40 results on '"LITERATURE"'
Search Results
2. Imagining Modern Poetry : Poetic Modernisms in Taiwan
- Author
Nikky Lin and Nikky Lin
- Subjects
- Poetry, Literature—History and criticism, Literature, Oriental literature, Knowledge, Sociology of, Comparative literature
- Abstract
This book offers an in-depth discussion of the evolution of modernist poetry in Taiwan, with a focus on periods preceding and following World War II, and contextualizes the movement within the broader frameworks of Western, Japanese, and Chinese modernism. Through a comparative, dialectical approach, each chapter introduces individual poets and their works to explore key modernist themes such as intellectualism, fudo, pure poetry, translinguistic practice, exile, Cold War cultural ideology, and irony. Despite its significance, Taiwan's modern poetry has received inadequate scholarly attention within Sinophone language and literature studies; this work aims to address the gap in the literature, offering fresh perspectives and innovative methodological and theoretical frameworks for those interested in Taiwan's modernist poetic tradition.
- Published
- 2025
3. Vikram Seth’s Poetics of Pastiche
- Author
Mélanie Heydari and Mélanie Heydari
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern—20th century, Literature, Modern—21st century, Poetry, Literary form
- Abstract
Vikram Seth is a critical enigma. He is recognized as one of the most important Indian Anglophone authors of his generation; his individual works have been widely reviewed, yet his work has rarely been approached as a whole and remains surprisingly understudied. Perhaps the chief reason for the paucity of critical response to the full compass of Seth's work is his disregard for intellectual fashion. Indeed, Seth is at once very popular and deliberately unfashionable. His literary affiliations are conservative; seemingly uninterested in any revisionary narrative, he is equally unconcerned by the interpenetration of cultures in our globalized world, representing assimilation rather than cultural difference. He defies the expectations of both postcolonial and world literature; therefore, to discuss his critical neglect is to shed light on the limitations of these labels. As the most thorough attempt to map a general poetics in Seth's work, this study – the first of its kind on this writer– develops a new critical methodology to capture the nuances of Seth's literary strategies. It provides scholars and students insight into the key features of Seth's work and uncovers a consistent authorial strategy running through his seemingly disconnected body of work, namely a systematic use of intertextual practices.
- Published
- 2024
4. Ernst Jandl 1925–2000 : Eine konkrete Biographie
- Author
Hans Haider and Hans Haider
- Subjects
- Literature, Poetry, Literature, Modern—20th century
- Abstract
Ernst Jandl (1925–2000) gehört zu den wichtigsten Lyrikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit Lettern- und Lautgedichten machte er sich in den 1950er Jahren in seiner Heimat Wien zum Außenseiter, fand jedoch rasch Anerkennung in den Zentren der Konkreten Poesie in Stuttgart, Prag, London. Wie ein Popstar entführte er bei lautstarken Auftritten die Jugend der Revolte-Generation mit Sprachwitz und -spiel in die Schmerzbezirke von Krieg, absurdem Alltag, Liebesdefizit. Er setzte dem hohen Ton eine „heruntergekommene“ Sprache und unterkühlten Dialekt entgegen. Mit der Lebenspartnerin Friederike Mayröcker schuf er Pionierwerke des ‚Neuen Hörspiels‘. Hans Haider legt nach Archivrecherchen in halb Europa und jahrzehntelanger Tätigkeit in der Wiener Kulturszene als Kritiker und Herausgeber die erste umfassende Jandl-Biographie vor.
- Published
- 2023
5. Mnemopoetik : Formen und Figurationen von Erinnerung in der deutschsprachigen Lyrik der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
- Author
Nikolas Immer and Nikolas Immer
- Subjects
- Poetry, Literature—History and criticism, Literature—Philosophy, Literature, Modern—18th century, Literature
- Abstract
In der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts avanciert die Erinnerung zu einem zentralen Gegenstand der deutschsprachigen Lyrik. Das bislang in der Forschung weitgehend marginalisierte Genre der Erinnerungslyrik wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals systematisch erschlossen. Die Untersuchung ist zum einen auf die lyrische Inszenierung von Erinnerungsakten, -orten und -objekten ausgerichtet. Zum anderen wird diskutiert, inwieweit sich insbesondere in der Geschichts-, Denkmals- und Trauerlyrik erinnerungspoetische Formationen herausbilden. Die künstlerisch anspruchsvollen und zeitreflexiven Erinnerungsgedichte August von Platens und Eduard Mörikes werden in zwei eigenständigen Fallstudien behandelt.
