : Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Friedensau, Germany, August 18–23, 2019
- Author
Oliver Corff and Oliver Corff
- Subjects
- Altaic peoples--Religion--Congresses
- Abstract
This collection of papers presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference explores the complex relations of religion and state in history, language and society of Altaic cultures, reflecting the unique interdisciplinary approach of the PIAC. It examines aspects of shamanism, religious belief, totemism and religious influences on contracts in historical literary monuments as well as in contemporary sources.
- Published
- 2022
14. Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools : Pedagogical Best Practice for Teachers
- Author
Ismail Hussein Amzat and Ismail Hussein Amzat
- Subjects
- Islamic education, Educational innovations, Islamic religious education, Madrasahs
- Abstract
Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools: Pedagogical Best Practice for Teachers advocates the revamp of the madrasah system and a review of the Islamic curriculum across Muslim countries and emphasises training needs for Islamic teachers for modern instructional practice.Islamic schools across Muslim countries face 21st-century challenges and teachers need continuing professional development to help them keep abreast of modern teaching practice. Books, papers, educators and parents have consistently called for curriculum change to transform teaching and learning in Islamic schools. Divided into three unique parts, Part 1 of the volume focusses on content knowledge, pedagogy and teaching methods; Part 2 highlights professional development, responsibilities and lifelong learning; and Part 3 comprises chapters on Islamic curriculum review, reform and Islamisation of knowledge.Scholars from the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa review the Islamic curriculum to highlight areas for further improvement and provide modern techniques and methods of teaching for pedagogical best practices and effective outcomes in Islamic schools. With these contributions, this volume will be of interest to OIC countries, Islamic student teachers and Islamic teachers who work in international and local settings.
- Published
- 2022
15. Philosophical Hermeneutics and Islamic Thought
- Author
Sylvain Camilleri, Selami Varlik, Sylvain Camilleri, and Selami Varlik
- Subjects
- Hermeneutics, Hermeneutics--Religious aspects--Islam, Islamic philosophy
- Abstract
This book investigates the methodological issues raised by the encounter between Islamic thought and contemporary philosophical hermeneutics. It features essays that examine why and how current Muslim thinkers refer to Continental philosophy. The contributors put the universality of the hermeneutic order to the test with three different approaches. The first looks at exegetical aspects. It addresses contemporary thinkers from the Islamicate world who have engaged critically or not with main representatives or key concepts of philosophical hermeneutics. The second presents an interpretative analysis. The essays here present attempts at using philosophical hermeneutics in order to develop new interpretations of canonical or traditional ensembles of texts such as the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as legal, spiritual, and philosophical corpuses from the Islamicate world. The third looks at different political and critical issues. The clear and sound reference to religion ofIslamic thought makes its entanglement with philosophical hermeneutics a burning challenge for all parties involved. Is it true, as some contend, that philosophical hermeneutics can help interpret Islamic thought anew? This book reveals how the two philosophies are likely to expand each other's horizons and influence each other's conceptual frameworks. It features revised papers from an International Conference.
- Published
- 2022
16. A Handbook of Persian Calligraphy and Related Arts
- Author
Hamid Reza Ghelichkhani, Shervin Farridnejad, Hamid Reza Ghelichkhani, and Shervin Farridnejad
- Subjects
- Calligraphy, Persian--Persian.--Dictionaries, Islamic calligraphy--Persian.--Dictionaries, Calligraphy--Persian.--Dictionaries, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Iranian--, Miniature painting, Iranian--Persian.--Diction
- Abstract
Persian Calligraphy and related traditional arts of books make up the most important forms of Iranian-Islamic art, which are still living practiced traditions up to today. This volume puts together a first-of-a-kind handbook and contains the most important termini technici as well as expressions and techniques connected to the traditional art of Persian calligraphy (mostly Nastaʿlīq), calligraphy tools such as the reed pen, paper and ink as well as some related fields, like taẕhīb (illumination), tašʿīr (historiated painting), book binding, etc. The content is based on thirty prominent classical Persian treatises, composed between twelfth and twentieth centuries. All terms and expressions are followed by an English description and often accompanied by an illustration. These expressions, which are key to understanding old calligraphic treatises and many relevant sources on Islamic art, are meant to familiarise the reader with both common and forgotten techniques and terminology of calligraphic traditions. The volume addresses not only the artists and scholars of Iranian and Islamic art history, but also those, who are dealt with Islamic and Iranian manuscripts, manuscript cultures, codicology and palaeography. Both the author and the editor of this volume are trained practicing calligraphers and illuminators, who learned the art of calligraphy and illumination through long, traditional study under masters of this art.
- Published
- 2021
17. Expressions of Gender in the Altaic World : Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Kocaeli, Turkey, July 7-12, 2013
- Author
Münevver Tekcan, Oliver Corff, Münevver Tekcan, and Oliver Corff
- Subjects
- Ural-Altaic peoples--Congresses, Altaic peoples--Congresses, Altaic languages--Congresses, Sex role--History--Asia--Congresses, Sex role--History--Europe--Congresses
- Abstract
This collection of papers explores the facets of gender and sex in history, language and society of Altaic cultures, reflecting the unique interdisciplinary approach of the PIAC. It examines the position of women in contemporary Central Asia at large, the expression of gender in linguistic terms in Mongolian, Manju, Tibetan and Turkic languages, and gender aspects presented in historical literary monuments as well as in contemporary sources.
