12 results on '"LEARNING strategies"'
Search Results
2. Protocols in the Classroom: Tools to Help Students Read, Write, Think, and Collaborate
- Author
David Allen, Tina Blythe, Alan Dichter, Terra Lynch, David Allen, Tina Blythe, Alan Dichter, and Terra Lynch
- Subjects
- Learning strategies, Teaching--Methodology, Classroom management, Education, Secondary
- Abstract
For nearly 2 decades, Looking Together at Student Work and The Power of Protocols have sustained educators in their professional learning. Protocols in the Classroom expands the scope of those books from teachers'professional learning to include students'learning, providing teachers with the tools they need to use discussion protocols to support students in developing crucial skills and habits as readers, writers, critical thinkers, and active participants within the classroom community. For each protocol the authors provide a clear set of steps, tips for teachers and students in facilitating the protocol, and a story of a teacher using the protocol with students. The book is filled with resources for getting started using protocols with students, as well as for deepening the use of protocols over time. It also relates protocols to other strategies for supporting students'learning, including Accountable Talk, Thinking Routines, and Socratic seminars. The authors describe how protocols contribute to a schoolwide culture of discussion, inquiry, and reflection.“These authors really know what they are writing about—not just protocols (though they are world experts there) but teaching and learning.”—From the Foreword by Joseph P. McDonald, emeritus professor, New York University“Excellent examples, along with multiple protocols, provide the tools to get started immediately. This book is a phenomenal resource.”—Kari Thierer, School Reform Initiative“This is the perfect guidebook for teachers to use protocols effectively in their classrooms.”—Ron Berger, EL Education
- Published
- 2018
3. Learning Architectures in Higher Education : Beyond Communities of Practice
- Author
Jonathan Tummons and Jonathan Tummons
- Subjects
- Social learning, Communities of practice, Learning strategies, Education, Higher
- Abstract
Learning Architectures in Higher Education restores criticality and rigour to the study of communities of practice as a means of understanding learning, acknowledging that this is one of the most influential and widely used theories of learning to emerge during the last 30 years but one that has been misapplied and diluted. Jonathan Tummons explores communities of practice theory, looking at how its focus on learning as apprenticeship can be understood, providing the reader with a conceptual framework for making sense of learning as a social practice as distinct from an individual, psychological process. Tummons looks at how communities of practice theory needs to be reconfigured to take account of the insights provided by other theoretical models and then applies his critically and theoretically reworked perspective to two distinct higher education contexts, providing critical and powerful tools for examining learning and teaching practices.
- Published
- 2018
4. Lernstrategien im Fernstudium: Die Entwicklung von Selbstregulationskompetenzen und die Potentiale von e-Learning
- Author
Nicole Rohr and Nicole Rohr
- Subjects
- Distance education, Learning strategies
- Abstract
Bildung soll den Lernenden befähigen, mit den Anforderungen der Wissensgesellschaft umzugehen und die Voraussetzung für lebenslanges Lernen zu schaffen. In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft müssen Menschen ihr Wissen und ihre Fähigkeiten ständig auf dem aktuellen Stand halten, um in dem sich rasch ändernden beruflichen Umfeld bestehen zu können. Die Fähigkeit zum selbstregulierten Lernen ist dabei von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Schule erfüllt ihre Aufgabe als bedeutender Vermittler dieser Kompetenz jedoch nur teilweise, weshalb in der Konsequenz daraus auch Studierende entsprechende Defizite aufweisen In engem Zusammenhang mit der Selbstregulation des Lernens steht auch das Wissen über und der Einsatz von Lernstrategien. Um neues Wissen aufnehmen und erfolgreich selbstreguliert lernen zu können, ist daher ein Repertoire an Lernstrategien notwendig, das auch adäquat eingesetzt werden kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Fokus auf die Untersuchung von Lernstrategien während des Fernstudiums - also im Rahmen des selbstregulierten Lernens - gelegt, um einen Beitrag zur Förderung, Entwicklung und Vermittlung von Selbstregulationskompetenzen der Studierenden zu leisten und dadurch die notwendige Voraussetzung für lebenslanges Lernen zu schaffen. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Umfrage zur Erhebung von Lernstrategien in Hinblick auf Muster selbstregulierten Lernens im Fernstudium untersucht.