- Published
- 2023
6. Lyrik der Welt – Welt der Lyrik : Lyrik und Lyrikforschung aus komparatistischer Perspektive
- Author
Frank Zipfel, Sascha Seiler, Martina Kopf, Jonas Heß, Frank Zipfel, Sascha Seiler, Martina Kopf, and Jonas Heß
- Subjects
- Poetry, Comparative literature, Literature, Literature—Philosophy
- Abstract
Lyrik und Lyriktheorie wurden in der Komparatistik oft vernachlässigt. Aufgrund der besonderen Sprachgebundenheit von Lyrik ist es zwar nicht selbstverständlich, sie aus einer transnationalen, sprachübergreifenden Perspektive zu untersuchen, allerdings bleiben dann wichtige Aspekte der internationalen zeitgenössischen Lyrikproduktion und der Lyriktradition unerkannt und unerforscht. Dieser Sammelband liefert einen Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke, indem er das komplexe Verhältnis zwischen „Lyrik“ und „Welt“ aus komparatistischer Perspektive untersucht und reflektiert. In der Nachfolge von Konzepten wie Goethes Weltpoesie, Ezra Pounds world poetry oder Enzensbergers poetischer Weltsprache, wird die Internationalität der Lyrik in ihrer Verbindung mit verschiedenen ‚Welten‘ beleuchtet: ihr Bezug zur Lebenswelt, ihr Stellung in der Medienwelt, ihre Erforschung in der Wissenschaftswelt.
- Published
- 2022
7. C. H. Sisson Reconsidered
- Author
Victoria Moul, John Talbot, Victoria Moul, and John Talbot
- Subjects
- Poetry, Literature, Literature, Modern—20th century, Classical literature, Literature, Ancient
- Abstract
This book is the first collection of essays dedicated to the work of C. H. Sisson (1915-2003), a major English poet, critic and translator. The collection aims to offer an overall guide to his work for new readers, while also encouraging established readers of one aspect (such as his well-known classical translations) to explore others. It champions in particular the quality of his original poetry. The book brings together contributions from scholars and critics working in a wide range of fields, including classical reception, translation studies and early modern literature as well as modern English poetry, and concludes with a more personal essay on Sisson's work by Michael Schmidt, his publisher.
- Published
- 2022
8. Baudelaire und Paris : Flüchtige Gegenwart und Phantasmagorie
- Author
Karin Westerwelle and Karin Westerwelle
- Subjects
- Art, Criticism, interpretation, etc, History, Art and literature--History.--France--Paris, Art and literature, Literature
- Abstract
Kein anderer Dichter des 19. Jahrhunderts ist Paris so eng verbunden wie Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867). Die Hauptstadt bietet mit Museen, Kunstausstellungen, Galerien und den Ateliers der ersten Fotografen neue inspirierende Orte des Austausches zwischen Literatur und Kunst. Bibliotheken, Verlage sowie die Zeitungen beschleunigen den Informationsfluss. Eine neue Unübersichtlichkeit entsteht. Bereits Balzac beklagt die historische Flüchtigkeit, die »erschreckende Geschwindigkeit« im Wandel des alten Paris. Im Zweiten Kaiserreich nehmen die Veränderungen ein unerhörtes Ausmaß an. Architektonische Neugestaltung, ein auf große Verkehrsachsen ausgerichtetes Straßennetz, Umbau des Louvre sowie die ersten Weltausstellungen von 1855 und 1867 repräsentieren unter Napoleon III. die imperiale, mondäne Hauptstadt Paris. In den Faubourgs und jenen Vierteln, wo Reichtum und schöne Fassaden fehlen, treten mit Industrialisierung und dichter Bevölkerung Mangel, extreme Armut, Kriminalität und Laster hervor. In Daumiers Karikaturen und Baudelaires Lyrik erscheinen prekäre Figuren des beschädigten Lebens, der Lumpensammler und die sich prostituierende Frau. Manets Gemälde Die Musik im Garten der Tuilerien (1862) zeigt den Schriftsteller Baudelaire als städtischen Typus im schwarzen Anzug und mit Zylinder, nicht als Bohemien. Die urbane Lebenswelt in ihrer kulturellen Vielfalt ermöglicht, wie Baudelaire betont, »das Gespräch, dieses große, dieses einzige Vergnügen eines geistigen Wesens«. Der Dichter, wie ihn Manet malt, steht inmitten der Öffentlichkeit und ist ihr doch zugleich fremd. Baudelaires Gedichte, die Fleurs du mal (1857/1861), vergegenwärtigen bedrohliche Szenen des Bewusstseins, die die Ordnung städtischer Topographie überlagern. Der städtische Raum verwandelt sich im Blick des Betrachters in das Unheimliche und Monströse der Phantasmagorie.
