34 results on '"PEOPLE with intellectual disabilities"'
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2. Der Lebensrückblick in Therapie und Beratung : Ansätze der Biografiearbeit, Reminiszenz und Lebensrückblicktherapie
- Author
Simon Forstmeier, Andreas Maercker, Simon Forstmeier, and Andreas Maercker
- Subjects
- Medicine, Psychosomatic, Psychotherapy, Geriatrics, Counseling, Clinical psychology, Developmental psychology
- Abstract
In diesem Buch werden die Wurzeln, Methoden und Möglichkeiten der Lebensrückblicktherapie, Biografiearbeit und weiterer Reminiszenzinterventionen dargestellt. Der Ansatz ist dabei alters- und schulenübergreifend. Der Lebensrückblick wird als Intervention behandelt, die zur Identitätsarbeit, Sinnfindung und Ressourcenorientierung und als narrativer Ansatz bei verschiedener Symptomatik und verschiedener Klientel eingesetzt werden kann. Seit einiger Zeit ist über alle Schulenorientierungen hinweg das Interesse an Lebensrückblickinterventionen gewachsen. Formen der biografischen Arbeit werden mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen, psychisch Kranken und älteren Menschen eingesetzt. Die psychotherapeutische Hauptform ist die Lebensrückblicktherapie. Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sie zu den wirksamsten antidepressiven Verfahren gehört, so dass eine breite Anwendung in der Psychotherapie zu empfehlen ist. Geschrieben für Psychotherapeut:innen, Psychiater:innen, Psychosomatische Mediziner:innen, Sozialarbeiter:innen, Seelsorger:innen und andere im sozialen/therapeutischen Bereich Tätige.
- Published
- 2024
3. Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy : Recovery in Mental Health
- Author
Stavroula Rakitzi and Stavroula Rakitzi
- Subjects
- Cognitive therapy, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
This book presents the evidence-based treatments in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy and rehabilitation in various disorders in combination with the clinical experience of the author in private practice. Every chapter is structured in the same form. Part A Basics: introduction, definition, the importance, discussion, revision questions, und Part B Disorders: abstract, introduction, clinical features, evidence-based treatments, discussion, revision questions. The book is addressed to psychology students, medicine students, to researchers, to psychotherapists, to psychiatrists and to non-experts. The language of the book is simple enough, so that non-experts can be informed about issues in mental health. The aim of the book is to minimize the stigma towards mental health problems, to give an optimistic message regarding the modern evidence-based treatments in mental health and to clarify that reintegration into society is a realistic goal nowadays.
- Published
- 2023
4. Leefstijlpsychiatrie
- Author
Wiepke Cahn, Jeroen Deenik, Jentien Vermeulen, Wiepke Cahn, Jeroen Deenik, and Jentien Vermeulen
- Subjects
- Psychiatry, Clinical psychology, Psychotherapy
- Abstract
Dit boek geeft een overzicht van wetenschappelijke kennis, ervaringsverhalen en best practices op het gebied van leefstijlpsychiatrie. Daarnaast biedt het praktische handvatten die direct toepasbaar zijn in het voorkomen en behandelen van psychiatrische aandoeningen. Het boek richt zich op alle professionals binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg die een bijdrage willen leveren aan verbetering van leefstijl binnen de psychiatrie. Leefstijlpsychiatrie is het eerste brede, Nederlandstalige overzicht van actuele wetenschappelijke kennis over de rol van leefstijl in de preventie en behandeling van psychiatrische aandoeningen. Het boek beschrijft eerst het belang van leefstijl en richt zich daarna op diagnostiek en behandeling. De belangrijkste leefstijlaspecten zoals beweging, voeding, verslaving en slaap passeren uiteraard de revue, net als ervaringsverhalen en de rol van de hulpverlener. Ook is er aandacht voor de praktische kant, met hoofdstukken over bijvoorbeeld communicatie, implementatie en ethische dilemma's. In lijn met onder andere de versteviging van leefstijlgeneeskunde waarin de nadruk ligt op lichamelijke ziekten, neemt ook de aandacht voor de rol van leefstijl voor onze psychische gezondheid toe. Het verbeteren van leefstijlfactoren bij mensen met psychische klachten kan het herstel bespoedigen en verergering van klachten en terugval voorkomen. Prof. dr. Wiepke Cahn is psychiater en hoogleraar lichamelijke gezondheid bij psychiatrische aandoeningen bij het UMC Utrecht en Altrecht. Dr. Jeroen Deenik is onderzoeker en gezondheidspsycholoog bij GGz Centraal en assistant professor bij Maastricht University. Dr. Jentien Vermeulen is psychiater in opleiding en onderzoeker aan de Afdeling Psychiatrie van Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC.
- Published
- 2022
5. The Palgrave Handbook of Innovative Community and Clinical Psychologies
- Author
Carl Walker, Sally Zlotowitz, Anna Zoli, Carl Walker, Sally Zlotowitz, and Anna Zoli
- Subjects
- Community psychology, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
This handbook highlights a range of ground breaking, radical and liberatory clinical and critical community psychology projects from around the world. The disciplines of critical community psychology and clinical psychology are currently experiencing radical innovations that in this book are characterised as moving from the individualising practice realm toward an altogether more contextualising orientation. Both fields are responding to an array of political, social and economic injustices and a global political context. Community and clinical psychologists have found themselves reorienting their practice to confront, resist and subvert the structures that are so damaging to the lives of the vulnerable people they work with. This text posits that these approaches refute and resist the psychologising that has strengthened oppressive structures. Such practices are starting to engage in the political character of power-knowledge relationships that demand a more ‘action-oriented'and less ‘clinical'psychology praxis and there is a growing interest in, and commitment to, social justice in the field of mental wellbeing. Using examples of scholar, activist and practitioner work from around the world, this collection explores and documents those practices where the traditional remits of community and clinical psychology have been subverted, altered, stretched, changed and reworked in order to reframe practice around human rights, creativity, political activism, social change, space and place, systemic violence, community transformation, resource allocation and radical practices of disruption and direct action.