- Published
- 2021
18. The Friday Mosque in the City : Liminality, Ritual, and Politics
- Author
A. Hilâl Uğurlu, Suzan Yalman, A. Hilâl Uğurlu, and Suzan Yalman
- Subjects
- Jum?ah, City planning--Religious aspects--Islam, Mosques--Design and construction--Social aspects
- Abstract
Concerned with the relationship between Friday mosque and city in the Islamic context. Focusing particularly on the Friday mosque, the book aims at exploring the concept of liminal(ity) in spatial terms and discuss it in terms of the relationship between the Friday mosque and its surrounding urban context. Transition spaces/zones between the mosque and the urban context are discussed through the case studies from various contexts. In doing so, the manuscript reveals different forms of liminality in spatial sense. Considers widely-studied topics such as the ‘Friday mosque'or the ‘Islamic city'through a fresh new lens, critically examining each case study in its own spatial urban and socio-cultural context. While these two well-known themes – concepts that once defined the field – have been widely studied by historians of Islamic architecture and urbanism, this collection specifically addresses the functional and spatial ambiguity or liminality between these spaces. Thus, instead of addressing the Friday mosque as the central signifier of the ‘Islamic city', the articles in this volume provide evidence that there was (and continues to be) a tremendous variety in the way architectural borders became fluid in and around Friday mosques across the Islamic geography, from Cordoba to Jerusalem and from London to Lahore. By historicizing different cases and contributing to our knowledge of the way human agency through ritual and politics shaped the physical and social fabric of the city, the papers collectively challenge the generalizing and reductionist tendencies in earlier scholarship. The disciplinary approaches are varied, and include archaeology, art history, history, epigraphy and architecture. The original approach in the book, addressing of the topic of liminality from different points of view and in different periods, creates a fresh approach that invites students and scholars to think deeply about the imbrication of congregational mosques in the daily life of the cities that host them. Moreover, in considering mosque and city together, the mosque appears as a living space subject to change and history and made with political and social purpose, rather than as a holy space disconnected from the rest of the world. Traditional studies of mosques focus on architecture and aesthetic language and try to establish a lineal development of the building typology connected to the history of Islam across different territories. The present study offers an alternative (though not competing) perspective where locality and politics play a major role in the materialization of the congregational mosque as a religious and communal space. The wide historical frame enables comparison of congregational mosques in different historical periods: it is particularly a strong contrast to see how the liminality of the mosque changes between the early and classical periods of Islam on one side and the more contemporary times on the other. The consideration of diverging cultural, political and sectarian settings is another interesting element of comparison. Primary market will include scholars, academics and students working on or studying Islamic studies, particularly Islamic history, Islamic architecture and Islamic archaeology. Also of relevance to architectural historians, architects, art historians, city planners, city historians, urban designers, architectural critics, historians, sociologists, archeologists, and those interested in religious studies, and in archaeology of religion.
- Published
- 2020
19. Kurdish Art and Identity : Verbal Art, Self-definition and Recent History
- Author
Alireza Korangy and Alireza Korangy
- Subjects
- Epic poetry, Kurdish, Folk dancing, Kurdish, Folk songs, Kurdish, Arts, Kurdish, Folk literature, Kurdish, Kurdish literature, Fables, Kurdish
- Abstract
Folklore has been a phenomenon based on nostalgic and autochthonous nuances conveyed with a story-telling technique with a penchant for over-playing and nationalistic pomp and circumstance, often with significant consequences for societal, poetic, and cultural areas. These papers highlight challenges that have an outreaching relationship to the regional, rhetorical, and trans-rhetorical devices and manners in Kurdish folklore, which subscribes to an ironic sense of hope all the while issuing an appeal for a largely unaccomplished nationhood, simultaneously insisting on a linguistic solidarity. In a folkloric literature that has an overarching theory of poetics – perhaps even trans-figurative cognitive poetics due to the multi-faceted nature of its application and the complexity of its linguistic structure – the relationship of man (and less frequently woman) with others takes center stage in many of the folkloric creations. Arts are not figurative representations of the real in the Kurdish world; they are the real.
- Published
- 2020
20. Fluid Jurisdictions : Colonial Law and Arabs in Southeast Asia
- Author
Nurfadzilah Yahaya and Nurfadzilah Yahaya
- Subjects
- Arabs--Legal status, laws, etc.--Indonesia, Imperialism--Social aspects--Southeast Asia--History, Arabs--Legal status, laws, etc.--Straits Settlements
- Abstract
This wide-ranging, geographically ambitious book tells the story of the Arab diaspora within the context of British and Dutch colonialism, unpacking the community's ambiguous embrace of European colonial authority in Southeast Asia. In Fluid Jurisdictions, Nurfadzilah Yahaya looks at colonial legal infrastructure and discusses how it impacted, and was impacted by, Islam and ethnicity. But more important, she follows the actors who used this framework to advance their particular interests. Yahaya explains why Arab minorities in the region helped to fuel the entrenchment of European colonial legalities: their itinerant lives made institutional records necessary. Securely stored in centralized repositories, such records could be presented as evidence in legal disputes. To ensure accountability down the line, Arab merchants valued notarial attestation land deeds, inheritance papers, and marriage certificates by recognized state officials. Colonial subjects continually played one jurisdiction against another, sometimes preferring that colonial legal authorities administer Islamic law—even against fellow Muslims.Fluid Jurisdictions draws on lively material from multiple international archives to demonstrate the interplay between colonial projections of order and their realities, Arab navigation of legally plural systems in Southeast Asia and beyond, and the fraught and deeply human struggles that played out between family, religious, contract, and commercial legal orders.
- Published
- 2020
21. Philosophy and Jurisprudence in the Islamic World
- Author
Peter Adamson and Peter Adamson
- Subjects
- Islamic philosophy, Islam and philosophy, Islamic law
- Abstract
This book brings together the study of two great disciplines of the Islamic world: law and philosophy. In both sunni and shiite Islam, it became the norm for scholars to acquire a high level of expertise in the legal tradition. Thus some of the greatest names in the history of Aristotelianism were trained jurists, like Averroes, or commented on the status and nature of law, like al-Fārābī. While such authors sought to put law in its place relative to the philosophical disciplines, others criticized philosophy from a legal viewpoint, like al-Ghazālī and Ibn Taymiyya. But this collection of papers does not only explore the relative standing of law and philosophy. It also looks at how philosophers, theologians, and jurists answered philosophical questions that arise from jurisprudence itself. What is the logical structure of a well-formed legal argument? What standard of certainty needs to be attained in passing down judgments, and how is that standard reached? What are the sources of valid legal judgment and what makes these sources authoritative? May a believer be excused on grounds of ignorance? Together the contributions provide an unprecedented demonstration of the close connections between philosophy and law in Islamic society, while also highlighting the philosophical interest of texts normally studied only by legal historians.
