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1. The Idea of Social Structure : Papers in Honor of Robert K. Merton

2. The Urban University and Its Identity : Roots, Location, Roles

3. The Anthem Companion to Raymond Boudon

4. Die Hoffnungen der Auguren: Techniken der Sozialprognose im Amerika des Kalten Krieges

5. The Social Metabolism : A Socio-Ecological Theory of Historical Change

6. Place Naming, Identities and Geography : Critical Perspectives in a Globalizing and Standardizing World

7. Sociology Global : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

8. Handbook of Post-Western Sociology: From East Asia to Europe

9. Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe : Band I/22,2: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Religiöse Gemeinschaften

10. Violence and Non-Violence Across Time : History, Religion and Culture

11. An Analysis of Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition

12. International Origins of Social and Political Theory

13. Islamism and Post-Islamism in Iran : An Intellectual History

14. Engendering History : Cultural and Socio-Economic Realities in Africa

15. More-than-Human Sociology : A New Sociological Imagination

16. Hunting Africa : British Sport, African Knowledge and the Nature of Empire

17. Japan’s Industrious Revolution : Economic and Social Transformations in the Early Modern Period

18. Nebenfolgen in der Geschichte : Eine historische Soziologie reflexiver Modernisierung

19. 'Geistige Gefahr' und 'Immunisierung der Gesellschaft' : Antikommunismus und politische Kultur in der frühen Bundesrepublik

20. East European Academies in Transition

22. Theoretical Methods in Social History

23. New Perspectives on the Research of Chinese Culture

24. Science, Technology and the Military

25. A Civilian in Lawton's 1899 Philippine Campaign : The Letters of Robert D. Carter

26. History, Trauma, and Healing in Postcolonial Narratives : Reconstructing Identities

27. The Cult of Authority : The Political Philosophy of the Saint-Simonians

29. The Oxford Handbook of Food History

31. The Roman Question and the Powers, 1848–1865

32. London's Forgotten Children : Thomas Coram and the Foundling Hospital

33. A History of Chemical and Biological Weapons

34. Sociology: Inquiries Into the Construction of Social Forms

35. Mental Maps in the Era of Two World Wars

36. Raymond Williams’s Sociology of Culture : A Critical Reconstruction

37. The Passionate Society : The Social, Political and Moral Thought of Adam Ferguson

38. Gesundheitspolitik in der Nachkriegszeit : Großbritannien und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich

39. Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften : Band 1: Grundlagen und Schlüsselbegriffe

40. Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften : Band 3: Themen und Tendenzen

41. Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften : Band 2: Paradigmen und Disziplinen

42. The Book of Skin

43. Stereotypes in Contemporary Anglo-German Relationships

44. Laughter, Jestbooks and Society in the Spanish Netherlands

45. Mothers and King Baby : Infant Survival and Welfare in an Imperial World: Australia 1880–1950

46. Do Options Exist ? : The Reform of Pension and Health Care Systems in Latin America

47. International Historical Statistics: Europe 1750-1993

48. Social Organization

49. Vilfredo Pareto : Neoclassical Synthesis of Economics and Sociology

50. Beliefs and Biology : Theories of Life and Living