1,040 results
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2. Mathematical Problems in Biology : Victoria Conference
- Author
P. van den Driessche and P. van den Driessche
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Biomathematics, Life sciences
- Abstract
A conference on'Some Mathematical Problems in Biology'was held at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C., Canada, from May 7 - 10, 1973. The participants and invited speakers were mathematicians interested in problems of a biological nature, and scientists actively engaged in developing mathematical models in biological fields. One aim of the conference was to attempt to assess what the recent rapid growth of mathematical interaction with the biosciences has accomplished and may accomplish in the near future. The conference also aimed to expose the problems of communication bet~',een mathematicians and biological scientists, and in doing so to stimulate the interchange of ideas. It was recognised that the topic spans an enormous breadth, and little attempt was made to balance the very diverse areas. Widespread active interest was shown in the conference, and just over one hundred people registered. The varied departments and institutions across North America from which the participants came made it both academically and geographically mixed. The chief activity of the conference was the presentation of papers. Nine invited guest speakers (see table of contents) each gave a one hour talk. These covered a wide range of topics. There were twenty-five shorter (twenty minute) contributed papers, and almost all papers l,rere followed by a five minute question and discussion period. Duplicated abstracts of presented papers were available at the meeting. An evening informal discussion meeting of participants, chaired by Dr. A. B. Tayler, and led by Drs. E. M. Hagmeier, E. C.
- Published
- 2013
3. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology / Ergebnisse Der Mikrobiologie Und Immunitätsforschung
- Author
W. Arber, W. Braun, F. Cramer, R. Haas, W. Henle, P. H. Hofschneider, N. K. Jerne, P. Koldovsky, H. Koprowski, O. Maaløe, R. Rott, H.-G. Schweiger, M. Sela, L. Syru?ek, P. K. Vogt, E. Wecker, W. Arber, W. Braun, F. Cramer, R. Haas, W. Henle, P. H. Hofschneider, N. K. Jerne, P. Koldovsky, H. Koprowski, O. Maaløe, R. Rott, H.-G. Schweiger, M. Sela, L. Syru?ek, P. K. Vogt, and E. Wecker
- Subjects
- Medical sciences, Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
'When we give a definition it is for the purpose of using it'. HENRI POINCARE in Science and Method A. Objectives The first version of this paper was written to introduce new students and fellows of my laboratory to the mysteries of herpesviruses. Consonant with this design sections dealing with well documented data were trimmed to the bone whereas many obscure phenomena, controversial data and seemingly trivial observations were discussed generously and at length. There is some doubt as to whether it was meant to be published, but it was not a review. The objective of reviews is frequently to bring order. But alas, even the most fluent summation of credible data frequently makes dull reading and too much plausible order, like very little entropy in chemical reactions, is not the most suitable environment on which to nurture the urge to discover. This version is more charitable but not less inbalanced. The bibliography reflects the intent of the paper and was updated last in December of 1968. It should be obvious without saying that no single account such as this can do justice or injustice, as the case may be, to the several hundred papers published on herpesviruses each year or to the many thousand papers published on herpesviruses since the first of the members of the family was experimentally transmitted to a heterologous host more than half a century ago (GRUTER, 1924). B. Definition 1.
- Published
- 2013
4. Insect Viruses : Symposium
- Author
Karl Maramorosch and Karl Maramorosch
- Subjects
- Medical sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences
- Abstract
This volume contains seven chapters, based on papers presented at a Symposium on Insect Viruses, held in conjunction with the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in New York, N. Y., on 30 April-4 May, 1967. The Symposium was organized to bring together outstanding workers interested in various areas of insect virology, and allow an opportunity for a discussion of problems, approaches, and methods that would lead to further progress in basic and applied research. One of the princi pal reasons for holding the Symposium at this time was the feeling that the divergent areas of research, up to now studied separately by entomologists, medical and public health workers, geneticists, and plant pathologists, would be brought together, crossing the artificial borders and finding new, exciting and inspiring vistas. Insect viruses provide a rare opportunity to get acquainted with the work and methods of investigators in such related and yet distant fields. Following the symposium, a decision was made to publish the papers in a single volume, extending the contents to provide a complete and scholarly review of each subject. Since viruses affecting insects have received little attention until recent years, it was felt that a fully documented presentation of diverse areas of insect virology merited publication. The invited authors, all recognized authorities in their respective fields, prepared their contri butions in such a way that each is a concise unit.
- Published
- 2013
5. Chemistry and Biological Actions of 4-Nitroquinoline 1-Oxide
- Author
H. Endo, T. Ono, T. Sugimura, H. Endo, T. Ono, and T. Sugimura
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences
- Abstract
During the last decade a considerable body of knowledge has come into existence concerning a class of carcinogenic molecules chiefly represented by 4-nitroquinoline i-oxide. Original papers on this subject are numerous and widely scattered over many branches of science; it was felt that these papers should be reviewed and the knowledge brought together in one volume before it became too unwieldy. This we have attempted to do in this monograph. Our aim has been to include all relevant papers published to date, so that it may serve as an epitome of the present status of knowledge on this important subject. We have been fortunate in securing the cooperation of several colleagues who have contributed chapters, each dealing with one aspect of the subject. We have been doubly fortunate in that these contributors, like ourselves, were at one time or another members of the group belonging to the scientific staff of Dr. WARO NAKA HARA, Director of the National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
- Published
- 2013
6. Vascular Smooth Muscle / Der Gefäßmuskel : Proceedings of the Satellite-Symposium of the XXV. International Congress of Physiological Sciences and Annual Meeting of the German Angiological Society, July 2024, 1971 in Tübingen / Verhandlungen Des Satellit-Symposiums Des XXV. Internationalen Kongre
- Author
Eberhard Betz and Eberhard Betz
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences, Blood-vessels—Diseases, Human physiology
- Abstract
This book summarizes the papers presented at the International Symposium on vascular smooth muscle, organized in combination with the XXV Interna tional Congress of Physiological Sciences by the German Society of Angiology e. V. Honorary Presidents were Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. K. Wezler and Profes sor Dr. Dr. h. c. H. E. Bock. The annual meeting of the SOCiety of Angiology was combined with the Symposium. It was held at the Physiological Institute of the University of TUBINGEN, an appropriate setting, since in the last century numerous scientists from this institute were engaged in special problems con nected with the vascular system and muscles. The topics of this meeting covered a wide field of vascular research; it was the aim of the organizers to the discuss the physiological, biochemical and morphological basis of the vascular muscles with clinicians and to stress some important aspects in the form of round table discussions. On the following pages the reader will therefore find numerous papers on spe cial basic problems of the physiology, biochemistry and morphology of vascu lar smooth muscle as well as on pathophysiological and pathological changes and papers about the clinical treatment of vascular disorders. The more ex perimental and theoretical papers and discussions are concerned with the sin gle smooth muscle cell and the different types of vessels in various organs whereas the discussion of the clinical sections concentrate on the coronary system.
