642 results
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202. Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit im Kontext des Salafismus : Soziale Arbeit und Radikalisierungsprävention
- Author
David Yuzva Clement and David Yuzva Clement
- Subjects
- Education, Social sciences, Islam
- Abstract
David Yuzva Clement untersucht das Handeln pädagogischer Fachkräfte in der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in der Auseinandersetzung mit Radikalisierungsprozessen Jugendlicher zum Salafismus. Der Autor weist nach, dass ein Verstehen von Gründen und Kontexten von Radikalisierungsprozessen durch Essentialisierungen verhindert und Jugendlichen die objektivierte Position „des Anderen“ zugeschrieben wird. Hingegen führen verstehensorientierte Beobachtungs- und Handlungsformen zu unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Anschlussmöglichkeiten und schaffen die Voraussetzung, Differenzkonstruktionen zu hinterfragen. Dieses Buch liefert wesentliche Empfehlungen für die pädagogische Praxis sowie für Fort- und Weiterbildungen.
- Published
- 2020
203. The Coevolution of Language, Teaching, and Civil Discourse Among Humans : Our Family Business
- Author
Donald M. Morrison and Donald M. Morrison
- Subjects
- Education, Language acquisition, Evolution (Biology), Cognitive psychology, Pragmatics, Developmental psychology
- Abstract
This book traces the evolutionary trajectory of language and teaching from the earliest periods of human evolution to the present day. The author argues that teaching is unique to humans and our ancestors, and that the evolution of teaching, language, and culture are the inextricably linked results of gene-culture coevolutionary processes. Drawing on related fields including archaeology, palaeontology, cultural anthropology, evolutionary psychology and linguistics, he makes the case that the need for joint attention and shared goals in complex adaptive strategies is the underlying driver for the evolution of language-like communication. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of these disciplines, as well as lay readers with an interest in human origins.
- Published
- 2020
204. Schüler*innen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Schulleistungserhebungen : Einblicke und Entwicklungen
- Author
Cornelia Gresch, Poldi Kuhl, Michael Grosche, Christine Sälzer, Petra Stanat, Cornelia Gresch, Poldi Kuhl, Michael Grosche, Christine Sälzer, and Petra Stanat
- Subjects
- Education, Social sciences
- Abstract
Dieser Band bringt Beiträge zusammen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen fachlichen Perspektiven mit der Einbeziehung von Schüler•innen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Schulleistungserhebungen beschäftigen. Hierbei werden insbesondere Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen standardisierten Erhebungsverfahren und individualisierten Herangehensweisen reflektiert und Empfehlungen zur Qualitätssicherung in zukünftigen Studien abgeleitet.Der InhaltKonzeptionelle Aspekte der Diagnose von sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf • Herausforderungen bei der Sicherstellung internationaler Anschlussfähigkeit von Forschung zur Situation von Schüler•innen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Deutschland • Methodische Aspekte der Einbeziehung von Schüler•innen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Schulleistungserhebungen • Erkenntnisse zu ausgewählten Bedingungen und Erträgen schulischer InklusionDie Herausgeber•innenDr. Cornelia Gresch ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Co-Leiterin des Projekts „INSIDE- Inklusion in der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland” am Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB) an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Dr. Poldi Kuhl ist Juniorprofessorin für Bildungswissenschaft an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.Dr. Michael Grosche ist Professor für Rehabilitationswissenschaften mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Lernen am Institut für Bildungsforschung an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.Dr. Christine Sälzer ist Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Stuttgart.Dr. Petra Stanat ist wissenschaftlicher Vorstand des Instituts zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB) an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Professorin an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- Published
- 2020
205. Envisioning Education in a Post-Work Leisure-Based Society : A Dialogical Approach
- Author
Eugene Matusov and Eugene Matusov
- Subjects
- Education—Philosophy, Education, Educational sociology, Artificial intelligence, Career education
- Abstract
This book is both an analytic and imaginative study of the future role of education in a leisure-based society. Grounded in a philosophical approach that draws on the work of Aristotle, Arendt, Keynes, and others, the volume deconstructs modern work-based society, as well as mainstream institutionalized education, which the author argues have systemically alienated students from their education, authorial agency, and society itself. The author argues for the value of intrinsic education, where the goals are based on students'own needs and interests, imagining new opportunities that can arise from the emergence of such a society.
- Published
- 2020
206. Materialitäten der Kindheit : Körper – Dinge – Räume
- Author
Sabine Bollig, Lars Alberth, Larissa Schindler, Sabine Bollig, Lars Alberth, and Larissa Schindler
- Subjects
- Sociology, Social groups, Educational sociology, Education, Human body—Social aspects
- Abstract
Der Band fasst aktuelle Theorieperspektiven und Forschungsbefunde zur Bedeutung von Körpern, Objekten und Räumen in der interdisziplinären Kindheitsforschung zusammen. Es wird gezeigt, in welchem Maße diese Materialitäten daran mitwirken, dass sich bestimmte gesellschaftliche Kindheitsmuster und -erfahrungen ausbilden und wie material die Positionierungs- und Subjektivierungsprozesse von Kindern als Kinder gedacht werden müssen.
- Published
- 2020
207. Lob der Vorlesung : Vorschläge zur Verständigung über Form, Funktion und Ziele universitärer Lehre
- Author
Rudolf Egger, Balthasar Eugster, Rudolf Egger, and Balthasar Eugster
- Subjects
- Education, Higher, Education, Study Skills, Teachers—Training of
- Abstract
Das Buch klärt, wie eine hochschul- und wissenschaftsdidaktisch schlüssige Verbindung von Lehren und Lernen, Lehr- und Lernhandlungen aussehen sollte, und welche Rolle die Vorlesung in ihren verschiedenen Ausprägungen hierbei spielen kann. Die aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträge versuchen dabei – in einer dezidierten Gegenbewegung zu technokratischen, aktivistischen und postulatorischen Ansätzen der Hochschuldidaktik – die derzeit dominierenden Spannungsverhältnisse in diesem Bereich aufzugreifen, zu untersuchen und begrifflich wie empirisch gehaltvoll auszuleuchten. Es wird der Blick daraufhin geschärft, wie im Format „Vorlesung“ das Lehren einen zentralen Stellenwert erhält und in seiner Beziehung zum Lernen akzentuiert werden kann, ohne die Parolen eines „shift from teaching to learning“ unhinterfragt aufzunehmen.
- Published
- 2020
208. Grundlagen der Hochschullehre : Teaching in Higher Education
- Author
Sandra Hummel and Sandra Hummel
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Education, Higher, Education
- Abstract
Der Band widmet sich grundlegenden Themenbereichen der Hochschullehre. Dabei sind die Schwerpunkte so gewählt, dass sie in hochschuldidaktisches Basiswissen theoriebasiert und praxisorientiert einführen, Anwendungsbezüge herstellen und Handlungsempfehlungen für den Einsatz in der Lehre geben. Möglichkeiten studierendenorientierter Gestaltung von Lehr-Lernszenarien und die Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Lehrkompetenz stehen dabei im Vordergrund.
