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2. Et in Arcadia Ego. Roma Come Luogo Della Memoria Nelle Culture Europee • Et in Arcadia Ego. Rome As a Memorial Place in European Cultures : Le Strade Che Portano Alla Città Eterna • The Roads Leading to the Eternal City
- Author
Artur Galkowski, Stefano Cavallo, Katarzyna Kowalik, Artur Galkowski, Stefano Cavallo, and Katarzyna Kowalik
- Subjects
- Arcadia in literature, Popular culture--Europe, Civilization--Roman influences, Literature, Popular culture
- Abstract
Et in Arcadia ego scrive Goethe a sigillo di un viaggio nella città di Roma – l'ideale Arcadia di scrittori, artisti ed intellettuali della modernità. Il presente volume raccoglie capitoli dedicati alla figura dell'Urbe in quanto città-Arcadia: come delle ideali vie consolari, tali interventi si sviluppano verso le più varie diramazioni tematiche, pur avendo tutti lo stesso punto di origine o di arrivo: Roma, intesa alla luce del valore architettonico, storico oppure anche simbolico. Una prima ideale “via” di discussione parte dalla Polonia, un'altra passa attraverso l'Inghilterra, una terza “via” unisce idealmente la Grecia con la Russia; un'ultima si origina dalla Roma antica e spazia dal Cinquecento fino ad arrivare alla fin de siècle e al Novecento. Et in Arcadia ego is what Goethe writes after his journey to the city of Rome, to denote the ideal Arcadia for writers, artists and intellectuals of modernity. The present collection comprises chapters dedicated to the figure of Rome as an Arcadia-city: like ideal consular roads, these papers develop into varied thematic branches, even though they all have the same starting, or ending, point – the city of Rome, analyzed from the point of view of its architectural, historical or symbolic value. One ideal “road” of discussion starts in Poland, another “road” passes through England, a third ideally combines Greece and Russia; yet another ideal discussion “road” originates from the ancient Roman myths, runs through the 16th century and reaches the fin de siècle and the 20th century.
- Published
- 2021
3. World War II Re-explored : Some New Millenium Studies in the History of the Global Conflict
- Author
Jaroslaw Suchoples, Stephanie James, Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Jaroslaw Suchoples, Stephanie James, and Barbara Törnquist-Plewa
- Subjects
- World War, 1939-1945
- Abstract
This volume is a collection of thirty papers written by authors from around the world. The writers focus on topics related to their own research interests. As a result, readers obtain a worldwide perspective on World War II from academics working on nearly every continent, proving that World War II was, probably, the first ever truly global experience for humanity. Present are many and different perspectives on the war. Eighty years after the end of World War II, these academics share their knowledge and reflections about a gruesome, but still not very remote time. In the new millennium, their studies should remind readers that the ‘end of history'has been an impossible illusion and warn that peace and stability in international relations are not a given.
- Published
- 2019
4. Inklings – Jahrbuch Fuer Literatur Und Aesthetik : Die Inklings Und Der Erste Weltkrieg – Symposium 17. Und 18. September in Aachen
- Author
Klaudia Seibel, Dieter Petzold, Klaudia Seibel, and Dieter Petzold
- Subjects
- Medievalism--Germany--History, Inklings (Group of writers)--Congresses, German literature--20th century--History and criticism--Congresses
- Abstract
«Inklings» nannte sich eine Gruppe von Schriftstellern und Geisteswissenschaftlern in Oxford, deren bekannteste Mitglieder J.R.R. Tolkien und C.S. Lewis waren. Die Inklings-Gesellschaft e.V. widmet sich seit 1983 dem Studium und der Verbreitung der Werke dieser und ihnen nahestehender Autoren sowie der Analyse des Phantastischen in Literatur, Film und Kunst allgemein. Ihre Jahrestagungen werden in Jahrbüchern dokumentiert. Dieser Band enthält elf Vorträge der Tagung «Die Inklings und der Erste Weltkrieg», die 2016 in Aachen stattfand, sowie vier weitere Beiträge und zahlreiche Rezensionen. «Inklings» was the name of a group of Oxford scholars and writers; its best-known members were J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. The German «Inklings-Gesellschaft», founded in 1983, is dedicated to the discussion and dissemination of the works of these authors and of writers commonly associated with them and to the study of the fantastic in literature, film and the arts in general. The proceedings of the annual Inklings conferences are published in yearbooks. This volume contains eleven papers presented at the 2016 conference entitled «The Inklings and the First World War». In addition, there are four general articles and numerous reviews.
- Published
- 2017
5. The United States Immigration Policy and Immigrants’ Responses : Past and Present
- Author
Agnieszka Malek, Dorota Praszalowicz, Agnieszka Malek, and Dorota Praszalowicz
- Subjects
- East Europeans--United States--History, East European Americans--History
- Abstract
The contributions in this book focus on U.S. migration policies, receiving society, ethnic communities and return migration. The authors analyze various aspects of migratory history ranging from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. They cover such topics as the times when Eastern European immigrants in the USA encountered hostility and marginalization, the efforts to create American Polonia military formations during the WWI, the problem of ethnic mobilization among Ukrainian political migrants in the U.S. as well as how state policies influence the movement of people. All the contributions are extended and revised versions of the papers presented at the 7th Workshop American Ethnicity and Ethnic Community Building.
- Published
- 2017
6. Poesía clerical y tradiciones medievales : «Contarte he maravillas...». Estudios hispánicos dedicados a Joseph T.Snow (II)
- Author
Álvaro Bustos and Álvaro Bustos
- Abstract
Este segundo volumen de homenaje a Joseph Snow, en el que han participado reconocidos especialistas internacionales, contiene un conjunto de acercamientos a los grandes poemas del mester de clerecía, así como varios trabajos sobre prosa castellana medieval. Se abordan cuestiones relativas al Libro de buen amor o a la obra de Berceo, pero también a Gil Vicente, la tradición oral o la herencia medieval de los siglos XV y XVI. El volumen constituye una valiosa presentación de los grandes motivos de la poesía y la prosa castellanas en los primeros siglos de la literatura española.