- Published
- 2012
7. Experimental Analysis of Insect Behaviour
- Author
L.B. Browne and L.B. Browne
- Subjects
- Psychobiology, Human behavior, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This volume has come about as a direct result of a Symposium entitled'Experimental Analysis of Insect Behaviour'which was an important con tribution to the 14 International Congress of Entomology held in Canberra, Australia, in August 1972 under the joint sponsorship of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Entomological Society. It is not, however, strictly Symposium proceedings. I have included, in this volume contributions from several workers who had to withdraw from the Symposium at a fairly late stage. Furthermore, quite intentionally, a number of the contributions bear only a general relationship to the papers given at the Congress. To permit this; the deadline for contribu tions was set at some six months after the Symposium. I imposed no restrictions on the form of the contributions. I did, however, indicate that speculative reviews highlighting the author's own recent research or that of his immediate colleagues would be particularly acceptable, and a number of the contributors have taken the opportunity to write this kind of paper. Several contributors, notably those whose task it was to give more general papers in the Symposium itself, have written reviews of somewhat greater scope.
- Published
- 2012
8. Plant Growth Regulation : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Lausanne, August 30 – September 4, 1976
- Author
P. E. Pilet and P. E. Pilet
- Subjects
- Botany, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
The 9th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances was held at the University of Lausanne, August 30-September 4, 1976. This meet ing was sponsored by the National Swiss Foundation for Scientific Re search (FNRS), the Fonds Herbette of the Faculty of Sciences of Lau sanne, by several other official sources, and by a few Swiss indus tries. The conference was attended by over 420 scientists, represent ing 42 countries, with a total of 550 participants. Our 9th conference was rather different from the previous ones. The usual short submitted papers followed by a too brief discussion were replaced by three kinds of scientific communications. First in the reports, authors gave a critical analysis of a selection of broad to pics, directing their comments to new perspectives of research and me thodology. Second, the paper demonstrations, presented by over 200 scientists, induced large and fruitful discussions and ensured that personal contacts were made. Finally, during four workshops, several interesting points - introduced in the reports and paper demonstra tions - were developed and discussed.
- Published
- 2012
9. Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology
- Author
Nada Lavrač, Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou, Blaz Zupan, Nada Lavrač, Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou, and Blaz Zupan
- Subjects
- Data structures (Computer science), Information theory, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Artificial intelligence, Pharmacology, Biometry
- Abstract
Intelligent data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have recently gained the attention of a large number of researchers and practitioners. This is witnessed by the rapidly increasing number of submissions and participants at related conferences and workshops, by the emergence of new journals in this area (e.g., Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Intelligent Data Analysis, etc.), and by the increasing number of new applications in this field. In our view, the awareness of these challenging research fields and emerging technologies has been much larger in industry than in medicine and pharmacology. The main purpose of this book is to present the various techniques and methods that are available for intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology, and to present case studies of their application. Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology consists of selected (and thoroughly revised) papers presented at the First International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP-96) held in Budapest in August 1996 as part of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), IDAMAP-96 was organized with the motivation to gather scientists and practitioners interested in computational data analysis methods applied to medicine and pharmacology, aimed at narrowing the increasing gap between excessive amounts of data stored in medical and pharmacological databases on the one hand, and the interpretation, understanding and effective use of stored data on the other hand. Besides the revised Workshop papers, the book contains a selection of contributions by invited authors. The expected readership of the book is researchers and practitioners interested in intelligent data analysis, data mining, and knowledge discovery in databases, particularly those who are interested in using these technologies in medicine and pharmacology. Researchers and students in artificial intelligence and statistics should find this book of interest as well. Finally, much of the presented material will be interesting to physicians and pharmacologists challenged by new computational technologies, or simply in need of effectively utilizing the overwhelming volumes of data collected as a result of improved computer support in their daily professional practice.
- Published
- 2012
10. Information Technologies in Biomedicine : Third International Conference, ITIB 2012, Gliwice, Poland, June 11-13, 2012. Proceedings
- Author
Ewa Pietka, Jacek Kawa, Ewa Pietka, and Jacek Kawa
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Image processing—Digital techniques, Computer vision, Bioinformatics, Artificial intelligence
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine, ITIB 2012, held in Goglin, Poland, in June 2012. The 60 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image analysis; signal processing; biocybernetics; biomaterials; bioinformatics and biotechnology; biomechanics and rehabilitation; assisted living systems.
- Published
- 2012
11. English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises
- Author
Adrian Wallwork and Adrian Wallwork
- Subjects
- Language and languages—Study and teaching, Social sciences, Humanities, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Chemistry
- Abstract
This book is based on a study of referees'reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English (long sentences, redundancy, poor structure etc). It draws on English-related errors from around 5000 papers written by non-native authors, around 3000 emails, 500 abstracts by PhD students, and over 1000 hours of teaching researchers how to write and present research papers. The exercises are organized into nine chapters on: adjectives and adverbs (e.g. actual vs current, different vs several, continually vs continuously), link words (e.g. on the contrary vs on the other hand, despite vs nevertheless), nouns (e.g. danger vs hazard, measure vs measurement), prepositions (e.g. among vs between, in vs into, with vs within), verbs (e.g. check vs control, compose vs comprise, arise vs raise, exclude vs rule out), false friends and synonyms, spelling, useful phrases, emailsNearly all exercises require no actual writing but simply choosing between various options, thus facilitating self-study, e-reading and rapid progress. The exercises can also be integrated into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Special Purposes (ESP) courses at universities and research institutes.The book can be used in conjunction with the other exercise books in the series: English for Academic Research: Writing ExercisesEnglish for Academic Research: Grammar Exercises
- Published
- 2012
12. Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution
- Author
R. deSalle, B. Schierwater, R. deSalle, and B. Schierwater
- Subjects
- Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Four years ago we edited a volume of 36 papers entitled Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution (Schierwater et ai., 1994), in which we attempted to put to gether a diverse array of papers that demonstrated the impact that the technologi cal revolution ofmolecular biology has had on the field ofevolutionary biologyand ecology. The present volume borrows from that theme but attempts to focus more sharply on the impact that molecular biology has had on our understanding of dif ferent hierarchical levels important in evolutionary and ecological studies. Because DNA sequence variation is at the heart ofeverypaper in the present volume, we feel it necessary to examine how DNA has affected study at various levels of biological organization. The majority of the chapters in the present volume follow themes es tablished in the earlier volume; all chapters by authors in the previous volume are either fully updated or entirely new and expand into areas that we felt were impor tant for a more complete understanding of the impact of DNA technology on ecol ogy and evolution. The collection of papers in this volume cover a diverse array of ecological and evolutionary questions and demonstrates the breadth of coverage molecular tech nology has imparted on modern evolutionary biology. There are also a broad range of hierarchical questions approached by the 17 papers in this volume.
- Published
- 2012
13. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLV
- Author
Kaoru Sakatani, Kazuto Masamoto, Yukio Yamada, Felix Scholkmann, Joseph C. LaManna, Kaoru Sakatani, Kazuto Masamoto, Yukio Yamada, Felix Scholkmann, and Joseph C. LaManna
- Subjects
- Cytology, Regenerative medicine, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Bioinformatics
- Abstract
This book presents cutting-edge papers and perspectives on the transport of oxygen to tissues by scientists in a multitude of disciplines such as biochemistry, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics, physiology, veterinary and complementary medicine. The book is composed of the following 7 parts: 50th Anniversary, Brain, Clinical applications, Methods and techniques, Tumor Oxygenation, Tissue oxygenation and Muscle. The articles in this book have been presented at the 50th annual meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT 2023). Academics, clinical and industry researchers, engineers, as well as graduate students who are interested in oxygen transport to tissue will find this book a great reference and a useful learning resource.
