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1. A Review of Methods for Measuring the Surface Area of Stream Substrates.

2. Recommendations for Taxonomic Submissions to Hydrobiologia.

3. Perceptions of Rule-Breaking Related to Marine Ecosystem Health.

4. Understanding the Distribution of Marine Megafauna in the English Channel Region: Identifying Key Habitats for Conservation within the Busiest Seaway on Earth.

5. Interactions between sediments and water.

6. Long and short term variations in suspended particulate material: the influence on light available to the phytoplankton community.

7. Chemical equilibrium modeling of copper precipitation in a hyper-concentrated solid-liquid system.

8. Applicability of the Langmuir equation to copper sorption by loess with high carbonate content.

9. Why plankton communities have no equilibrium: solutions to the paradox.

10. On the combined analysis of proximate and ultimate aspects in diel vertical migration (DVM) research.


12. Long-Term Changes in Species Composition and Relative Abundances of Sharks at a Provisioning Site.

13. The Evolutionary Divergence of psbA Gene in Synechococcus and Their Myoviruses in the East China Sea.

14. A Metastable Equilibrium Model for the Relative Abundances of Microbial Phyla in a Hot Spring.

15. Reef Odor: A Wake Up Call for Navigation in Reef Fish Larvae.

16. Taxonomic, Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Bleaching in Anemones Inhabited by Anemonefishes.

17. Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria Isolated from the Internal Organs of Edible Snow Crabs.

18. A Herbivore Knows Its Patch: Luderick, Girella tricuspidata, Exhibit Strong Site Fidelity on Shallow Subtidal Reefs in a Temperate Marine Park

19. Generalized Additive Models Used to Predict Species Abundance in the Gulf of Mexico: An Ecosystem Modeling Tool

20. Larval and Post-Larval Stages of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Are Resistant to Elevated CO2

21. Zooplankton Feeding on the Nuisance Flagellate Gonyostomum semen

22. California Coastal Upwelling Onset Variability: Cross-Shore and Bottom-Up Propagation in the Planktonic Ecosystem

23. Evidence of Maternal Offloading of Organic Contaminants in White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias).

24. Invasion of the Red Seaweed Heterosiphonia japonica Spans Biogeographic Provinces in the Western North Atlantic Ocean.

25. Do Contaminants Originating from State-of-the-Art Treated Wastewater Impact the Ecological Quality of Surface Waters?

26. Transcriptome Analysis of Artificial Hybrid Pufferfish Jiyan-1 and Its Parental Species: Implications for Pufferfish Heterosis.

27. Proteases from the Regenerating Gut of the Holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix.

28. Climate and pH Predict the Potential Range of the Invasive Apple Snail (Pomacea insularum) in the Southeastern United States.

29. Molecular Phylogeny of Echiuran Worms (Phylum: Annelida) Reveals Evolutionary Pattern of Feeding Mode and Sexual Dimorphism.

30. Estimating At-Sea Mortality of Marine Turtles from Stranding Frequencies and Drifter Experiments.

31. Prior Infection Does Not Improve Survival against the Amphibian Disease Chytridiomycosis.

32. Larval Chironomid Communities (Diptera: Chironomidae) Associated with Establishing Rice Crops in southern New South Wales, Australia.

33. Biomass and Decay Rates of Roots and Detritus in Sediments of Intermittent Coastal Plain Streams.

34. Effects of the Sand Bar Breaching on Typha domingensis (PERS.) in a Tropical Coastal Lagoon.

35. The Effects of Hydrology on Plankton Biomass in Shallow Lakes of the Pampa Plain.

36. Current Patterns and the Distribution of Benthic Habitats in a Coastal Lagoon of Mauritius.

37. Hydraulic Phases, Persistent Stratification, and Phytoplankton in a Tropical Floodplain Lake (Mary River, Northern Australia).

38. Transition from Planktonic to Benthic Algal Dominance Along a Salinity Gradient.

39. Responses of Estuarine Benthic Invertebrates to Sediment Burial: The Importance of Mobility and Adaptation.

40. The Timing of Winter-growing Shredder Species and Leaf Litter Turnover Rate in an Oligotrophic Lake, SE Sweden.

41. Different Predation Impacts of Two Cyclopoid Species on a Small-sized Zooplankton Community: An Experimental Analysis with Mesocosms.

42. Hormonal Correlates of Seedling Growth of Two Vallisneria Species Grown at Different Current Velocities.

43. Changes in Nutrient Loading in an Agricultural Watershed and Its Effects on Water Quality and Stream Biota.

44. Acute and Sub-lethal Toxicity of Landfill Leachate Towards Two Aquatic Macro-invertebrates: Demonstrating the Remediation Potential of Aerobic Digestion.

45. Colonisation of Introduced Timber by Algae and Invertebrates, and its Potential Role in Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration.

46. A Feasibility Study to Monitor the Macroinvertebrate Diversity of the River Nile Using Three Sampling Methods.

47. Trophic Levels and Functional Feeding Groups of Macroinvertebrates in Neotropical Streams.

48. Seasonal Patterns of Abundance: Do Zooplankton in Small Ponds do the Same Thing Every Spring–Summer?

49. Relationship Between Medium Salinity, Body Density, Buoyancy and Swimming in Artemia franciscana Larvae: Constraints on Water Column Use?

50. Veligers from the nudibranch Dendronotus frondosus show shell growth and extended planktonic period in laboratory culture.