- Published
- 2020
209. Berufsbegleitend promovieren in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften : Ein Leitfaden für Berufstätige
- Author
Dennis Kaiser and Dennis Kaiser
- Subjects
- Business, Management science, Education, Personnel management, Education—Economic aspects
- Abstract
Berufsbegleitende Promotion – Modelle, Vorgehensweise und viele praktische Tipps Dieses Fachbuch gibt (angehenden) berufsbegleitend Promovierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften einen umfassenden Überblick über das berufsbegleitende Promovieren. Viele junge Berufstätige spielen mit dem Gedanken einer berufsbegleitenden Promotion; gleichzeitig gibt es jedoch kaum Informationenüber den Ablauf, Inhalt oder die Ausgestaltung einer solchen. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie daher u.a. anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele, wie eine berufsbegleitende Promotion geplant, organisiert und durchgeführt werden kann.Anders als herkömmliche Bücher zur Promotion wird in diesem Buch der Ablauf einer Promotion – von der Ideenfindung bis zur Abgabe – aus der berufsbegleitenden Sicht dargestellt. Dabei werden mögliche Modelle der berufsbegleitenden Promotion vorgestellt und mit anderen Formen der Promotion in Kontext gesetzt. Praktische Informationen und zahlreiche Tipps rund um das Exposé, Best Practices in der Organisation zwischen Unternehmen und Lehrstuhl und ein Selbsttest bieten Interessierten und berufsbegleitend Promovierenden im Verlauf der Promotion Halt und Orientierung. Abschließend widmet sich der Autor der Sicht der Unternehmen und erläutert, warum es sinnvoll sein kann, berufsbegleitende Promotionen anzubieten und zu fördern.Erfahren Sie mehr zu diesen Inhalten: Promovieren und PromotionsartenDie Modelle der berufsbegleitenden PromotionAblauf einer Promotion – von der Ideenfindung bis zur AbgabeNach der Promotion –Berufsmöglichkeiten und GehaltBerufsbegleitende Promotionen aus UnternehmenssichtDas Buch richtet sich an Young Professionals und angehende Masterabsolvierende, die sich für eine berufsbegleitende Promotion in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften interessieren, sowie an Führungskräfte im Management und Personalwesen.
- Published
- 2020
210. Die Rede von Bildung : Tradition, Praxis, Geltung - Beobachtungen aus der Distanz
- Author
Heinz-Elmar Tenorth and Heinz-Elmar Tenorth
- Subjects
- Philosophy and social sciences, Philosophy, Education
- Abstract
Bildung gehört zu den zentralen Begriffen der öffentlichen Debatte über die wünschenswerten Zukünfte von Individuen und Gesellschaft, über die Praxis des Bildungswesens und über Chancengleichheit und Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Gleichzeitig ist der Begriff mit Erwartungen überlastet und seine theoretische Qualität bestenfalls ungeklärt. Zur Prüfung von Status, Funktion und Geltung des Begriffs rekonstruiert der Band zunächst (I) die Tradition des Bildungsdenkens und die seither argumentativ verengte Praxis der Rede von Bildung. Gegen die Dominanz von Emphase, Skepsis und Kritik wird dann (II) demonstriert, dass und wie Bildung im Lebenslauf und im Bildungssystem möglich wird. Abschließend (III) wird kritisch geprüft, ob sich die Rede von Bildung auch als Bildungstheorie ausweisen kann. Redeform und Lebensform von Bildung haben, so das Fazit, zwar lebensweltliche, aber keine theoretische Geltung.
- Published
- 2020
211. Bildungssprachliche Anregungsqualität im Fachunterricht : Videoanalysen zur sprachlich-kognitiven Aktivierung durch Lehrkraftfragen
- Author
Magdalena Schulte and Magdalena Schulte
- Subjects
- Applied linguistics, Education
- Abstract
In diesem Buch arbeitet Magdalena Schulte heraus, wie bedeutsam die sprachliche Teilhabe von Lernenden am Fachunterricht ist. Für das Gelingen von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen kommt der Sprachförderkompetenz von Lehrkräften eine Schlüsselposition zu. Die Studie untersucht die bildungssprachliche Anregungsqualität des Lehrkrafthandelns im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe. Dabei werden Klassenführung, Redebeitragsdauern sowie die sprachlich-kognitive Anregungsqualität von Lehrkraftfragen analysiert. Ebenfalls wird die schülerseitige Nutzung in den Mittelpunkt gerückt. Darüber hinaus werden didaktische Konsequenzen für die Gestaltung bildungssprachlich anregender Unterrichtsgespräche aufgezeigt.
- Published
- 2020
212. Die Wirkungsdebatte in der Quartiersarbeit
- Author
Monika Burmester, Jan Friedemann, Stephanie Catharina Funk, Sabine Kühnert, Dieter Zisenis, Monika Burmester, Jan Friedemann, Stephanie Catharina Funk, Sabine Kühnert, and Dieter Zisenis
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Education, Social service
- Abstract
Die Praxis Sozialer Arbeit muss sich mit der Forderung nach Wirkungsnachweisen sozialer Interventionen im Allgemeinen und spezifisch auch im Kontext von Quartiersentwicklung auseinandersetzen. Anknüpfend an den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zu Wirkungen in der Sozialen Arbeit, die Auseinandersetzung mit wirkungsorientierten Steuerungsmodellen auf kommunaler Ebene und den zunehmenden Anforderungen im Kontext jüngerer Gesetzgebungen stellen die Autorinnen und Autoren eine kritische Diskussion zu Wirkung und Wirkungsorientierung in der Sozialen Arbeit vor. Mehrere Beiträge befassen sich zudem mit der Erfassung monetärer Zusatznutzen von Quartiersentwicklung.
- Published
- 2020
213. A iniciação à docência na educação básica: dilemas, desafios e aprendizagens profissionais
- Author
José Ângelo Gariglio, Janilse Fernandes Nunes, Carlos Marcelo García, Cristina Mayor Ruiz, José Ângelo Gariglio, Janilse Fernandes Nunes, Carlos Marcelo García, and Cristina Mayor Ruiz
- Subjects
- Teachers--Training of, Education
- Abstract
Este livro possibilitará aos leitores o acesso a um conjunto amplo e diverso de estudos, reflexões e relatos de experiências que tem a iniciação à docência na educação básica como objeto central de análise. Ele organiza e disponibiliza dezenas de artigos, de autores nacionais e internacionais, que descrevem e analisam os dilemas e desafios profissionais vividos por professores iniciantes da educação infantil, do ensino fundamental e médio. Portanto, leitura de grande utilidade aos pesquisadores do campo da formação de professores, aos gestores educacionais, bem como aos professores da educação básica que vivem o cotidiano concreto da inserção profissional nos sistemas de ensino público e privado.
- Published
- 2020
214. Forschendes Lernen : Theorie, Empirie, Praxis
- Author
Carmen Wulf, Susanne Haberstroh, Maren Petersen, Carmen Wulf, Susanne Haberstroh, and Maren Petersen
- Subjects
- Research, Education, Education, Higher
- Abstract
Dieses Open Access Buch zeigt, dass Forschendes Lernen ein zentrales Schlagwort in der Bildungsdebatte der letzten Jahre ist. Mit diesem didaktischen Format steht im Fokus des Lernens nicht mehr die Reproduktion von Wissen, sondern die aktive Konstruktion und Reflexion in einem kollaborativen Prozess und damit die direkte Teilnahme am wissenschaftlichen Prozess. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Sammelbands geben eine Übersicht über die theoretische Fundierung und Formen der strukturellen Verankerung des Forschenden Lernens, über aktuelle empirische Befunde, über Praxisbeispiele aus einer Vielzahl von Fächern und über Möglichkeiten, studentische Forschungsergebnisse der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.