- Published
- 2024
14. Errors in Medical Science Investigations
- Author
Hamid Soori and Hamid Soori
- Subjects
- Public health, Epidemiology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Biometry
- Abstract
This book introduces all common errors in medical science fields and the ways to control them. Systematic errors could be controlled both during study design and statistical analysis. Some errors have been presented in small segments but not in a comprehensive book. It covers many common errors that usually affect the research proposals, final reports, theses, and scientific presentations in the field of medical sciences as well as the rejection reasons on scientific papers. It will help researchers to control common errors using epidemiological and statistical methods.
- Published
- 2024
15. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIV
- Author
Felix Scholkmann, Joseph LaManna, Ursula Wolf, Felix Scholkmann, Joseph LaManna, and Ursula Wolf
- Subjects
- Cytology, Regenerative medicine, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Bioinformatics
- Abstract
This book presents cutting-edge papers and perspectives on the transport of oxygen to tissues by scientists in a multitude of disciplines such as biochemistry, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics, physiology, veterinary and complementary medicine. The book is composed of the following 6 parts: Brain Oxygenation and Function, Tumor Oxygenation and Metabolism, Muscle Oxygenation and Sports Medicine, Cell Metabolism and Tissue Oxygenation, Methodology of O2 Measurements, and Special Topics. The articles in this book have been presented at the 49th annual meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT 2022). Academics, clinical and industry researchers, engineers, as well as graduate students who are interested in oxygen transport to tissue will find this book a great reference and a useful learning resource.
- Published
- 2023
16. Modern Applications of Lanthanide Luminescence
- Author
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias and Ana de Bettencourt-Dias
- Subjects
- Analytical chemistry, Optical materials, Lasers, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Clinical biochemistry
- Abstract
This volume builds upon the successful book Lanthanide Luminescence published in the Springer Series on Fluorescence in 2011. Since its publication, the field of lanthanide spectroscopy and the areas in which the light emission properties of the f-elements are used have experienced substantial advances. The luminescence properties of lanthanide ions make them unique candidates for a myriad of optical applications. This book highlights and reviews the latest research in areas ranging from luminescence thermometry to imaging, sensing and photonic applications of these fascinating elements. Each chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to a specific area of application of lanthanide luminescence and extensively reviews seminal papers and current research literature. Given its interdisciplinary scope, the book appeals to scientists and advanced students in physics, chemistry and materials science interested in compounds and materials with optical properties.
- Published
- 2022
17. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLII
- Author
Edwin M. Nemoto, Eileen M. Harrison, Sally C. Pias, Denis E. Bragin, David K. Harrison, Joseph C. LaManna, Edwin M. Nemoto, Eileen M. Harrison, Sally C. Pias, Denis E. Bragin, David K. Harrison, and Joseph C. LaManna
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This book presents cutting-edge papers and perspectives on the transport of oxygen to tissues by scientists in a multitude of disciplines such as biochemistry, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics, physiology, veterinary and complementary medicine. The book is composed of the following 6 parts: Brain Oxygenation and Function, Tumor Oxygenation and Metabolism, Muscle Oxygenation and Sports Medicine, Cell Metabolism and Tissue Oxygenation, Methodology of O2 Measurements, and Special Topics. The articles in this book have been presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT 2019) held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, from July 28 to July 31, 2019. Academics, clinical and industry researchers, engineers, as well as graduate students who are interested in oxygen transport to tissue will find this book a great reference and a useful learning resource.
- Published
- 2021
18. Medical Data Analysis : 4th International Symposium, ISMDA 2003, Berlin, Germany, October 9-10, 2003, Proceedings
- Author
Petra Perner, Rüdiger Brause, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Petra Perner, Rüdiger Brause, and Hermann-Georg Holzhütter
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Database management, Medical informatics, Information storage and retrieval systems, Artificial intelligence, Computer vision
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis, ISMDA 2003, held in Berlin, Germany in October 2003. The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on medical models and learning, integration of intelligent analysis methods into medical databases, medical signal processing and image analysis, and applications of medical diagnostic support systems.
- Published
- 2003
19. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine : 8th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, AIME 2001 Cascais, Portugal, July 1-4, 2001, Proceedings
- Author
Silvana Quaglini, Pedro Barahona, Steen Andreassen, Silvana Quaglini, Pedro Barahona, and Steen Andreassen
- Subjects
- Artificial intelligence, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Computer vision, Information storage and retrieval systems, Application software, Medical informatics
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, AIME 2001, held in Cascais, Portugal in July 2001. The 31 revised full papers presented together with 30 posters and two invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. Among the topics addressed in their context on medical information processing are knowledge management, machine learning, data mining, decision support systems, temporal reasoning, case-based reasoning, planning and scheduling, natural language processing, computer vision, image and signal interpretation, intelligent agents, telemedicine, careflow systems, and cognitive modeling.
- Published
- 2003
20. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2001 : 4th International Conference Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 14-17, 2001. Proceedings
- Author
Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen, and Max A. Viergever
- Subjects
- Computer vision, Radiology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Medical informatics, Surgery, Pattern recognition systems
- Abstract
In the four years of its existence, MICCAI has developed into the premier - nual conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted interv- tion. The single-track conference has an interdisciplinary character, bringing - getherresearchersfromboththenaturalsciencesandvariousmedicaldisciplines. It provides the international forum for developments concerning all aspects of medical image processing and visualization, image-guided and computer-aided techniques, and robot technology in medicine. The strong interest in MICCAI is con?rmed by the large number of subm- sions we received this year, which by far surpassed our expectations. The arrival of the shipload of papers just before the deadlines (one in the European and the otherin theAmericantime zone)wasa particularlyenjoyableexperience,aswas the whole procedure of preparing the scienti?c programme. Both the quantity and quality of the submissions allowed us to compose a volume of high quality papers, which we are sure will contribute to the further development of this exciting?eld of research. As for the hard numbers, in total 338 submissions were received. Next to full papers, short communications were solicited for works in progress,hardware prototypes, and clinical case studies. Long papers were reviewed by three or four reviewers and short papers by two or three reviewers. The?nal selection of papers was carried out by the Programme Board. Out of the 246 long papers, 36 were accepted for oral presentation and 100 as full posters. An additional 75 of the long papers, and 47 out of 92 short papers were accepted as short posters.
- Published
- 2003
21. Topological Data Analysis : The Abel Symposium 2018
- Author
Nils A. Baas, Gunnar E. Carlsson, Gereon Quick, Markus Szymik, Marius Thaule, Nils A. Baas, Gunnar E. Carlsson, Gereon Quick, Markus Szymik, and Marius Thaule
- Subjects
- Algebraic topology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Computer science—Mathematics
- Abstract
This book gathers the proceedings of the 2018 Abel Symposium, which was held in Geiranger, Norway, on June 4-8, 2018. The symposium offered an overview of the emerging field of'Topological Data Analysis'. This volume presents papers on various research directions, notably including applications in neuroscience, materials science, cancer biology, and immune response. Providing an essential snapshot of the status quo, it represents a valuable asset for practitioners and those considering entering the field.