- Published
- 2015
5. Improving Learning in Secondary Schools: Conditions for Successful Provision and Uptake of Classroom Assessment Feedback
- Author
Kenneth Ndifor Tangie, Author and Kenneth Ndifor Tangie, Author
- Subjects
- Learning, Learning strategies, Feedback (Psychology)
- Abstract
Improving Learning in Secondary Schools brings together, in a succinct, comprehensive and thought-provoking manner, several dimensions of classroom assessment feedback in one volume. It is based on the principle that students need feedback on their work and conduct at school in order to be able to correct misconceptions and omissions that can render them incapable of making progress and learning in a given subject. The book reports on a doctoral study that examined teachers'feedback practice and its relation to student learning in secondary schools. It presents a critical, fine-grained classification and analysis of positive, neutral and negative feedback categories in teacher talk and writing, which could generate a globally-applicable typology and theory of classroom feedback.For some time now, formative assessment-generated feedback has been widely recommended for classrooms thanks mainly to compelling research-based evidence showing the relative merits of formative assessment types over more traditional summative assessment practices. In this book, it is suggested that the time has come to depart from such arguments because the mere presence of feedback in teacher talk and writing, be it formative or summative, is not enough to support learning. Feedback, like formal and informal instruction and assessment, is not mediated in vacuo; it is a social process taking place in a social setting, conducted by, on, and for social actors. One must also consider the context, especially the linguistic and socio-cultural environment, in which assessment, feedback and learning occur, but which also acts as a barrier and facilitator to successful feedback provision and uptake. This argument should constitute a starting point for reflection, debate and research into the effectiveness for learning of classroom assessment feedback. Therefore, whilst complementing previous work on this subject, this book makes significant additions to a very important aspect of school life. Primary and secondary school teachers, university students, academics and researchers as well as educationists and policy makers in the domain of educational assessment will find in it an inseparable companion and resource tool.
- Published
- 2015
6. Getting to the Common Core: Using Research-based Strategies That Empower Students to Own Their Own Achievement
- Author
Sharon L. Spencer and Sharon L. Spencer
- Subjects
- Academic achievement, Learning strategies, Effective teaching
- Abstract
The Common Core Standards have recently been adopted in most states across the nation and teachers are in the process of getting to the core of these standards. Teaching to standards is not a new concept; teachers have adapted to new standards every few years for quite some time. And teachers are adaptable, as can be seen in this book. We are writing this book to demonstrate how teachers use research-based strategies to meet Common Core Standards while still focusing on students. Our goal is to help teachers visualize students in action as other teachers describe the implementation of research-based strategies in their own classrooms, show student work samples, and provide reflections of student success in achieving the standards. Many Common Core Standards books focus on the standards, but our approach focuses on strategies that engage the students in the classroom--showing how different teachers at varying grade levels have used the strategies to meet the standards. With this focus, we believe that teachers gain a new and positive perspective on approaching the new standards and see the flexibility of strategies for meeting standards across subject areas. We have examined research on the strategies with the purpose of giving teachers a brief description of why these strategies work before giving actual examples from classrooms. We also work closely with teachers in the public schools and have our finger on the pulse of what is happening in the public schools—one of the current stressors being unpacking the Common Core Standards This book actually focuses on practice. We begin by laying out a rationale in our first chapter---The Core Value(s) of Education. Then, each chapter focuses on a strategy, including 1) a brief description about the research supporting each strategy and 2) several examples from different grade levels, which include a description of how the strategy was used, student work samples, and a reflection on the use of the strategy. The research descriptions are fairly short because, while we believe professional educators (aka teachers, in this case) should know the research that supports practice, we know they are not typically interested in long diatribes about the research.
- Published
- 2015
7. Learning As a Generative Activity : Eight Learning Strategies That Promote Understanding
- Author
Logan Fiorella, Richard E. Mayer, Logan Fiorella, and Richard E. Mayer
- Subjects
- Learning strategies, Learning ability, Active learning
- Abstract
During the past twenty-five years, researchers have made impressive advances in pinpointing effective learning strategies (namely, activities the learner engages in during learning that are intended to improve learning). In Learning as a Generative Activity: Eight Learning Strategies that Promote Understanding, Logan Fiorella and Richard E. Mayer share eight evidence-based learning strategies that promote understanding: summarizing, mapping, drawing, imagining, self-testing, self-explaining, teaching, and enacting. Each chapter describes and exemplifies a learning strategy, examines the underlying cognitive theory, evaluates strategy effectiveness by analyzing the latest research, pinpoints boundary conditions, and explores practical implications and future directions. Each learning strategy targets generative learning, in which learners actively make sense out of the material so they can apply their learning to new situations. This concise, accessible introduction to learning strategies will benefit students, researchers, and practitioners in educational psychology, as well as general readers interested in the important twenty-first-century skill of regulating one's own learning.
- Published
- 2015
8. Get out of your chairs: Schüleraktivierung durch ganzheitliches, bewegtes Lernen im Englischunterricht
- Author
Lissy Seibicke and Lissy Seibicke
- Subjects
- English language--Study and teaching--Activity programs, Teaching--Methodology, Effective teaching, Learning strategies
- Abstract
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem immer aktueller werdenden Thema des Blockunterrichts und der damit einhergehenden, sich verändernden Unterrichtsgestaltung und Methodik. Im Blickfeld sind dabei vor allem ganzheitlich-bewegte Unterrichtsmethoden, die hinsichtlich ihrer Möglichkeiten und ihres Nutzens für den Fremdsprachenunterricht untersucht werden. Die empirische Erhebung erfolgt dabei an zwei unterschiedlichen Klassenstufen des Gymnasiums: der 6. und 10. Klasse, um die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der Schüler in den entsprechenden Altersstufen mit zu berücksichtigen.