- Published
- 2025
7. History in Stories: The Irish Past and the Challenges of the Present
- Author
Ina Bergmann, Maria Eisenmann, Ina Bergmann, and Maria Eisenmann
- Subjects
- Literary criticism, Essays, English literature--Irish authors--History and, History in literature, Literature and history--Ireland, English language--Study and teaching--Foreign, English literature--Irish authors--Study and t
- Abstract
This volume comprises articles by scholars from three disciplines – literary studies, TEFL methodology, and history – from three universities – University College Cork (UCC), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Leuven Centre for Irish Studies (KU Leuven/LCIS), and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg/Irish Studies Würzburg (JMU/ISWÜ) – in three European countries – Ireland, Belgium, and Germany. The contributors explore Irish ‘history in stories'from the vantage point of their national and disciplinary contexts, emphasizing cultural knowledge and historical lessons to be drawn from ‘texts'from and about the Irish past.
- Published
- 2024
8. Schreiben im eigenen Zimmer: Studien zu Autorinnen und Werken des deutschen, oesterreichischen und spanischen Exils
- Author
Marisa Siguan, Loreto Vilar, Rosa Pérez Zancas, Marisa Siguan, Loreto Vilar, and Rosa Pérez Zancas
- Abstract
„Eine Frau muß Geld und ein eigenes Zimmer haben, um schreiben zu können“, lautete die Forderung Virginia Woolfs aus dem Jahr 1929. Der Band setzt sich mit den verschiedenen Formen auseinander, die dieses Thema in den fiktionalen und nichtfiktionalen Texten von Autorinnen des deutschen, österreichischen und spanischen Exils annahm, und untersucht, ob und wie sie sich einen eigenen Raum erschreiben konnten und wie dieser beschaffen war: welche Erfahrungen in die Werke eingingen und wie sie dargestellt wurden, welche Genres vorgezogen wurden und inwiefern sie auch ideologisch fundierten Kriterien unterlagen. Somit versteht sich diese Studie als interkultureller Beitrag zur Erforschung des literarischen, essayistischen und philosophischen Schreibens von Frauen im Exil.
- Published
- 2024
9. Daring Dreams of the Future : Slovenian Mass Migrations 1870-1945
- Author
Aleksej Kalc, Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Janja Zitnik Serafin, Aleksej Kalc, Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, and Janja Zitnik Serafin
- Abstract
In the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, nearly one-third of the population of today's Slovenia permanently settled in countries around the world. Many more were traveling back and forth, searching for work to ensure the survival of the family members left behind at home and the prosperity for the families and communities they were creating abroad. From one of the smallest nations in Europe, barely reaching one and a half million inhabitants at the time, people departed in numbers reaching 440,000. This book tells their stories, about the'daring dreams of the future,'as the Slovenian poet Oton Župancˇicˇ—whose words open the book—so beautifully put it. The people who left took recipes for their foods, accordions for their music, and love for their culture and language, which was, and has remained, a linguistic island between Vienna and Venice. In their new communities, they built homes, churches, and cultural institutions that have survived until today.
- Published
- 2024
10. Reimaginar la piel : Voces y corporalidades travestidas en la literatura iberoamericana contemporánea
- Author
Assia Mohssine, Daniel Rodrigues, Assia Mohssine, and Daniel Rodrigues
- Abstract
Obstáculo para la exposición del género femenino para unos (es básicamente el enfoque de feministas como Hélène Cixous (2010), quien exhorta a las mujeres a escribir'mostrando su género'), acto performativo para otros, el travestismo pretende revelar, siguiendo a la filósofa Judith Butler (2006), la fragilidad de las identidades fijas y el movimiento incesante de la autorrepresentación. Travestirse implica aceptar un mundo en metamorfosis donde el sujeto cruza las fronteras de género por voluntad propia. Por la manera en que se proyecta la figura del travesti en los textos literarios, es decir, en tanto que cuerpo transfigurado en metamorfosis, podemos notar que el cuerpo que se traviste evoluciona voluntariamente hacia la construcción de identidades plurales, descentradas y fluidas. El travestismo se torna, entonces, en una metamorfosis liberadora. Esta obra colectiva, a lo largo de sus 17 capítulos cuestiona el travestismo en sus diferentes acepciones lingüísticas, autorales/textuales y de género. Las tres partes que la componen se mantienen en diálogo, a pesar de la diversidad de sus enfoques y marcos conceptuales.
- Published
- 2024
11. Small Numbers, Big Presence: Jews in Poland After World War II
- Author
Stanisław Krajewski and Stanisław Krajewski
- Subjects
- Jewish way of life, Judaism--Poland--History, Jews--Poland--Identity, Jews--Poland--History--20th century
- Abstract
In this path-breaking book, he reflects on the evolution of Polish Jewry in these years against the background of its enormous contribution to Jewish religious traditions and its tragic fate in the Holocaust. A Jewish community, ‘small in numbers'but with a ‘big presence', continues to function in Poland. This book is essential reading for all those who wish to understand this remarkable phenomenon.Antony Polonsky, Emeritus Professor of Holocaust Studies,Brandeis UniversitySmall Numbers, Big Presence is history rooted in assiduous dispassionate research, but no less, in passionate commitment to Polish Jewry. As much Pole as Jew, Stanislaw Krajewski was a witness to Poland's postwar Jewish renaissance and the Jews'de-assimilation. A frontliner in many struggles and triumphs, he tells the story with an insider's knowledge of the intricacies of events and personalities.Moshe Rosman, Bar-Ilan University, IsraelThe most important is Stanisław Krajewski's ability to capture complex phenomena with often mutually exclusive interpretations in a surprisingly new and original way.Stanisław Obirek, Professor at the American Studies Centre,University of Warsaw
- Published
- 2024
12. Political Myths in History Textbooks : War Images of the Falange in Spain (1939–1951) and the Polish Workers’ Party in Poland (1945–1956)
- Author
Maciej Chrostowski and Maciej Chrostowski
- Subjects
- History--Study and teaching, Education--Political aspects
- Abstract
This book compares the school image of the wartime past of the Falange and the Polish Workers'Party (PPR), created during the turbulent first decade of Francoism in Spain and Communism in Poland. Demonstrating the political usefulness of the Party was crucial to the consolidation of both regimes. The legitimisation of the new regime called for emphasising the Party's war effort, not only in defeating the enemy but also in its struggle for social issues. Forschool-taught history, the early years of both dictatorships marked a period of breaking with prewar educational concepts and introducing and testing new ‘revolutionary'pedagogical solutions. This book not only explains theaspirations of political rulers to rebuild the students'memory, but also contributes to our understanding of the textbook authors'perception of the recent past. It analyses the meanings of terms specific to mythical stories, such as nation, power, heroes and their deeds, and wartime struggle.