- Published
- 2020
9. The Nothing That Is : Essays on Art, Literature and Being
- Author
Johanna Skibsrud and Johanna Skibsrud
- Subjects
- Art, Nothing (Philosophy), Ontology, Literature
- Abstract
Rather than making'something'out of'nothing,'what follows is an endeavour to express the potential of language and thought to encounter what is infinitely beyond both yet to be imagined.In The Nothing That Is, Johanna Skibsrud gathers essays about the very concept of'nothing.'Addressing a broad range of topics—including false atrocity tales, so-called fake news, high-wire acts, and telepathy, as well as responses to works by John Ashbery, Virginia Woolf, Anne Carson, and more—these essays seek to decentre our relationship to both the'givenness'of history and to a predictive or probable model of the future.The Nothing That Is explores ways in which poetic language can activate the possibilities replete within our every moment. Skibsrud reveals that within every encounter between a speaking'I'and what exceeds subjectivity, there is a listening'Other,'be it community or the objective world.
- Published
- 2019
10. Mahmoud Darwish : Palestine’s Poet and the Other As the Beloved
- Author
Dalya Cohen-Mor and Dalya Cohen-Mor
- Subjects
- Judaism and culture, Literature, Middle Eastern literature, Poetry
- Abstract
Mahmoud Darwish: Palestine's Poet and the Other as the Beloved focuses on Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941–2008), whose poetry has helped to shape Palestinian identity and foster Palestinian culture through many decades of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Dalya Cohen-Mor explores the poet's romantic relationship with “Rita,” an Israeli Jewish woman whom he had met in Haifa in his early twenties and to whom he had dedicated a series of love poems and prose passages, among them the iconic poem “Rita and the Gun.” Interwoven with biographical details and diverse documentary materials, this exploration reveals a fascinating facet in the poet's personality, his self-definition, and his attitude toward the Israeli other. Comprising a close reading of Darwish's love poems, coupled with many examples of novels and short stories from both Arabic and Hebrew fiction that deal with Arab-Jewish love stories, this book delves into the complexity of Arab-Jewish relations and shows how romance can blossom across ethno-religious lines and how politics all too often destroys it.
- Published
- 2019
11. A Literary Biography of Robin Blaser : Mechanic of Splendor
- Author
Miriam Nichols and Miriam Nichols
- Subjects
- Literature, Poetry, America—Literatures, Literature, Modern—20th century
- Abstract
A Literary Biography of Robin Blaser: Mechanic of Splendor is the first major study illustrating Robin Blaser's significance to North American poetry. The poet Robin Blaser (1925–2009) was an important participant in the Berkeley Renaissance of the 1950s and San Francisco poetry circles of the 1960s. The book illuminates Blaser's distinctive responses to and relationships with familiar writers including Robert Duncan, Jack Spicer, and Charles Olson via their correspondence. Blaser contributed to the formation of the serial poem as a dominant mode in post-war New American poetry through his work and engagement with the poetry communities of the time. Offering a new perspective on a well-known and influential period in American poetry, Miriam Nichols combines the story of Blaser's life—coming from a mid-western conservative religious upbringing and his coming of age as a gay man in Berkeley, Boston, and San Francisco—with critical assessments of his major poems through unprecedented archival research. This literary biography presents Blaser's poetry and poetics in the many contexts from which it came, ranging from the Berkeley Renaissance to the Vancouver scene; from surrealism to phenomenology; from the New American poetry to the Canadian postmodern; from the homoerotic to high theory. Throughout, Blaser's voice is heard in the excitement of his early years in Berkeley and Boston and the seriousness of the later years where he was doing most of his living in his work.