- Published
- 2022
6. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition, 11 Volume Set brings together important information in the field, making this reference a current state-of-the-art of contemporary research and discussion. The book covers foundational history, professional and training issues, clinical research considerations and methods, assessments and treatments for clinical conditions experienced across the lifespan, clinical considerations for diverse populations, and emerging trends and future directions. In addition, this new release focuses on key areas, such as the emergence of new professional and training issues, new research and statistical approaches to clinical psychology, changes to the manner in which various mental health conditions are conceptualized, and more. Readers will find this to be an ideal, one-stop, comprehensive resource in clinical psychology that is thoroughly modernized to include all recent advances in the field. - Provides an update to this much-loved classic reference work with all the scientific advances of the past 20 years - Presents comprehensive and authoritative articles on all aspects of clinical psychology - Offers readers a'one-stop'resource for access to a wealth of information that will fully support their research and activities - Written by leading experts in psychology across the globe, thus ensuring the knowledge within is easily understood by, and applicable to, a large audience
- Published
- 2022
7. Behandeling van patiënten met een laag IQ in de GGZ : Theorie en praktijk
- Author
Jannelien Wieland, Erica Aldenkamp, Annemarie van den Brink, Jannelien Wieland, Erica Aldenkamp, and Annemarie van den Brink
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Psychiatry
- Abstract
Dit boek helpt professionals in de GGZ om met vertrouwen patiënten met zwakbegaafdheid te herkennen, psychische stoornissen te diagnosticeren en te behandelen. In deze herziene en uitgebreide uitgave worden nieuwe inzichten over zwakbegaafdheid in de GGZ geïllustreerd met uitgebreide praktijkvoorbeelden en extra online materiaal.Het boek biedt theoretische en praktische handvatten om direct aan de slag te gaan met veel aandacht voor een passende bejegening en communicatie. Nieuw is de monitorplus die uw organisatie helpt om de toegang tot de zorg te verbeteren. Patiënten met zwakbegaafdheid vormen een kwetsbare groep in de GGZ met een specifiek klinisch profiel, waarbij naast de cognitieve beperkingen en de psychische klachten, de gestapelde problematiek een belangrijk kenmerk is. Goede zorg start met de realisatie dat zwakbegaafdheid een belangrijke en vaak voorkomende comorbiditeit is in de GGZ. Voor de GGZ is inspelen op de zwakbegaafdheid absoluut noodzakelijk, maar in het algemeen minder ingrijpend dan gedacht wordt. Niet wát u aanbiedt is anders, maar wel het hoé.Het boek richt zich op psychiaters, psychologen, verpleegkundigen, andere professionals binnen de GGZ en zij die daartoe in opleiding zijn.
- Published
- 2022
8. Transition-Age Youth Mental Health Care : Bridging the Gap Between Pediatric and Adult Psychiatric Care
- Author
Vivien Chan, Jennifer Derenne, Vivien Chan, and Jennifer Derenne
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Youth--Mental health, Youth--Mental health services, Psychiatry, Coming of age--Psychological aspects
- Abstract
Over the course of the last two decades, improved practices in child and adolescent mental healthcare have led to a decreased environment of stigma, which also led to an increased identification and treatment of mental health disorders in children and youth. Considering that treatment and outcomes are improved with early intervention, this is good news. However, the success gained in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry leads to a new challenge: transitioning from adolescent care to adult care. It has been known for some time that children, adult, and geriatric patients all have unique needs where it comes to mental healthcare, yet limited work has been done where it comes to the shifting of the lifespan. Where it comes to the child-adult transition—defined as those in their late teens and early/mid-20s—there can be multiple barriers in seeking mental healthcare that stem from age-appropriate developmental approaches as well as include systems of care needs. Apart from increasing childhood intervention, the problem is exacerbated by the changing social dynamics: more youths are attending college rather than diving straight into the workforce, but for various reasons these youths can be more dependent on their parents more than previous generations. Technology has improved the daily lives of many, but it has also created a new layer of complications in the mental health world. The quality and amount of access to care between those with a certain level of privilege and those who do not have this privilege is sharp, creating more complicating factors for people in this age range. Such societal change has unfolded so rapidly that training programs have not had an opportunity to catch up, which has created a crisis for care. Efforts to modernize the approach to this unique age group are still young, and so no resource exists for any clinicians at any phase in their career. This book aims to serve as the first concise guide to fill this gap in the literature. The book will be edited by two leading figures in transition age youth, both of whom are at institutions that have been at the forefront of this clinical work and research. This proposed mid-sized guide is therefore intended to be a collaborative effort, written primarily by child and adolescent psychiatrists, and also with adult psychiatrists. The aim is to discuss the developmental presentation of many common mental health diagnoses and topics in chapters, with each chapter containing clinically-relevant “bullet points” and/or salient features that receiving providers, who are generally, adult-trained, should keep in mind when continuing mental health treatment from the child and adolescent system. Chapters will cover a wide range of challenges that are unique to transition-age youths, including their unique developmental needs, anxiety, mood, and personality disorders at the interface of this development, trauma and adjustment disorders, special populations, and a wide range of other topics. Each chapter will begin with a clinical pearl about each topic before delving into the specifics.