- Published
- 2024
13. Musealisation of Communism in Poland and East Central Europe
- Author
Anna Ziębińska Witek and Anna Ziębińska Witek
- Subjects
- Museums--Political aspects--Europe, Eastern, Historical museums--Europe, Eastern, Collective memory--Europe, Eastern, Communism--Museums--Europe, Eastern, Museums--Political aspects--Poland, Historical museums--Poland, Collective memory--Poland, Communism--Museums--Poland
- Abstract
The monograph is the result of research conducted between 2014 and 2018 in historical museums in Central and Eastern Europe. The main goal of the book is to verify the thesis about the existence of supranational collective memory in societies affected by the shared experience of totalitarianism. The analysis of the extensive research material allowed the author to distinguish social practices and types of exhibitions. Historical policies conducted by individual states exhibit features in common, their goal being to accustom people to the difficult past, to shape the positive images of the countries and to create the cultural founding myths of the post-communist states. Historical museum exhibitions become the executors of these ideas by introducing official interpretations of the communist period.
- Published
- 2024
14. Medizin in der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse des langen 19. Jahrhunderts : Akteure, Praktiken und Formate
- Author
Marina Hilber, Andreas Golob, Elisabeth Lobenwein, Marina Hilber, Andreas Golob, and Elisabeth Lobenwein
- Abstract
Medizinische Inhalte waren in der periodischen Presse stets vielfältig vertreten. Aus sozial- und wissenschaftshistorischer Perspektive nimmt das Buch Tages- und Wochenzeitungen ebenso in den Blick wie «klassische» Rezensionsorgane, populäre Gesundheitszeitungen sowie Zeitschriften mit dezidiert wissenschaftlichem Anspruch. Anhand von vier geografisch und zeitlich gestreuten Fallstudien beleuchten die Autor•innen des Sammelbandes unterschiedliche Facetten der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse Zentraleuropas im langen 19. Jahrhundert. Die Beispiele rekonstruieren die Entwicklung von Medien mit medizinischen Inhalten, ihre Entstehungs- und Erscheinungszusammenhänge, ihre Herausgeber sowie Praktiken der Wissensvermittlung.
- Published
- 2024
15. History – Culture – Metaphor. On Historical Thinking
- Author
Wojciech Wrzosek and Wojciech Wrzosek
- Subjects
- Historiography, History--Philosophy
- Abstract
Historiography is one of the most systematic accounts of the fate of culture. It is also a record of human—reflexive and reflective metaphors of the world, simultaneously anthropomorphizing and humanizing it. Historical imagination captures the world in its classical form directly, and in its non-classical form indirectly, through the lens of anthropomorphization. This enables the adaptation of the world to the human dimension or, in other words, to be constructed on a human scale. Historiography and historical thinking, especially the traditional forms, are close to the figures of public discourse because they offer meanings commensurate with it. Additionally, they are openly imbued with values, making them susceptible to easy, casual and biased interpretations. Thanks to these features, historical thinking and historiography provide a framework for texpressing currently important values and the common and specific emotions centered around them.
- Published
- 2024
16. Kantor: Non/Presence
- Author
Katarzyna Fazan and Katarzyna Fazan
- Abstract
Kantor: Non/Presence is a unique work in theatre studies by a single author. The book far exceeds the framework set by its eponymous protagonist. Fazan reveals where following Tadeusz Kantor can lead and how radically the discourse of theater studies should be transformed in contact with his vast, heterogeneous oeuvre.Zbigniew Majchrowski, University of GdanskThe monumental monograph testifies not only to Fazan exceptional erudition but also her deep personal commitment to the study of Kantor's oeuvre. Reaching far beyond theater studies, Fazan's reference-rich analysis can be appreciated by those involved in art history, photography, stage design, architecture, and memory studies.Marcelina Obarska, Culture.pl
- Published
- 2024
17. An Embodied Religion : Materialities and Devotion in Medieval Europe
- Author
João Luís Fontes, Diana Martins, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Mário Farelo, João Luís Fontes, Diana Martins, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, and Mário Farelo
- Subjects
- Christianity and culture--Europe--History--Middle Ages, 600-1500--Congresses, Material culture--Religious aspects--Christianity--Congresses
- Abstract
From the images carved and painted to the buildings edified, from liturgical objects to reliquaries and tombs, from books to personal objects of piety, this volume reflects the many domains where the relation between materiality and devotion can be a prospect and a problem. It intersects the material, functional, performative and aesthetic dimensions with the different readings it calls for, the cognitive and emotional apprehensions, the representations (erudite and popular) it associates with, the practices that it sustains, the memories that polarize and legitimize, the powers that were affirmed through it. It discloses the diversity of variants such as wealth and social position, literate training, and gender differences.
- Published
- 2024
18. “What I Write Is Simple, Frank and Truthful…” Father Konrad Szweda’s Camp Egodocuments
- Author
Lucyna Sadzikowska and Lucyna Sadzikowska
- Abstract
The history of Upper Silesia is intertwined with the activities of Silesian priest Konrad Szweda, a victim of persecutions by German Nazism and Soviet communism. This book contains previously unknown letters and secret correspondence of Fr. Konrad Szweda, enriching the literature of personal documents related to World War II. These egodocuments, part of an anthology of invaluable source texts on the human spirit in “inhuman times”, offer historical material for further research on the clergy. Biographical details and factual nuances reveal surprising paradoxes, forgotten contexts, and facts, challenging established stereotypes and inspiring deeper insights into the complex fabric of the past.