- Published
- 2019
22. Journey Into Europe : Islam, Immigration, and Identity
- Author
Akbar Ahmed and Akbar Ahmed
- Subjects
- Islam and politics--Europe, Islam and culture--Europe, Islamophobia--Europe, Civilization--Islamic influences, Muslims--Europe--Social conditions, Muslims--Europe--Ethnic identity, Muslims--Cultural assimilation--Europe, Muslims--Religious life--Europe, Cultural pluralism--Europe, Identity politics--Europe, Religious tolerance--Europe
- Abstract
An unprecedented, richly, detailed, and clear-eyed exploration of Islam in European history and civilizationTensions over Islam were escalating in Europe even before 9/11. Since then, repeated episodes of terrorism together with the refugee crisis have dramatically increased the divide between the majority population and Muslim communities, pushing the debate well beyond concerns over language and female dress. Meanwhile, the parallel rise of right-wing, nationalist political parties throughout the continent, often espousing anti-Muslim rhetoric, has shaken the foundation of the European Union to its very core.Many Europeans see Islam as an alien, even barbaric force that threatens to overwhelm them and their societies. Muslims, by contrast, struggle to find a place in Europe in the face of increasing intolerance. In tandem, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination cause many on the continent to feel unwelcome in their European homes.Akbar Ahmed, an internationally renowned Islamic scholar, traveled across Europe over the course of four years with his team of researchers and interviewed Muslims and non-Muslims from all walks of life to investigate questions of Islam, immigration, and identity. They spoke with some of Europe's most prominent figures, including presidents and prime ministers, archbishops, chief rabbis, grand muftis, heads of right-wing parties, and everyday Europeans from a variety of backgrounds. Their findings reveal a story of the place of Islam in European history and civilization that is more interwoven and complex than the reader might imagine, while exposing both the misunderstandings and the opportunities for Europe and its Muslim communities to improve their relationship. Along with an analysis of what has gone wrong and why, this urgent study, the fourth in a quartet examining relations between the West and the Muslim world, features recommendations for promoting integration and pluralism in the twenty-first century.
- Published
- 2018
23. The Story of the Jews Volume Two : Belonging: 1492-1900
- Author
Simon Schama and Simon Schama
- Abstract
In the second of two volumes of this magnificently illustrated cultural history—the tie-in to the PBS and BBC series The Story of the Jews—Simon Schama details the story of the Jewish people, spanning from their expulsion from Spain during the Inquisition across six hundred years to the present day.It is a story like no other: an epic of endurance against destruction, of creativity in the face of oppression, joy amidst grief, the affirmation of life against the steepest of odds.It spans the centuries and the continents—from the Iberian Peninsula and the collapse of “the golden age” to the shtetls of Russia to the dusty streets of infant Hollywood. Its voices ring loud and clear, from the philosophical musings of Spinoza to the poetry written on slips of paper in concentration camps. Within these pages, the Enlightenment unfolds, a great diaspora transforms a country, a Viennese psychiatrist forever changes the conception of the human mind.And a great story unfolds. Not—as often imagined—of a people apart, but of a Jewish culture immersed in and imprinted by the peoples among whom they have dwelled. Which, as Simon Schama so brilliantly demonstrates, makes the story of the Jews everyone's story, too.The Story of the Jews Volume 2 features 24 pages of color photos, numerous maps, and printed endpapers.
- Published
- 2017
24. Beyond the Islamic Revolution : Perceptions of Modernity and Tradition in Iran Before and After 1979
- Author
Amir Sheikhzadegan, Astrid Meier, Amir Sheikhzadegan, and Astrid Meier
- Subjects
- Islam and politics--Iran
- Abstract
The volume contributes to a better understanding of Iranian history since 1953, with a focus on societal change and its reflection in intellectual discourse. The papers explore the attitudes of Iranians toward modernity and tradition before and after the Revolution of 1979. With insights from Oriental studies, history, sociology, literature and social anthropology, the volume offers a cross-disciplinary perspective on the intellectual, political, and social history of Iran.
- Published
- 2017
25. Al-Suyūṭī, a Polymath of the Mamlūk Period : Proceedings of the Themed Day of the First Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, June 23, 2014)
- Author
Antonella Ghersetti and Antonella Ghersetti
- Subjects
- Mamelukes--History
- Abstract
This volume is a collection of several papers devoted to Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 911/1505), presented on the First Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies (held at Ca'Foscari University,Venice, from June 23 to June 25, 2014). It aims to contribute to a reassessment of the scholarly profile of the controversial but fascinating polymath and intellectual, and, more generally, to a deeper understanding of the cultural, political and academic life of the last period of the Mamlūk empire. Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī's bibliography ranges from law to theology, and from linguistics to history. It includes medicine and geography. This polymath felt that his mission was to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the past, and knowledge in general, from widespread ignorance and decline. Considered for a long time to be an author devoid of any originality and a “simple” compiler, he was in fact an excellent teacher and a rigorous scholar who had a meticulous and accurate working method. With contributions by: Christopher D. Bahl; Mustafa Banister; Joel Blecher; S. R. Burge; Daniela Rodica Firanescu; Éric Geoffroy; Antonella Ghersetti; Francesco Grande; Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila; Takao Ito; Judith Kindinger; Christian Mauder; Aaron Spevack.
- Published
- 2017
26. Exploring the Kitáb-i-Aqdas : The Laws and Teachings of the Bahá’í Faith
- Author
Omid Ghaemmaghami, Shahin Vafai, Omid Ghaemmaghami, and Shahin Vafai
- Abstract
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas is considered the most important and sacred text of the Bahá'í Faith, a religion with some eight million adherents, found in nearly every country of the world. It sets out the laws, teachings, and institutions that shape and influence individual and collective life for members of the Bahá'í community. Despite the Kitáb-i-Aqdas's significance, it has not been extensively researched. Exploring the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Laws and Teachings of the Bahá'í Faith now offers a comprehensive academic study of the text. This important new publication explores and analyzes the significance and history of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas; its language, style, and translation; and its theological and spiritual foundations, including its conceptions of God, religion, and human beings. The book, moreover, examines the Kitáb-i-Aqdas's provisions for succession, interpretation, and administration within the Bahá'í religion; its devotional and other personal laws; its ordinances for promoting unity; its perspectives on justice and law; and its addresses to the world's political and religious leaders. Academically rigorous yet eminently clear and accessible, Exploring the Kitáb-i-Aqdas is an essential read for students of religion and Middle East studies.