- Published
- 2021
9. Violence Against LGBTQ+ Persons : Research, Practice, and Advocacy
- Author
Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, Andy J. Johnson, Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, and Andy J. Johnson
- Subjects
- Human rights, Gender expression, Clinical psychology, Sexual minorities--Legal status, laws, etc, Sexual minorities--Violence against, Homophobia, Sex (Psychology), Transphobia
- Abstract
As violence against LGBTQ+ persons continues to be a pervasive and serious problem, this book aims to inform mental health providers about the unique needs of LGBTQ+ survivors of interpersonal and structural violence. Individual chapters analyze unique aspects of violence against specific subpopulations of LGBTQ+ persons in order to avoid ineffective and sometimes simplistic one-size-fits-all treatment strategies. Among the topics covered: Macro Level Advocacy for Mental Health Professionals: Promoting Social Justice for LGBTQ+ Survivors of Interpersonal Violence Intimate Partner Violence in Women's Same-Sex Relationships Violence Against Asexual PersonsInvisibility and Trauma in the Intersex CommunitySexual and Gender Minority Refugees and Asylum Seekers: An Arduous JourneySexual and Gender Minority Marginalization in Military ContextsNavigating Potentially Traumatic Conservative Religious Environments as a Sexual/Gender Minority Violence Against LGBTQ+ Persons prepares mental health professionals for addressing internalized forms of prejudice and oppression that exacerbate the trauma of the survivor, in order to facilitate healing, empowerment, healthy relationships, and resilience at the intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and diverse social locations. This is a valuable reference for psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurses, mental health professionals, and graduate students, regardless of whether they are preparing for general practice, treatment of LGBTQ+ clients, or treatment of survivors and perpetrators of various forms of violence.
- Published
- 2021
10. Belonging and Resilience in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities : Community and Family Engagement
- Author
Jennifer L. Jones, Kami L. Gallus, Jennifer L. Jones, and Kami L. Gallus
- Subjects
- Developmentally disabled--Psychology, Child psychiatry, Resilience (Personality trait), Belonging (Social psychology), Clinical psychology, Public health
- Abstract
This book examines belonging as a key protective factor for enhancing resilience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. It focuses on understanding intellectual and developmental disabilities and resilience from systemic and social-ecological perspectives, emphasizing the roles of professionals, families, and communities in combating long-standing segregation and health disparities experienced by individuals and families. The volume explores the dimensions of belonging across diverse professional fields using a person-centered approach that acknowledges the significant lifelong role of family members and emphasizes reflective practice for professionals. Chapters present research and innovative strategies to facilitate belonging when working alongside individuals and families.Key areas of coverage include: Family-professional partnerships in working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across lifespan and community contexts. Spirituality, mental health, and identity in persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research ethics and design in working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The diverse needs, desires, and preferences of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The importance of individualized planning and approaches in fostering belonging for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Belonging and Resilience in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities is a valuable resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and related professionals in developmental psychology, family studies, public health, and social work as well as related disciplines, including education policy andpolitics, behavioral health, and psychiatry.
- Published
- 2021
11. Clinical Psychology
- Author
Graham Davey, Nick Lake, Adrian Whittington, Graham Davey, Nick Lake, and Adrian Whittington
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Clinical Psychology, Third Edition offers an introduction to clinical psychology as it is operating on the ground – delivering clinical interventions, supervision, consultation, leadership, training and research, in rapidly changing health and care services. This new edition of Clinical Psychology brings together practitioners, researchers, and people who have used the services of clinical psychologists to explain how clinical psychologists work, the evidence that their work is based on, and how it can change peoples'lives for the better. The book explains the core principles of clinical practice, as well as outlining the role of a clinical psychologist within a healthcare team. It covers issues involved in working with children and families, adult mental health problems, people with disabilities and physical health issues, and the use of neuropsychology. In this fully revised third edition, every chapter has been brought up to date with developments in research and practice, and chapters have been added regarding the important fields of working with autistic people and working with people in forensic mental health services.Given the popularity of clinical psychology for many undergraduate and graduate students, the contents of this text have been designed around teaching and learning features that can be used as the basis for an intermediate or advanced-level course that will allow students to learn both breadth and depth about clinical psychology.
- Published
- 2021
12. Surviving Clinical Psychology : Navigating Personal, Professional and Political Selves on the Journey to Qualification
- Author
James Randall and James Randall
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology
- Abstract
This vital new book navigates the personal, professional and political selves on the journey to training in clinical psychology. Readers will be able to explore a range of ways to enrich their practice through a focus on identities and differences, relationships and power within organisations, supervisory contexts, therapeutic conventions and community approaches.This book includes a rich exploration of how we make sense of personal experiences as practitioners, including chapters on self-formulation, personal therapy, and using services. Through critical discussion, practice examples, shared accounts and exercises, individuals are invited to reflect on a range of topical issues in clinical psychology. Voices often marginalised within the profession write side-by-side with those more established in the field, offering a unique perspective on the issues faced in navigating clinical training and the profession more broadly. In coming together, the authors of this book explore what clinical psychology can become.Surviving Clinical Psychology invites those early on in their careers to link ‘the political'to personal and professional development in a way that is creative, critical and values-based, and will be of interest to pre-qualified psychologists and researchers, and those mentoring early-career practitioners.