- Published
- 2019
12. Border Blurs : Concrete Poetry in England and Scotland
- Author
Greg Thomas and Greg Thomas
- Subjects
- Literary criticism, Criticism, interpretation, etc, Concrete poetry--History and criticism, English poetry--History and criticism.--20th c, English poetry--Scottish authors--History and, Literature, Concrete poetry, English poetry, English poetry--Scottish authors, Konkrete Poesie
- Abstract
This book offers the first in-depth account of the relationship between English and Scottish poets and the international concrete poetry movement of the 1950s to the 1970s. Concrete poetry was a literary and artistic style which reactivated early twentieth-century modernist impulses towards the merging of artistic media, while simultaneously speaking to a gamut of contemporary contexts, from post-1945 reconstruction to cybernetics, mass media and the sixties counter-culture. The terms of its development in England and Scotland suggest new ways of mapping ongoing complexities in the relationship between the two national cultures, and of tracing broader sociological and cultural trends in Britain during the 1960s and 1970s. Focusing especially on the work of Ian Hamilton Finlay, Edwin Morgan, Dom Sylvester Houédard and Bob Cobbing, Border Blurs is based on new and extensive archival and primary research, and will fill a vital gap in contemporary understandings of an important but much misunderstood genre: concrete poetry. It will also serve as a vital document for scholars and students of twentieth-century British literature, modern intermedia art and modernism, especially those interested in understanding modernism's wide geographical spread and late twentieth-century legacies.
- Published
- 2019
13. Heinrich Heine and the World Literary Map : Redressing the Canon
- Author
Azade Seyhan and Azade Seyhan
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
This text provides a key reassessment of the German author Heinrich Heine's literary status, arguing for his inclusion in the Canon of World Literature. It examines a cross section of Heine's work in light of this debate, highlighting the elusive and ironic tenor of his many faceted prose works, from his philosophical and political satire to his reassessment of Romantic idealism in Germany and the unique self-reflexivity of his work. It notably focuses on the impact of exile, belonging, exclusion, and censorship in Heine's work and analyzes his legacy in a world literary context, comparing his poetry and prose with those of major modern writers, such as Pablo Neruda, Nazım Hikmet, or Walter Benjamin, who have all been persecuted and exiled yet used their art as resistance against oppression and silencing. At a time when a premium is placed on the value of world literatures and transnational writing, Heine emerges once again as a writer ahead of his time and of timeless appeal.
- Published
- 2019
14. Virgil's Double Cross : Design and Meaning in the Aeneid
- Author
David Quint and David Quint
- Subjects
- Criticism, interpretation, etc, Aeneis (Virgil), Epic poetry, Latin--History and criticism, Epic poetry, Latin, Literature
- Abstract
The message of Virgil's Aeneid once seemed straightforward enough: the epic poem returned to Aeneas and the mythical beginnings of Rome in order to celebrate the city's present world power and to praise its new master, Augustus Caesar. Things changed when late twentieth-century readers saw the ancient poem expressing their own misgivings about empire and one-man rule. In this timely book, David Quint depicts a Virgil who consciously builds contradiction into the Aeneid. The literary trope of chiasmus, reversing and collapsing distinctions, returns as an organizing signature in Virgil's writing: a double cross for the reader inside the Aeneid's story of nation, empire, and Caesarism.Uncovering verbal designs and allusions, layers of artfulness and connections to Roman history, Quint's accessible readings of the poem's famous episodes--the fall of Troy, the story of Dido, the trip to the Underworld, and the troubling killing of Turnus—disclose unsustainable distinctions between foreign war/civil war, Greek/Roman, enemy/lover, nature/culture, and victor/victim. The poem's form, Quint shows, imparts meanings it will not say directly. The Aeneid's life-and-death issues—about how power represents itself in grand narratives, about the experience of the defeated and displaced, and about the ironies and revenges of history—resonate deeply in the twenty-first century.This new account of Virgil's masterpiece reveals how the Aeneid conveys an ambivalence and complexity that speak to past and present.