- Published
- 2020
22. Stem Cells in Urology
- Author
Seyed Mohammad Kazem Aghamir and Seyed Mohammad Kazem Aghamir
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Urology, Human physiology, Cancer, Physiology
- Abstract
This contributed volume emphasizes the potential of stem cells to be pertained in the urology field and attempts to disclose the history of the field up to the latest advances to date. It gathers the majority of papers that advocate utilizing stem cells as the best option for treating, diagnosing, and managing diseases related to urological system. This book covers a broad spectrum of issues, including mesenchymal stem cells, cancer stem cells, organoids, regenerative medicine, erectile dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, and kidney transplant. From several decades ago, as characteristic features of stem cells have been explored, it has attracted a great amount of interests. In view of their multiple capacity of differentiating into various lineages, many studies were conducted to assess their beneficial potential. Despite considerable progress into applying stem cells in animal models, for translating into clinical practices there are several obstacles to be resolved. However, few clinical studies have been performed in each field and outcomes were delightful. There is an ongoing hope for stem cells to someday, be the mainstream treatments of urological diseases, although stem cells treatments already exist they are not well-known. Indeed, this book is essential for anyone who is working with the purpose of employing stem cells to treat the urological diseases and discusses at length the latest advances as well as their limitations.
- Published
- 2020
23. Saliva in Health and Disease : The Present and Future of a Unique Sample for Diagnosis
- Author
Asta Tvarijonaviciute, Silvia Martínez-Subiela, Pia López-Jornet, Elsa Lamy, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, Silvia Martínez-Subiela, Pia López-Jornet, and Elsa Lamy
- Subjects
- Human physiology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Pathology, Physiology
- Abstract
Saliva as a unique sample for health assessment is gaining attention among researchers of different fields in the last 20 years; being reflected in an impressive increase in the number of papers published studying saliva from different biological aspects in human and veterinary species. Once deemed merely a digestive juice is now considered a biological fluid capable of communicating information about physiopathological processes occurring in organisms, since saliva has been shown to contain molecular and bacterial compounds that can change in response to local and systemic pathologies. Furthermore, the interest of saliva as a diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring biofluid is forced by its non-invasive nature being of easy and inexpensive sampling, involving only minimal discomfort and allowing the collection of multiple/repeated specimens at anytime, anywhere and without need for specialized staff. In this contributed volume, the authors bring together, summarize and reflect the generated knowledge about saliva as a source of biomarkers for health and welfare evaluation in humans and animal models. This volume also highlights the importance of confounding factors, such as sampling methods, flow, total protein content, contamination, or storage. This book will serve as a manual for graduates, practitioners and researchers by providing general ideas about the possibilities and utilities of saliva in clinical practice or investigation, and indicating the main cautions each should have in mind before saliva usage.
- Published
- 2020
24. Biogenesis Evolution Homeostasis : A Symposium by Correspondence
- Author
Alfred Locker and Alfred Locker
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Evolution (Biology), Life sciences
- Abstract
In 1963, 1965 and 1967'Symposia on Quantitative Biology of Metabolism'were organized on the pretty island of Helgoland (Biologische Anstalt) by me in col laboration with O. KINNE and F. KROGER. Unfortunately this worthy approach towards bringing together interested scholars in a regular way ceased, mainly for financial reasons, although the need for and interest in conferences like these for the exchange of ideas on special topics unchangeably persists. So I had to look for other possibilities and one of them was to try to arrange a similar con ference under the auspices of NASA. This institution, however, eventually re-. treated, although during my discussion with its representatives a new special theme gained shape. This is the topic to which this volume is devoted: Bio genesis. It is also treated in a new way that probably could be a model for. similar undertakings: a symposium by correspondence. In this new approach to scientific information exchange, manuscripts were collected by the editor and sent to every contributor for his comments. The author could then reply by means of a concluding remark. So, in many instances very valuable ideas concerning the topics of the several papers could be gathered and it is to be hoped that this procedure has conferred upon this volume a certain uniqueness. Of course, I had to observe the agreement with Springer-Verlag not to exceed the extent of the volume allotted to us.
- Published
- 2012
25. Chemistry of Viruses
- Author
C.A. Knight and C.A. Knight
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences
- Abstract
In 1963, the first edition of Chemistry of Viruses was published as a contribution to the series on viruses sponsored by Protoplasmatologia. An aim of the first edition was to review some major principles and techniques of chemical virology in a concise manner and to accompany this review with a compilation of pertinent references. It was anticipated that this exercise would be helpful to the author in his teaching and research and, hopefully, would be useful to readers as well. The literature of virology has grown enormously since then, and it is even more urgent to have a succinct survey. In addition, few authors have attempted to integrate the findings pertaining to the various major classes of viruses (that is, animal, bacterial, and plant viruses) but, rather, have chosen to assemble large monographs dealing in depth with facts and fancies pertaining to specific groups of viruses. Such works are valuable for pursuit of particular topics but fail to yield a brief, integrated view of virology. The present edition of Chemistry of Viruses aspires to such a review. A serious attempt was made to deal concisely with every major topic of chemical virology and to present examples from different classes of viruses. Numerous references are given to original articles and review papers as well as to selected books.
- Published
- 2012
26. The Development of the Lymphatic System in Man
- Author
S.C.J. van der Putte and S.C.J. van der Putte
- Subjects
- Medical sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences
- Abstract
When Budge in the eighth decade of the nineteenth centlll'Y, started his investigations into the origin and development of the lymphatic system, he probably did not expect that these would be the starting-point for disputes that would continue well into our time. But rather than by his results were these disputes intensified by the controversial conclusions of some papers published by Gulland (1894), Ranvier (1897) and Sala (1900), and above all by some new investigations by Sabin (1902-1913) and Huntington (1908-1914) during the first decades of the twentieth century. The most important controversial point was the difference in opinion about the origin of the lymphatic system. An extensive review of the relevant literature is found in O. F. Kampmeier's book:'Evolution and Comparative Morphology of the Lymphatic System'; Thomas, Springfield, U.S.A. (1969). Whereas some investigators were of the opinion that the lymphatic system was formed from the venous system, there were many others, who believed that this system originates from confluent spaces in the mesenchyme and secondarily communicates with the veins. The most prominent advocate of the first mentioned opinion was Sabin (1902-1913). She believed that the lymphatics are formed by a process of sprouting from the large central veins in a limited number of definitely localized areas, but that these sprouts demonstrate almost immediately their own lymphatic character. From these sprouts separate primordia develop at first; these enlarge, confluence and form new sprouts which grow out into more peripheral parts of the embryo.