- Published
- 2020
13. Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology : Developing a Professional Identity Through Training and Beyond
- Author
Will Curvis and Will Curvis
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology--Practice, Clinical psychology--Training of, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology: Developing a Professional Identity through Training and Beyond offers insights from a range of trainee, recently qualified and experienced clinical psychologists as they reflect on the process of developing their professional identity through consideration of dilemmas and issues they experienced through clinical psychology training.Reflecting the breadth of the profession and the range of services in which clinical psychologists work, the chapters highlight the different types of roles that clinical psychologists are expected to undertake throughout training and post-qualification. The book provides practical clinical recommendations that can be applied in work settings in line with contemporary research, policy and guidance, as well as personal reflections from the authors on how managing professional issues has shaped their practice as a developing clinical psychologist.Developing a professional identity as a clinical psychologist is vital in learning to navigate these challenges. The process by which a professional identity develops is an individual journey. However, Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology offers aspiring, trainee or qualified clinical psychologists - and other healthcare professionals - with a contemporary resource around professional issues which might be encountered within clinical psychology practice.
- Published
- 2020
14. Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment
- Author
Peter Sturmey and Peter Sturmey
- Subjects
- Functionalism (Psychology), Clinical psychology, Mental illness--Treatment
- Abstract
Much of clinical psychology relies upon cognitive behavior therapy to treat clinical disorders via attempting to change thinking and feeling in order to change behavior. Functional approaches differ in that they focus on context and the environmental influence on behavior, thoughts, and feelings. This second edition of Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment updates the material in keeping with DSM-5 and ICD-10 and provides 40% new information, including updated literature reviews, greater detail in the functional analysis/assessment sections of each chapter, two new chapters on autism spectrum disorders and chronic health problems, and examples of worked assessments, such as interview transcripts, ABC charts, and observational data. - Discusses functional analytic approaches to treat specific clinical disorders - Appropriate for use with both adult and child populations - Updated to reflect DSM-5 - Includes two new chapters on treatment for ADHD and chronic health problems - Shows more examples of worked assessments and treatment plans
- Published
- 2020
15. Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions
- Author
Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Stéphane Bouchard, Albert "Skip" Rizzo, and Stéphane Bouchard
- Subjects
- Virtual reality therapy, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
This exciting collection tours virtual reality in both its current therapeutic forms and its potential to transform a wide range of medical and mental health-related fields. Extensive findings track the contributions of VR devices, systems, and methods to accurate assessment, evidence-based and client-centered treatment methods, and—as described in a stimulating discussion of virtual patient technologies—innovative clinical training. Immersive digital technologies are shown enhancing opportunities for patients to react to situations, therapists to process patients'physiological responses, and scientists to have greater control over test conditions and access to results. Expert coverage details leading-edge applications of VR across a broad spectrum of psychological and neurocognitive conditions, including: Treating anxiety disorders and PTSD.Treating developmental and learning disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder,Assessment of and rehabilitation from stroke and traumatic brain injuries.Assessment and treatment of substance abuse.Assessment of deviant sexual interests.Treating obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.Augmenting learning skills for blind persons. Readable and relevant, Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions is an essential idea book for neuropsychologists, rehabilitation specialists (including physical, speech, vocational, and occupational therapists), and neurologists. Researchers across the behavioral and social sciences will find it a roadmap toward new and emerging areas of study.
- Published
- 2019
16. Traumafolgestörungen
- Author
Andreas Maercker and Andreas Maercker
- Subjects
- Psychotherapy, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Gewalterfahrungen, sexueller Missbrauch, Unfälle, Katastrophen oder Todesfälle im nahen Umfeld, extreme Situationen können zu Traumafolgestörungen führen. Seit 2018 unterscheidet die Weltgesundheitsorganisation in ihrem Klassifikationsverzeichnis vier solcher Störungen: die „klassische“ und die komplexe posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, dazu die Anhaltende Trauerstörung und die Anpassungsstörung. Diese Langzeitfolgen werden im Buch genau vorgestellt. In den letzten Jahren wurde eine Vielzahl von Interventionen entwickelt, diese Störungen wirksam zu behandeln.Diese Neuauflage wurde aufgrund der bahnbrechenden Neuerungen, an denen der Herausgeber auf internationaler Ebene entscheidend mit beteiligt war, weitgehend neu konzipiert.Zu den Neuerungen gehören die Kapitel zu:· Komplexe posttraumatische Belastungsstörung· Gewalt in der Kindheit und ihre Folgen· Niedrigschwellige und innovative Interventionen· Verfahren der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie· Psychodynamische AnsätzeDAS Handbuch zu den psychischen Traumafolgestörungen.
- Published
- 2019
17. Independent Advocacy and Spiritual Care : Insights From Service Users, Advocates, Health Care Professionals and Chaplains
- Author
Geoff Morgan and Geoff Morgan
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Health--Religious aspects, Clinical health psychology, Community psychology
- Abstract
This book explores the profession of independent advocacy through a history of the practice, and provides an empirical study of its emergence in London. While advocacy has long been associated with professions such as social work and mental health nursing, this book delivers a unique perspective of advocacy through the lens of faith and culture. Using real life examples and insights from service users, advocates and spiritual care practitioners in the advocacy and chaplaincy sectors, the fascinating results offer proposals for enhanced theory, training and practice in independent advocacy. It will be of great interest for students and professionals engaged in advocacy or spiritual care.