- Published
- 2020
215. Typisierung des Verständnisses mentaler Modelle mittels empirischer Datenerhebung am Beispiel der Quantenphysik
- Author
Malte Ubben and Malte Ubben
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Verständnisprozesse sind zentraler Teil des Lernens und der Bildung. Beim Erlernen von Quantenphysik sind diese Prozesse jedoch oft durch klassische Vorstellungen blockiert. Zur genaueren Erörterung dieser Problematik wird eine Studie vorgestellt, die klassische und quantenphysikalische mentale Modelle von Lernenden erhebt und zu dem allgemeinen Modellverständnis in Beziehung setzt. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte per Onlinefragebogen und deckt eine breite Probandengruppe ab, zu der neben Lernenden verschiedener Schul- und Hochschulformen auch Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sowie viele andere Berufsgruppen gehören. Die empirischen Daten weisen darauf hin, dass die jeweilige Gestalt und Funktionalität der mentalen Modelle unabhängig voneinander in Bezug auf ihre Realitätstreue interpretiert werden. Aus dieser Beschreibung werden vier Verständnistypen mentaler Modelle abgeleitet und in die derzeitige naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Erkenntnislage eingeordnet.
- Published
- 2020
216. Zum Frühstück gibt's Apps : Mehr Durchblick in der digitalen Welt
- Author
Gerald Lembke, Ingo Leipner, Gerald Lembke, and Ingo Leipner
- Subjects
- Computer science, Psychology, Education, Computers and civilization
- Abstract
Warum wir schon beim Frühstück Apps anstarren … Smartphone und Smart Home: Technik schaltet immer mehr unser Denken ab, weil wir ein bequemes Leben voller Spaß vorziehen. Dafür zahlen wir einen hohen Preis: Verlernen wir durch Lernprogramme das Lernen? Manipuliert uns Facebook, indem es unserer Eitelkeit schmeichelt? Gibt es Schutz vor Shitstorms und Cybermobbing? Wird Technik zum Heilsversprechen? Und das bereits beim Frühstück? Genau diese unbequemen Fragen stellt Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps, um mehr Durchblick in der digitalen Welt zu schaffen. Das Buch liefert praktische Tipps, wie Sie digitale Medien bewusst einsetzen. Geschichten aus dem Alltag illustrieren, wo Fallen im Netz lauern und wie Sie ihnen ausweichen. So schaffen Sie Raum für echte Kommunikation zwischen Menschen – und landen nicht in jeder Marketingfalle der IT-Industrie. Handfeste Informationen in unterhaltsamer Form: Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps schärft den Blick! Humorvoll, mit analytischer Tiefe!
- Published
- 2020
217. Bildungsorientierungen : Theoretische Reflexionen und empirische Erkundungen
- Author
Michael Hermes, Miriam Lotze, Michael Hermes, and Miriam Lotze
- Subjects
- Sociology, Social groups, Education, Early childhood education
- Abstract
Aus der Perspektive qualitativ rekonstruktiver Forschung versammelt das Herausgeberwerk Beiträge zur Verortung von Bildungsorientierungen in Theorie und Empirie. Es entfalten sich unterschiedliche Facetten von Bildungsorientierungen. Schwerpunktsetzungen der Beiträge erfolgen u. a. mit Blick auf Bildungsinstitutionen und Familien sowie der Übergangs- und Ungleichheitsforschung. In der Gesamtschau der Beiträge wird die Heterogenität von Bildungsorientierungen auch in ihrer Relevanz für eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung herausgearbeitet, die Bildungsprozesse – verortet in Lebensverläufen – zwischen Lebenswelt(en) und Institution(en) ergründet.
- Published
- 2020
218. Unterstützung – Kooperation – Kontrolle : Zum Verhältnis von Schulaufsicht und Schulleitung in der Schulentwicklung
- Author
Esther Dominique Klein, Nina Bremm, Esther Dominique Klein, and Nina Bremm
- Subjects
- Social sciences, School management and organization, School administration, Education
- Abstract
Der Herausgeberband bietet einen Überblick zum Status Quo und jüngeren Entwicklungen der Zusammenarbeit von Schulleitungen und Schulaufsicht im Rahmen von Schulentwicklungsprozessen. Die Beiträge erörtern das Verhältnis zwischen Schulleitung und Schulaufsicht aus historischer, theoretischer und rechtlicher Perspektive, veranschaulichen es mit empirischen Befunden und eröffnen auf dieser Basis einerseits Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Praxis, zeigen andererseits aber auch Desiderata für Theorie und empirische Forschung auf.Der Inhalt•Rechtliche Perspektiven auf Schulaufsicht•Theorien und Bezugsdisziplinen•Erhöhte Eigenverantwortlichkeit von Schulen•Schulleitung und Schulaufsicht zwischen Kontrolle und Unterstützung•Kooperation und Beratung in Entwicklungsprozessen•Diskussion und Einordung aus bildungswissenschaftlicher und bildungsadministrativer PerspektiveDie HerausgeberinnenDr. Esther Dominique Klein ist akademische Rätin a.Z. an der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen.Dr. Nina Bremm ist Professorin für Schulentwicklung in der Abteilung für Weiterbildung und Beratung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich.
- Published
- 2020
219. Education in Out-of-Home Care : International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Research
- Author
Patricia McNamara, Carme Montserrat, Sarah Wise, Patricia McNamara, Carme Montserrat, and Sarah Wise
- Subjects
- Social work with children, Education
- Abstract
This book draws together for the first time some of the most important international policy practice and research relating to education in out-of-home care. It addresses the knowledge gap around how good learning experiences can enrich and add enjoyment to the lives of children and young people as they grow and develop. Through its ecological-development lens it focuses sharply on the experience of learning from early childhood to tertiary education. It offers empirical insights and best practices examples of learning and caregiving contexts with children and young people in formal learning settings, at home and in the community. This book is highly relevant for education and training programs in pedagogy, psychology, social work, youth work, residential care, foster care and kinship care along with early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education courses.
- Published
- 2019
220. Progress in Education. Volume 58
- Author
Roberta V. Nata and Roberta V. Nata
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
In this compilation, the authors present the results of a research project that investigates how understanding the relationship between culture, employment and education can help Tanzania's young people to secure jobs, survive in the creative workforce and have a prosperous future. The authors define “situation specificity”, showing that the previous discussions have been overly simplistic. It is suggested that situation specificity is important in at least three ways: practice and theory-practice transfer, methodological issues including generalization and biases, and dispositions as goals of educational intervention. Next, it is proposed that an ethnomathematics curriculum helps students to demonstrate effective mathematical processes as they reason, solve problems, communicate ideas, choose appropriate representations through the development of mathematical practices, and recognize its connections with STEM disciplines. The authors'work, in relation to STEM, is based on the Trivium Curriculum for Mathematics and Ethnomodelling, which provides communicative, analytical, and technological tools as well as the development of emic, etic, and dialogic approaches that are necessary for the development of the school curricula. The penultimate chapter provides an overview of the role of higher education institutions in graduates'entrepreneurship knowledge acquisition in Tanzania. Unemployment problems faced by recent graduates in the country are highlighted and linked to the diffusion of entrepreneurship into non-business academic programs. In the closing chapter, the authors argue the need for a paradigm shift from the current domain focused curriculum (or semi-functional curriculum) to one that is really functional for acquiring of relevant knowledge and skills. Education should take place within authentic contextual learning environments, where complexity may be unpacked gradually through continuous exposure and habituation of expected responses.