- Published
- 2024
19. Zeit Und Zeitgeschehen in Der Periodischen Presse Des 17.–19. Jahrhunderts : Fallstudien Zu Perzeption Und Reflexion
- Author
Andreas Golob, Ingrid Haberl-Scherk, Andreas Golob, and Ingrid Haberl-Scherk
- Abstract
Die Beiträge des Sammelbands behandeln innovativ und vergleichend Fragen zu zeitgebundenen Phänomenen der periodischen Presse. Der zeitliche und mediale Rahmen spannt sich von Andreas Gryphius'Perikopendichtung über Zeitschriften und Kalender sowie das im Mittelpunkt stehende Zeitungswesen des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Feuilletonroman des Vormärz. Geographisch liegt der Fokus auf Mitteleuropa, dessen periodisches Pressewesen im behandelten Zeitraum eine wesentliche Ausweitung und Differenzierung erfuhr. Vor allem die Berichterstattung wird im Hinblick auf zentrale Phänomene wie Nachrichtenübermittlung, Aktualität, Periodizität, Beschleunigung und Entschleunigung in ihren materiellen und immateriellen Dimensionen untersucht, aber auch Wissensvermittlung und Räsonnement sowie das Anzeigenwesen und Paratexte kommen ins Blickfeld. Soweit auffindbar, werden auch archivalische Quellen in die Analysen einbezogen. Im Dreischritt Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dominiert die erste Etappe.
- Published
- 2024
20. Louis Wolowski (1810-1876) : A Biography
- Author
Rafał Dobek and Rafał Dobek
- Subjects
- Poland--History--1830-1864, Polish people--France--Biography, Economists--France--Biography, France--History--1848-1870, Politicians--France--Biography
- Abstract
The book presents the life of Louis Wolowski (1810–1876). Born into a family of Frankist Jews in Warsaw, Wolowski participated in the Polish insurrection of 1830–1831 and later settled in France. Specializing in political economy, Wolowski became a professor at the prestigious Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers at the age of 29 and a member of the Academy in 1855. In 1852 he founded Crédit Foncier, one of the most important French banks and actively participated in the banking revolution of the second half of the 19th century. He also had a political career. Wolowski served as a deputy and from 1875, a life senator. Representing the liberal center of the French political scene, he played a crucial role in the establishment of the Republic in France.
- Published
- 2024
21. Baltic Human-Animal Histories : Relations, Trading, and Representations
- Author
Linda Kaljundi, Anu Mänd, Ulrike Plath, Kadri Tüür, Linda Kaljundi, Anu Mänd, Ulrike Plath, and Kadri Tüür
- Subjects
- Human-animal relationships--Baltic States--History
- Abstract
This edited volume offers the first overview on human-animal history in the Baltics. Investigating historical entanglements between human and non-human animals from the pre-Christian times to the Soviet period and discussing a wide range of species, the volume integrates transnational study of Baltic history and culture with interdisciplinary human-animal studies. Taking the interrelatedness of species as a premise, the contributions focus on a variety of contacts and their representations in written, material, visual and other sources of Baltic history. Covering a time period of nearly one thousand years, the chapters also make it possible to trace continuity and change in Baltic human-animal history over extended periods.
- Published
- 2024
22. Remnants of Wehrmacht Soldiers : Burial and Commemoration Practices of German Soldiers of the Second World War in Russia and Europe, 1941 – 2023
- Author
Nina Janz and Nina Janz
- Subjects
- Soldiers' bodies, Disposition of--Germany--History, World War, 1939-1945--Repatriation of war dead--Germany, War cemeteries--Russia (Federation), War cemeteries--Germany
- Abstract
Today, fallen soldiers of the Second World War find their resting places across the globe. While many nations openly honor their military, Germany maintains a more reserved approach to its war dead. During the war, fallen soldiers were hailed as heroes, but after 1945, the treatment of the deceased and their graves underwent a profound transformation. Janz, focusing on the Eastern Front during wartime and then the post-war Soviet Union and Russian Federation, explores this transformation through three key moments: 1. the treatment of the bodies, burial practices, and exhumations; 2. the burial sites, including cemetery construction and design; and 3. the realm of commemoration, encompassing memorial ceremonies and rituals. These rituals evolved from the hero worship of Hitler's Wehrmacht to the mourning and reconciliation policies of the post-war West German government with Russia. This study offers an examination of the German military dead amidst controversies surrounding Wehrmacht soldiers and their challenging commemoration in the present day.
- Published
- 2024
23. The Mysterious Death of Jan “Anoda” Rodowicz
- Author
Przemysław Benken and Przemysław Benken
- Subjects
- Poland. Polskie Sily Zbrojne. Armia Krajowa. Batal, Poland. Sluz?ba Bezpieczen´stwa, World War, 1939-1945--Underground movements--P, Scout leaders--Poland--Biography, Guerrillas--Poland--Biography, Political prisoners--Poland--Biography
- Abstract
Dr. Benken's book is a case study of the life and death of Jan Rodowicz, nom-de-guerre Anoda, who served as a combatant in the Polish pro-independence underground resistance movement during the Second World War. The operations in which Anoda was involved, his conduct during and after the War, especially in the investigation following his arrest by the Communist security service and the mystery shrouding his death while under interrogation, turned him into a symbol for the young people of Poland in those times. His generation was forced to fight for its freedom against two criminal totalitarian systems, the Nazi Germans and the Soviets, paying with their life or health for the ideals they did not want to give up.
- Published
- 2024
24. Gulf War Captivity Narratives : Identity and Ideology
- Author
Annika Wirth and Annika Wirth
- Subjects
- Persian Gulf War, 1991--History and criticism. -, Iraq War, 2003-2011--History and criticism.--P, Soldiers' writings, American--History and critic, Captivity narratives--History and criticism.--
- Abstract
The book explores a newly compiled corpus of American Gulf War captivity narratives, their claim to truth and their construction of identity and ideology, as well as concepts of heroism and anti-heroism. Moreover, it probes the texts'complex authorship, uncovers their role in promoting cultural stereotypes and in propagating violence. Hence, this study is deeply involved with uncovering narrative strategies of othering and with the construction of orientalist alterities. The findings are then connected to broader social debates in the USA. Unpacking themes of alterity, heroism, and violence, the research underscores the Gulf War captivity narratives'role in justifying aggression and in shaping U.S. American national identity, underscoring the need for continued scrutiny.