- Published
- 2018
15. Kleist-Jahrbuch 2016
- Author
Günter Blamberger, Ingo Breuer, Wolfgang de Bruyn, Klaus Müller-Salget, Günter Blamberger, Ingo Breuer, Wolfgang de Bruyn, and Klaus Müller-Salget
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Das aktuelle Jahrbuch dokumentiert die Verleihung des Kleist-Preises 2015 mit den Reden der Preisträgerin Monika Rinck, der Vertrauensperson der Jury Heinrich Detering und des Präsidenten der Heinrich-von-Kleist-Gesellschaft Günter Blamberger. Darüber hinaus enthält das Jahrbuch Beiträge zu Kleists Werken und Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Neuerscheinungen zu Kleist.
- Published
- 2017
16. Rimbauds Dichtung : Romanistische Abhandlungen, Band 4
- Author
Hermann H. Wetzel and Hermann H. Wetzel
- Subjects
- Literature, Poetry
- Published
- 2017
17. Heine-Jahrbuch 2016
- Author
Sabine Brenner-Wilczek and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
2016 erscheint der 55. Jahrgang des Heine-Jahrbuchs. Mit Analysen mehrerer Heine-Vertonungen aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert liegt einer seiner Themenschwerpunkte auf der musikalischen Wirkungsgeschichte des Dichters. Daneben enthält es weitere Forschungsbeiträge zu Heines Leben, Werk und Rezeption; zudem präsentiert es bisher unbekannte Briefe Heines aus dem Archiv des Heinrich-Heine-Instituts.
- Published
- 2016
18. Queer Lyrics : Difficulty and Closure in American Poetry
- Author
J. Vincent and J. Vincent
- Subjects
- Sex, Literature, America—Literatures, Literature, Modern—20th century, Poetry
- Abstract
Queer Lyrics fills a gap in queer studies: the lyric, as poetic genre, has never been directly addressed by queer theory. Vincent uses formal concerns, difficulty and closure, to discuss innovations specific to queer American poets. He traces a genealogy based on these queer techniques from Whitman, through Crane and Moore, to Ashbery and Spicer. Queer Lyrics considers the place of form in queer theory, while opening new vistas on the poetry of these seminal figures.
- Published
- 2016
19. Margherita Sarrocchi's Letters to Galileo : Astronomy, Astrology, and Poetics in Seventeenth-Century Italy
- Author
Meredith K. Ray and Meredith K. Ray
- Subjects
- Sex (Psychology), Sociology, Cosmology, Gender identity, Gender expression, Astrophysics, Literature, Modern, Literature--History and criticism, Literature, Astronomy, European literature, Poetry
- Abstract
This book examines a pivotal moment in the history of science and women's place in it. Meredith Ray offers the first in-depth study and complete English translation of the fascinating correspondence between Margherita Sarrocchi (1560-1617), a natural philosopher and author of the epic poem, Scanderbeide (1623), and famed astronomer, Galileo Galilei. Their correspondence, undertaken soon after the publication of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius, reveals how Sarrocchi approached Galileo for his help revising her epic poem, offering, in return, her endorsement of his recent telescopic discoveries. Situated against the vibrant and often contentious backdrop of early modern intellectual and academic culture, their letters illustrate, in miniature, that the Scientific Revolution was, in fact, the product of a long evolution with roots in the deep connections between literary and scientific exchanges.
- Published
- 2016
20. The Poetry of Robert Browning
- Author
Britta Martens and Britta Martens
- Subjects
- Literature, Poetry
- Abstract
Robert Browning's pre-eminent status amongst Victorian poets has endured despite the recent broadening of the literary canon. He is the main practitioner of the period's most important poetic genre, the dramatic monologue, while his engagement with many aspects of nineteenth-century culture makes him a key figure in the wider field of Victorian studies.This stimulating introduction to Browning criticism provides an overview of the major responses to the poet's work over the last two hundred years. It offers an insightful guide to criticism from various theoretical perspectives, elucidating Browning's participation in Victorian debates about aesthetics, history, politics, religion, gender and psychology.