- Published
- 2019
221. Transmedia Knowledge for Liberal Arts and Community Engagement : A StudioLab Manifesto
- Author
Jon McKenzie and Jon McKenzie
- Subjects
- Computer science, Theater, Communication, Educational technology, Education
- Abstract
This book sets forth a pedagogy for renewing the liberal arts by combining critical thinking, media activism, and design thinking. Using the StudioLab approach, the author seeks to democratize the social and technical practices of digital culture just as nineteenth century education sought to democratize literacy. This production of transmedia knowledge—from texts and videos to comics and installations—moves students between seminar, studio, lab, and field activities. The book also wrestles with the figure of Plato and the very medium of knowledge to re-envision higher education in contemporary societies, issuing a call for community engagement as a form of collective thought-action.
- Published
- 2019
222. Progress in Education. Volume 59
- Author
Roberta V. Nata and Roberta V. Nata
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, School improvement programs
- Abstract
The purpose of the opening chapter is to highlight the significance of ensuring effective classroom management and learner discipline practices by teachers in schools. Lack of classroom management and learner discipline practices presents a global challenge. The authors in the following chapter reflect on their experiences of using action learning in academic development initiatives, and draw on various others'accounts in order to explore the potential and the challenges of this particular approach to continuing professional learning in the higher education context. The authors go on to discuss how poverty experienced in childhood is not without consequences for both the current and future educational, professional and social functioning of the young generation, generating an extremely difficult transition of a young person into adult life. Following this, an attempt is made to provide useful insights and contribute to sketching a student's profile within multicultural contexts, based on the teachers'views. It is aimed at identifying teachers'views on intercultural attitudes and intercultural communicative and cooperative skills that a student has to develop, in order to cooperate and interact effectively in a multilingual context. In the next chapter, the authors present an analysis of the transformation process which the system of education in Slovakia has undergone during the period of the last three decades, and present the results of research aimed at a school leader's competence profile. One study analyzes official documents and interviews of authorities and former teachers in the Italian Immigration Region in Southern Brazil, focusing on the period of the Nationalization Campaign of the Vargas Government (1937-1945), when teaching in Portuguese became mandatory. The main objectives of the penultimate chapter are twofold: (1) to discuss the design, implementation, and outcomes of an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (xREU) summer program in a four-year private university located in the northeast of US; and (2) to provide practical recommendations for educators and researchers for designing experiential learning opportunities in STEM areas. The closing chapter evaluates recent research that has explored the nature of the theoretical concept of optimal functioning, which emphasizes the importance of personal resolute, inner strength, and the maximization of a person's development, whether it is mental, cognitive, social, or physical. In the context of academia, the study of optimal functioning places emphasis on a student's effort expenditure, positive outlook, and determination to strive for educational success.
- Published
- 2019
223. Forschungsnahes Lehren und Lernen in der Lehrer*innenbildung : Forschungsmethodische Zugaenge und Modelle zur Umsetzung
- Author
Mandy Schiefner-Rohs, Gianpiero Favella, Anna-Christin Herrmann, Mandy Schiefner-Rohs, Gianpiero Favella, and Anna-Christin Herrmann
- Subjects
- Teachers--Training of, Education
- Abstract
Das Thema des forschungsnahen Lehrens und Lernens ist vor allem durch bildungspolitische Notwendigkeiten der letzten Jahre stärker in den Blick der Hochschulpraxis geraten. Die Lehrer•innenbildung kann diesbezüglich jedoch auf eine lange Tradition zurückschauen. Dieser Herausgeberband möchte die Themenbereiche schulpädagogische Forschungsperspektive und hochschuldidaktische Umsetzungsformen verbinden und richtet sich an Lehrende und Forschende in der Lehrer•innenbildung. Die Publikation unternimmt den Versuch, ebenso Forschungszugänge wie auch hochschuldidaktische Konstruktionen des forschenden Lernens vorzustellen und problemorientiert einzuordnen. Außerdem werden konzeptionelle Entwicklungslinien und fachdidaktische Zugänge abgesteckt. Dabei kommen nationale wie auch internationale Stimmen zu Wort.
- Published
- 2019
224. Progress in Education. Volume 56
- Author
Roberta V. Nata and Roberta V. Nata
- Subjects
- Educational change, Education, Education--Research, School improvement programs
- Abstract
In the opening chapter of Progress in Education. Volume 56, the authors set out to stimulate thought on teaching practices, also on how these can be innovated by using (but not only) current technologies, and on the conditions necessary for their effective delivering. Some general features useful for teaching and learning processes are outlined. One of the important findings this collection emphasizes is the significance of student teachers being challenged to acquire the skills of goal setting and reflection through the promotion of self-regulatory practices. These practices include setting proximal goals and adopting appropriate strategies. One included study aims to establish the role played by members of the school management team in curricula execution and administration, exposing that members have diverse interpretations about their functions as administrators of the curriculum. In another study, the authors show that a high proportion of teachers in Norway have an effect on the development of a health promoting curriculum and students'social environment, as well as on the relationship between teachers and students. The authors go on to explore whether important differences exist between males and females in elementary school level in terms of their beliefs. Participants were 2,263 elementary aged students from New Zealand. Next, this compilation reveals the potential of socio-educational design in the spiritual and moral formation of future teachers. This socio-cultural design includes four areas: diagnostic, educational, correctional and developmental, psychological counseling. It shows the necessity of using the traditions of Orthodox culture and pedagogy in preparing students. The results of a body location map constructed by Finnish researcher Nummenmaa are analyzed according to the theory of chaos and thermodynamics. The behaviors displayed by the experimental group used to construct this map were transformed into a time series that contain the learning dynamics: weak, medium and chaotic. This chapter provides a context for better understanding technology integration in literacy instruction by examining those programs and strategies that have yielded the greatest results for elementary teachers. An examination of the potential shortcomings and issues is also provided as a way to help teachers navigate some of the potential pitfalls to ensure all critical classroom elements or factors receive attention during the integration process. Following this, the synthesis of research in the education of care for the architectural preservation of the Slovenian countryside, both by pupils and in-service teachers of fine art education, is presented. Some proposals for the application of research findings and insights for further research are suggested. Drawing on the author's ethnographic research, the subsequent chapter considers issues of race and inclusion within the creative culture of the live and recorded arts training industry in the United Kingdom, and asking whether higher education institutions and drama Conservatoires perpetuate the racialisation of actor training. The closing study focuses on the author's pedagogic journey of decolonising the creative arts curriculum across a fifteen-year teaching career in the English further and higher education sectors. Drawing on practice-based examples of decolonising teaching, the author considers the dynamics of decolonisation processes in white liberal teaching spaces.