- Published
- 2012
27. Immunopathology of Insulin : Clinical and Experimental Studies
- Author
Konrad Federlin and Konrad Federlin
- Subjects
- Medical sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences
- Abstract
Soon after the discovery of insulin in 1922, it became clear that the use of this hormone in the treatment of diabetics is often accom panied by allergy. In 1956 it became possible to determine quantita tively the insulin-binding antibodies which are responsible for the resistance to insulin. The methods developed since then make it possible to measure minute amounts of the pancreatic hormone in blood and extracellular fluids. There have been many attempts to relate insulin allergy and in sulin resistance to the primary, secondary or tertiary structure of the or B chains, or both, and more recently, to the proinsulin which is A present in all commercial preparations of insulin, i. e. to the species specific structure of the C peptide. In the great majority of papers dealing either with the immunogenic and antigenic properties of in sulin or with the relevant antibodies, the discussion has been restricted to the humoral antibodies. The existence of a brief period of delayed local allergy resulting from the cellular immune response has more or less escaped attention. It is specifically this period of delayed allergy that attracted the interest of Dr. FEDERLIN and his colleagues. Making use of immuno histological and other techniques which are rarely employed in clinical observation, and with the help of experiments on animals, Dr. FEDERLIN traces the course of insulin allergy from cellular immunity, through the production of humoral antibodies by the insulin-binding cells of the circulation, to the sessile immunological apparatus.
- Published
- 2012
28. The Arterial System : Dynamics, Control Theory and Regulation
- Author
R.D. Bauer, R. Busse, R.D. Bauer, and R. Busse
- Subjects
- Human physiology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This book summarizes the papers presented at the symposium'Dynamics and Regulation of the Arterial System'held at Erlangen on 28-30 October 1977 in honor of Professor Erik Wetterer. The aim of the symposium was an inten sive exchange of ideas within a mUltidisciplinary group of scientists who are specialists in their fields of research. It is obvious that a two-day symposium covering such a wide range of topics could only highlight certain aspects of the latest research on the cardiovascular system. The book is divided into three sections. The first part deals with arterial hemo dynamics. Emphasized are the mechanical properties of the arterial wall, in particular the smooth muscle, fundamental parameters for the description of pulse wave propagation, such as attenuation, phase velocity, and reflection of pulse waves. Furthermore, new methods for recording arterial diameters and the latest results in determining pulsatile pressure and pulsatile diameter of arteries in vivo as well as from calculations based on models of the arterial system are presented. The second part deals with applications of the control theory and the principles of optimality of the cardiovascular system in toto and of single regions of this system. Contributions to research in the field of regulation of blood volume and of regional hemodynamics are also presented. The third part covers problems of interaction of the heart and the arterial system, including fluid mechanics of the aortic valves and the coronary blood flow under normal and pathologic conditions.
- Published
- 2012
29. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
- Author
J. D. Pickard, V. V. Dolenc, J. Lobo Antunes, H.-J. Reulen, M. Sindou, A. J. Strong, N. de Tribolet, C. A. F. Tulleken, M. Vapalahti, J. D. Pickard, V. V. Dolenc, J. Lobo Antunes, H.-J. Reulen, M. Sindou, A. J. Strong, N. de Tribolet, C. A. F. Tulleken, and M. Vapalahti
- Subjects
- Nervous system—Surgery, Surgery, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Neurology, Oncology, Pathology
- Abstract
As an addition to the European postgraduate training system for young neurosurgeons, we began to publish in 1974 this series of Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery which was later sponsored by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. This series was first discussed in 1972 at a combined meeting of the Italian and German Neurosurgical Societies in Taormina, the founding fathers of the series being Jean Brihaye, Bernard Pertuiset, Fritz Loew and Hugo Krayenbuhl. Thus were established the principles of European co operation which have been born from the European spirit, flourished in the European Association, and have been associated throughout with this senes. The fact that the English language is now the international medium for communication at European scientific conferences is a great asset in terms of mutual understanding. Therefore we have decided to publish all contri butions in English, regardless of the native language of the authors. All contributions are submitted to the entire editorial board before publication of any volume for scrutiny and suggestions for revision. Our series is not intended to compete with the publications of original scientific papers in other neurosurgical journals. Our intention is, rather, to present fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent advances have been made. The contributions are written by specialists in the given fields and constitute the first part of each volume.
- Published
- 2012
30. Methods of Studying Root Systems
- Author
W. Böhm and W. Böhm
- Subjects
- Plant physiology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Root research under natural field conditions is still a step-child of science. The reason for this is primarily methodological. The known methods are tedious, time consuming, and the accuracy of their results is often not very great. Many research workers have been discouraged by doing such root studies. The need for more information on the development and distribution of plant roots in different soils under various ecological conditions is, however, obvious in many ecological disciplines. Especially the applied botanical sciences such as agriculture, horticulture, and forestry are interested in obtaining more data on plant roots in the soil. This book will give a survey of existing methods in ecological root research. Primarily field methods are presented; techniques for pot experiments are described only so far as they are important for solving ecological problems. Laboratory methods for studying root physiology are not covered in this book. Scientific publications on roots are scattered in many different journals published all over the world. By working through the international root literature I found that about ten thousand papers on root ecology have been published at the present. This is not very much compared with the immense literature on the aboveground parts of the plants, but is, however, too much to cite in this book.
- Published
- 2012
31. Selection in One- and Two-Locus Systems
- Author
T. Nagylaki and T. Nagylaki
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Life sciences, Mathematics
- Abstract
Most of these notes were presented as part of a two-quarter course on theoretical population genetics at The University of Chicago. Almost all the students were either undergraduates in mathematics or graduate students in the biological sciences. The only prerequisites were calculus and matrices. As is done in these notes, biological background and additional mathematical techniques were covered when they were required. I have included the relevant problems assigned in the course. My aim in these notes is to formulate the various models fairly generally, making the biological assumptions quite explicit, and to perform the analyses relatively rigorously. I hope the choice and treatment of topics will enable the reader to understand and evaluate detailed analyses of specific models and applications in the literature. No attempt has been made to review the literature or to assign credit. Most of the references are to papers directly germane to the subjects and approaches covered here. Frequency of reference is not intended to reflect proportionate contribution. I am very grateful to Professor James F. Crow for helpful comments and to Mrs. Adelaide Jaffe for her excellent typing. I thank the National Science Foundation for its support (Grant No. DEB76-01550).
- Published
- 2012
32. Fennoscandian Tundra Ecosystems : Part 2 Animals and Systems Analysis
- Author
Frans Emil Wielgolaski, P. Kallio, H. Kauri, E. Ostbye, T. Rosswall, Frans Emil Wielgolaski, P. Kallio, H. Kauri, E. Ostbye, and T. Rosswall
- Subjects
- Biotic communities, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Animals are important components of any ecosystem and it is impossible to describe structure and funCtioning of the Fennoscandian tundra ecosystems without including this part of the system. However, the strong diversity between functionally highly different fauna groups makes it impossible to study all groups in great detail with the funds and expertise available in Fennoscandia. Relatively few productivity studies were carried out on animals in Fenno scandian tundra regions before the IBP projects started in 1969-1970. Within IBP, more fauna groups have been investigated in the Norwegian tundra project than in the other countries, due to better financial support. Even in Norway, however, only a limited number of invertebrate and vertebrate taxons is studied. General lack of information on the same animals in various parts of the Fennoscandian tundra makes it more difficult to present structural and functional comparisons of fauna for the whole region than in plants and microorganisms (see Part 1 of Fennoscandian Tundra Ecosystems). Brief surveys on faunal problems within the area are given in the introduction to the animal section, and general aspects are also discussed in the four first papers of the volume.