- Published
- 2025
27. The Concept of Sin in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- Author
Christoph Böttigheimer, Konstantin Kamp, Christoph Böttigheimer, and Konstantin Kamp
- Abstract
It is asserted by Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike that sin is a central part of human life. Where sin comes from, however, is answered differently in the respective religions. While both the Bible and the Qur'an agree that there was a kind of'fall'of Adam at the beginning of human history, this fall is interpreted solely in classical Christian theology in terms of an'original'or'ancestral sin.'Moreover, the classical doctrine of original sin is becoming increasingly called into question in today's Christian theology. This example already shows that the concept of sin is anything but clear. What does sin mean? Is sin primarily a violation of God's commandments? Or does the term'sin'refer to a radical corruption of man's nature? How does sin relate to man's redemption, toward which all three religions aim? The book'The Concept of Sin in Judaism, Christianity and Islam'addresses these and related questions. It analyzes how'sin'has been understood in the three religions in the past and the present and points out similarities and differences.
- Published
- 2025
28. Tribal Reawakening and the Future of State-Building in Kuwait and Qatar
- Author
Maryam Al-Kuwari and Maryam Al-Kuwari
- Subjects
- Political sociology, Identity politics, Sex, Comparative government, Middle East—Politics and government, Islam and the social sciences, Islamic sociology
- Abstract
This open access book approaches the history of tribes and their role in the formation of the modern states of Kuwait and Qatar by blending historical, political, and sociological perspectives. Traditionally, this subject has been approached from single perspective, often picturing the tribe as a political and social entity that is opposed to the modern state. In the Gulf context, presenting and discussing the case studies of Kuwait and Qatar aims at revealing that the tribe played a salient role in the formation of the modern state in these two countries as well as in nation building, both before the oil era and even after independence. Moreover, the book bridges an important gap that is often overlooked in GCC studies which explains how the tribe suddenly became a controversial factor in Gulf states and societies. The book elaborates on tracing the roots of this transformation and in evaluating the role played by the state as it attempted to manipulate tribes to achieve political and other advantages, only to trigger the rise of tribalism as a social and at times political force that undermines the legitimacy of the state. The book also highlights the impacts of this transformation, not only on the state, but also on society as a whole, with special emphasis on women in Kuwait and Qatar. It is relevant to scholars and advanced students in areas of political sociology, identify and gender, comparative politics, and for social scientists more broadly with a specific interest in the Middle East.
- Published
- 2025
29. Key Classical Works on Islamic Ethics : قراءات في عيون التراث الأخلاقي الإسلامي
- Author
Mutaz al-Khatib and Mutaz al-Khatib
- Subjects
- Islamic ethics--History--Sources
- Abstract
This book transcends the narrow philosophical concept of ethics confined to the Greek model, demonstrating that “Islamic ethics” is an interdisciplinary field. It encompasses both theoretical and practical ethics, incorporating disciplines such as Qurʾān, ḥadīth, biography of the Prophet (sīra), theology (kalām), jurisprudence (fiqh), Sufism, and philosophy. The book provides analytical readings of a list of Islamic ethical heritage sources covering a period from the 3rd/9th to the 8th/14th century. It emphasises two ideas: first, the richness and diversity of ethical perspectives within Islamic tradition, showcasing multiple approaches including the Greek philosophical, narrative, and analytical approach belonging to other disciplines beyond philosophy. Second, it challenges the perception of scarcity in ethical sources within Islamic civilization. Contributors Matthew Anderson, Ovamir Anjum, Raja Bahlul, Hans Daiber, Omar Farahat, Mohammed Ghaly, Paul Heck, Mutaz al-Khatib, Taneli Kukkonen, Chafika Ouail, Arjan Post, and Jason Welle. يتجاوز هذا الكتاب المفهوم الفلسفي الضيق للأخلاق الذي انحبس في النموذج اليوناني، ويُظهر أن'الأخلاق الإسلامية'حقلٌ متعدد التخصصات. فمن جهة، يشمل الأخلاق النظرية والعملية. ومن جهة أخرى، يستوعب مختلف التخصصات مثل القرآن، والحديث، والسيرة النبوية، وعلوم الكلام والفقه والتصوف والفلسفة. يقدّم الكتاب قراءات تحليلية لقائمة من مصادر التراث الأخلاقي الإسلامي التي تغطي فترة زمنية تمتد من القرن الثالث إلى القرن الثامن الهجريين. ويلح الكتاب على فكرتين: الأولى: ثراء التصورات الأخلاقية وتنوعها داخل التراث الإسلامي؛ حيث نرى فيه أنماطًا متعددة كالنمط الفلسفي اليوناني، والنمط النصي السردي، والنمط التحليلي الذي ينتمي إلى تخصصات أخرى غير الفلسفة. والثانية: سعة التراث الأخلاقي الإسلامي بعد أن ساد تصورٌ يرى أن مصادر الأخلاق شحيحة في الحضارة الإسلامية. المساهمون ماثيو أندرسن، وعويمر أنجم، ورجا بهلول، وهانس دايبر، وعمر فرحات، ومحمد غالي، وپول هيك، ومعتز الخطيب، وتانيلي كوكونن، وشفيقة وعيل، وآريان پست، وجيسون ولّي.
- Published
- 2025
30. Aqedah : Gen 22 As a Challenge for the Rationality of Religion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- Author
Jean-Pierre Fortin, Heiko Schulz, Jean-Pierre Fortin, and Heiko Schulz
- Abstract
The Aqedah, i.e., the story of the'binding'of Isaac by Abraham, is a core text in all three Abrahamic religions and has been widely discussed in Judaism, Christianity and Islam for centuries. It still represents an intellectual, moral, and spiritual challenge for anyone who claims to be able to link morality and faith in God in a reasonably comprehensible way. The contributions in this anthology address this challenge from philosophical, theological and literary perspectives, by considering exemplary problems, epochs and authors pertaining to all three Abrahamic religions. The first part contains seven contributions exploring the epistemic and/or philosophical dimensions of the Aqedah. The second part contains nine essays on the (history of the) interpretation of the Aqedah from Israelite/Jewish, Christian and Islamic perspectives. The three texts in the third and final part discuss narratological issues and reflections of the problem within modern Hebrew literature. The volume complements and expands the existing scholarship on the subject, above all through its consistently interreligious approach and the inclusion of current philosophical and literary sources and debates.