- Published
- 2016
21. Heine-Jahrbuch 2006 : 45. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Wichtige Forschungen zu Heine. Die Schwerpunkte des Bandes liegen auf der Auseinandersetzung mit Heines Lyrik, darunter das'Buch der Lieder'und'Romanzero', sowie auf den Beziehungen des Dichters zu ausgewählten Orten und Personen. Mit Beiträgen zur Heine-Rezeption in Österreich.
- Published
- 2016
22. Heine-Jahrbuch 2015
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
Der 54. Jahrgang des Heine-Jahrbuchs enthält neben Untersuchungen zu Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen, Heines jüdischem Selbstverständnis und anderen Forschungsbeiträgen zu Werk und Wirkung des Dichters die Ansprachen zur Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2014 an Alexander Kluge und zur Verleihung der Ehrengabe der Heinrich-Heine-Gesellschaft an Roger Willemsen.
- Published
- 2015
23. Heine-Jahrbuch 2014
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
Zur jüngsten Heine-Forschung. Der 53. Jahrgang des Heine-Jahrbuchs enthält aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Heinrich Heines, unter anderem Analysen seiner Nordsee -Gedichte, und zu Ludwig Marcuses Heine-Bild. Außerdem: bisher unbekannte Briefe von Adolf Stahr und Fanny Lewald über den späten Heine und das erste Verzeichnis sämtlicher Heine-Denkmäler.
- Published
- 2014
24. Heine-Jahrbuch 2013 : 52. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
Neue Erkenntnisse zu Heinrich Heine. Das Jahrbuch enthält aktuelle Beiträge über Heines Verhältnis zum Märchen, Gedichtanalysen zu Loreley und Die Götter Griechenlands sowie bisher unbekannte Heine-Autographen aus dem Archiv des Heine-Instituts. Außerdem enthalten: die Ansprachen zur Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2012 die Dankesrede von Jürgen Habermas und die Laudatio von Alexander Kluge.
- Published
- 2013
25. Heine-Jahrbuch 2012 : 51. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Aktuelle Forschungen zu Heine. Das Jahrbuch enthält neue Beiträge zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Heines sowie aktuelle Mitteilungen über die Arbeit und die Bestände des Heinrich-Heine-Instituts. Außerdem: die Laudatio von Lothar Müller und die Dankesrede des Preisträgers D evad Karahasan anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrengabe der Heinrich-Heine-Gesellschaft 2012.
- Published
- 2012
26. The New Anthology of American Poetry : Postmodernisms 1950-Present
- Author
Steven Gould Axelrod, Camille Roman, Thomas Travisano, Steven Gould Axelrod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano
- Subjects
- Literature, American poetry
- Abstract
Steven Gould Axelrod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano continue the standard of excellence set in Volumes I and II of this extraordinary anthology. Volume III provides the most compelling and wide-ranging selection available of American poetry from 1950 to the present. Its contents are just as diverse and multifaceted as America itself and invite readers to explore the world of poetry in the larger historical context of American culture. Nearly three hundred poems allow readers to explore canonical works by such poets as Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, and Sylvia Plath, as well as song lyrics from such popular musicians as Bob Dylan and Queen Latifah. Because contemporary American culture transcends the borders of the continental United States, the anthology also includes numerous transnational poets, from Julia de Burgos to Derek Walcott. Whether they are the works of oblique avant-gardists like John Ashbery or direct, populist poets like Allen Ginsberg, all of the selections are accompanied by extensive introductions and footnotes, making the great poetry of the period fully accessible to readers for the first time.
- Published
- 2012
27. Heine-Jahrbuch 2011 : 50. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Das Jahrbuch umfasst Studien über Heine als Visionär, die Sicht der Zensurbehörden auf seine Schriften und andere neue Forschungsergebnisse sowie die Reden zur Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2010 an Simone Veil. Mit Beer Carl Heine und dem Schriftsteller Hermann Schiff werden zwei weniger bekannte Cousins des Dichters vorgestellt.