- Published
- 2017
18. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
- Author
Amy Wenzel and Amy Wenzel
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Psychology, Pathological--Encyclopedias
- Abstract
Abnormal and clinical psychology courses are offered in psychology programs at universities worldwide, but the most recent major encyclopedia on the topic was published many years ago. Although general psychology handbooks and encyclopedias include essays on abnormal and clinical psychology, such works do not provide students with an accessible reference for understanding the full scope of the field. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, a 7-volume, A-Z work (print and electronic formats), is such an authoritative work. Its more than 1,400 entries provide information on fundamental approaches and theories, various mental health disorders, assessment tools and psychotherapeutic interventions, and the social, legal, and cultural frameworks that have contributed to debates in abnormal and clinical psychology. Key features include: 1,400 signed articles contained in 7 volumes and available in choice of print and/or electronic formats Although organized A-to-Z, front matter includes a Reader's Guide grouping related entries thematically Back matter includes a Chronology, Resource Guide, Bibliography, and detailed Index Entries conclude with References/Further Readings and Cross-References to related entries The Index, Reader's Guide themes, and Cross-References between and among entries all combine to provide robust search-and-browse features in the electronic version.
- Published
- 2017
19. Behandeling van patiënten met een laag IQ in de GGZ : Beperkt begrepen
- Author
Jannelien Wieland, Erica Aldenkamp, Annemarie van den Brink, Jannelien Wieland, Erica Aldenkamp, and Annemarie van den Brink
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Psychiatry
- Abstract
Dit boek helpt professionals in de GGZ bij de bejegening, communicatie, diagnostiek en behandeling van patiënten met een laag IQ. Juist patiënten met een lager IQ hebben een groter risico op het ontwikkelen van allerhande psychiatrische stoornissen. Onjuiste diagnostiek of een niet-aansluitende behandeling veroorzaakt onnodig lijden bij de patiënt en hoge maatschappelijke kosten.Circa 15% van de Nederlandse bevolking heeft een IQ onder de 85, waarbij psychiatrische stoornissen drie tot vier keer vaker voorkomen dan bij een normaal begaafde populatie. Psychiatrische aandoeningen worden in deze patiëntengroep, bij gebrek aan specifieke richtlijnen, zowel onder- als over gediagnosticeerd. Behandelmogelijkheden aangepast aan het cognitieve niveau zijn vaak niet algemeen bekend of niet voorhanden. Behandeling van patiënten met een laag IQ in de GGZ geeft handvatten voor het herkennen van deze patiëntengroep in de dagelijkse GGZ-praktijk. Het gaatuitgebreid in op diagnostiek en behandeling van deze groep. Het leert u hoe u effectief met deze patiënten een gesprek kunt voeren. Door het hele boek heen zijn diverse aansprekende casussen verwerkt.Het boek richt zich op psychiaters, psychologen en verpleegkundigen en andere professionals werkzaam in de GGZ-praktijk. Het boek is ook goed bruikbaar in opleidingen binnen de GGZ.
- Published
- 2017
20. Clinical Psychology
- Author
Graham Davey, Nick Lake, Adrian Whittington, Graham Davey, Nick Lake, and Adrian Whittington
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Clinical Psychology, Second Edition offers a comprehensive and an up-to-date introduction to the field. Written by clinical practitioners and researchers, as well as service users who add their personal stories, the book provides a broad and balanced view of contemporary clinical psychology. This new edition has been extensively revised throughout and includes a new section on working with people with disabilities and physical health problems. It also includes a new chapter on career choices, and help and advice on how to move forward into clinical psychology training. The book starts by explaining the core elements of what a clinical psychologist does and the principles of clinical practice, as well as outlining the role of the clinical psychologist within a healthcare team. It goes on to cover issues involved with working with children and families, adult mental health problems, working with people with disabilities and physical health problems, and the use of neuropsychology. The final part of the book explores current professional issues in clinical psychology, the history and future of clinical psychology, and career options. The integrated and interactive approach, combined with the comprehensive coverage, make this book the ideal companion for undergraduate courses in clinical psychology, and anyone interested in a career in this field. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about the work of a clinical psychologist, including other healthcare professionals.
- Published
- 2015
21. SOS - snelle opvang bij seksueel misbruik van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking : Een praktisch handboek
- Author
A. Scharloo, S. Ebbers, M. Spijker, A. Scharloo, S. Ebbers, and M. Spijker
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Rehabilitation, Mentally ill—Rehabilitation, Psychology
- Abstract
Seksueel misbruik komt veel voor bij kinderen en volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking. Veel vaker dan bij anderen. Maar hoe neem je als hulpverlener de regie in handen als het probleem eenmaal is gesignaleerd? Hoe bespreek je het probleem met de cliënt, met familieleden, met naasten en met andere professionals. Hoe breng je hen verder?In de dagelijkse praktijk blijkt dit vaak lastig. Instellingen beschikken weliswaar over een meldcode en goede handelingsprotocollen over de omgang met (vermoedens van) seksueel misbruik, maar tegelijk is er onder hulpverleners vaak sprake van grote onzekerheid en machteloosheid. De logica die er onder andere omstandigheden wel is, blijkt opeens zoek. Niets is meer vanzelfsprekend, hulpverleners voelen zich onvoldoende toegerust om in dit proces het voortouw te nemen. Dat werkt verlammend, met alle gevolgen van dien.Dit boek helpt hulpverleners om dit probleem adequaat aan te pakken. Het is geschreven voor gedragsdeskundigen, maar ook bij uitstek geschikt voor (psycho) therapeuten, maatschappelijk werkers, gezinsvoogden en ambulant- en gezinsbegeleiders.Het SOS-handboek bestaat uit twee delen. Het eerste deel bevat theoretische achtergrondinformatie over seksueel misbruik en trauma bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Het tweede deel heeft een praktische insteek en beschrijft hoe cliënten met uiteenlopende ontwikkelingsniveaus, ouders en hulpverleners op weg worden geholpen. Dit gebeurt in een eerste-opvang-programma van vier sessies, afgestemd op elk van de doelgroepen.Voor professionals in de zorg voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking is dit boek onmisbaar. Het is voor het eerst dat een dergelijk handboek in Nederland verschijnt. De auteurs van het SOS-handboek beschikken over een brede en jarenlange expertise rond onderzoek en hulpverlening bij seksueel misbruik bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking, opgedaan in binnen- en buitenland.
