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1. Portraying Animal Cruelty: A Thematic Analysis of Australian News Media Reports on Penalties for Animal Cruelty.

2. Impact of a Local Government Funded Free Cat Sterilization Program for Owned and Semi-Owned Cats.

3. Drivers of Sustainability Credentialling in the Red Meat Value Chain—A Mixed Methods Study.

4. An Efficient Method for the Euthanasia of Cane Toads (Rhinella marina) under Northern Australian Field Conditions.

5. Reply to Crawford et al.: Why Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Is an Ethical Solution for Stray Cat Management.

6. Comparison of Reported Fatalities, Falls and Injuries in Thoroughbred Horse Jumps and Flat Races in the 2022 and 2023 Jumps Race Seasons in Victoria, Australia.

7. An Investigation of Meat Eating in Samples from Australia and Germany: The Role of Justifications, Perceptions, and Empathy.

8. Beliefs and Attitudes of Residents in Queensland, Australia, about Managing Dog and Cat Impacts on Native Wildlife.

9. A Review of Legal Regulation of Religious Slaughter in Australia: Failure to Regulate or a Regulatory Fail?

10. Explaining the Gap Between the Ambitious Goals and Practical Reality of Animal Welfare Law Enforcement: A Review of the Enforcement Gap in Australia.

11. In Situ Provisioning Wildlife with Food, Water, or Shelter after Bushfires: Using a One Welfare Framework to Guide Responses.

12. An Animal Welfare Risk Assessment Process for Zoos.

13. How Well Does Australian Animal Welfare Policy Reflect Scientific Evidence: A Case Study Approach Based on Lamb Marking.

14. Non-Lethal Dose-Response Models Replace Lethal Bioassays for Predicting the Hazard of Para-Aminopropiophenone to Australian Wildlife.

15. Unravelling the Diversity of Microorganisms in Ticks from Australian Wildlife.

16. Validating a Thoroughbred Racehorse Welfare Index through Horse Behaviour and Trainers' Reports of Welfare Issues in Their Horses.

17. Review of the Online One Welfare Portal: Shared Curriculum Resources for Veterinary Undergraduate Learning and Teaching in Animal Welfare and Ethics.

18. Developing an Animal Welfare Assessment Protocol for Livestock Transported by Sea.

19. Role of Topical Anaesthesia in Pain Management of Farm Animals, a Changing Paradigm.

20. Understanding Subordinate Animal Welfare Legislation in Australia: Assembling the Regulations and Codes of Practice.

21. Ethical Treatment of Invasive and Native Fauna in Australia: Perspectives through the One Welfare Lens.

22. Objective Measures for the Assessment of Post-Operative Pain in Bos indicus Bull Calves Following Castration.

23. Whip Rule Breaches in a Major Australian Racing Jurisdiction: Welfare and Regulatory Implications.

24. Sensor-Based Detection of Predator Influence on Livestock: A Case Study Exploring the Impacts of Wild Dogs (Canis familiaris) on Rangeland Sheep.

25. Emergency Response to Australia's Black Summer 2019–2020: The Role of a Zoo-Based Conservation Organisation in Wildlife Triage, Rescue, and Resilience for the Future.

26. Optimal Flow—A Pilot Study Balancing Sheep Movement and Welfare in Abattoirs.

27. Legal Complexities of Animal Welfare in Australia: Do On-Animal Sensors Offer a Future Option?

28. Assessing the Uniformity in Australian Animal Protection Law: A Statutory Comparison.

29. Social License and Animal Welfare: Developments from the Past Decade in Australia.

30. A Retrospective Study of Macropod Progressive Periodontal Disease ("Lumpy Jaw") in Captive Macropods across Australia and Europe: Using Data from the Past to Inform Future Macropod Management.

31. A Survey of New South Wales Sheep Producer Practices and Perceptions on Lamb Mortality and Ewe Supplementation.

32. Reply to Wolf et al.: Why Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Is Not an Ethical Solution for Stray Cat Management.

33. Preliminary Investigation to Address Pain and Haemorrhage Following the Spaying of Female Cattle.

34. A Retrospective Analysis of Complaints to RSPCA Queensland, Australia, about Dog Welfare.

35. The Human-Animal Relationship in Australian Caged Laying Hens.

36. A Case of Letting the Cat out of The Bag—Why Trap-Neuter-Return Is Not an Ethical Solution for Stray Cat (Felis catus) Management.

37. Australian Public Opinions Regarding the Live Export Trade before and after an Animal Welfare Media Exposé.