- Published
- 2025
31. Miracles in Said Nursi and Thomas Aquinas : Non-Noninterventionist Approaches to Divine Action and the Sciences
- Author
Edmund Michael Lazzari and Edmund Michael Lazzari
- Subjects
- Miracles, Religion and science
- Abstract
In order to preserve contemporary understandings of the sciences, many figures of the Divine Action Project (DAP) held that God could never violate or suspend a law of nature, causing the marginalization of miracles from scholarly theology–science dialogue. In the first substantive entry of interreligious dialogue on the topic, this book provides fresh, contemporary accounts of Said Nursi and Thomas Aquinas on miracles and science, challenges contemporary noninterventionist presuppositions, and explores rich, untapped avenues in the theology, metaphysics, and epistemology of miracles and laws of science. Through an exploration of Nursi's Ash'arite, Quranic interpretation of the sciences, and St. Thomas's neglected doctrine of obediential potency, this volume marshals powerful tools from the world's two largest religions to elucidate the foundations of God's interaction with creatures.As well as contributing to the contemporary debate, this volume provides Muslim and Christian readers alike substantive intellectual frameworks in which to think about the sciences from the heart of their own intellectual traditions, while at the same time giving them as alternatives to mainstream contemporary approaches for scientists and other readers engaged in theology–science dialogue.
- Published
- 2025
32. Return to the Eternal Abode : Sufi Dialogues with Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Author
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Amira El-Zein, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, and Amira El-Zein
- Subjects
- Sufism
- Abstract
Return to the Eternal Abode is a series of in-depth discussions between Amira El-Zein and Seyyed Hossein Nasr, one of the world's foremost scholars of Islamic, religious, and comparative studies. Each of the six chapters addresses a central theme at the heart of Sufism: creativity, cosmology, the environment, poetry, art, and modernity. Nasr's answers to El-Zein's probing questions offer thought-provoking, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary approaches to these aspects of the Sufi tradition, reflecting a lifetime of scholarship and comfortably synthesizing various sources, philosophies, and traditions, both Islamic and otherwise. The book also sheds light on Nasr's relations to eminent thinkers of the twentieth century, such as Titus Burckhardt, Mircea Eliade, Louis Massignon, and Henry Corbin and provides, in many ways, an accessible synopsis or overview of his entire oeuvre.
- Published
- 2025
33. Sino-Muslims, Networking, and Identity in Late Imperial China : Longstanding Natives and Dispersed Minorities
- Author
Shaodan Zhang and Shaodan Zhang
- Subjects
- Muslims--China--Social conditions, Muslims--China--Ethnic identity
- Abstract
This book explores the everyday life of Muslims in late imperial China proper (“Sino-Muslims”), revealing how they integrated themselves into Chinese society, while also maintaining distinct Islamic features. Deeming “identity” as practical, interactive, and processual, it focuses on Sino-Muslims'daily networking practices which embodied their numerous processes of identification with people around them. Through an evaluation of such practices, it displays how, since the early seventeenth century, Sino-Muslims vigorously formed and participated in popular religious and secular networks at local, translocal, and China-wide scales, including mosques, merchant associations, gentry groups, Islamic educational and publishing networks. It demonstrates how such networks facilitated Sino-Muslims to become more aligned with the tempo of change in Chinese society and imperial governance, and created for them more ingenious venues and means to identify with Islam. Ultimately it reveals how, by the first half of the nineteenth century, a sense of collectivity—with common knowledge, memory, and discourse—was generated among dispersed Sino-Muslims. Utilizing Sino-Muslims'own records such as steles, genealogies, and Chinese Islamic texts, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of comparative Muslim studies, Qing and early modern China, religious and ethnic identity, and professionals of Sino-Arab relations.
- Published
- 2025
34. Homegrown Radicals : A Story of State Violence, Islamophobia, and Jihad in the Post-9/11 World
- Author
Youcef Soufi and Youcef Soufi
- Subjects
- Muslims--Social conditions--21st century.--C, Terrorism--Religious aspects--Islam, Jihad
- Abstract
The powerful story of how the War on Terror created the conditions for the emergence of a novel theory of jihadOn March 7th, 2007, three Muslim university students left their small city on the Canadian Prairies, seemingly without a trace. In the ensuing months, their disappearance raised fears among Canadian and US security agencies that the men had become “radicalized,” posing a grave threat to national security. From presidential briefings and targeted drone assassinations to a politically charged trial in a Brooklyn courtroom, the men's story sheds new light not only on the figure of the “radical,” but also on the “moderate” Muslim, represented by a community forever changed by the men's departure.Homegrown Radicals offers a case study of the complex entanglements of the radical and moderate Muslim in post-9/11 North America. Youcef Soufi brings these figures together in uneasy tension, providing insight into how state violence has inextricably tied them together. Focusing on the radicalization of the three Muslim students, the book traces the general sense of affective injury among North American Muslims over the loss of Muslim life in Western military campaigns overseas.In this context, a new theory of jihad rooted in a Muslim utopian imagination emerged, marking a significant rupture with premodern Islamic thought. The three “radicals” were among thousands of Anglophone Muslims who found this new theory compelling as both a diagnosis and a solution to the violence unleashed in the War on Terror. The book examines how and why this theory resonated, as well as its consequences for the men's families, friends, and Muslim community.Homegrown Radicals highlights how post-9/11 Islamophobia has operated through the conceptual blurring of the line between “moderate” and “radical” Muslims, and asks what alternative forms of solidarity may transcend the violent boundaries of the nation-state.
- Published
- 2025
35. Rethinking the Qur’ān in Late Antiquity
- Author
Juan Cole and Juan Cole
- Abstract
How the Qur'ān reflects on and responds to the regional cultural, religious and political currents swirling in Western Arabia and neighboring areas during the great war, 603-630, between the Roman and Sasanian empires? The book approaches the Qur'ān through six case studies. The first two consider the era 200-800 CE, which classicist Peter Brown dubbed late antiquity. The second two contextualize quranic stories and tropes in the era of Herakleios and Khosrow II. The final pair consider issues in how the Qur'ān was constituted, both physically and stylistically, and also sets these processes in their late antique context. The book treats the constitution of the quranic text, first physically and then rhetorically. The use in the Qur'ān of the technique of narrative apostrophe is for the first time subjected to a concerted analysis. These themes are all united by a concern to understand better issues in why the Qur'ān makes certain narrative choices, how the narrative changes over time, and how it articulates with other texts and perspectives.
