19 results
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2. English Versus Slavic : Lexicon in a Morphological and Semantic Perspective
- Author
Ewa Konieczna, Robert Kieltyka, Ewa Konieczna, and Robert Kieltyka
- Subjects
- Lexicology, Slavic languages--Grammar, Comparative--English, Semantics, Morphology, English language--Grammar, Comparative--Slavic, Contrastive linguistics
- Abstract
This book offers a collection of papers pertaining to the most thought-provoking problems in the areas of theoretical and contrastive linguistics. The contributions are devoted to current developments in morphological and semantic theorizing. The contrastive analyses conducted by the authors examine the structure of English and selected Slavic languages.
- Published
- 2017
3. Metasemantics and Possible Expressions
- Author
Kamil Lemanek and Kamil Lemanek
- Subjects
- Semantics
- Abstract
Foundational theories of meaning, and the broader metasemantic projects they contribute to, promise to answer the seemingly simple yet intractable question of what meaning consists in and where it comes from. Naturally, they build upon expressions that we already know and recognize to develop their positions. This focus on language as we know it, however, leaves aside the no less significant matter of language in terms of possible expressions – the strange and distant expanses of language beyond our everyday stock of expressions.This work sets out to explore possibilities in the context of the meaning of simple expressions. In the process, words, phrases, and sentences are thoroughly explicated as types of expressions before being leveraged to engineer unique and unusual possible words. These exotic possibilities are then confronted with two major positions on meaning in philosophy, introducing novel difficulties and suggesting the significance of this otherwise neglected perspective on language.
- Published
- 2024
4. Retos e incertidumbres: sobre la traducción de literatura en lenguas ibéricas
- Author
Marta Kacprzak, Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo, Marta Kacprzak, and Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo
- Subjects
- Discourse analysis, Semantics, Iberian language--Translating, Translating and interpreting--Iberian Peninsula, Comparative linguistics
- Abstract
El presente volumen reúne 11 trabajos que versan sobre los problemas y los retos que tienen que enfrentar los traductores de literatura. Debido a su especificidad, su complejidad y su enorme amplitud en el tiempo y en el espacio, la traducción literaria requiere un continuo proceso de reflexión y autorreflexión, tanto desde punto de vista teórico como desde la práctica concreta. Los estudios recogidos en este monográfico abarcan varios siglos, latitudes y perspectivas, por lo tanto, los hemos agrupado en tres secciones (no marcadas): traducción de poesía, traducción de prosa y reflexiones acerca de obras escritas en judeoespañol. Esperamos que el amplio abanico de temas y problemas presentados por investigadores y traductores procedentes de distintos centros de investigación resulte fascinante e inspirador y que sirva de punto de partida para nuevos desafíos.
- Published
- 2022
5. Die Macht des Kontextes: Sprache(n) und Kommunikation
- Author
Anastasija Kostiučenko, Martha Kuhnhenn, Anastasija Kostiučenko, and Martha Kuhnhenn
- Subjects
- Context (Linguistics), Semantics
- Abstract
Der interdisziplinäre Band postuliert eine Macht des Kontextes und erklärt, was darunter verstanden wird. Die Beiträge beleuchten und hinterfragen die Macht des Kontextes in dessen Relationen zu Sprache(n), Gesellschaft(en) und Medien. Dies geschieht teils aus philologischem, teils aus sozialwissenschaftlich-kommunikationswissenschaftlichem Blickwinkel und schließt jeweils mit Thesen zur Macht des Kontextes. Der Fokus in den Beiträgen lässt sich entlang der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ebenen (Mikroebene, Mesoebene, Makroebene) differenzieren. Mit Blick auf die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnet sich die Perspektive einer breit verstandenen Kontextlinguistik, und es werden Impulse und Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung in den Einzeldisziplinen sowie für disziplinenverbindende Forschung geboten.