- Published
- 2011
28. Handbuch Lyrik : Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte
- Author
Dieter Lamping and Dieter Lamping
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Gesamtüberblick über die Gattung der Lyrik. Das komparatistisch ausgerichtete Handbuch stellt die Poetiken der Lyrik seit der Antike und die wissenschaftlichen Gattungstheorien vor. Es umreißt Tendenzen der neueren Lyrikforschung und macht mit Grundbegriffen der Interpretation vertraut, wie z. B. Form, Sprache und Medialität. Die Themen und Verfahren der Lyrik werden ebenso behandelt wie das Verhältnis zu anderen Genres, inklusive Film und Pop. Auch Aspekte der Lyrikvermittlung kommen zur Sprache - darunter: Übersetzung, Edition, Lesung und Lyrik in der Schule.
- Published
- 2011
29. Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780
- Author
Sarah McKibben and Sarah McKibben
- Subjects
- Irish poetry--History and criticism.--Early mo, Irish poetry--History and criticism.--18th cen, Masculinity in literature, Literature
- Abstract
'Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry'examines the dynamic response of early modern Ireland's hereditary bardic professional poets to impinging colonial change. Having for generations validated the power of their patrons, policed communal norms and acted as self-conscious cultural custodians, these elite master-poets were both professionally obligated and personally motivated to defend both their community and their own way of life from renewed English aggression in the sixteenth century. Endangered masculinity, the oppositional rhetoric they crafted, drew on traditional poetic elements to evoke gender norms going dangerously awry, thereby challenging colonial authority and demanding collective defiance and communal consolidation against the threat of emasculation, penetration, and dissolution posed by political domination and cultural assimilation. With Gaelic defeat and subordination in the early seventeenth century, bardic poets'nonprofessional and increasingly demotic successors reworked endangered masculinity to confront ongoing colonial cultural change while demonstrating the persistent siren call of English goods and culture.Drawing on feminist, postcolonial and gender theory, Sarah McKibben argues for the ideological, representational and linguistic complexity of early modern Irish poetry as at once contesting and engaging the colonial authority it faced.'Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry'analyses the emergence and transformation of endangered masculinity through a sequence of close readings of compelling poetic texts in genres including bardic elegy and satire, aisling (or vision poem), accentual verse, song, oral lament and comic verse, with accompanying translations, to provide a novel literary-critical exposition of a vibrant and understudied poetic tradition.
- Published
- 2010
30. Heine-Jahrbuch 2010 : 49. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
Das Jahrbuch beinhaltet u.a. Einzelinterpretationen zu zwei späten Gedichten Heines, Analysen seiner journalistischen Arbeiten in Frankreich, Untersuchungen zu Heine-Übersetzungen und -Vertonungen sowie die Reden zur Verleihung der Ehrengabe der Heinrich-Heine-Gesellschaft 2009 an Herta Müller.
- Published
- 2010
31. Voyages over Voices : Critical Essays on Anne Stevenson
- Author
Angela Leighton and Angela Leighton
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Voyages over Voices is the first book length critical exploration of the internationally acclaimed American-British poet Anne Stevenson. A past winner of the The Poetry Foundation's Neglected Masters Award, the Lannan Lifetime Achievement Award for Poetry and the Northern Rock Foundation Writer's Award, Stevenson has long been admired by poets and critics alike as one of the most important contemporary poets on either side of the Atlantic. Angela Leighton brings together a distinguished list of contributors, including Jay Parini, Carol Rumens, Tim Kendall and John Lucas, in a collection that provides a significant and invaluable contribution to understanding Stevenson's work as poet and critic. Voyages over Voices will be required reading for scholars contemporary British and American poetry.
- Published
- 2010
32. Heine-Jahrbuch 2009 : 48. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature
- Abstract
Aktuelle Forschungen zu Heine. Die Beiträge analysieren Heines Kontrastästhetik, seine geschichtskritische Konstruktion der Schrift und sein Verhältnis zur aufklärerischen Utopie. Weitere Themen sind Schuberts Heimkehr -Vertonungen und der i ka-Stoff im Vormärz. Mit den Ansprachen zur Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2008.
- Published
- 2009
33. Seamus Heaney : Poet, Critic, Translator
- Author
J. Hall, A. Crowder, J. Hall, and A. Crowder
- Subjects
- Poetry, Fiction, British literature, Literature, Modern--20th century, Literature, Culture--Study and teaching, Literature--Philosophy, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
This volume of twelve essays aims to comprehensively represent the abundance and variety of both Heaney's writing and scholarship on Heaney's writing. Attention is given not only to his poetry but also to his translations and his prose. The essays foreground his internationalism and the complementary international interest in his writing.