- Published
- 2024
25. The Staszic Palace As Affective Heterotopia: New Category of Spatial Description
- Author
Aleksandra Wójtowicz and Aleksandra Wójtowicz
- Subjects
- Research--Poland--Warsaw
- Abstract
The book proposes a new category – heterotopia of affect – which builds upon Michel Foucault's typology. The category refers to changes of the places that accumulate contents of ideological, historical, religious, and national character. The book tells the history of a very Polish edifice as well as its surrounding cultural milieu and the history-creating role of the scientific community. The author focuses on the Staszic Palace whose fate reveals how – at different times in history – it catalyzed activities in search of radical changes in the mental landscape of the Polish community.
- Published
- 2024
26. Die Uebersetzung der napoleonischen Gesetzbuecher im Koenigreich Italien unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des «Code de commerce» : Eine uebersetzungsgeschichtliche Analyse der Akteure, Prozesse und Produkte
- Author
Sarah Del Grosso and Sarah Del Grosso
- Abstract
Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die italienische Rechtssprache durch die Übersetzung der napoleonischen Gesetzbücher geprägt wurde. Das Buch geht diesem Einfluss anhand von Archivquellen nach und zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild der beteiligten Akteure, Prozesse und Produkte. Dabei lassen sich durch erhaltene Berichte und Briefe nicht nur Arbeitsprozesse von der Rekrutierung der Mitarbeiter bis zum Druck der Gesetzbücher verfolgen – im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen zwei Abschriften des Code de commerce, die in unterschiedlichen Phasen des Übersetzungsprozesses entstanden sind. Diese Abschriften werden in einen Zusammenhang mit Berichten und Briefen gestellt, sodass Korrekturen und Diskussionen der Übersetzungskommission nachvollziehbar werden.Diese Arbeit ist mit dem Preis der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2023 sowie mit dem Premio Gaspara Stampa des Deutschen Italianistikverbands (DIV) für hervorragende Qualifikationsschriften 2024 ausgezeichnet worden.
- Published
- 2024
27. On the Balkan Stage: Romanian Diplomacy During World War II
- Author
Ionuț Nistor and Ionuț Nistor
- Subjects
- World War, 1939-1945--Romania--Diplomatic history
- Abstract
Who were Romania's diplomatic representatives in the Balkans during the Second World War? How did they select and forward information? What personal mark did they add to negotiations and diplomatic notes? What was the relationship between the career diplomats and the political authorities in Romania in the context of a dictatorial regime in Bucharest? These are just some of the questions the book aims at providing answers to. Moreover, this “questionnaire” applied to the Balkans does not only elicit answers that reflect developments and processes in the area. It allows reflections on the broader decision-making architecture, on the entire Romanian foreign policy of that period and on the functioning mechanisms of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to the rigours of a totalitarian state.
- Published
- 2024
28. Praxis. An Exercise in Engaging Cultural Studies
- Author
Agata Skórzyńska and Agata Skórzyńska
- Subjects
- Culture--Study and teaching
- Abstract
The book is designed as a methodological exercise in cultural studies described as'engaging', which refers to a specific research approach requiring cooperation and the inclusion of individuals and communities in the research process, using a rich repertoire of humanistic traditions as a tool of social criticism. The key is to treat cultural studies as a workshop in which the researcher changes from a distant observer into a practical person – a public intellectual and craftsman at the same time. The turn from “engaged” to “engaging” research methodologies described in the book is strongly rooted in the tradition of the philosophy of praxis and the theory of social practices, from Aristotle, through Marxist theories, to contemporary participatory action research. Today, however, the practical approach in the humanities takes on particular importance in the context of the so-called ontological turn. The book tries to answer the question whether cultural studies based on the category of practice has a chance to be a new form of critical thinking under the conditions of post-anthropocentric humanities.
- Published
- 2024
29. Central Europe in Symbolic and Literary Geography
- Author
Miloš Zelenka and Miloš Zelenka
- Subjects
- Comparative literature, Central European literature--History and criticism
- Abstract
This book contributes to various political debates about Central Europe in terms of its literary-symbolic geography. The author contends that the research about Central Europe must, first of all, be exempted from its mythicisation. The idealisation of a past of monarchical and tolerant coexistence represents a dangerous stereotype to be deconstructed, rather than resurrected. The monograph offers an up-to-date critical view of Central Europe that takes into account various historical, geopolitical, and, above all, cultural-spiritual standpoints.
- Published
- 2024
30. Rethinking Violence in Valencia and Catalonia : Fourteenth to Seventeenth Century
- Author
Guillermo López Juan, Alejandro Llinares Planells, Guillermo López Juan, and Alejandro Llinares Planells
- Subjects
- Violence--Spain--Valencia--History
- Abstract
This book provides multifaceted analyses of everyday interpersonal violence in the Kingdom of Valencia and Catalonia between the 14th and 17th centuries. Employing qualitative and microhistorical approaches, its contributors weave a narrative tapestry where revenge among religious minorities, the impact of war on Muslim rural communities, and the phenomenon of banditry intertwine to reveal the social and cultural complexity of the era. Furthermore, its chapters explore piracy and mercenary activities, uncovering how these practices influenced social and economic dynamics. Their contributors also delve into the trials against witches and the repression of heretical deviations or non-normative behaviors, offering a critical view on how these events were framed within the struggle for power and social control. The cumulative work of the authors not only sheds light on dark and forgotten aspects of history, but also prompts reflections on the nature of violence and its role in the construction of collective identities. With meticulous research and an interdisciplinary focus, this book is essential for understanding the history of violence in the Iberian Peninsula and its transcendence on contemporary society.
- Published
- 2024
31. Eco-Consciousness in American Culture : Imperatives in the Age of the Anthropocene
- Author
Adina Ciugureanu, Eduard Vlad, Adina Ciugureanu, and Eduard Vlad
- Subjects
- Ecocriticism--United States
- Abstract
The book explores the key concerns in the United States of America, as well as around the world today, related to the significance of ecology, eco-consciousness and climate change. The chapters by individual authors reflect the topics both from a theoretical and from an ecocritical perspective. In the former case, they analyze effects of the present ecological crises (i.e. climate change and pandemics), the emergence and development of environmental humanities, posthumanism, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and ecotheology. In the latter case, they offer readings of American literary texts of the 20th and 21st centuries as significant case studies.
