
Showing total 131 results
131 results

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1. Career Certainty: Differences Between Career Certain and Uncertain Engineering Students.

3. Work-In-Progress: Exploring the wellness perceptions of engineering and science faculty.

4. What Most Facilitates Thriving for Undergraduate Engineering Students? A Rank Order Investigation of Engineering Experts.

5. Enhancing concrete structures education: Impact of virtual reality on motivation, performance and usability for undergraduate engineering students.

6. System modelling: Exploring engineering students perceptions and learning outcomes.

7. Practical Implementation of Outcome-Based Education Practices in the Indian Engineering Institutes: An Objective Based Investigation.

8. Perspectives of Engineering Faculty and Practitioners on Creativity in Solving Ill-Structured Problems.

9. Emergent Engineering Judgment: Making Assumptions in Engineering Science Homework (Research).

10. Utilizing Simtronics SPM 700 distillation in engineering unit operation laboratory.

11. Correlation of Admission Data to Undergraduate Student Success in Electrical Engineering.

12. "I AM an engineer!" Three Scales used in Measuring Identification of Engineering as First-Year Students.

13. University students' preferences for application problems and pure mathematics questions.

14. Experimenting with computational thinking for knowledge transfer in engineering robotics.

15. The Complexities and Benefits of Community-Partnered Projects for Engineering Capstone Design Students.

16. Reassessing Reading Strategies in the Engineering Classroom.

17. Comparing the Information Needs and Experiences of Undergraduate Students and Practicing Engineers.

18. Longitudinal investigation of moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students: findings from a mixed-methods study.

19. Assessing the Spectrum of International Undergraduate Engineering Educational Experiences: A Cross Institutional Survey.

20. Videos with Hands: an Analysis of Usage and Interactions of Undergraduate Science Students for Acquiring Physics Knowledge.

21. Redefining and Reconceptualizing Disability Identity in Civil Engineering.

22. Transitioning Sustainable Manufacturing Undergraduate Research Experiences from an In-Person to a Virtual Format.

24. Educational research into socio-economic dynamics of university graduate employment: Triple analogy-based physics-and-engineering approach to labor market oscillations.

25. Emotional and cognitive effects of learning with computer simulations and computer videogames.


27. Perceived value and student reflective learning from industry site visits in an engineering study abroad program.

28. Engineering leadership: Grounding leadership theory in engineers’ professional identities.

29. Development of a scenario-based instrument to assess co-design expertise in humanitarian engineering.

30. Gender differences in work-integrated learning experiences of STEM students: From applications to evaluations.

31. Frequent mastery testing with second‐chance exams leads to enhanced student learning in undergraduate engineering.

32. Motivational and cognitive benefits of training in immersive virtual reality based on multiple assessments.

33. Lifu Huang receives NSF CAREER award to lay new ground for information extraction without relying on humans.

34. Descriptive Analysis of Context Evaluation Instrument for Technical Oral Presentation Skills Evaluation: A Case Study in English Technical Communication Course.

35. Student Perspective on Defining Engineering Leadership.

36. Comparatively Mapping Genres in Academic and Workplace Engineering Environments.

37. A thematic analysis comparing critical thinking in engineering and humanities undergraduates.

38. Analyzing student and employer satisfaction with cooperative education through multiple data sources.

39. Moving towards engaged learning in STEM domains; there is no simple answer, but clearly a road ahead.

40. Bridging FEA Theory and Practice with MATLAB Grader - Work in Progress.

41. An Evaluation of a Course that Introduces Undergraduate Students to Authentic Aerospace Engineering Research.

42. How students read an e‐textbook in an engineering course.

43. Clinical Immersion and Team-Based Design: Into a Third Year.

44. Characterizing the Complexity of Curricular Patterns in Engineering Programs.

45. Student satisfaction – What it means to teaching and learning of undergraduate engineering units.

46. Undergraduate engineering applicants' perceptions of cooperative education: A text mining approach.

47. How can emphasizing mathematical modeling principles benefit students in a traditionally taught differential equations course?

48. The Impact of a Neuro-Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates Site on Students' Attitudes toward and Pursuit of Graduate Studies.

49. Texas Pre-freshman Engineering Program Challenged Based Instruction Curriculum Development and Implementation (RTP, Strand 5).

50. Mini-Design Projects in Capstone: Initial Design Experiences to Enhance Students' Implementation of Design Methodology.