- Published
- 2007
34. Heine-Jahrbuch 2005 : 44. Jahrgang
- Author
Joseph A. Kruse, Sabine Brenner-Wilczek, Joseph A. Kruse, and Sabine Brenner-Wilczek
- Subjects
- Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
Ausgewählte Heine-Forschungen im Überblick. Im Mittelpunkt des Jahrbuchs 2005 stehen u. a. Beiträge zu Heines Stellung zu den monotheistischen Religionen, zu Heines Musikberichten und zu seiner'Geschichtsauffassung'. Außerdem sind die Reden zur Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2004 an Robert Gernhardt enthalten.
- Published
- 2005
35. Women and Poetry 1660-1750
- Author
S. Prescott, D. Shuttleton, S. Prescott, and D. Shuttleton
- Subjects
- Ethnology—Latin America, Culture, European literature—Renaissance, 1450-1600, Literature, Sex, Poetry, European literature
- Abstract
The specially commissioned essays in Women and Poetry, 1660-1750 address the multiplicity of female poetic practice and the public image of the woman poet between the Restoration and mid-eighteenth century. The volume includes biographically informative accounts of individual poets alongside detailed essays which discuss the different contexts and poetic traditions shaping women's poetry in this key period in literary history. Women and Poetry, 1660-1750 draws together a wealth of recent scholarship from a strong cast of contributors (including Germaine Greer) into one accessible volume aimed at both students and specialist readers.
- Published
- 2003
36. The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi : Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric
- Author
- Subjects
- Middle Eastern literature, Applied linguistics, Literature, Poetry
- Abstract
The work of Nizami Ganjavi, a classical poet of the twelfth century, is fueling new cultural debate in Iran in recent years. The dominant discourse encourages the reading of the texts in light of biographical or theological conventions and religious motives. These essays explore Nizami s influential role and his portrayal of issues related to love, women, and science, stressing his preoccupation with the art of speech as a major impetus behind his literary activity.
- Published
- 2000
37. Colour and Experience in Nineteenth-Century Poetry
- Author
Richard Cronin and Richard Cronin
- Subjects
- Poetry, Literature, Modern--19th century, Literature, Literature, Modern
- Abstract
In this book colour words as used in the poetry of Keats, Browning and Hopkins become crucial indicators of a way of looking at the nineteenth-century world. The author traces the forging of language that mediates between a system of values and the flux of experience.
- Published
- 1988
38. Tradition and Innovation in Chaucer
- Author
Derek Brewer and Derek Brewer
- Subjects
- Literature, Poetry
- Published
- 1982
39. Alfred Tennyson : A Literary Life
- Author
Leonee Ormond and Leonee Ormond
- Subjects
- Poetry, Literature, Literature, Modern—19th century
- Abstract
Throughout his long working life, Tennyson was experimenting with new forms and subjects. Widely read in a range of disciplines, he responsed to many of the personalities, events and discoveries of the Victorian age. Still widely regarded as an apologist for the'establishment', Tennyson was always an outsider. Scourged by reviewers, and haunted by his own nervous disposition, Tennyson endured years of despair. Even when the tide turned in 1850 Tennyson remained a stern critic of his contemporaries.
- Published
- 1993
40. A Burns Companion
- Author
Alan Bold and Alan Bold
- Subjects
- Literature, Modern--18th century, Literature, British literature, Poetry
- Abstract
This Companion, designed as an authoritative biographical and critical guide to Burns, is in six sections. Part I places Burns in context with a Chronology,'The Burns Circle'and a Topography. Part II looks at the Burnsian issues of religion, politics, philosophy, drink, drama and sex. Part III an essay on Burns as a poetic phenomenon, is sure to provoke debate about the relevance of Burns to his time and ours. Part IV examines twenty-five poems, eighteen verse epistles and twenty-six songs as well as commenting on the letters, political ballads and Common Place Books. A Select Bibliography (Part V) and four Appendixes (Part VI) are followed by a glossary of Scots words, and index of poems and a general index.
- Published
- 1991
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