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1. University Reachout - The Role of Guest Speakers in Communicating with Industry and Other Institutions A Position Paper

2. Enforcing safety requirements for industrial automation systems at runtime position paper

3. Writing good software engineering research papers

4. Guest Editor's Introduction Selected Papers from COMPSAC '86.

5. Challenges in Creating Environments for SOA Learning

6. Editor's Comments.

7. Predicate Logic for Software Engineering.

8. Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on the International Conference on Software Engineering.

9. An Acyclic Expansion Algorithm for Fast Protocol Validation.

10. Variability in Software Systems—A Systematic Literature Review.

11. Failure Size Proportional Models and an Analysis of Failure Detection Abilities of Software Testing Strategies.

12. Introducing Software Engineering Developments to a Classical Operating Systems Course.

13. Testability Transformation.

14. Requirements Elicitation and Specification Using the Agent Paradigm: The Case Study of an Aircraft Turnaround Simulator.

15. A Cooperative Parallel Search-Based Software Engineering Approach for Code-Smells Detection.

16. A General Testability Theory: Classes, Properties, Complexity, and Testing Reductions.

17. A Study of Variability Models and Languages in the Systems Software Domain.

18. Editorial: The State of TSE.

19. The Role of Deliberate Artificial Design Elements in Software Engineering Experiments.

20. A Survey of Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering.

21. Spatial Complexity Metrics: An Investigation of Utility.

22. Confirming Configurations in EFSM Testing.

23. Writing research article introductions in software engineering: How accurate is a standard model?

24. Simulation and Comparison of Albrecht's Function Point and DeMarco's Function Bang Metrics in a CASE Environment.

25. Capacity of Voting Systems.

26. LISPACK—A Methodology and Tool for the Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems and Algorithms.

27. Rapid Transaction-Undo Recovery Using Twin-Page Storage Management.

28. Towards Complexity Metrics for Ada Tasking.

29. Single-Site and Distributed Optimistic Protocols for Concurrency Control.

30. Generic Lifecycle Support in the ALMA Environment.

31. PROTEAN: A High-level Petri Net Tool for the Specification and Verification of Communication Protocols.

32. Fragtypes: A Basis for Programming Environments.

33. Mathematical Model of Composite Objects and Its Application for Organizing Engineering Databases.

34. Specification of Synchronizing Processes.

35. Toolpack—An Experimental Software Development Environment Research Project.

36. Software Function, Source Lines of Code, and Development Effort Prediction: A Software Science Validation.

37. Editorial: A New Editor-in-Chief and the State of TSE.

38. Effects of the Meetings-Flow Approach on Quality Teamwork in the Training of Software Capstone Projects.

39. Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem.

40. Software Quality Analysis of Unlabeled Program Modules With Semisupervised Clustering.

41. Covering Arrays for Efficient Fault Characterization in Complex Configuration Spaces.

42. Leveraging User-Session Data to Support Web Application Testing.

43. Formally Assessing an Instructional Tool: A Controlled Experiment in Software Engineering.

44. Integrating Large-Scale Group Projects and Software Engineering Approaches for Early Computer Science Courses.

45. FSM-Based Incremental Conformance Testing Methods.

46. Experience With Teaching Black-Box Testing in a Computer Science/Software Engineering Curriculum.

47. Knowledge-Based Automation of a Design Method for Concurrent Systems.

48. Defining and Applying Measures of Distance Between Specifications.

49. Validating the ISO/IEC 155O4 Measure of Software Requirements Analysis Process Capability.

50. A Theory-Based Representation for Object-Orianted Domain Models.