- Published
- 2023
32. Mnemonic Governance : Politics of History, Transitional Justice and the Law
- Author
Sonia Horonziak, Marcin Kaim, Sonia Horonziak, and Marcin Kaim
- Subjects
- Rule of law--European Union countries, Criminal law--European Union countries, Transitional justice--European Union countries, Legislation--European Union countries, Collective memory--Government policy--European, Mnemonics
- Abstract
The publication is a collection of research articles that provide an insight to mnemonic governance – a process of shaping the shared social imaginary of the past by legislators, courts, scholars and other actors. This phenomenon can be observed as an element of political discourse or as changes in law consolidating certain officially recognized states. The contributions in this volume offer a political, legal and historical analysis of transitional justice legislation, emerging memory laws, and the societal perception of the past. With this publication, we intend to contribute to the ongoing and changing debate surrounding memory politics and highlight the practical consequences of mnemonic governance.
- Published
- 2023
33. More Than Alive : The Dead, Orthodoxy and Remembrance in Post-Soviet Russia
- Author
Zuzanna Bogumił, Tatiana Voronina, Zuzanna Bogumił, and Tatiana Voronina
- Subjects
- Dead--Religious aspects--Russkai?a? pravoslavnai?a? t?s?erkov', Memorialization--Russia (Federation), Church and state--Russkai?a? pravoslavnai?a? t?s?erkov', Collective memory--Russia (Federation), Political persecution--Soviet Union, Dead--Political aspects--Russia (Federation)
- Abstract
The process of the Orthodoxization of memory in Russia started long before the Russian Orthodox Church engaged in the memory politics. It was a grassrooted process initiated by both the living and the dead. By using religious symbols and rituals, various groups of living were restoring their relationship with the forgotten dead of Soviet repressions and war. When the Moscow Patriarchate has returned to active public life and started developing its religious memory infrastructure, the Orthodoxization process got a new up–down dimension. Finally, a turn of the Putin's regime towards religious commemorative practices caused the disappearance of the boundary between religious and political memory. The bricolage memory, consisting of elements of Orthodox tradition and Soviet memory culture, appeared.
- Published
- 2023
34. Magic As an Element of Political Debate in the Historiography and Imperial Biography of the 1st -5th Centuries AD : A Study of Tacitus, Suetonius and Ammianus Marcellinus
- Author
Justyna Migdał and Justyna Migdał
- Subjects
- Latin literature--History and criticism, Magic in literature, Magic, Roman--Political aspects
- Abstract
The book explores the hitherto rarely discussed connection of magic with politics in the writings of Tacitus, Suetonius and Ammianus Marcellinus, offering insight into the way language of magic and ritual pollution is used as means of characterization and historiosophical commentary on the nature of power and political struggle. Religious deviation and innovation, theurgy, necromancy, black and erotic magic, the topoi of an emperor-magician, a semi-divine emperor-healer/saviour and a witch/poisoner, all play an important role in the analyzed texts. Magic is depicted as a way of abusing the official state religion; every such abuse disturbs pax deorum and brings misery on both the perpetrator and the whole state.
- Published
- 2023
35. German Colonialism in Africa
- Author
Klaus Bachmann and Klaus Bachmann
- Abstract
In this volume, six experts from Europe and Africa present new insights from the field about various aspects of Germany's colonial rule in Africa, raising doubt about the hitherto interpretations of some important events. The outbreak of violence in Rwanda 1904 was neither an anti-colonial Hutu uprising nor the result of a royal court intrigue against German rule, but instead a response to raids, the White Father missionaries had carried out against the local population. German colonialism in Rwanda was much less benevolent than it is today recalled in Rwanda, because its main edge was directed against the population in the North whose collective memory has been marginalized in the royal abanyiginya narrative, under colonial rule and after the genocide. Other chapters deal with the link between colonial boundaries and ethnic conflict and the counter-intuitive consequences of the German/Namibian settlement about colonial atrocities against the Herero and Nama.
- Published
- 2023
36. On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays : Vol. 4. Contexts
- Author
Edyta Chlebowska and Edyta Chlebowska
- Abstract
The book is the last volume of an extensive four-volume monograph devoted to the work of Cyprian Norwid (1821–1883), one of the most outstanding Polish authors. The impact of Norwid's oeuvre does not fade, as he addresses fundamental and timeless issues, such as the moral and spiritual condition of man or his place in the world and history, and seeks to answer universal questions. The volume includes articles devoted to the analysis of selected sources and inspirations underlying Norwid's work, as well as comparative texts tracing the manifestations of the commonality of thoughts and views connecting Norwid with the leading writers and artists of different periods. As a result, we received a multi-faceted image of an artist who, on the one hand, was strongly rooted in the tradition and modernity of Western European culture, and on the other, was characterized by great openness and sensitivity to otherness and cultural diversity.
- Published
- 2023
37. Polen und Deutsche im Angesicht der revolutionaeren Umwaelzungen
- Author
Maciej Junkiert, Krzysztof Trybuś, Michael Düring, Rebekka Wilpert, Maciej Junkiert, Krzysztof Trybuś, Michael Düring, and Rebekka Wilpert
- Abstract
Vorliegender Band versammelt Vorträge, die auf einer gemeinsam von der UAM zu Posen und der CAU zu Kiel veranstalteten Konferenz im Jahre 2019 gehalten wurden.
- Published
- 2023
38. Astrology in European Religious History : Its Philosophical Foundations Through the Ages
- Author
Gustav-Adolf Schoener and Gustav-Adolf Schoener
- Subjects
- Astrology--Philosophy
- Abstract
This treatise on religious studies traces the European tradition of astrology from its oriental beginnings to the present day. The aim is to get a view of the different mythological, philosophical and theological ideas of the cosmos (especially with Platonic and Aristotelian borrowings), which astrology has repeatedly reformulated and carried through all epochs. However, it seems as if astrology had lost its plausibility with the overcoming of the geocentric world view by Copernicus and Kepler and could only continue to exist as an'intellectual regression'(Theodor Adorno). This view is countered by the thesis, founded here, that astrology has been able to survive the changes in world views unscathed because it designs philosophical (holistic) patterns of reasoning into the relationship between cosmos and humans, which in a Platonic sense understand the cosmos as an intelligent and vital organism.