- Published
- 2014
22. What Is Clinical Psychology?
- Author
Susan Llewelyn, David Murphy, Susan Llewelyn, and David Murphy
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Clinical psychologists
- Abstract
The number of people working in the field of clinical psychology has expanded significantly in recent years. The fifth edition of this very popular text has been extensively re-written and updated by two well respected editors who are closely connected with recent developments in the profession of clinical psychology. It includes sixteen chapters that cover all the major domains of clinical practice, from work in primary care or with children and families, to clinical psychology as it is practiced with those with severe and enduring mental health problems, and those with eating disorders, to the work of clinical psychologists in forensic settings or in leadership positions. It also includes recent innovations in service provision such the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme (IAPT). The book opens with an overview of professional practice and a clear introduction to the major competencies and theories used by practitioners, followed by a series of chapters that are authored by practising clinical psychologists who all have extensive experience in their specialist areas. These chapters effectively and vividly describe the application of the reflective scientist practitioner model of working. The book concludes with a wide-ranging consideration of likely future developments and challenges. The text also addresses key issues including ethics, diversity and team working. A key feature is the provision of a living sense of what the job entails, while an appendix provides guidance on training routes. This volume clearly demonstrates that clinical psychology is a highly effective profession, which applies understandings and findings from the discipline of psychology to clinical contexts in order to ameliorate people's distress and to support their wellbeing.
- Published
- 2014
23. Universal Access and Assistive Technology : Proceedings of the Cambridge Workshop on UA and AT ’02
- Author
Simeon Keates, Patrick Langdon, P. John Clarkson, Peter Robinson, Simeon Keates, Patrick Langdon, P. John Clarkson, and Peter Robinson
- Subjects
- Biomedical engineering, Engineering design, User interfaces (Computer systems), Human-computer interaction, Control engineering, Robotics, Automation, Computer vision, Clinical psychology, Rehabilitation, Mentally ill—Rehabilitation
- Abstract
The first Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) was held at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in March 2002. It was inspired by the earlier, highly successful Cambridge Workshops on Rehabilitation Robotics organised by the late Robin Jackson. Robin was the founder of Rehabilitation Research at Cambridge which now continues in the Engineering Design Centre within the Department of Engineering, led by John Clarkson and Simeon Keates, and in the Rainbow Group within the Computer Laboratory led by Peter Robinson. CWUAAT represents the first in a new series of workshops that we are aiming to hold every two years which, reflecting the spirit of recent moves to extend the rights for universal accessibility, will encourage discussion of a broad range of interests. There will be a general focus on product/solution development. Hence it is intended that the principal requirements for the successful design of assistive technology shall be addressed, where these range from the identification and capture of the needs of the users, through to the development and evaluation of truly usable and accessible systems for users with special needs. The best submissions received for the first CWUAAT are contained in this book, where the contributors are all leading researchers in the fields of Universal Access and Assistive Technology and represent a large part of the international research community. They include, though not exclusively, computer scientists, designers, engineers, industrial representatives, ergonomists and sociologists.
- Published
- 2013
24. The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology
- Author
Jonathan S. Comer, Philip C. Kendall, Jonathan S. Comer, and Philip C. Kendall
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Clinical psychology--Research--Methodology--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
Mental health problems impose a staggering worldwide public health burden. Regrettably, whereas many sciences have been progressing for centuries (e.g., biology, chemistry) it is only recently that the strategies of science have been applied to the field of clinical psychology. At this relatively early stage in the science of clinical psychology, the majority of work is ahead of us, and as such the prepared investigator must be familiar with the full portfolio of modern research strategies-a set of'directions'for getting from'here'to'there.'To continue to move the science of clinical psychology forward, investigators benefit when they systematically rely on research strategy'routes'that achieve favorable balances between scientific rigor and clinical relevance. With this need in mind, The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology has recruited some of the field's foremost experts to explicate the essential research strategies currently used across the modern clinical psychology landscape that maximize both precision and significance. Chapters in this volume address design, measurement, and analytic strategies for clinical psychology, including comprehensive coverage of: - effective laboratory methods in experimental psychopathology, single-case experimental designs, small pilot trials, the randomized controlled trial, adaptive and modular treatment designs, and dissemination methods and models - change measurement, observational coding, measurement of process variables across treatment, structural and functional brain imagining, and experience sampling data collection methods - statistical power, correlation and regression, randomized clinical trial data analysis, conventions in mediation and moderation analysis, structural equation modeling, meta-analytic techniques, item-response theory, and the appropriate handling of missing data. The book concludes with an integrative summary of research strategies addressed across the volume, and guidelines for future directions in research methodology, design, and analysis that will keep our young science moving forward in a manner that maximizes scientific rigor and clinical relevance.