- Published
- 2014
9. Opbrengstgericht leren, meer dan presteren
- Author
Bram de Muynck, Dick Both, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel (red.), Bram de Muynck, Dick Both, and Elsbeth Visser-Vogel (red.)
- Subjects
- Learning strategies, Active learning
- Abstract
Opbrengstgericht en handelingsgericht werken (OGW en HGW) zijn de afgelopen jaren in hoog tempo doorgevoerd in scholen met als doel de kwaliteit van het onderwijs te verbeteren. Als leraar wil je niet dat deze manieren van werken tot gevolg hebben dat je juist minder goed aan kunt sluiten bij de onderwijs- en zorgbehoeften van je leerlingen. Dit boek laat zien hoe OGW en HGW elkaar positief kunnen beïnvloeden. Dat leidt tot een aanpak die zowel leerlinggerichtheid als een brede vorming bevordert en ook de kwaliteit van onderwijs ten goede komt.Opbrengstgericht leren, meer dan presteren behandelt stap voor stap hoe je als docent je onderwijs kunt verbeteren via een combinatie van OGW en HGW. Door middel van veel praktische voorbeelden en uitleg wordt geïllustreerd hoe je zowel aan de (leer)resultaten als aan een brede ontwikkeling van leerlingen kunt werken. Het boek is als volgt opgebouwd: het eerste hoofdstuk bevat een terreinverkenning en een introductie van een zesfasenmodel voor kwalitatief goed onderwijs. De fasen die bij OGW en HGW worden doorlopen zijn uitgewerkt op respectievelijk groepsniveau (hoofdstuk 2), leerlingniveau (hoofdstuk 3) en niveau van de school (hoofdstuk 4). In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt de lezer uitgedaagd om een eigen visie te ontwikkelen op OGW en HGW.
- Published
- 2013
10. The Canadian Campus Companion : Everything You Need to Know About Going to University and College
- Author
Erin Millar, Ben Coli, Erin Millar, and Ben Coli
- Subjects
- College student orientation--Canada--Handbooks, College students--Canada--Life skills guides, Learning strategies, Universities and colleges--Canada, Inte´gration des nouveaux e´tudiants--Canada--, E´tudiants--Habilete´s de base--Guides, manuel, Strate´gies d'apprentissage, Universite´s--Canada
- Abstract
A comprehensive and honest guide to the Canadian college and university experience, offering down-to-earth advice on everything from choosing your major to surviving residence, from acing exams to partying safely. For most students, university is a first foray into adulthood and can be a time of great personal growth, but it is also a time of difficult decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. The Canadian Campus Companion contains essential information for all prospective students and parents.Choosing a School: How to know what is right for you. (College or university? Urban or small town?)Residence Life: Tips for surviving residence without killing your roommate.Costs and Budgeting: The lowdown on the real cost of getting an undergraduate degree.Beating the Campus Blues: Tips for managing stress and beating homesickness.Jump Start Your Career: How to showcase skills acquired during your university career.Veteran post-secondary education journalist Erin Millar and co-author Ben Coli offer frank advice based on hundreds of interviews with students, professors and other university experts conducted while writing articles for Maclean's, Chatelaine, Reader's Digest and The Globe and Mail to help students avoid these pitfalls while maximizing opportunities for fun, learning and career advancement.
- Published
- 2011
11. The Active Classroom : Practical Strategies for Involving Students in the Learning Process
- Author
Nash, Ron and Nash, Ron
- Subjects
- Active learning, Learning strategies
- Abstract
Promote learning that is purposeful, engaging, reflective, and fun for everyone! Experience and research show that students must be active participants in the learning process if teachers want the classroom experience to result in deeper understanding and the building of new knowledge. This resource shows how to turn passive students into enthusiastic participants in their own learning. The author illustrates how teachers can become facilitators who: Establish an interactive and safe environment for learning Nurture discussion and interdependent learning Manage movement in the classroom Teach to all learning modalities Incorporate music, visuals, storytelling, and technology
- Published
- 2009
12. 一生モノの勉強法
- Author
鎌田 浩毅 and 鎌田 浩毅
- Subjects
- Learning strategies, Study skills
- Abstract
アウトプット優先、逆算して成果を上げる道筋と方法で実行。これが鎌田流理系的勉強法だ! これで、社会人は仕事で能力を最大限に発揮でき、ライバルと差がつくこと、間違いなし。
- Published
- 2009
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