- Published
- 2019
225. Progress in Education. Volume 55
- Author
Nata, Roberta V. and Nata, Roberta V.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change, Education--Research
- Abstract
Progress in Education. Volume 55 opens with an examination of current issues in education that may impede progress in the field. A variety of external threats are analyzed, including k-12 and university funding and ideological threats in the form of political forces that may attempt to dictate k-12 curriculum. The research underpinning the following chapter is derived from the authors'personal involvement as teacher-educators in leading a Collaborative Action Research project in a New Zealand suburban Christian school. The overarching research question was, “How might the Collaborative Action Research process affect teachers'professional practice and student learning?” The authors explore the concept of optimal best practice situated within the context of secondary school mathematics learning. In particular, they provide a complex methodological conceptualization for the understanding of optimal best practice, which takes into account cognitive load imposition. As new computer and web-based tools present an opportunity to motivate students and improve educational guidance services, this collection describes an online guidance project for secondary school students. The results of this project seem promising for improving the quality of guidance and students'decision-making processes regarding their academic futures. The relationship between individuals'possession of cultural capital and their musical preferences has been extensively examined in Western society; however, little attention has been given to it in contemporary Chinese contexts. As such, the next study focuses on junior secondary school students'preferred musical listening styles, and their perception of how their cultural capital has shaped their musical preferences in contemporary Hong Kong society. Many contemporary classrooms are currently designed to be flexible and open. Such designs reflect those that were trialed in classrooms during the mid-1960s to the late 70s when the open plan classroom became popular. The authors explore this initial open plan movement in the 60s and 70s, investigating some of the changes that influence classrooms today. Following this, the authors illustrate how element interactivity gives rise to different types of cognitive load (intrinsic, extraneous, and germane) when middle school students solve a complex science problem. Analyzing learning tasks in terms of element interactivity assesses their suitability for targeted students, thus lowering the chances of cognitive overload. The final chapter is directed at scholars thinking of undertaking a research project, particularly at post-graduate level, and discusses the concepts of objectivity and subjectivity in educational research. The authors suggest that true objectivity is challenging due to researchers'familiarity with the subject matter, however research may still be valid providing researchers accept and acknowledge that this plays its part in their interpretation of the findings.
- Published
- 2019
226. Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning
- Author
Yu (Aimee) Zhang, Dean Cristol, Yu (Aimee) Zhang, and Dean Cristol
- Subjects
- Education, Education, Higher
- Abstract
Mobile technologies have been used in higher education for many years. They provide good solutions for teaching and learning and make learning available anywhere and anytime. This handbook is a fully revised and expanded edition of the original 2015 Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning includes seven sections: design, development, adoption, collaboration, evaluation and the future of mobile teaching and learning technology in higher education as well as an entirely new section on VR, AR and wearable technologies in education. It includes different projects and practices in higher education across different countries. The book provides in-depth background information and cases studies in high technology teaching and learning and future expectations for new technology in higher education. The variety of projects and programs running in different countries helps boost innovation and discussion in future projects and practices. It also provides guidelines for future design and development of mobile applications for higher education.
- Published
- 2019
227. The Humanistic Teachings Of Earl S. Johnson
- Author
Earl S. Johnson, John D Haas, Earl S. Johnson, and John D Haas
- Subjects
- Social sciences--Study and teaching, Education, Humanities
- Abstract
Earl S. Johnson has dedicated his life to enriching the lives of his students, to enhancing global humanism, to perfecting democracy as both government and way of life, and to improving civic education. As a person and an educator he has promoted the moral life in the moral community. This collection of Professor Johnson's work–reflections on humanism, democracy, and general and social science education–offers insights that will be valuable not only to educators but also to anyone concerned with the qualities of citizenship in a free society.
- Published
- 2019
228. The Nexus Among Place, Conflict and Communication in a Globalising World
- Author
Pauline Collins, Victor Igreja, Patrick Alan Danaher, Pauline Collins, Victor Igreja, and Patrick Alan Danaher
- Subjects
- Human geography, Political sociology, Peace, Communication in politics, Education
- Abstract
The world abounds with conflicts and the associated communication practices and technologies that perpetuate and contest conflict as it occurs in place. All conflicts are crucially connected with place, and all conflicts are communicated in multiple ways. This book explores the complex nexus among place, conflict and communication and brings together 11 investigations around the interplay of place, conflict and communication. The interdisciplinary focus includes education, history, international relations, law and sociology. The chapters are geographically diverse, traversing Aceh in Indonesia, Australia, England, Finland, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The book highlights the possibilities for reimagining the future so that more democratic and peaceful understandings of place can lead to fewer conflicts and less conflict-based communication. Better futures are possible only if place is replotted, conflict is reconceptualised and communication is recontextualised from new, varied and more inclusive perspectives with a vision to creating a more harmonious world.
- Published
- 2019
229. Zur Sache, Experten! : Sachbuch schreiben und vermarkten Eine 10-Schritte-Anleitung
- Author
Daniela Pucher and Daniela Pucher
- Subjects
- Medical sciences, Psychology, Life sciences, Economics, Education
- Abstract
Was unterscheidet erfolgreiche Speaker, Beraterinnen, Coachs, Therapeutinnen oder andere Spezialisten von weniger erfolgreichen? Sie haben ein Sach- oder Fachbuch geschrieben. Ein Buch ist die wohl edelste aller Visitenkarten für Experten und Wissende. Und heute, in Zeiten des Content-Marketing, lässt es sich auch noch gekonnt in die Kommunikations- und Marketingstrategie einfügen.Damit dies gelingt, braucht es im Wesentlichen zweierlei: Das Buch muss professionell geschrieben und publiziert werden und es muss die Expertise des Autors inhaltlich und persönlich repräsentieren, um als Marketinginstrument perfekt einsetzbar zu sein.Wie Sie das bewerkstelligen?Lesen Sie dieses Buch. Mit vielen launigen Geschichten aus der langjährigen Erfahrung als Autorenberaterin und Ghostwriterin gibt Daniela Pucher Einblick hinter die Kulissen des Buchkonzipierens, -schreibens und -vermarktens. Mit Hilfe ihrer 10-Schritte-Anleitung haben Sie am Ende ein erfolgreiches Buch in Händen, das bestmöglichen Absatz verspricht. Für all jene gedacht, die ihren Bekanntheitsgrad erhöhen, neue Kunden gewinnen oder sich als Experte einen Namen machen möchten.
- Published
- 2019
230. Das akademische Selbstkonzept angehender Physiklehrkräfte als Teil ihrer professionellen Identität : Dimensionalität und Veränderung während einer zentralen Praxisphase
- Author
Markus Elsholz and Markus Elsholz
- Subjects
- Education, Physics--Study and teaching
- Abstract
Aktuelle Rahmenmodelle bilden den Prozess der Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften als ein sich zeitlich entwickelndes Zusammenspiel von fachlichen und persönlichen Dispositionen sowie situationsspezifischem professionellen Handeln ab. Dabei geht eine zunehmende Berücksichtigung der Lehrer•innenpersönlichkeit, insbesondere des professionellen Selbstverständnisses, einher. Professionalisierung und Identitätsentwicklung werden als gekoppelte Prozesse verstanden, Identität bildet somit sowohl einen persönlichen Faktor als auch eine Prozessvariable der Lehrer•innenbildung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das akademische Selbstkonzept als eine Grundlage der professionellen Identität von Lehrkräften verstanden. Mit der Methodik der latenten Modellierung werden Hypothesen zur domänenspezifischen Struktur sowie zur Veränderung des akademischen Selbstkonzepts angehender Physiklehrkräfte während einer zentralen Praxisphase des Studiums untersucht. Es lassen sich empirisch drei trennbare Facetten des akademischen Selbstkonzepts nachweisen, welche mit den inhaltlichen Domänen des Lehramtsstudiums korrespondieren. Das Geschlecht der Studierenden beeinflusst den Zusammenhang zwischen bisheriger Praxiserfahrung und Selbstkonzeptentwicklung während der untersuchten Praxisphase. Die vorliegende Arbeit trägt dazu bei, die überwiegend qualitativen Analysen von Identitätsprozessen bei Studierenden durch den Einsatz eines theoretisch fundierten und klar umrissenen Konstrukts um eine quantitative Perspektive zu ergänzen.