- Published
- 2013
25. Advances in Clinical Child Psychology
- Author
Thomas H. Ollendick, Ronald J. Prinz, Thomas H. Ollendick, and Ronald J. Prinz
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology
- Abstract
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology is the third under our editorship and the seventeenth of the series. It continues the tradition of examining a broad range of topics and issues related to the study and treatment of child and adolescent behavior problems. Over the years, the series has served to identify important and exciting new developments in the field and provide scholarly review of current thought and practices. In the openingchapter, Cichetti, Toth, and Lynch examine attachment theory and its implications for psychopathology. They provide exacting commentary on the status of the construct of attachment and its potential role in the development of diverse psychopathologies. Similarly, Richards explores the impact of infant cognitive psychophysiology and its role in normal and abnormal development in the second chapter. Both of these chapters address issues of risk for subsequent psychopathology and are deeply embedded in developmental theory. In Chapter 3/ Nottelmann and Jensen tackle the important issue of comorbidity in psychiatric diagnosis from a developmental perspective.
- Published
- 2013
26. Adapted Physical Activity : Health and Fitness
- Author
Kyonosuke Yabe, Katsuhiko Kusano, Hideo Nakata, Kyonosuke Yabe, Katsuhiko Kusano, and Hideo Nakata
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Rehabilitation, Mentally ill—Rehabilitation, Sports medicine
- Abstract
Studies on physical education and sports for persons with disabilities are an interdisciplinary domain in which theory and practice are closely intertwined. In fact, one of the primary objectives of professionals in this field is to eliminate the existing separation between the theoretical and practical aspects of their work. This volume, consisting of selected papers presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity, was published with the aim of providing researchers and practitioners with insights into each other's work. The 39 contributions in this book deal with a wide range of themes including the health and fitness of people with disabilities, innovative sports teaching methods, biofeedback training and motor control, the medical aspects of rehabilitation, and physical activity programs for the elderly.
- Published
- 2012
27. Clinica psicologica dell’obesità : Esperienze cliniche e di ricerca
- Author
Enrico Molinari, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Enrico Molinari, and Gianluca Castelnuovo
- Subjects
- Cognitive therapy, Clinical psychology, Obesity--Psychological aspects
- Abstract
Il testo si propone di affrontare il tema dell'obesità e dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare ad essa associati in una prospettiva psicologica che coniuga l'esperienza riabilitativa e di ricerca di psicologi e medici all'interno dell'Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico storicamente impegnato nel trattamento dell'obesità e delle sue complicanze. Oltre ad un inquadramento generale del fenomeno obesità nella sezione 1, vengono trattati, nella sezione 2, i temi della diagnosi e dei principali trattamenti integrati per l'obesità, con un approfondimento sugli interventi psicologici e psicoterapeutici individuali e di gruppo di diverso orientamento. La sezione 3 illustra le possibilità di cura e di ricerca nei contesti extra-ospedalieri o complementari al ricovero. Si evidenzia la realtà del day hospital per l'obesità e si sottolinea il contributo della medicina di famiglia. Infine si accenna alle possibilità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie (Progetto TECNOB in particolare). Il testo fornisce dunque spunti di riflessione e pratica clinica (diagnostica e riabilitativa) per psicologi, psicoterapeuti, medici di base e specialisti di diverse aree (psichiatria, endocrinologia, cardiologia, geriatria, medicina interna, ecc.) ed altri operatori sanitari che si trovano a lavorare a vari livelli con pazienti con obesità a diversi livelli di gravità.
- Published
- 2012
28. Adapted Physical Activity : An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Author
Gudrun Doll-Tepper, Christoph Dahms, Bernd Doll, Harald v. Selzam, Gudrun Doll-Tepper, Christoph Dahms, Bernd Doll, and Harald v. Selzam
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Rehabilitation, Mentally ill—Rehabilitation, Sports medicine
- Abstract
From 21-24 June 1989 the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IF APA) held its 7th International Symposium'Adapted Physical Activity -An Interdisciplinary Approach'in Berlin (West). This was the first time that this symposium has been held in a German speaking country, and it presented unique challenges to the organizers. For example, neither the term nor the field of adapted physical activity was known in Germany before the symposium. Thus, at the outset, the organizers'task was to define the meaning of adapted physical activity as a concept and to identify areas and professionals associated with it. After lengthy and intense discussions we agreed on the following definition: Adapted physical activity refers to movement, physical activity, and sports in which special emphasis is placed on the interests and capabilities of individuals with limiting conditions, such as the disabled, health impaired or aged. Despite the fact that the use of an English term for a symposium in Germany would not be accepted by all German speaking professionals, it was decided to use this term because no translation appeared to be fully adequate.'Sports for the Disabled','Modified Movement Activites','Sport Therapy', or'Psychomotor Exercises'would have represented only single aspects of adapted physical activity and were thus incomplete.
