
Showing total 1,433 results
1,433 results

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1. The Europeanisation of Party Politics in Malta : Values, Legitimation, and Polarisation

2. Covering Muslims : American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective

3. Levelling Up the UK Economy : The Need for Transformative Change

4. The Palgrave Handbook of Populism

5. Mediated Campaigns and Populism in Europe

6. Il Regno Unito alla prova della Brexit : Come sta cambiando il sistema politico britannico

7. Arthashastra of Kautilya : Relevance in the 21st Century

8. Rethinking Politicisation in Politics, Sociology and International Relations

9. The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization

10. Politisches Wissen: Korrekte Kenntnisse, Fehlvorstellungen und Ignoranz

11. Shari'a and the Constitution in Contemporary Legal Models : Two Worlds in Dialogue

12. Death by a Thousand Cuts : Neuropolitics, Thymos, and the Slow Demise of Democracy

13. Making the European Green Deal Work : EU Sustainability Policies at Home and Abroad

14. Italian Politics : Exploring the Dynamics of Political Change

15. Political Party Research : An Overview

16. Still the Age of Populism? : Re-examining Theories and Concepts

17. The Fire of the Dragon : China’s New Cold War

18. Social Protection in Latin America : Causality, Stratification and Outcomes

19. State Institutions, Civic Associations, and Identity Demands : Regional Movements in Greater Southeast Asia

20. Democracy or Bonapartism : Two Centuries of War on Democracy

21. Why Neo-Militant Democracies Endure : The Inner Six in Comparative Perspective

22. Democracies in Peril? : Waves of Backsliding

23. Wahlen und Wähler : Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021

24. Ferne Eliten : Die Unterrepräsentation von Ostdeutschen und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund

25. Tocqueville-Handbuch : Leben – Werk – Wirkung

26. Handbook of Applied Journalism : Theory and Practice

27. Governing After War : Rebel Victories and Post-war Statebuilding

28. Politische Expertenkultur in Deutschland und Polen : Politik, Beratung und Lobbyismus im Vergleich

29. Enhanced Parliamentary Oversight : Promoting Good Governance in Smaller States

30. Differentiated Integration Beyond Brexit : Revisiting Cleavage Perspective in Times of Multiple Crises

31. Democratic Turbulence in the United Kingdom

32. Public Administration in Europe : The Contribution of EGPA

33. Die Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl 2021 : Neueste Entwicklungen des Parteienwettbewerbs in Deutschland

34. Asian Organized Crime and the Anglosphere

35. Identität und Demokratie : Polarisierung und Ausgleich im Spannungsfeld von Liberalismus und Republikanismus

36. Digital Communication and Populism in Times of Covid-19 : Cases, Strategies, Examples

37. Segregated Time

38. Moral and Immoral Whiteness in Immigration Politics

39. In a Bad State : Responding to State and Local Budget Crises

40. Religions and the Global Rise of Civilizational Populism

41. The EU's Government of Worker Mobility : An Interdisciplinary Discussion

42. The Routledge Handbook of Policy Tools

43. The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Left Parties in Europe

44. The Perils of Populism : The End of the American Century?

45. Democratic Protests and New Forms of Collective Action : When Disobedience Is Social

46. Cooperative Federalism in South Asia and Europe : Contemporary Issues and Trends

47. Die Bundestagswahl 2021 : Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung

48. National Security Drivers of Ukraine : Information Technology, Strategic Communication, and Legitimacy

49. Anti-Immigrant Attitudes : The Effect of Grievances, Personal Interactions and Entrenched Beliefs

50. Making the Supreme Court : The Politics of Appointments, 1930-2020