- Published
- 2022
6. Sprache und Gesellschaft im Wandel : Eine diskursiv basierte Semantik der ‚Familie‘ im Gegenwartsfranzoesischen am Beispiel der Presse
- Author
Daniela Pietrini and Daniela Pietrini
- Subjects
- Romance languages--Grammar, Comparative, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Families--Language
- Abstract
Dieses Buch beschreibt aus diskurslinguistischer Perspektive die aktuellen Entwicklungen im gesellschaftlichen Diskussionsfeld Familie am Beispiel Frankreichs. Die Autorin zeigt die Vorgänge der sprachlichen Wirklichkeitskonstruktion durch die systematische Untersuchung vom Sprachgebrauch in der französischen Presse auf, um auf dieser Basis semantischen Wandel zu rekonstruieren. Das semantische Feld um Familienbeziehungen scheint relativ geschlossen und überschaubar zu sein. Dennoch lässt gerade dieses lexikalische Feld in den letzten Jahren eine sehr hohe Anzahl an Neologismen verzeichnen, die mit grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in Verbindung stehen. Das Buch zielt darauf ab zu beschreiben, wie die Diskursakteure neue Sachverhalte begrifflich festhalten beziehungsweise neue Einstellungen zum Ausdruck bringen und überholte Modelle als solche sprachlich markieren.
- Published
- 2018
7. Conjunctions and Other Parts of Speech
- Author
Alan Reed Libert and Alan Reed Libert
- Subjects
- Parts of speech, Grammar, Comparative and general--Conjuncions, Semantics
- Abstract
The classification of words in terms of parts of speech is frequently problematic. This book examines the classification of conjunctions and similar words of other classes. It reviews work done from the 19th century to the present on a wide range of languages, including English, German, French, Latin, Ancient Greek, Welsh, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Ute, and Abun. Most chapters treat conjunctions as opposed to one of the other traditionally recognized parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, adpositions, and interjections. The book's major focus is on the terminology used to describe words on or near the borders between conjunctions and other parts of speech, such as «deverbal conjunctions», «conjunctional adverbs», «prepositional conjunctions», and «so-called conjunctions».
- Published
- 2017
8. Textsemantik des Antezedenten und semantische Funktion des Relativsatzes
- Author
Manuel Kraus and Manuel Kraus
- Subjects
- Semantics, Discourse analysis
- Abstract
Der Autor weist in seiner Analyse nach, dass die Textsemantik des Antezedenten die semantische Funktion des Relativsatzes bestimmt und sich erst daraus ableiten lässt, ob ein Relativsatz «identifizierend» oder «prädizierend» ist. Das Buch thematisiert darüber hinaus die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Morphosyntax des Relativsatzes und der semantischen Funktion des Relativsatzes. Hierbei analysiert der Autor die Kasus des Antezedenten und des Relativpronomens sowie die Kontakt- oder Distanzposition des Relativsatzes. Er stellt heraus, welche spezifischen Charakteristika für die Zwischenelemente vor dem Relativsatz bei Distanzposition sowie für die Restelemente nach dem Relativsatz bei Kontaktposition in Frage kommen.
- Published
- 2017
9. Translating Politeness Across Englishes : The Princess and the Pea
- Author
Rehana Mubarak-Aberer and Rehana Mubarak-Aberer
- Subjects
- Semantics, Language and languages--Philosophy, Politeness (Linguistics), Pragmatics, Grammar, Comparative and general--Honorific
- Abstract
Due to the increasing lingua-cultural heterogeneity of today's users of English, it has become necessary to examine politeness, translation and transcultural communication from a different perspective. This book proposes a concept for a transdisciplinary methodology to shed some light onto the opaque relationship between the lingua-cultural biographies of users of English and their patterns of perceiving and realizing politeness in speech acts. The methodology incorporates aspects of CAT tools and business intelligence systems, and is designed for long-term research that can serve as a foundation for theoretical studies or practical contexts, such as customer relationship management and marketing.
