
Showing total 1,123 results
1,123 results

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1. Systematic examination of post‐ and pre‐citation of Indian‐authored retracted papers.


3. Are journal archiving and embargo policies impeding the success of India's open access policy?

4. (Re)imagining the idea of India: Contestations about Hindutva among the Indian American diaspora.

5. Gender, caste, and street vending in India: Towards an intersectional geography.

6. Birth Patterns in the Aftermath of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in India: The Case of Madras City.

7. Dynamics of class and labour: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Rajasthan (India).

8. The historical sociology of medicine in India: Introduction to the special section.

9. Diabetes and tuberculosis syndemic in India: A narrative review of facts, gaps in care and challenges.

10. Investigating the conditions of vulnerability experienced by migrant workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Kerala, India.

11. Merging the public and private spheres of women's work: Narratives from women street food vendors during Covid‐19 crisis.

12. Enhanced job satisfaction under tighter technological control: The paradoxical outcomes of digitalisation.

13. Insecticide susceptibility of Phlebotomus argentipes sandflies, vectors of visceral leishmaniasis in India.

14. Viable lives: Life beyond survival in rural North India.

15. Using environmental education to nurture positive human–wildlife interactions in India.

16. Hurdle effect of thermosonication and non‐thermal processing on the quality characteristics of fruit juices: An overview.

17. Governance response during COVID‐19 and political affirmative action: Evidence from local governments in India.

18. Grassland conservation and restoration in India: a governance crisis.

19. Development of a normative framework for disaster relief: learning from colonial famine histories in India.

20. Assessing the effectiveness of a game‐based phonics intervention for first and second grade English language learners in India: A randomized controlled trial.

21. Determinants of women's financial inclusion: Evidence from India.

22. Protecting the economic health of the poor in India: Are health mutuals the right medicine?

23. When Biopolitics Turn Digital: Transparency, Corruption, and Erasures from the Infrastructure of Rationing in Delhi.

24. Genealogies of sociolinguistics in India.

25. Integrating sustainable development goals into environment impact assessment in India: A conceptual analysis.

26. Social innovations and the fight against poverty: An analysis of India's first prosocial P2P lending platform.

27. 'Blind laws' and the bureaucracy of rights migrant industrial workers in post‐lockdown India.

28. Can R&D investment reduce the impact of COVID‐19 on firm performance?—Evidence from India.

29. Transnational capital and national legal regimes: Analysis of Internet domain name disputes in India.

30. Animal‐mediated seed dispersal in India: Implications for conservation of India's biodiversity.

31. Has Ind‐AS adoption affected earnings management in India?

32. The Sky and the Stratosphere: Wealth Concentration in India During the Last (Lost) Decade.

33. Investigating the compliance behavior of GST taxpayers: An extension to theory of planned behavior.

34. Labor supply responses to rainfall shocks.

35. Work and social reproduction in rural India: Lessons from time‐use data.

36. Reimagining climate‐informed development: From "matters of fact" to "matters of care".

37. Towards sustainable urban system through the development of small towns in India.

38. CSR practices and Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring the connections in Indian context.

39. Constituting the norm: Interrogating the anthropocene through food geographies in the more‐than‐human worlds of western Avadh, India.

40. Flood‐induced vulnerability of a below sea level farming system in southern India: an assessment through coping strategy intensity.

41. Fintech and Financial Inclusion in Southeast Asia and India.

42. A canal, urban sprawl and wetland loss: The case of Kozhikode, India, from colonialism to climate change era.

43. (Farmer) Producer Companies in India as new generation cooperatives: Case studies of performance and impact from West Bengal, India.

44. Mapping stakeholders and identifying institutional challenges and opportunities for waste management in towns of Uttar Pradesh, India.

45. Critical analysis of the protection of Traditional Knowledge Bill, 2022.

46. Growing Like India—the Unequal Effects of Service‐Led Growth.

47. Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of mHealth in India.

48. Japanese self‐initiated expatriates' adjustment to Indian assignments: the role of traditional values.

49. From Tranquebar to Madras and back again, again: Typification of the plant names published in Rottler's account of an Indian journey in 1799–1800.

50. Between unemployment and enterprise in neoliberal India: Educated youth creating work in the private education sector.