- Published
- 2023
39. Sternstunden am Kaiserhof : Michael Scotus und sein 'Buch von den Bildern und Zeichen des Himmels'
- Author
Ackermann FSA and Ackermann FSA
- Abstract
Kaiser Friedrich II. und sein Astrologe Michael Scotus haben vor allem die deutsche Forschung seit Generationen fasziniert. Allerdings steht das Ausmaß der Faszination oft im umgekehrten Verhältnis zu gesichertem Wissen. Dieses Buch unternimmt im ersten Teil den Versuch einer Neubewertung der bekannten Quellen, während der zweite Teil paradigmatisch den Liber de signis et imaginibus celi untersucht, jenen illustrierten astrologischen Traktat also, der neben dem Liber Physionomie Michaels erfolgreichstes Werk darstellt und im Laufe der Jahrhunderte immer wieder abgeschrieben, übersetzt und in textlichen wie bildlichen Auszügen tradiert wurde – und der hier erstmalig ediert und übersetzt ist.
- Published
- 2023
40. Handbuch Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania
- Author
Lidia Becker, Elmar Eggert, Susanne Gramatzki, Christoph Mayer, Lidia Becker, Elmar Eggert, Susanne Gramatzki, and Christoph Mayer
- Abstract
Das Handbuch gibt einen fundierten Einblick in die Epochen des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in der Romania. Es ist für Studierende und Fachkolleg•innen aus angrenzenden Disziplinen konzipiert. Das Buch vermittelt historisches, kulturelles und sprachlich-literarisch-künstlerisches Grundlagenwissen über die gesamte romanischsprachige Welt, vom Gebiet der Dakoromania auf dem Balkan über die Italo- und Galloromania sowie die Iberische Halbinsel bis hin zum amerikanischen Kontinent. Die Beiträge des ersten Themenbereichs führen in Wissens- und Denktraditionen von der Antike bis zum 16. Jahrhundert ein, der zweite Bereich zeichnet die religiöse, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung nach und im dritten Abschnitt werden sprachliche, literarische sowie künstlerische Phänomene exemplarisch erläutert.
- Published
- 2023
41. Death Matters - Dead Matter : Materialitaet und Immaterialitaet des Todes im Mittelalter
- Author
Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer, Romedio Schmitz-Esser, and Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer
- Abstract
Die Materialität des Todes ist ein besonders lohnendes Studienobjekt und verbindet Forschungsdiskurse, deren Austausch neue Perspektiven auf Tod und Sterben in der lateineuropäischen Vormoderne eröffnet. Dieser interdisziplinäre Sammelband geht den Möglichkeiten nach, die sich durch die intensive Erforschung eines Objekts (Grabkrone Konrads II. in Speyer) oder die Verbindung von Schriftquellen und anthropologischer Fundsituation (Philipp von Schwaben) ergeben. Er fragt nach Grabgestaltung und Grabdenkmälern, nutzt germanistische, epigraphische, mentalitätsgeschichtliche und Digital Humanities-Methodiken. Wie sterben Frauen in der mittelalterlichen Literatur, wie spricht man im Mittelhochdeutschen über den Tod? Und wie geht man damit um, wenn der Leichnam fehlt, weil der Kaiser fern seines Reiches in Kleinasien auf dem Kreuzzug verstirbt? Zusammen ergeben sich damit neue Perspektiven auf ein erforschtes, aber längst nicht erschöpfend verstandenes, allgegenwärtiges Phänomen des menschlichen Lebens: Unser Sterben.
- Published
- 2023
42. Una civilización juvenil en la Edad Moderna : Desigualdades de edad y contrastes generacionales
- Author
Máximo García Fernández, José Pablo Blanco Carrasco, Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé, Máximo García Fernández, José Pablo Blanco Carrasco, and Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé
- Subjects
- Youth--Spain--Social conditions--18th century, Youth--Spain--Social conditions--17th century, Youth--Spain--Social conditions--16th century
- Abstract
En el tránsito hacia un individualismo menos sujeto a las decisiones paternas, peroigual de controlado por los poderes familiares, comunitarios y estatales, la juventudcastellana y aragonesa del Antiguo Régimen (inmersa en una civilización másmoderna) constituye una línea de investigación que coloca a aquella amplia mayoríasocial que superó la infancia y todavía no vivía una etapa de madurez legal plenaen el centro del debate historiográfico. El contraste generacional suscitado por lastensiones y conflictos domésticos en virtud de las desigualdades de edad promoveríaun cambio cultural imparable. Imagen modélica para la construcción de identidades,el futuro juvenil (ilustrado) pasaba por cuidados y afectos, tutelas y oposiciones(femeninas), nuevos criterios educativos y estereotipos pedagógicos.
- Published
- 2022
43. The Treachery of the Elites
- Author
Georg Schmid and Georg Schmid
- Subjects
- Elite (Social sciences)
- Abstract
This book gives explanations for the growing gap in wealth and income and the rise of anti-democratic movements. The power of the elites today is supposedly founded on merit (education, intelligence etc.), but a closer look shows that a well-marked-out pool is just self-re-producing. The power these in-groups wield often leads to moral insensibility, made worse by a condescending attitude towards people further down the food chain. The pre-dominance of the model of the nation-state, with its centralism and top-down structure, is one of the roots of this problem, as is the lack of comparisons and value judgements; examples from transport and urbanism show that they are possible. The deplorable situation is made worse by the “anti-“social-media scuppering open and productive discussions.