- Published
- 2019
231. Zur Anwendung der generativen Transformationsgrammatik im Englischunterricht an deutschen Schulen
- Author
Hans Petersen and Hans Petersen
- Subjects
- Education
- Published
- 2019
232. Intervention éducative et médiation(s) : Contextes insulaires, cultures diverses, explorations plurielles
- Author
Nathalie Wallian and Nathalie Wallian
- Subjects
- Education, Mediation, Conflict management
- Abstract
En éducation et en formation, la dialectique entre enseignement et apprentissage implique une rencontre entre des acteurs aux univers symboliques et aux mondes culturels hétérogènes. Les transformations, fruits de ces interactions, reposent sur une (re)médiation active des savoirs, mais elles questionnent également le poids des contingences et des contextes, qu'ils soient locaux et/ou périphériques, sociaux et/ou historiques, culturels et/ou structurels, discursifs et/ou incarnés. Ces contextes influencent tant la dynamique de construction et de transformation des divers acteurs que les dispositifs et les systèmes avec lesquels ils interagissent. Derrière des rapports universels au savoir se glissent des pratiques intimes et contingentielles dans l'acte d'apprendre : de la qualité de la rencontre dépendront les modalités d'appropriation du savoir par l'apprenant. En prenant la médiation pour ce qu'elle est, irrégulière et discontinue, contingente et aléatoire, éphémère et historiquement ancrée, l'explorateur didacticien ou chercheur, pourra tracer des pistes exploratoires inédites d'un «être avec», qui redéfinissent l'altérité comme une opportunité pour (se) comprendre et (se) transformer.
- Published
- 2018
233. Progress in Education. Volume 51
- Author
Nata, Roberta V. and Nata, Roberta V.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change
- Abstract
In the opening chapter of Progress in Education. Volume 51, the authors present a meta-analysis indicating that the prevalence of addiction to new technologies among Iranian youths are increasing, focusing on the epidemiology of internet addiction. The results of this study may be used by developing countries to acquaint parents, policy makers, administrators of high schools and universities, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, and all educational and cultural planners. The authors maintain that the spread of new communicational technologies has had both positive and negative effects on our lives. Next, this collection addresses the degree to which First-Time in College (FTIC) community college students and non-FTIC community college students differed in their quality of on-campus and off-campus relationships. Inferential statistical analyses of responses to a national survey revealed the presence of statistically significant differences between these two groups of students in all dependent variables. Implications and recommendations for future research are provided. The following study is an attempt to investigate the relationship between foreign language motivation and anxiety among third and fourth year students attending the secondary vocational-technical Complex of Catering and Hotel Industry Schools in Wisła, Poland. The research and discourse also take into consideration such essential factors as English language proficiency, grades and frequency of extracurricular contact with English. The authors later suggest that geology plays an important and essential role in education from an economic point of view, in the relationship between science and society and, therefore, should be present in the school syllabus. In geology teaching, learning can become more complex outside its natural environment, thus fieldwork practical activities are suggested by the curricular guidelines of different geoscience disciplinary areas and their advantages are highlighted in the literature. Focusing on several Russian undergraduate and graduate classes of different national origins, one chapter discusses the issue of college students'search for internationalized and diversified self-improvement in higher education. In addition, the discussion also ties in some general practices of English in Russian academia in comparison with the similar cases in USA, South Korea and China. A multiyear empirical investigation is presented which analyzed the degree to which economic status was related to the postsecondary enrollment of Texas public high school graduates at Texas 2-year public colleges and at 4-year public universities. Specifically analyzed were the enrollment percentages of students in poverty and students who were not poor for three academic years for Texas public high school graduates. Reflection is proposed as a skill that must be taught to preservice teachers in their education programs, and it should not be assumed that preservice teachers know how to reflect on their teaching or that they see the value in reflection. Thus, a study explores how preservice teachers perceive the value of reflection with vlogs in their reflective communication skills. In the final study, this book examines the effectiveness of conducting an in-class assessment of interpersonal functioning in a graduate psychology class for masters-level counseling psychology students. Results indicate that conducting an in-class interpersonal assessment increased students'knowledge of interpersonal theory and interpersonal methods of assessment. These findings have implications for the teaching of interpersonal assessment as well as for the practice of clinical assessment in group settings.
- Published
- 2018
234. Human Rights in Higher Education : Institutional, Classroom, and Community Approaches to Teaching Social Justice
- Author
Lindsey N. Kingston and Lindsey N. Kingston
- Subjects
- Human rights, Education, Human rights--Study and teaching (Higher), Education and state, Social justice, Education, Higher
- Abstract
This book focuses on human rights education (HRE) in higher education, with an emphasis on supporting undergraduate education for social justice and global citizenship at the institutional, classroom, and community levels. Drawing from the work of human rights scholars and advocates at Webster University, Kingston begins a critical discussion about the potential of HRE on college campuses and beyond. Chapter contributors address the institutional issues inherent to building a “human rights campus,” promoting just governance models, facilitating student research, and fostering inclusive campus communities. They further explore opportunities within the classroom by highlighting dynamic courses on global sustainable development and post-genocide reconciliation, as well as considering how to create trauma sensitive learning spaces and utilize photography as a human rights teaching tool. Finally, scholar-advocates detail how HRE can be expanded to include the broader community—including teaching critical criminology to aspiring police officers, facilitating community dialogue through academic conferences, and engaging in social justice work related to access to justice, domestic violence, and human trafficking.
- Published
- 2018
235. Teaching Toward Freedom : Supporting Voices and Silence in the English Classroom
- Author
Geraldine DeLuca and Geraldine DeLuca
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Teaching Toward Freedom: Supporting Voices and Silence in the English Classroom promotes teaching and learning that celebrate diversity and community through the systematic integration of traditionally'non-academic'voices and mindfulness-based, contemplative practices. By examining current scholarship and discussing novels and memoirs whose power is tied to freedom of expression, this book argues that teachers should allow students to use and explore the various rhetorical registers that they bring to the classroom. Through an innovative combination of narrative, argument, and literary analysis, the book skillfully connects conversations about linguistic diversity and contemplative approaches in order to foster a compassionate space for learning in the college-level English classroom.
- Published
- 2018
236. Imagining the Future of Global Education : Dreams and Nightmares
- Author
Yong Zhao, Brian Gearin, Yong Zhao, and Brian Gearin
- Subjects
- Education and globalization--Cross-cultural studies, International education--Cross-cultural studies, Education, Economic development--Effect of education on--Cross-cultural studies
- Abstract
Imagining the Future of Global Education examines the Grand Educational Narrative (GEN) and the major institutions that shape and disseminate it. The book focuses on national visions of education and the imaginary futures that nations seek to make reality. It critiques how the GEN policy implementation process frequently turns dreams of upward mobility into nightmares. In this way, the book takes a distinctly different approach than most comparative and international education studies. Rather than being oriented toward the past and asking how education systems around the world ended up where they are, chapters in this volume seek an understanding of how various educational visions from around the world inform the present and shape the future.Following an introductory summary of important concepts from scholarship on'imaginary futures'and global education reform, the book is organized around three themes:'What Dreams are Made Of,'illustrating, through three case studies, what the GEN looks like at the national level and how it operates across national boundaries;'A Dream within a Dream,'considering some of the more novel trends in international education reform in order to provide insight into how dreams seem to function; and'Keeping Dreams from becoming Nightmares,'comprising three thematic essays that describe trends in education policy in one or more countries. The book concludes with lessons for scholars and policymakers.