- Published
- 2025
36. Reiseführer auf Osmanisch : Hayrullah Efendis Yolcılıḳ Kitābı (1863–1865)
- Author
Caspar Hillebrand and Caspar Hillebrand
- Abstract
Das Yolcılıḳ Kitābı (Reisebuch), das der osmanische Mediziner, Staatsmann und Historiker Hayrullah Efendi (1818–1866) nach einer Europareise verfasste, macht es dem Leser schwer, den genauen Ablauf der Reisen des Autors zu rekonstruieren. Wie die Arbeit zeigt, liegt das daran, dass es sich hier um den Versuch handelt, das Genre des routenbasierten modernen Reiseführers – bekannt vor allem durch die Reihen von Murray, Baedeker und Joanne – in die osmanische Literatur zu übertragen. Der Text kann somit als erster osmanischer Reiseführer bezeichnet werden. Hayrullah orientiert sich dabei stark an französischen Vorbildern, bezieht aber auch osmanische Prätexte und Elemente des Reiseberichts mit ein. Auf diese Weise passt er das Genre seinen Bedürfnissen an, die vor dem Hintergrund der Reformbestrebungen der Tanzimat-Zeit zu sehen sind. Die detaillierte Analyse des Werkes bietet gleichzeitig Anlass, das bislang wenig untersuchte Verhältnis zwischen Reiseführer und Reisebericht zu beleuchten und ein Abgrenzungskriterium zu entwickeln. Eine kommentierte Transkription und Übersetzung wesentlicher Teile des Textes machen dessen komplexen Aufbau erstmals anschaulich verständlich und ermöglichen einen Zugang zu diesem Werk auch über die Osmanistik hinaus.
- Published
- 2025
37. Contemporary Moroccan Thought : On Philosophy, Theology, Society, and Culture
- Author
Mohammed Hashas and Mohammed Hashas
- Subjects
- Philosophy--Morocco, Theology--Morocco
- Abstract
Contemporary Moroccan Thought offers a new and broad coverage of the intellectual dynamics and scholarly output of what is presented here as the Rabat School since the 1950s. Geographically situated at the western edge of the classical Arab-Islamic world, Moroccan scholarship has made a belated yet vigorous comeback on the modern Arab intellectual scene, attracting wider reception beyond the Arabic-speaking world, through influential contributions in philosophical, theological, social and cultural studies. This volume sets a new standard in the study of Moroccan, North African, and Middle Eastern societies, and will undoubtedly remain an important scholarly reference for generations to come. Contributors Deina Abdelkader, Nayla Abi Nader, Kholoud Al-Ajarma, Salah Basalamah, Mohamed Wajdi Ben Hammed, Sara Borrillo, Ibrahim Bouhaouliane, Tina Dransfeldt Christensen, Driss El Ghazouani, Brahim El Guabli, Abdennabi El Harri, Amin El-Yousfi, Francesca Forte, Fatma Gargouri, Wael Hallaq, Mohammed Hashas, Alma Rachel Heckman, Aziz Hlaoua, Abdellatif Kidai, Markus Kneer, Mohamed Lamallam, Khalid Lyamlahy, Juan A. Macías-Amoretti, Djelloul Magoura, Mohammed K. B. Rhazzali, Raja Rhouni, Nils Riecken, Fatima Sadiqi, Hamza Salih, Ari Schriber, Simone Sibilio, and Abdessalam Tawil.
- Published
- 2025
38. From God's Nature to God's Law : Theology, Law and Legal Theory in Islam
- Author
Abdul Rahman Mustafa and Abdul Rahman Mustafa
- Subjects
- Islamic law--Philosophy
- Abstract
This study explores the ways in which theological ideas regarding the nature of God shaped the jurisprudential and legal landscape of Islam. Focusing on the traditionalist theological and jurisprudential thought of Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728/1328) and Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751/1350), this study traces the way in which these towering scholars critiqued the dominant theological-jurisprudential tradition of their day, which was influenced by dialectical theology. Against the dialectical theologians, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim argued that an authentically fideist, consistent and rational theory of Islamic law could only emerge from an acceptance of the reality of God's voluntary attributes.
- Published
- 2025
39. From the Diaspora to the Homeland : History, Memory and Identity Among Hazaras in England
- Author
Rabia Latif Khan and Rabia Latif Khan
- Abstract
Historically, Hazaras were a marginalised ethnic and religious community in Afghanistan. They were perceived as the'labourer class'in the country for many decades. In turn they were at the bottom of the country's social hierarchy. However, since the 1990s and early 2000s, Hazaras have made great strides in various fields. After the fall of the first Taliban regime in 2001, Hazaras gained greater visibility in Afghanistan. This shift in the community's circumstances, predicated on educational success and an active civil society significantly impacted self-perceptions within the community, moving away from marginality and towards continued success. Thus shifting internal perceptions of Hazara identity and what it means to be Hazara in the present. The internalised negativity associated with being Hazara in the past has diminished, and there is now growing community confidence, political mobilisation and ethnic consciousness among transnational Hazaras. As a result, Hazara identity has shifted from being perceived as a marginalised identity to an identity which is now positively affirmed and proclaimed within the community, globally. This shift within the community, which has tremendously impacted Hazara ethnic consciousness, is the focus of this book.
- Published
- 2025
40. The Abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate, 1924 : Debates and Implications
- Author
Elisa Giunchi, Nicola Melis, Elisa Giunchi, and Nicola Melis
- Subjects
- Religion and politics--Turkey--History--20th century, Caliphate--History--20th century, Islam and politics--Turkey--History--20th century
- Abstract
This book explores the decision by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 1924 to abolish the caliphate. The Ottoman sultans had long borne the title of caliphs of Islam, with all the prestigious authority throughout the Muslim world that went with it, and in the aftermath of the First World War the caliphate still retained great symbolic relevance.The book considers the questions that arose with its abolition, including whether or not the caliphate should be revived, reformed or replaced by other forms of political affiliation and organization. It also assesses more general issues concerning identity and legitimate authority, and how to reconcile time-honoured religious institutions and concepts with modernity, the nation-state and affiliations of an ethnic and religious nature. The book additionally addresses the debates within the pan-Islamic congresses concerning the fate of the caliphate, and the implications of its abolition for Kurdish–Turkish relations and for the British and French Empires with their large Muslim populations.