- Published
- 2017
10. A Minimalist View on the Syntax–Semantics Relationship : Turning the Mind Into a Snowflake
- Author
Jaroslaw Jakielaszek and Jaroslaw Jakielaszek
- Subjects
- Grammar, Comparative and general--Syntax, Minimalist theory (Linguistics), Semantics
- Abstract
Current developments of the Minimalist Program in generative linguistics put the procedure of labeling syntactic objects at the center of the syntax–semantics transition. This book provides a discussion of consequences of such proposals for a proper analysis of different varieties of the operation Merge and their interpretive reflexes, as well as for the general theory of the syntax–semantics relationship. It argues that the absence of substitutional operations in Narrow Syntax should restrict the range of admissible interpretive operations on adjunction structures in the conceptual-intentional component. It also debates that syntactic chains are subject to interpretive procedures properly analyzed with the help of counterpart-theoretic concepts.
- Published
- 2017
11. Textanfaenge – Semantische Aspekte
- Author
Duś, Magdalena, Kołodziej, Robert, Konieczna-Serafin, Joanna, Duś, Magdalena, Kołodziej, Robert, and Konieczna-Serafin, Joanna
- Subjects
- Semantics, Linguistics
- Abstract
Dieser Band sammelt Ergebnisse der sprachwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen einer französisch-polnisch-deutschen Forschungsgruppe. Die Beiträge behandeln theoretische Probleme und empirische Beobachtungen der Textlinguistik. Der Band ist den semantischen Aspekten von Textanfängen gewidmet und thematisiert verschiedene Texttypen und -sorten. Dazu gehören literarische Texte, ältere Rechtstexte, narrative Erzählungen und Pressetexte. Die Beiträge beinhalten neben den textlinguistischen Ansätzen auch theoretische Überlegungen aus den Bereichen der Phraseologie und der Kognitiven Linguistik.
- Published
- 2017
12. Events and Narratives in Language
- Author
Janusz Badio and Janusz Badio
- Subjects
- Construction grammar, Semantics, Language and languages, Discourse analysis, Narrative, Narration (Rhetoric), Social interaction
- Abstract
This book analyzes events and narratives from the points of view of literature, grammar, discourse, and semantics. The contributors explore the issues related to the ways of portraying stories and their events within a cultural and literary framework. They also examine the role of prefixes in construing events and asymmetries that exist in time-creating event markers from a contrastive perspective. The contributions focus on narrativity as a semantic category, and on how events are described in signed languages. They place the event and narrative categories at the center of interest and their specific goals are pursued by applying different, both qualitative and quantitative, research methods.
- Published
- 2017
13. Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 1
- Author
Lukasz Bogucki, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Marcel Thelen, Lukasz Bogucki, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, and Marcel Thelen
- Subjects
- Semantics, Translating and interpreting--Study and teaching (Higher)
- Abstract
The volume contains a selection of articles on current theoretical issues in Translation Studies and literary translation. The authors are experts in their fields from renowned universities in the world. The book will be an indispensable aid for trainers and researchers, but may be of interest to anyone interested or active in translation and interpreting. A companion volume in this series contains articles on audiovisual translation, translator training and domain-specific issues.
- Published
- 2016
14. On Invectives in Natural Language: A Panchronic Study of English Synonyms of ‘Skinny’/‘Fatty’
- Author
Agnieszka Grzasko and Agnieszka Grzasko
- Subjects
- Lexicology, Historical linguistics, Sociolingusitcs, English language--History, Semantics, Invective, English language--Synonyms and antonyms, English language--Usage
- Abstract
The author researches selected synonyms of ‘skinny'and ‘fatty'in the history of the English language from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The method employed in grouping the analytical material has been dictated by the nature of the processes of semantic change. The author subdivided the quantum of the analysed lexical items into the following type-groups: zoosemy (animal metaphor), foodsemy (food metaphor), plantosemy (plant metaphor), metonymy, reification, eponymy, onomatopoeia, rhyming slang and varia. Surveying a collection of English dictionaries the author makes an attempt to determine the status of a given synonym in present-day English.
