A computer aid for the specification and analysis of computer communication protocols has been developed over a period of 7 years by the Telecom Australia Research Laboratories. It is based on a formal specification technique called Numerical Petri Nets. The computer aid, known as PROTEAN (PROTocol Emulation and Analysis), provides both graphical (color) and textual interfaces to the protocol designer. Numerical Petri Net (NPN) specifications may be created, stored, appended to other NPNs, structured, edited, listed, displayed, and analyzed. Interactive simulation, exhaustive reachability analysis, and several directed graph analysis facilities are provided. Reachability graphs can be automatically laid out and displayed. PROTEAN determines liveness (dead code, deadlocks, and livelocks) from the reachability graph and its strongly connected components. Language analysis, involving the automatic reduction of reachability graphs to language graphs, can be used to study sequences of key system events. This allows a protocol to be compared with its service specification. Elementary cycles of graphs can be generated, allowing interesting cycles to be highlighted on reachability and language graphs. Facilities are provided for debugging the specification, once a problem with the protocol has been discovered. They allow sequences of events, which lead to the undesired behavior, to be traced. The paper commences with a comparison of specification languages, concentrating on extended finite state machines and high-level Petri nets. NPNs and PROTEAN's facilities are then described and illustrated with a simple example. The application of PROTEAN to complex examples is mentioned briefly. A discussion of the approach, its limitations and future work is presented in the context of other developments reported in the literature. Work towards a comprehensive Protocol Engineering Workstation is also discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]