- Published
- 2025
41. Inside the Expressive Culture of Chinese Women's Mosques : ‘This Turmoil of the Soul’
- Author
Maria Jaschok and Maria Jaschok
- Subjects
- Mosques--China--History, Muslim women--China--History, Chants--China--History and criticism, Hui (Chinese people)--China--Religion, Islamic music--China--History and criticism
- Abstract
This book presents a multi-voice narrative of the history and significance of current contestations over the increasing prominence of expressive piety in Hui Muslim women's mosques in central China. By drawing on a ‘Song Book'of chants, collected from the tradition of women's mosques, as context it reveals just how the increasing prominence of female voices has given rise to considerable misgivings among senior religious leaders over the potential destabilization of orthodox Islamic gendered practices. Providing a historical introduction to the place and function of Islamic chants, jingge and zansheng, the book gives a conceptual framing of female silence, sound, and agency in local translations of Confucian and Islamic precepts, and women's personal accounts of the role played by traditional and modern soundscapes in transmitting and celebrating Islamic knowledge and faith. As a study of women's soundscapes and the significance of legitimacy, ambiguities, and implications of female sound, this book will be of considerable interest to students and scholars of Chinese society and culture, gender studies, cultural anthropology, and Islam.
- Published
- 2025
42. One God and Two Religions : Christians and Muslims As Neighbors
- Author
Amir Hussain and Amir Hussain
- Subjects
- Islam--Relations--Christianity, Christianity--Relations--Islam, Muslims--North America, Christians--North America
- Abstract
Islam is a religion of violence and behind every Muslim there lurks a potential terrorist. Islam is a threat to values of the Christian West. They are like oil and water. Clearly, they don't mix.One God and Two Religions confronts these popular perceptions head-on. With keen insight and gentle understanding, Amir Hussain explores the differences between Christianity and Islam, as well as the many things these two enduring faith traditions hold in common - including, first and foremost, their belief in and desire to be faithful to the one, true God; their shared roots and scripture (from the Jewish faith); and the spiritual values of peace and social justice.Written for Christians by Muslim world-religions scholar, the book is divided into two parts. Part 1, provides an overview of the Islamic faith and of the lives of Muslims in North America today. Chapters focus on the place and identity of Muslims in society, as well as on the importance and role of Muhammad, the Qur'an, and basic beliefs and practices (The Five Pillars of Islam). Part 2, explores key points for dialogue, including issues of violence and jihad, the roles of women and men, and the mystical tradition within Islam. The final two chapters look at interfaith dialogue and the practical aspects of being good'neighbors.'In all of this, the book invites the reader to a place of reconciliation, to a place where the truth and value of each of these great faith traditions can be recognized and honored by the other. In the end, the metaphor of oil and water is an interesting one for the reality of conflict and the hope for reconciliation between Islam and Christianity today.
- Published
- 2025
43. Being Muslim in a Morally Relative World : The Dilemma of Contemporary Polarized Pakistani Society
- Author
Muhammad Awais Shaukat and Muhammad Awais Shaukat
- Subjects
- Muslims--Pakistan, Islam--Pakistan, Islam--Moral and ethical aspects--Pakistan, Globalization--Pakistan, Islamic ethics--Pakistan
- Abstract
Being Muslim in a Morally Relative World: The Dilemma of Contemporary Polarized Pakistani Society examines the challenges faced by Islamic societies in the 21st century, particularly in Pakistan, as they navigate the influences of globalization and Western intellectual movements. Muhammad Awais Shaukat offers a detailed analysis comparing the Islamic value system with the concept of moral relativism, exploring how these contrasting ethical frameworks shape individual and societal behaviors, values, and beliefs. The book investigates the conflict between traditional Islamic morality, rooted in the Qur'an and Sunnah, which upholds absolute and objective values, and the relativistic, subjective morality emerging from post-modernism. By leveraging his multidisciplinary expertise, the author illustrates how these conflicting values have intensified polarization within Muslim societies, amplified by media and intellectual discourse. The book contributes not only to academic discourse but also offers practical insights for policymakers, educators, and community leaders, offering a framework for developing pathways toward social harmony and cohesion.
- Published
- 2025
44. The Concept of Evil in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- Author
Catharina Rachik, Georges Tamer, Catharina Rachik, and Georges Tamer
- Abstract
The present volume of the series Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses explores various conceptions of evil in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, including key terms from their respective sacred texts, major theodicy discussions and contemporary developments. Throughout history and even today, religious scholars and believers have struggled with the question of the origin of evil and how a benevolent God can allow evil to exist in the world. Why does a compassionate God not prevent deadly diseases or natural disasters? What do religions define as evil, and is God responsible for or even the creator of this evil? The articles, written by distinguished scholars in their respective fields, offer a variety of answers to such existential questions. The articles address topics such as the origin of evil, the responses to evil in sacred texts and religious traditions, and the role of human agency. Each author offers a critical analysis of these topics as well as recommendations for future research. The volume also highlights commonalities and differences among the three monotheistic religions.
- Published
- 2025
45. Muhammad Hamidullah : His Pioneering Works on Islamic Economics
- Author
Abdul Azim Islahi and Abdul Azim Islahi
- Abstract
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was a genius and prolific writer. Anyone who has an interest in the Qur'ans translation, Hadith literature International Islamic Law, Islamic Politics and archival heritage of Islam cannot ignore Dr. Hamidullah's contributions. He started writings on the subject of Islamic Economics as early as the 1930s. He was a pioneer in Islamic economics and many firsts in this subject belong to him. For instance: interest free financial institutions in the modern period, advocacy of mutuality as the basis for Islamic insurance, mutuality based Islamic finance and proposal for establishment of international interest-free monetary fund. He also critiques current systems and offers an alternative. His works are also a rich source of Islamic economic history. None of his contemporaries in the first half of twentieth century had written on such a diverse aspect of the subject.
- Published
- 2025
46. Hearing Islam : The Sounds of a Global Religious Tradition
- Author
Lauren E. Osborne and Lauren E. Osborne
- Subjects
- Qur'an--Recitation
- Abstract
Hearing Islam introduces the global religious tradition of Islam through its rich history of sounds and music.The book explores how the centrality of sonic practices and experiences within Islamic traditions stems largely from the orality of the Qur'an and the importance of recitation, while arguing that sound can provide a productive point of entry to human cultures in general. Its tripartite structure guides the reader through the foundations of Islamic traditions and sounds; theoretical frameworks of orality, listening, and deafness; and some of the major types of sonic practices and genres related to Islam, such as chanting the Islamic poetic tradition, South Asian qawwali, and hip-hop.This cutting-edge textbook is the go-to volume for students of Islam and sound, Islamic studies, religion and sound, and the practice of Islam.