- Published
- 2012
33. Arid Zone Irrigation
- Author
Bruno Yaron, Erik Danfors, Y. Vaadia, Bruno Yaron, Erik Danfors, and Y. Vaadia
- Subjects
- Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
A book previously published within the framework of the Ecological Studies Series, entitled'Physical Aspects of Soil Water and Salts in Ecosystems'included awidespectrum of research papers devoted to new findings in the field of soil-plant-water relationships.'Arid Zone Irrigation'has been written specifically as a textbook for agronomists, soil scientists, agrometeorologists, water engineers and plant physiologists who want a clear presentation of irrigation fundamentals in arid and semi-arid zones. It was our intention to provide an understanding of the basic principles governing irrigation technology and to help overcome the problem of water shortage in arid zone agriculture. This book, written by a large number of specialists and covering a broad spectrum of different disciplines, is based on general up-to-date information, as well as on the results of the authors'own research. The idea of preparing such a textbook was conceived during a series of international advanced courses on irrigation held annually at the Institute of Soils and Water, Agricul tural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. The final organization of the material has been influenced by discussions with colleagues from Sweden and Holland and the participants in our summer courses. Grateful acknowledgements are due to Professor CALVIN C. ROSE, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, Professor DALE SWARTZENDRUBER, Purdue University, Lafayetta, U.S.A., and Dr. SHLOMO P. NEUMAN, Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, for their many helpful suggestions during critical reading of the manuscript. We thank also Mrs.
- Published
- 2012
34. Physical Aspects of Soil Water and Salts in Ecosystems
- Author
A. Hadas, Dale Swartzendruber, P.E. Rijtema, M. Fuchs, B. Yaron, A. Hadas, Dale Swartzendruber, P.E. Rijtema, M. Fuchs, and B. Yaron
- Subjects
- Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
The papers collected in this book were given and discussed at the symposium on'Soil water physics and technology', which was held in Rehovot, Israel, from August 19th-September 4th, 1971. It was sponsored by the International Society of Soil Science (1.S.S.S.) through its Commissions I (soil physics) and VI (soil technology), and organized by the Israeli Soil Science Society. Thanks are due to the Editors for having assembled contributions and discussion remarks into a well-rounded, coherent book. The subjects covered in this book are the theoretical and practical aspects of the following topics: water movement in soils, soil-water interactions, evaporation from soil and plants, water requirements of crops, ion activity and migration in soils, soilwater management and salinity. In as much as these contributions were not solicited, they represent ideas and subjects considered important by the authors and debators. In science, one often finds a gap between basic research and practical application. If reading this book creates a feeling of an apparent lack of balance between theory and practice, this represents the state of our science today, and the thoughtful reader can and will recognize that much remains to be done. W. R. GARDNER T.]. MAR5HAL President, Commission I President, Commission VI
- Published
- 2012
35. The Biology of the Indian Ocean
- Author
B. Zeitzschel, S.A. Gerlach, B. Zeitzschel, and S.A. Gerlach
- Subjects
- Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Kiel, Germany, from 31 March to 6 April, 1971. The Symposium was organized by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Marine Productivity section of the International Biological Programme (IBPIPM) with the assistance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Association of Biological Oceanography (IABO). The aim of the Symposium was to summarize present knowledge of the biology of the Indian Ocean. Twenty-two presentations by invited speakers reviewed the research work carried out during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (lIOE) 1959 -1965, the first cooperative project coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). In addition, reports were presented of postexpedition examination of material and of more recent investigations relevant to the aims of the lIOE. In keeping with the aims of'Ecological Studies', the present volume contains much new information and some synthesis, all directed towards obtaining an understanding of the functioning and organization of the ecosystem of the Indian Ocean. The plan of the Symposium was to present the relevant meteorological, physical, chemical and geological background and to follow this with the various aspects of biological oceanography. Because of the uneven stage of development of the different disciplines, the papers included in this volume vary in their analytical level.
- Published
- 2012
36. Symposium on Biophysics and Physiology of Biological Transport : Frascati, June 15–18, 1965
- Author
Liana Bolis, V. Capraro, K.R. Porter, J.D. Robertson, Liana Bolis, V. Capraro, K.R. Porter, and J.D. Robertson
- Subjects
- Biophysics, Life sciences, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
The study of cell membranes began to attract increasing interest before the turn of the present century with the observations of 0 verton. Since that time many investigators have become interested in the broad problem of structure and function of the membrane and today we find ourselVes at a stage in which several branches of research, particularly physical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and pharmacology have come together, leading to the possibility of obtaining a better perspective of the overall problems. The purpose of this Symposium was to assemble in an orderly sequence representations of the knowledge of membranes achieved to date in the areas of the various disciplines. It was thought that to bring together many points of view on a problem should allow the conferees to see better what had been accomplished, what has been overlooked and what needs further development. It is to be hoped that efforts of this type have and will fulfill the desired purpose. This volume contains the majority of the papers contributed by the participants in the Symposium. In addition, it seemed logical to place at the beginning of each chapter at least one general survey of the subject which would help those who were less acquainted with the problem to derive the most benefit from their reading.
- Published
- 2012
37. Portal Hypertension in the 21st Century : The Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by Axcan Pharma Inc. And NicOx S.A., Held in Montrél, Canada, April 2–4, 2004
- Author
R.J. Groszmann, J. Bosch, R.J. Groszmann, and J. Bosch
- Subjects
- Internal medicine, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Portal hypertension is the most important complication of a great variety of both acute and chronic liver diseases. Nevertheless, hepatic cirrhosis is the most frequent cause of portal hypertension. Gastrointestinal bleeding due to rupture of oesophageal varices is, without doubt, the most severe complication of portal hypertension. At present, great advances are being made in the pathophysiology and in the development of new therapeutic tools for controlling and preventing this severe clinical event. This book contains the papers presented and discussed during the Symposium on'Portal Hypertension in the 21st Century', held in Montréal, Canada, in April 2004, and sponsored by Axcan Pharma Inc. and NicOx S.A. There are eight sections covering basic mechanisms, new drugs, prevention and current treatment of variceal bleeding, prevention of recurrent bleeding and hepatic hemodynamic monitoring. An international faculty of authors have contributed chapters at an outstanding scientific level which will be vital reading for scientists and clinicians alike.
- Published
- 2011
38. Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems: From Heart to Brain
- Author
Syamal K. Dana, Prodyot K. Roy, Jürgen Kurths, Syamal K. Dana, Prodyot K. Roy, and Jürgen Kurths
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, System theory, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Biomedical engineering, Biometry
- Abstract
Nonlinear dynamics has become an important field of research in recent years in many areas of the natural sciences. In particular, it has potential applications in biology and medicine; nonlinear data analysis has helped to detect the progress of cardiac disease, physiological disorders, for example episodes of epilepsy, and others. This book focuses on the current trends of research concerning the prediction of sudden cardiac death and the onset of epileptic seizures, using the nonlinear analysis based on ECG and EEG data. Topics covered include the analysis of cardiac models and neural models. The book is a collection of recent research papers by leading physicists, mathematicians, cardiologists and neurobiologists who are actively involved in using the concepts of nonlinear dynamics to explore the functional behaviours of heart and brain under normal and pathological conditions. This collection is intended for students in physics, mathematics and medical sciences, and researchers in interdisciplinary areas of physics and biology.