- Published
- 2018
237. The Theory and Practice of Education (1934)
- Author
Nancy Catty and Nancy Catty
- Subjects
- Child development, Education
- Abstract
Originally published in 1934, this book provides the findings of psychologists which have direct bearing on the theory and practice of education, and shows the close connection between sound theory and methods of school organization and teaching. This connection is illustrated by constant application of general principles to practice, and much help is given towards the solution of the problems of the teacher, for example: learning through self-initiated constructive work; class teaching and individual study; training in social ethics; the growth of character; and the place of knowledge and craftsmanship in the curriculum.
- Published
- 2018
238. The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Policy
- Author
Linda Miller, Claire Cameron, Carmen Dalli, Nancy Barbour, Linda Miller, Claire Cameron, Carmen Dalli, and Nancy Barbour
- Subjects
- Poverty, Child care--Government policy, Child welfare--Government policy, Early childhood education--Government policy, Education, Child development
- Abstract
Recent authoritative evidence suggests that an estimated 200 million children under five fail to achieve their developmental potential due to factors including poor health and nutrition and the lack of stable high quality care. A significant number of the world's children today lack the basic rights to health, development and protection. In light of such statistics, early childhood services for young children have expanded around the world. The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Policy draws critical attention to policy in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) its relationship to service provision and its impact on the lives of children and families. The perspectives of leading academics and researchers from Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australasia and Asia have been arranged around five key themes: Part 1: The Relationship Between Research, Policy And Practice: Country Case Studies Part 2: Equitable Early Childhood Services: Intervention to Improve Children's Life Chances Part 3: Extending Practice: The Role of Early Childhood Services In Family Support Part 4: Participation, Rights and Diversity Part 5: Future Directions for Early Childhood Policy This handbook is essential reading for practitioners, stakeholders and others committed to working within early years services to achieve an awareness of policy and its implications for services and practice.
- Published
- 2018
239. Sustainability, Human Well-Being, and the Future of Education
- Author
Justin W. Cook and Justin W. Cook
- Subjects
- Education, Education--Aims and objectives
- Abstract
This open access book explores the key dimensions of a future education system designed to enable individuals, schools, and communities to achieve the twin twenty-first century challenges of sustainability and human well-being. For much of the twentieth century, Western education systems prepared students to enter the workforce, contribute to society and succeed in relatively predictable contexts. Today, people are at the controls of the planet—making decisions that are dramatically reshaping social, economic, and environmental systems at a global scale. What is education's purpose in this new reality? What and how must we learn now? The volatility and uncertainty caused by digitalization, globalization, and climate change weave a common backdrop through each chapter. Using case studies drawn from Finland and the US, chapter authors explore various aspects of learning and education system design through the lenses of sustainability and human well-being to evaluate how our understanding and practice of education must transform. Using their scholarly research and experience as practitioners, the authors propose new approaches to preparing learners for a new frontier of the human experience fraught with risks but full of opportunity.
- Published
- 2018
240. Progress in Education. Volume 52
- Author
Nata, Roberta V. and Nata, Roberta V.
- Subjects
- Education, Educational change, Education--Research
- Abstract
Progress in Education. Volume 52 opens with an analysis of the Alps in the context of introducing innovative approaches for sustainable mobility. Alpine areas receive millions of visits by tourists traveling by car each year, exceeding the carrying capacity of these areas and thus decreasing the quality of the visitor experience. The authors aim to improve the development of sustainable tourism and gain a competitive advantage within the tourism market. This collection goes on to argue that successful schooling encompasses much more than just academic performance. Students attend school to appreciate and acquire other achievement-related attributes, such as subjective well-being experiences, proactive engagement, and the seeking of mastery in different disciplinary areas. The authors contend that this line of inquiry may yield a number of educational significance for teachers, school administrators, and stakeholders to consider. Next, this collection examines recent developments in the dynamics and complexity of cultural identities between the state and politics in Hong Kong that have shaped values and music education in light of the twentieth anniversary of the handover to China and the construction of values education through school music education. It is argued that preparations for values education might pose a challenge to how musical meanings and non-musical meanings should be delineated and delivered in the school curriculum. The widespread and debilitating effects of mathematics anxiety are experienced at all educational levels and in most countries around the world. Thus, the authors set out to illuminate this problem for educators and suggest ways to reduce mathematics anxiety among their students. Given the increase in dynamic environments associated with educational reform, it is important to reassess whether transformational leadership remains the most effective approach to change in educational settings, and if not, whether alternative approaches might be considered. From this perspective, an integrative literature review explores recent evidence to examine the effects of transformational leadership in educational reform settings.
- Published
- 2018
241. The Soviet Secondary School
- Author
Dora Shturman and Dora Shturman
- Subjects
- Education--History, Comparative education, Education
- Abstract
Originally published in 1988. The Soviet secondary school is an important topic for comparative educationalists and also for political scientists interested in how the Soviet education system shapes the outlook of Soviet children. This book charts developments in the Soviet secondary school, beginning in the prerevolutionary period and coming right up to the present. It shows how the system was radically changed at several different points. The author, who emigrated to Israel from the Kharkov district in 1977, has considerable personal experience of the system as school-girl, teacher, director of studies and headmistress and this experience naturally colours and enriches her analysis.
- Published
- 2018
242. Education in Latin America
- Author
Colin Brock, Hugh Lawlor, Colin Brock, and Hugh Lawlor
- Subjects
- Education, Education--History, Comparative education
- Abstract
Originally published in 1985. Latin America is a region where widespread economic, social and political changes are taking place. Some countries, such as Brazil, are becoming new industrial giants, whereas others with good prospects are performing poorly in the economic sphere. In politics, countries such as Cuba are leading world revolutionary powers; whilst in others right-wing military regimes prevail. Political revolutions occur frequently. All this change and instability is closely bound up with education. Education systems and courses are greatly affected by social, political and economic changes; and at the same time education is used to steer changes in particular directions. This book surveys the current state of education in Latin America. It reviews the nature of education systems and the content of courses, and discusses a range of key themes, in particular those concerned with the connections between education and political, economic and social change. There is no attempt in the book to provide a blanket coverage of educational issues and problems in Latin America, but rather to concentrate on a description and critical analysis of formal educational provisions in some countries of the region.
- Published
- 2018
243. Powerful Pedagogy : Teach Better Quicker
- Author
Ruth Powley and Ruth Powley
- Subjects
- General education, Activity programs in education, Education, Teachers--Training of
- Abstract
How can we teach better quicker?In Powerful Pedagogy, Ruth Powley, Love Learning Ideas blogger and experienced teacher and school leader, debunks teaching and learning myths and shows how the more we know about pedagogy, the more able we are to make informed and efficient choices about our practice, saving ourselves valuable time. Focusing on building sequences of learning rather than one-off lessons, it is an antidote to ‘quick fix'books, empowering teachers as professionals in possession of ‘powerful'pedagogical knowledge that can be used to improve teaching in a sustainable way.Powerful Pedagogy draws extensively from a wide range of educational writers and research, offering an accessible synthesis of what really works in the classroom. Together with strategies to put theories and research into practice, each chapter contains a handy list of questions for the reflective practitioner. It explores reasons for the confusion over what constitutes effective pedagogy in recent years and presents practical research-based solutions, outlining successful and efficient: Modelling of excellence Explaining for understanding Practising to fluency Questioning as assessment Testing to permanency Marking for improvement Effective planning of lessons and curriculum sequences. Powerful Pedagogy allows teachers to understand how to make the best choices about what works in the classroom, improving the quality of teaching. It is an essential companion for trainee and experienced teachers in all sectors, and for school leaders and educational trainers.