- Published
- 2025
47. Exploring China's Religious Sites : Digital and Spatial Insights
- Author
Zhaohui Hong and Zhaohui Hong
- Subjects
- Religion--Geographic information systems, Religion--Methodology, Religion and geography
- Abstract
This book employs cutting-edge digital and spatial methodologies to tackle the critical issue of religious site scarcity across China for five major religions: Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Islam, spanning the period from 1911 to 2004.Drawing from Chinese government datasets and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this comprehensive work presents official information concerning religious sites and pinpoints specific cities facing shortages in such sites. The book also offers an in-depth analysis of religious sites, delving into their statistical, historical, comparative, and religious contexts and evolving significance within China, shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities each religion faces.This groundbreaking book uncovers spatial patterns and relationships, providing new insights into the distribution of religious sites and the evolution of Chinese religious practices since 1911. It will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of modern China, religious studies, and digital and spatial humanities.
- Published
- 2025
48. Streitfrage Prävention : Ambivalente Logiken in staatlich geförderten Projekten gegen islamistisch begründete Radikalisierung
- Author
Leonie Thal and Leonie Thal
- Subjects
- Islam—Study and teaching, Islam—History
- Abstract
Debatten um Radikalisierung und islamistisch begründeten Extremismus sind aus der deutschen Politik und Medienlandschaft nicht mehr wegzudenken, während die Bundesregierung umfangreiche Programme zur Förderung von Präventionsarbeit aufsetzt. Die Studie nimmt mit einer empirisch fundierten Analyse die Prävention von islamistisch begründeter Radikalisierung in Deutschland in den Blick. Sie gibt auf Basis einer ethnografischen Untersuchung des Bundesprogramms'Demokratie leben!'in Bremen und Bayern Einblicke in die Praxis und Logik der Präventionsarbeit und hinterfragt kritisch die Struktur der aktuellen Präventionspolitik. Die Arbeit beleuchtet sowohl die Ebene der administrativen Steuerung und der Strukturen der Präventionspolitik als auch die der Praxis von Sicherheitsbehörden und zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiativen. Aus dieser Perspektive problematisiert sie grundlegende Konzepte wie Radikalisierung, Extremismus und Prävention. Ein zentrales Ergebnis der Analyse ist, dass die Präventionspraxis von drei zentralen, ambivalenten Logiken geprägt ist: der Logik der Ökonomisierung, der Versicherheitlichung und des antimuslimischen Rassismus. Diese Logiken verursachen Widersprüche in der Präventionsarbeit, die dazu führen, dass die Radikalisierungsprävention in ihrer Wirksamkeit massiv eingeschränkt wird und teilweise sogar ihren selbstgesteckten Zielen zuwiderläuft. In Konsequenz daraus fordert diese Studie letztlich eine Neuausrichtung der Präventionsarbeit, indem die Regelstrukturen sozialer Arbeit gestärkt werden. Damit leistet sie einen wertvollen Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Radikalisierungsprävention in Deutschland.
- Published
- 2024
49. Finanzas islámicas : principios y problemas
- Author
Hussein Elasrag and Hussein Elasrag
- Abstract
Las Finanzas Islámicas son el único ejemplo de un sistema financiero basado directamente en los preceptos éticos de una religión importante, que proporciona no solo pautas de inversión sino también un conjunto de productos únicos de inversión y financiamiento. Las finanzas islámicas se basan en la Shari'a, la ley islámica que proporciona pautas para múltiples aspectos de la vida musulmana. La industria financiera islámica está desempeñando un papel fundamental en la economía global en general. Este libro tiene como objetivo esbozar algunas áreas potenciales a considerar para todos los sectores de las finanzas islámicas. Además, el libro analiza el desarrollo de las finanzas islámicas; Explore los desafíos de la financiación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, el gobierno corporativo y la responsabilidad social corporativa en las finanzas islámicas. El libro también analiza el uso existente de blockchains en las finanzas islámicas.
- Published
- 2024
50. Akzeptanz, Formation und Transformation : Eine empirische Studie zum islamischen Religionsunterricht an Grundschulen in Hessen
- Author
Aslıgül Aysel, Yaşar Sarıkaya, Aslıgül Aysel, and Yaşar Sarıkaya
- Abstract
Die Studie bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Bedeutung und Wirkung des islamischen Religionsunterrichts auf Grundschüler•innen, Eltern und Lehrkräfte. Sie untersucht verschiedene Aspekte des Unterrichts und zeigt positive Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, Bildung, Transformation und Integration. Es wird deutlich, dass der islamische Religionsunterricht von Eltern, Lehrkräften und Grundschüler•innen generell positiv aufgenommen wird. Das Fach wird als wertvoll für die religiöse Identitätsbildung sowie für schulische und gesellschaftliche Integration wahrgenommen. Insbesondere die interaktiven Unterrichtsmethoden und die Vielfalt des Islams wecken das Interesse der Grundschulkinder. Der Unterricht schafft somit einen Raum für Erfahrungen, Reflexionen und interaktiven Austausch. Die Lehrkräfte leisten einen Beitrag zur Kompetenzentwicklung der Schüler•innen, indem sie Denk- und Handlungsveränderungen fördern. Zu betonen ist auch, dass der islamische Religionsunterricht als besonderes Unterrichtsmodell betrachtet wird, das zur Bildung religiöser Mündigkeit beiträgt. Die Lehrkräfte engagieren sich und gehen auf die verschiedenen Facetten des Islams ein, wodurch der Unterricht trotz anfänglicher Skepsis Akzeptanz findet. Es kann konstatiert werden, dass der islamische Religionsunterricht den interreligiösen Austausch fördert und das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl stärkt. Schüler•innen werden sensibilisiert, sich über ihre eigene Religion und andere Glaubensrichtungen auszutauschen. Der Unterricht in deutscher Sprache fördert das Verständnis für andere Weltanschauungen und trägt dazu bei, Vorurteile abzubauen
- Published
- 2024
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