- Published
- 2008
39. How to Use 3D Printing Innovations and Digital Storage to Democratize Anatomy Education
- Author
Leonard Shapiro and Leonard Shapiro
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Imaging systems in biology, Teaching
- Abstract
This edited book contains chapters that describe bespoke three-dimensional (3D) printing aimed at democratizing anatomy education by providing open-source scans for download and printing as 3D models. The long history of anatomical models as educational resources is explored in fascinating detail, from wax models through to a range of cutting-edge 3D printers. In a related chapter, a veterinary anatomy educator describes a transformation in teaching and learning methods in veterinary education using Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D visualization methods like CT or MRI images which can be used to reconstruct complete 3D virtual models, as well as 3D prints from these reconstructed scans. The first digital, cloud-based human skeletal repository in southern Africa is an extensive and categorized ‘bone library'globally accessible for use in education and research. A chapter details a digital protocol for the bioprinting of a 3D acellular dermal scaffold (ADS) for use in wound healing, as an alternative to skin grafting for secondary intention wound healing. A chapter offers an extensive guide to applied anatomy for acupuncture and is provided in 4 parts viz, upper limb, lower limb, trunk, head and neck. Each part of the chapter is replete with beautiful cadaveric images including annotations that relate specifically to information in the text. We look at vertebral artery variations and its role in clinical conditions, current insights into polycystic ovarian syndrome, and visual interpretation using multiplex immunoassay of serum samples. This book will appeal to educators of both human and animal anatomy who have a keen interest and focus on the use of bespoke 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality, as well as acupuncture practitioners, clinicians, regenerative medicine specialists, surgeons, tissue engineers and artists.
- Published
- 2024
40. Exercise and Mental Health
- Author
Josh M. Cisler, Kevin M. Crombie, Thomas G. Adams, Josh M. Cisler, Kevin M. Crombie, and Thomas G. Adams
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Medicine, Psychiatry, Human physiology, Neurosciences, Learning—Physiological aspects, Memory—Physiological aspects
- Abstract
This edited volume describes key domains of the emerging research literature linking exercise and mental health. The volume is divided into three sections. The first section provides an overview of foundational knowledge regarding basic processes of exercise, including neurocircuitry, neurotransmitter, and immunology systems. The second section describes emerging research on the acute impact of exercise on affect, mood, and cognition. The third section explores the role of exercise in the etiology and treatment of related mental and physical health disorders, including depression, PTSD, eating disorders, and autoimmune disorders. Collectively, this volume provides readers with foundational knowledge of what exercise is, the basic brain, behavioral and cognitive processes engaged by exercise, and a role of exercise in developing and treating mental health disorders.
- Published
- 2024
41. Chemistry and Biology of O-GlcNAcylation
- Author
Wen Yi and Wen Yi
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Cytology
- Abstract
O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a prevalent post-translational modification of numerous intracellular proteins. This modification has recently emerged as a key regulator of various important biological processes, including gene transcription, stress response, metabolic homeostasis, and immune regulation. Given the critical role of O-GlcNAc in normal physiology, increasing evidence has now demonstrated that deregulation of O-GlcNAc is closely associated with the development and progression of various diseases, including neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current progress and understanding of this modification in biology, and likely provides new research directions in the future.
- Published
- 2024
42. Extracellular Vesicles : From Bench to Bedside
- Author
Qian Wang, Lei Zheng, Qian Wang, and Lei Zheng
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Cytology, Biological transport, Cell membranes
- Abstract
This book aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic understanding of research on extracellular vesicles (EVs). Extracellular vesicles, including exosomes and microvesicles, are nano-sized lipid bilayer encapsulated membranes carrying proteins, lipids, nucleic acids. They are shed by the majority of the cells into the extracellular milieu and present in many biological fluids (blood, urine, saliva, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid, follicular fluid, semen, lung lavage, and tears). With numerous research publications in recent years, the study of EVs is the emerging field across plenty of disciplines. Many researches and efforts have shown their biogenesis, multiple roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes, and their potential roles as therapeutic agents. The book is organized by outstanding scientists in EV field from the Chinese Society for Extracellular Vesicle (CSEV). It covers the biological basic research of EVs, especially on technologies and methods, as well as the clinical application of EVs as biomarkers for disease diagnosis and therapy.
- Published
- 2024
43. Hospital Supply Chain : Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Healthcare
- Author
Fouad Jawab and Fouad Jawab
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Business logistics, Public health administration, Medical policy, Health services administration, Artificial intelligence
- Abstract
This book provides a comprehensive and essential resource for healthcare professionals, researchers and students interested in the field of hospital logistics. Hospital logistics is a complex process encompassing a wide range of design, planning, and execution activities, providing essential support for the production of healthcare services in all their forms. It is at once strategic, tactical and operational. Its scope ranges from the design and implementation of care units and healthcare facility networks, to the procurement of expensive drugs and medical equipment, the planning of human and material resources (beds, operating theaters, transport, etc.), and the management of stocks of drugs, blood and other health products. The role of hospital logistics is essential in guaranteeing the accessibility, quality and efficiency of care. It helps to optimize care production processes, reduce costs and improve workflow management. It offers an in-depth exploration of the key issues, best practices and technological advances in this critical field.
- Published
- 2024
44. Hair Care Products : Efficacy, Safety and Global Regulation
- Author
Ashish Dwivedi, A. B. Pant, Shiv Poojan, Malini Kotak, Anurag Tripathi, Ashish Dwivedi, A. B. Pant, Shiv Poojan, Malini Kotak, and Anurag Tripathi
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Toxicology, Microbiology, Biology
- Abstract
The book delves into various aspects of the hair care industry, providing a comprehensive understanding of hair throughout history, its anatomy and physiology, genetics and molecular mechanisms of hair color, and the raw materials used in the industry. It explores the diverse range of hair care products, including oils, dyes, lotions, and serums, and emphasizes the importance of global regulatory approaches to ensure consumer health and safety, particularly in relation to nano-formulations and synthetic hair care products. The book also addresses the safety and efficacy of herbal care products from a global regulatory perspective. Furthermore, it examines the impact of the microbiome on hair care products, highlighting the opportunities and challenges in complying with global regulations. The evaluation of hair care product safety is discussed within a global context, exploring different models and methods. The book also focuses on the journey of hair care products from laboratory testing to market, emphasizing clinical and preclinical assessments in compliance with global regulations. It highlights the role of ex-vivo hair follicle models in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of hair care products while providing a global regulatory framework. Additionally, the book explores the potential of artificial intelligence in predicting hair product toxicity, taking a global perspective. It delves into omics approaches for hair toxicity assessment, discussing current advances and future directions in this field. The next generation of hair products is also explored, with a focus on innovations that prioritize safe and healthy consumer choices. Finally, the book provides an overview of global regulatory frameworks for the hair care industry, including key agencies and guidelines. It serves as a valuable resource for professionals and researchers in the field, offering insights into the historical, scientific, and regulatory aspects of hair care products and their impact on consumer health and safety.