- Published
- 2022
44. Europe on the Move : An Exploration of Ideas, Ethics, and Politics in European History
- Author
Milan Katuninec and Milan Katuninec
- Abstract
This book describes and analyses many interesting events in the political development of Europe from the Ancient world to the present day and offers opportunities for a comparative approach, which lays emphasis not only on the historical, economic and social context, but also on the spiritual and intellectual heritage of our European culture. «This is not a history of all the pertinent events, major and minor, that have occurred in Europe but rather an essay on the ideas, experiments, successes, and failures of individuals, societies, and states to meet the challenges of human organisation and technological development that define the Europe of today.» Stanislav J. Kirschbaum
- Published
- 2022
45. From Chaadayev to Solovyov : Russian Modern Thinkers Between East and West
- Author
Grzegorz Przebinda, Irena Grudzinska-Gross, Grzegorz Przebinda, and Irena Grudzinska-Gross
- Subjects
- East and West--Philosophy, Philosophy, Russian--19th century, Religious thought--Russia--19th century
- Abstract
The book on the history of Russian philosophical thought of the nineteenth century deals with six important representatives in the sharply present context of the ideological dispute between East and West. The author has chosen for analysis such Russian concrete worldviews which either advocated dialogue between Russia and the West, or particularly sharply proclaimed the conflict between them. Agreement should be made either in the name of universal-humanist Christian principles, with a special emphasis on Catholicism, or in the name of Enlightenment principles. None of these thinkers are popular in Putin's Russia today, unlike Dostoevsky and Leontiev, the prophets of the fundamental conflict between Russia and Europe, also discussed in this work.
- Published
- 2022
46. The Civil Administration of Eastern Territories (1919–1920) : The Reasons for the Failure of Piłsudski’s Federation Idea
- Author
Joanna Gierowska-Kałłaur and Joanna Gierowska-Kałłaur
- Abstract
Between 1919 and 1920, the eastern territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were temporarily administered by the Civic Management of Eastern Territories, established by Józef Piłsudski. The residents of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania were to determine their future governance. Piłsudski placed the Civic Management outside the structures of the Polish government, while his opponents from the Polish nationalist wing wanted to suborn it to the government in Warsaw. Based on hitherto unknown archival documents, the author describes the reasons for the failure of Piłsudski's federation idea, both on the Polish side, as well as errors by Belarusian leaders and the policy of the Lithuanian state.
- Published
- 2022
47. La presse et ses images – Die Presse und ihre Bilder : Sources – réseaux – imaginaires – méthodes. Quellen – Netzwerke – Imaginaere – Methoden
- Author
Claire Aslangul-Rallo, Bérénice Zunino, Claire Aslangul-Rallo, and Bérénice Zunino
- Subjects
- Visual communication--Europe--History--20th century, Mass media and language--Europe--History--20th century, Advertising--Europe--History--20th century, Journalism, Pictorial--Europe--History--20th century, Photojournalism--Europe--History--20th century
- Abstract
La presse illustrée connaît un essor particulier entre la fin du XIXe siècle et 1945. Les 19 contributions de cet ouvrage dressent un panorama inédit des recherches sur le sujet, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et internationale et dans un contexte de renouvellement des méthodes à l'ère des humanités numériques. Cette synthèse illustre la variété des sources – de la presse satirique illustrée jusqu'aux magazines « modernes » à l'opulente photographie – et atteste la validité de l'attention portée aux réseaux d'acteurs, à la circulation des modèles et aux évolutions de la culture visuelle. Des chercheurs de différents horizons et des professionnels de la gestion de cet héritage culturel sont ici en dialogue, pour examiner les différentes modalités d'interaction entre image, presse et société.
- Published
- 2022
48. Missale Notatum Lundense Pars Aestivalis : Results of Previous Research on the Source and Facsimilies
- Author
Rastislav Adamko and Rastislav Adamko
- Subjects
- Catholic Church. Missal (Slovenska´ akade´mia vied, Catholic Church--Texts.--Liturgy, Catholic Church--Liturgy--Texts--History and, Slovenska´ akade´mia vied. U´stredna´ kniz?nica, Church music--Sweden--Lund, Church music--Catholic Church, Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Slovak, Music--Manuscripts--Facsimiles, Missals
- Abstract
From time to time, a rare monument will appear in some archives, filling the gap inprevious research. Such a “discovery” was the identification of a hitherto unnoticedmanuscript from Bratislava as a medieval missal associated with the cathedral inLund. From the given period, it is the only complete manuscript that documents theliturgical and musical tradition of the Archdiocese of Lund. In the first part of thepublication, the authors present the results of their research in the field of codicology,musical paleography, as well as musicological and liturgical analyses andcomparisons. The second part consists of facsimiles with registers of songs, lessons,and prayers. This book aims to initiate further research into the medieval liturgy inScandinavia and Europe as a whole.
- Published
- 2022
49. Religion in the Public Sphere in Central and Eastern Europe
- Author
Zdzislaw Mach, Emilia Moddelmog-Anweiler, Zdzislaw Mach, and Emilia Moddelmog-Anweiler
- Subjects
- Religion and sociology--Europe, Central
- Abstract
This volume presents the outcomes of qualitative research on the meaning of religion in selected CEE regions. In several case studies, we reveal some features of social perception of religion present in verbalized and institutionalized social experiences and practices. We argue these societies develop their own social model of religion, which seems to be largely based on cultural, religious, and historical schemes dating back to the Habsburg Monarchy. They locate religious identity on a continuum with civic identity. Historical diversity may be endorsed as “traditional pluralism” while equality and tolerance is considered unnecessary. Capturing contradicting images of historical and contemporary pluralism may offer new insight into the puzzle of religion and politics in the CEE region.
- Published
- 2022
50. Les relations entre la Suisse et le Cameroun des indépendances à nos jours (1961-2013) : Une esquisse historique
- Author
Idrisse Désiré Machia A Rim and Idrisse Désiré Machia A Rim
- Abstract
Le 1er janvier 1960, la Confédération helvétique procède à la reconnaissance diplomatique du Cameroun oriental qui vient d'accéder à l'indépendance. Les deux Etats établissent peu après des relations diplomatiques en 1961. Un tel rapprochement est sous-tendu par plusieurs enjeux qui favorisent l'intensification des contacts dans trois domaines névralgiques : la diplomatie, la coopération technique et les relations économiques. En s'appuyant largement sur des sources primaires d'origines suisse et camerounaise, cette production historienne examine les hauts et les bas de ce partenariat sur cinquante-deux (52) années. Elle expose en outre, de nombreuses pistes qui permettent d'envisager la dimension prospective de cette bilatéralité avec optimisme.
- Published
- 2022
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