- Published
- 2018
244. World Perspectives in Education
- Author
Edmund J. King and Edmund J. King
- Subjects
- Education, Comparative education
- Abstract
Originally published in 1962. In this book the main problems of contemporary education are illustrated with fresh material from many countries and assessed in a context of rapid change in technology, society, and politics. Familiar educational concerns are carefully considered; but the altered status of schools, teachers and homes in relation to competing influences receives particular attention. Recent reforms in the Soviet Union, and the development of education in Asia and Africa, are assessed vis-a-vis topical questions and proposals in Great Britain, the United States, and several Western European countries. The book is therefore useful both for ‘problem'studies in comparative education, and for an up-to-date review of principles and practices in a critically formative period. It is also intended to present a study of education that will be widely educative and contribute to world understanding.
- Published
- 2018
245. Routledge International Handbook of Multicultural Education Research in Asia Pacific
- Author
Yun-Kyung Cha, Seung-Hwan Ham, Moosung Lee, Yun-Kyung Cha, Seung-Hwan Ham, and Moosung Lee
- Subjects
- Comparative education, Multicultural education, Education, Education--Research
- Abstract
This handbook for educators and researchers consists of an unparalleled set of conceptual essays and empirical studies that advance new perspectives and build empirical ground on multicultural education issues from 10 different selected societies in Asia Pacific. This unique, edited book will be a solid resource particularly for graduate students, educators, and researchers involved in multicultural education, given its multiple balances in terms of 1) conceptual essays, empirical studies, and practical implications; 2) contributions from emerging scholars, established scholars, and leading scholars in the field; and 3) comprehensive coverage of key subareas in multicultural education. Given the growing need for in-depth understanding of multicultural education issues in the Asia Pacific region where we have witnessed increasing human mobility and interaction across countries and societies, this edited book is the only research-based handbook entirely focusing on multicultural education in Asia Pacific.
- Published
- 2018
246. Die Entwicklung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung im Lehr-Lern-Labor Seminar
- Author
Florian Treisch and Florian Treisch
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
In Lehr-Lern-Labor Seminaren können Lehramtsstudierende ihr fachliches, didaktisches und pädagogisches Wissen aufgreifen und in komplexitätsreduzierten Handlungsumgebungen anwenden. Dabei erstellen sie Experimentierstationen, um anschließend in einer iterativen Praxis mehrmals Schülerinnen und Schüler an diesen Stationen zu betreuen. Grundlegend für dieses Vorgehen sind Reflexionsprozesse zwischen den Betreuungen. Inwieweit diese Reflexionsprozesse die Entwicklung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung der Studierenden fördern, wurde mit dieser Arbeit untersucht. Als ergänzende Intervention wurden fragenbasierte Videoanalysen der eigenen Betreuungen in das Seminar implementiert. Die Regressionsanalysen zeigten, dass sich die Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung der Studierenden durch die Teilnahme am Seminar verbesserte, wenn zusätzlich das eigene Vorgehen und das ihrer Kommilitonen anhand der erstellten Videos analysiert wurden. Ohne Videoanalyse konnte keine Veränderung festgestellt werden.
- Published
- 2018
247. Flipped Classroom im Physikunterricht
- Author
Frank Finkenberg and Frank Finkenberg
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Flipped Classroom ist eine innovative Unterrichtsmethode, bei der sich Schülerinnen und Schüler zuhause mit Lernvideos auf den Unterricht vorbereiten. Im Unterricht selbst steht dann die Anwendung und Vertiefung des Wissens in kooperativen Lernsettings im Vordergrund. Wissenschaftlich ist der Einsatz dieser Methode im deutschen Schulunterricht bislang nicht untersucht worden, auch nicht im Physikunterricht. Haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler hier einen höheren Lernzuwachs? Ändern sich das Selbstkonzept, das Fachinteresse und die Motivation? Welche Rolle spielt dabei das Leistungsvermögen oder das Geschlecht? Die vorliegende quasi-experimentelle Interventionsstudie im Pre-/Postdesign mit Kontrollgruppe untersuchte den Einsatz des Flipped Classroom im Physikunterricht. Dabei zeigten sich positive Effekte auf den Lernerfolg sowie teilweise auf affektive Lernmerkmale. Motivational profitierten vor allem die Mädchen vom Flipped Classroom, die Jungen hingegen verbesserten deutlich ihre Hausaufgabendisziplin.
- Published
- 2018
248. Entwicklung und Validierung eines Testinstruments zu Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen von (angehenden) Physiklehrkräften in physikdidaktischen Handlungsfeldern
- Author
Claudia Meinhardt and Claudia Meinhardt
- Subjects
- Education
- Abstract
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt den Entwicklungs- und Validierungsprozess eines neuen Testinstruments zur Erfassung von Lehrer-Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen in vier physikdidaktischen Handlungsfeldern (Umgang mit Aufgaben, Experimentieren, Elementarisieren, Umgang mit Schülervorstellungen), jeweils bezüglich der Dimensionen Planung und Durchführung von Physikunterricht. Die Instrumententwicklung erfolgt in hohem Maße theoriebasiert, indem unter anderem auf der Grundlage der sozial-kognitiven Theorie Banduras Regeln für die Itemkonstruktion abgeleitet werden, die außerdem eine kritische Analyse existierender Instrumente erlauben. Der mehrschrittige Validierungsprozess ist argumentbasiert angelegt. Im Rahmen einer Interviewstudie und einer Expertenbefragung werden vor allem inhaltliche Aspekte, wie z.B. die definitionskonforme Formulierung der Items, die Abdeckung des Handlungsfeldes oder die wahrgenommene Authentizität der Items, untersucht. Im Zuge der auf eine quantitative Auswertung angelegten Hauptstudie (N approx 1000) werden vor allem psychometrische Aspekte, wie die Eindimensionalität der Skalen oder die Passung des Antwortformates, in den Blick genommen. Zusammenfassend kann ein übergeordnetes Validitätsargument in Bezug auf die intendierte Testwertinterpretation formuliert werden. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf deutet sich unter anderem bezüglich der Unterscheidung der zwei genannten Dimensionen an.
- Published
- 2018
249. Key Issues in Education : Comparative Perspectives
- Author
Keith Watson and Keith Watson
- Subjects
- Education, Education--History, Comparative education
- Abstract
Originally published in 1985. Throughout the world the same key issues of concern recur in education in different countries. However, education specialists all too often are inward looking and consider problems only in the confines of their own country. This book argues that much is to be gained by taking a broader, more international view as the experiences of other countries can often provide valuable insights on how policies and practice can be improved in one's own country. The book illustrates this argument by examining in detail seven major issues of present concern and comparing how they are handled in different countries.
- Published
- 2018
250. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook : Volume 41
- Author
Robert Maribe Branch and Robert Maribe Branch
- Subjects
- Teaching--Aids and devices, Education, Resource programs (Education), Educational technology, Instructional materials personnel, Instructional materials centers
- Abstract
The Educational Media and Technology Yearbook has become a standard reference in many libraries and professional collections. It provides a valuable historical record of current ideas and developments in the field. Part One of this updated volume, “Trends and Issues in Learning, Design, and Technology,” presents an array of chapters that develop some of the current themes listed above, in addition to others. In Part Two, “Leadership Profiles,” authors provide biographical sketches of the careers of instructional technology leaders. Part Three, “Organizations and Associations in North America,” and Part Four, “Graduate Programs,” are, respectively, directories of instructional technology-related organizations and institutions of higher learning offering degrees in related fields. Finally, Part Five, the “Mediagraphy,” presents an annotated listing of selected current publications related to the field.
- Published
- 2018
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