- Published
- 2016
15. Symmetry Breaking and Symmetry Restoration : Evidence From English Syntax of Coordination
- Author
Szymon J. Napierala and Szymon J. Napierala
- Subjects
- Parallelism (Linguistics), Semantics, Grammar, Comparative and general--Syntax, Generative grammar, Language arts--Correlation with content subjects
- Abstract
This book treats the faculty of language as part of the Universe subject to physical laws. It presents phenomena from syntax and semantics in the interdisciplinary context. The author analyses the origin of syntax and semantics as autonomous modules (asymmetry), even though they display parallelisms (symmetry). He presents linguistic phenomena in the interdisciplinary context where spontaneous symmetry breaking has a central explanatory role, as it is the case in the physical world.
- Published
- 2016
16. English ‘Joyful’ Vocabulary – Semantic Developments
- Author
Angelina Zysko and Angelina Zysko
- Subjects
- Field theory (Linguistics), Semantics
- Abstract
The book offers a novel exploration into the semantic development of English terms concerning the concept of ‘joy'(«bliss», «cheer», «delight», «dream», «game», «gladness», «glee», «joy», and «mirth»). The analysis, carried out within the framework of cognitive and historical linguistics, employs the notions of cognitive domains, profiling, and categorisation. The author adopts a panchronic perspective, according to which language reflects the way speakers experience the world. This allows her to provide a new insight into the intrinsic nature of semantic change.
- Published
- 2016
17. The Translation Equivalence Delusion : Meaning and Translation
- Author
Tomasz P. Krzeszowski and Tomasz P. Krzeszowski
- Subjects
- Contrastive linguistics, Translating and interpreting, Language and languages--Philosophy, Semantics
- Abstract
Almost everything that one claims about meaning is likely to be questioned or disputed. Translation studies also abound in numerous controversies. However, there is no doubt that translations entail a transfer of meaning, even if the exact sense of the word'meaning'remains vague. The same applies to the term'translation equivalence'. This book is an attempt to cope with conceptual, terminological, theoretical, and practical difficulties resulting from this nebula of issues. Numerous examples of translated legal, religious and artistic texts are provided to substantiate the claim that translation equivalence, except in the most trivial sense of the term, is indeed a delusion. The book is addressed to all those persons who are interested in mutual relations between semantics and translation studies.
- Published
- 2016
18. Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 2
- Author
Lukasz Bogucki, Marcel Thelen, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Lukasz Bogucki, Marcel Thelen, and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
- Subjects
- Semantics, Audio-visual translation, Translating and interpreting--Study and teaching (Higher), Translating and interpreting--Congresses, Semantics--Congresses
- Abstract
The volume contains a selection of articles on current theoretical issues in audiovisual translation, translator training and domain-specific issues. The authors are experts in their fields from renowned universities in the world. The book will be an indispensable aid for trainers and researchers, but may be of interest to anyone interested or active in translation and interpreting. A companion volume in this series contains articles on Translation Studies and literary translation.
- Published
- 2016
19. Sprache und Emotion in oeffentlicher Kommunikation
- Author
Inge Pohl, Horst Ehrhardt, Inge Pohl, and Horst Ehrhardt
- Subjects
- Language and emotions, Emotive (Linguistics), Communication, Semantics, Psycholinguistics
- Abstract
Öffentlichkeit gilt als inhomogener Entfaltungsraum gesamtgesellschaftlicher Kommunikation, in welchem das Emotionspotenzial von Texten eine dominierende Rolle einnehmen kann. Die Buchbeiträge verdeutlichen, dass thematisch-semantische Kämpfe heute stärker auf dem Feld des Emotionspotenzials ausgetragen werden, dass das Emotionspotenzial gegenwärtig medienstrategisch wirksam eingesetzt wird, um Rezipienten in ihren Wertvorstellungen zu beeinflussen, dass sich Textsorten aufgrund eines veränderten Verhältnisses von Privatem und Öffentlichem aktuellen Sprachgebrauchsbedingungen anpassen und dass sich neue oder modifizierte Kommunikationsräume auf das Verhältnis von Sprache der Nähe und Sprache der Distanz auswirken. Die Autorinnen/Autoren fokussieren entweder Elemente des Emotionspotenzials oder die textuell-ganzheitliche Emotionskodierung innerhalb von Sprachgebrauchsdomänen, Textsorten und Diskursen.
- Published
- 2012
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