- Published
- 2012
29. Abnormal And Clinical Psychology: An Introductory Textbook
- Author
Paul Bennett and Paul Bennett
- Subjects
- Mental illness--Treatment, Psychology, Pathological, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
'This book provided an invaluable orientation to the grounding theoretical principles of clinical health psychology, how this knowledge can be applied by psychologists in healthcare settings, particular assessment and intervention approaches and issues associated with working with patients in healthcare settings... I would highly recommend this as a key text for clinical psychology trainees and postgraduates working or researching in medical settings across the lifespan, both as a general orientation tool and a resource to refer to with reference to specific presenting issues.Fleur-Michelle Coiffait, Doctoral student, University of Edinburgh, UK'The tone of this volume is well pitched; it is written in clear English yet without being over-simplified. New vocabulary is collated into ‘key terms'boxes for easy reference at the end of the chapter – a useful device for the new student. Also proffered at chapter end are ‘For Discussion'boxes, encouraging the reader to critically assess and compare the contents of the chapter, along with useful suggestions for further reading. With a good level of detail without swamping the reader, this volume is an excellent introduction to students of abnormal psychology.'Hayley Burgess, Psychology GraduateExtensively updated, this popular textbook includes the latest research and therapeutic approaches, including third wave cognitive behavioural therapies, as well as developments in clinical practice. The book introduces and evaluates the conceptual models of mental health problems and their treatment, and provides valuable analyses of various disorders, such as schizophrenia and paedophilia. Each disorder is considered from a psychological, social and biological perspective and different intervention types are thoroughly investigated. The new edition also featuresNEW case formulations to illustrate discussion of clinical work NEW chapter on recent developments in cognitive behaviour therapyNEW Key Terms boxes at the end of chaptersUpdated Stop and Think boxesFurther reading extended with web linksAbnormal and Clinical Psychology 3rd edition is an indispensable guide for undergraduate students in psychology and health allied professions.
- Published
- 2011
30. International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Author
Johnny L. Matson, Peter Sturmey, Johnny L. Matson, and Peter Sturmey
- Subjects
- School Psychology, Psychiatry, Social service, Clinical psychology, Rehabilitation, Mentally ill—Rehabilitation, Pediatrics, Developmental psychology
- Abstract
Since the early 1940s, when first identified as childhood psychosis and autistic psychopathy, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has continued to burgeon into a major focus of inquiry and interest among researchers, practitioners, and the public alike. With each passing decade, the number of scholarly articles addressing ASD and related disabilities continues to soar. Today, thousands of papers on autism are published annually across various disciplines and journals, making it challenging – if not impossible – to keep pace with, let alone synthesize, all the latest developments.Based on a solid historical foundation of autism theory and research, the International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders integrates the broad scholarly base of literature with a trenchant analysis of the state of the field in nosology, etiology, assessment, and treatment. Its expert contributors examine recent findings and controversies (e.g., how prevalent autism actually is), along with longstanding topics of interest as well as emerging issues.Coverage includes:A survey of diagnostic criteria and assessment strategies.Genetic, behavioral, biopsychosocial, and cognitive models.Psychiatric disorders in persons with ASD.Theory of mind and facial recognition.Diagnostic instruments for assessing core features and challenging behaviors.Evidence-based psychosocial, pharmacological, and integrative treatments.Interventions specifically for adults with ASD.Training issues for professionals and parents.A review of findings of successful and promising therapies, coupled with guidance on how to distinguish between dubious and effectivetreatments.The International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders is an indispensable resource for researchers, professors, graduate students, and allied practitioners in clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, education, social work, rehabilitation, pediatric medicine, and developmental psychology.
- Published
- 2011
31. Clinical Psychology in Practice
- Author
Helen Beinart, Paul Kennedy, Susan Llewelyn, Helen Beinart, Paul Kennedy, and Susan Llewelyn
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology, Psychology, Applied
- Abstract
Academic, clinical and research aspects are offered in collaboration with clinical practitioners, who provide the clinical experience to foster the development of competencies in Health and Social Care. Provides a clear, authoritative and lively introduction to the practice of clinical psychology Explains succinctly the range of competencies which a psychologist is expected to possess, and how these can be applied in a variety of contexts Key issues covered include awareness of the social context, the need for responsive and flexible practice, and respect for diversity Examples and principles are provided which demonstrate the clinical psychologist in action, and explain why and how they work as they do
- Published
- 2009
32. Clinical Psychology
- Author
Davey, Graham and Davey, Graham
- Subjects
- Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Topics in Applied Psychology is a series of integrated texts combining both the academic and professional aspects of applied psychology. Written by a team of high-profile UK academics, this series is ideal for second- and third-year psychology undergraduates.
- Published
- 2008
- Author
Bennett, Paul and Bennett, Paul
- Subjects
- Mental illness--Treatment, Psychology, Pathological, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
This book examines some of the complexities and debates about language, literacy and learning, challenging current assumptions about shared understanding of pedagogical principles. It foregrounds social and cultural issues and the nature of interaction between children and teachers; children and children; children and texts of all kinds; and the significance of wider interactions within the teaching profession. The contributors revitalise debate about the nature of professional knowledge, provide insights into the detail of classroom discourse and teacher interventions and examine the transfor.
- Published
- 2006
34. Clinical Psychology for Trainees : Foundations of Science-Informed Practice
- Author
Andrew C. Page, Werner G. K. Stritzke, Andrew C. Page, and Werner G. K. Stritzke
- Subjects
- Medical personnel and patient, Clinical psychology, Clinical psychologists--Training of
- Abstract
This book describes the practice of clinical psychology with special emphasis on providing trainee therapists with the skills and strategies to achieve the core competencies required for a science-informed clinical practice. It will support the reader in making the transition from the lecture theatre to the consulting room. The approach incorporates a contemporary perspective on the multiple roles of clinical psychologists within a competitive health care market, where professional psychologists not only need to be accountable for their outcomes and efficient in achieving them, but also need to be conscious of the social and political context in which psychology is practised. Chapters are organised around the acquisition of key competencies and linked within an evidence-based, science-informed framework. Case studies, handouts, graphics and worksheets are employed to encourage the implementation of the skills described. This book should be read by all those enrolled in, or contemplating, postgraduate studies in clinical psychology.
- Published
- 2006
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