- Published
- 2024
45. The Mongolian Gerbil Brain : Mitochondrial Function, Vasculature, and Pathophysiological States
- Author
Avraham Mayevsky and Avraham Mayevsky
- Subjects
- Neurosciences, Nervous system—Diseases, Physiology, Medical sciences, Drug development, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
The Mongolian gerbil brain lies in the anatomy of the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. In all mammals, there is a special mechanism that compensates for the decreased blood flow to the brain in the case of development of stroke. This mechanism is missing in the gerbil and therefore makes the Mongolian gerbil a unique model for stroke. Dr. Mayevsky adopted the gerbil as a model for stroke and his laboratory uniquely studied the mitochondria in the gerbil brain under various pathophysiological conditions.This book describes the history of the Mongolian gerbil in research, the brain energy metabolism and mitochondrial function and brain real-time monitoring systems used in gerbils, as well as the brain vasculature of the Mongolian gerbil. Further, the book includes chapters on brain multisite recording under brain perturbations, multiparametric responses to brain activation, and the effect of neuroprotectants on the gerbil brain. This is an ideal book for research teams researching stroke and epilepsy.
- Published
- 2024
46. Rejuvenation and Longevity : Introduction to Rejuvenology
- Author
Khachik K. Muradian, Vadim E. Fraifeld, Khachik K. Muradian, and Vadim E. Fraifeld
- Subjects
- Aging, Stem cells, Geriatrics, Cytology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This book is a systematic collection and critical analysis of current information on rejuvenation, starting from the evolutionary aspects of the origin of life, immortality, and aging. Models, mechanisms, and types of rejuvenation are the key subjects of the book. Processes like cellular reprogramming, resetting of the aging clock, immortal unicellulars and cell cultures are explored through the lens of rejuvenation. Recent discoveries in this field offer a nuanced view of rejuvenation that has fascinated mankind since early history. There is evidence, though still controversial, indicating that biological time could be reversible. Indeed, under specific experimental conditions, cells can be moved back and forth along the age axis. Differentiation status and replicative age of cells can be modified not only by defined transcription factors, but also by ‘cocktails'of small molecules originating from natural substances or well-known longevity-promoting drugs. Still in its infancy, such findings open up the perspective of in vivo rejuvenation trials. Special attention is given to the quasi-immortal and extremely long-lived multicellular animal species as well as to the role of rejuvenation in treatment of pathology and healthy aging. Rejuvenation is experiencing a significant growth in recent years. There is ample debate in the scientific and near-scientific community about the ethics of rejuvenation and radical life span extension. This book aims to take a balanced and scientific approach to the mirage of immortality and ever-lasting youth and serves as a valuable resource for parties on both sides of the coin.
- Published
- 2024
47. Microbial Omics in Environment and Health
- Author
Minu Kesheri, Swarna Kanchan, Travis B. Salisbury, Rajeshwar P Sinha, Minu Kesheri, Swarna Kanchan, Travis B. Salisbury, and Rajeshwar P Sinha
- Subjects
- Biology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Environmental health, Biotechnology
- Abstract
This book describes the basic concepts and recent advances in new discoveries and technologies related to microbial omics and their role in environmental research and human health. The term'omics'refers to a blend of high-throughput analysis and traditional methods including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics for a variety of applications in the field of life sciences, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, and related industries. The book aims to fill the existing gap in terms of a comprehensive approach that incorporates recent advances in this dynamic field and provides an answer to why this field requires an interdisciplinary research approach. The focus of this book is on the applications of genomics, epigenomics, metagenomics, integrative omics, machine learning and microbiome research in environmental health, disease, wastewater epidemiology, antibiotic resistance, drug discovery, cancer, production of secondary metabolites of microbial origin, oxidative stress alleviating mechanisms, etc. The overall construction of this book emphasizes three major perspectives, namely, elaborate knowledge from fundamentals to recent advances in technologies about omics in general and its application in microbiology, environment, and health in particular; illustrative figures capable of easy visualization of complex pathways; and serving as a platform for highly demanded bioinformatics strategies including relevant codes, programming scripts, machine learning and use of artificial intelligence strategies needed to streamline the research outcomes. With global contributions from authors from internationally renowned organizations who excel in relevant research, this book will benefit bibliophiles and prospective audiences from the research fraternity, academia, professionals, and experts in the field of life sciences, biomedical as well as industries related to the development of drug design and novel advances in biotechnological applications.
- Published
- 2024
48. Biopharma in China : Innovation, Trends and Dealmaking
- Author
Sven Agten, Ben Wu, Sven Agten, and Ben Wu
- Subjects
- Asia—Economic conditions, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Technological innovations
- Abstract
This book provides an insider's overview of the emerging Chinese biopharma sector, its dynamics and trends, first bust and boom cycle, long-term perspectives, and how as a foreign company or investor to tap into this. China has gone from a country with no innovation in drug discovery, to a country which starts to out-license its biopharma technology to the rest of the world. The Chinese biopharma sector is only a decade old, but it already has become a new driver of growth and value. The book takes a closer look at what drives Chinese innovation in the biopharma sector, how to deal with this innovation, and what opportunities and challenges this provides for foreign companies. The book also takes a deep dive into its first biopharma boom and bust cycle, and what it means for the sector. It also explains what deals Chinese biopharma companies and investors are looking for, what works and what doesn't, and how as a foreign company can tap into the world's second largest healthcare market.
- Published
- 2024
49. Role of Herbal Medicines : Management of Lifestyle Diseases
- Author
Amal Kumar Dhara, Subhash C. Mandal, Amal Kumar Dhara, and Subhash C. Mandal
- Subjects
- Botany, Biology, Biotechnology, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research, Natural products, Drug delivery systems
- Abstract
Emergence of lifestyle diseases, e.g., type II diabetes, cancers, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, liver cirrhosis, etc., are exponentially increasing day by day. Modern drifts toward the utilization of herbal medicines in different healthcare aspects necessitate (demand) the replacement of synthetic molecules with phytoconstituents because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, economic extraction process, and ready availability from the natural source. This book provides a thorough insight into the comprehensive and up-to-date trends of phytomedicines in the management of lifestyle diseases and its mechanisms, modern methods of extraction and purification of phytoconstituents, and chemical characterization as well as standardization of phytoconstituents using modern equipments.
- Published
- 2024
50. All Around Suboptimal Health : Advanced Approaches by Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine for Healthy Populations
- Author
Wei Wang and Wei Wang
- Subjects
- Medicine, Preventive, Health promotion, Health services administration, Primary care (Medicine), Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
This volume demonstrates advanced strategies in biomedical sciences and healthcare focused on suboptimal health conditions in the framework of Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (3PM/PPPM). Potential benefits in healthcare systems and for society at large include but are not restricted to an improved life-quality of major populations and socio-economical groups, advanced professionalism of healthcare-givers and sustainable healthcare economy. Reactive medical services applied to healthcare resulted in epidemics of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2 with currently about a half of billion patients registered worldwide. Far-reaching consequences are cascading co-morbidities with poor prognosis such as severe cardiovascular and neurological disorders, eye pathologies (e.g., proliferative diabetic retinopathy as the world leading cause of blindness) and several types of cancer, amongst others. Corresponding socio-economic burden istremendous. The paradigm changes from reactive medicine to PPPM propagated by EPMA is, therefore, pivotal for advanced healthcare to improve the economy of medical services, life quality of populations and individual outcomes. To this end, individuals with suboptimal health condition comprise the target group for predictive diagnostics and cost-effective personalised treatments to protect affected individuals and sub-populations against health-to-disease transition, a window of opportunity for PPPM. This goal is of highest priority benefiting millions of people and societies at large.
- Published
- 2024
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