
Showing total 10 results
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1. Frequency and Content of the Last Fifty Years of Papers on Aristotle's Writings on Biological Phenomena.

2. What's up for Annals of Applied Biology in 2024.

3. Revisiting Nature's "Unifying Patterns": A Biological Appraisal.

4. Scaffolds and scaffolding: an explanatory strategy in evolutionary biology.

5. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in ecology and evolutionary biology: a PRISMA extension.

6. Microfluidics in vascular biology research: a critical review for engineers, biologists, and clinicians.

7. Advances in research on the biology of the desert rodent Gerbillus tarabuli : a review.

8. Life and fate of Ervin Bauer (1890–1938), the eminent scholar and foundational theoretical biologist.

9. The epoch-making importance of Ervin Bauer's theoretical biology.

10. Rescaling Biology: Increasing Integration Across Biological Scales and Subdisciplines to Enhance Understanding and Prediction.