
Showing total 101 results
101 results

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1. Health Outcomes of Children Living in Out-of-Home Care in Metropolitan Western Australia: A Sequential Mixed-Methods Study—A Protocol Paper.

2. Investigating the Spatial Accessibility and Coverage of the Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine: An Ecologic Study of Regional Health Data.

3. Regolith-Hosted Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the Esperance Region, Western Australia: Major Characteristics and Potential Controls.

4. Standards Setting in Religious Education: Addressing the Quality of Teaching and Assessment Practices.

5. But First, Spirituality: Spirituality and Religious Education in Western Australian Catholic Early Learning Contexts.

6. Maternal Reports of Preterm and Sick Term Infants' Settling, Sleeping and Feeding in the 9 Months after Discharge from Neonatal Nursery: An Observational Study.

7. Circulation and Stratification Changes in a Hypersaline Estuary Due to Mean Sea Level Rise.

8. Comparing Observed and Projected Changes in Australian Fire Climates.

9. Real-Time Adaptive Modulation Schemes for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communication.

10. A Social Exploration of the West Australian Gorgon Gas, Carbon Capture and Storage Project.

11. Palliative and End-of-Life Care for People Living with Motor Neurone Disease: Ongoing Challenges and Necessity for Shifting Directions.

12. A Robust Participation in the Load Following Ancillary Service and Energy Markets for a Virtual Power Plant in Western Australia.

13. Impact on Students of the Act–Belong–Commit Mentally Healthy Schools Framework.

14. Time-Serial Evaluation of the Development and Treatment of Myopia in Mice Eyes Using OCT and ZEMAX.

15. A Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process with an Auxiliary Magnetic Machining Tool for the Internal Surface Finishing of a Thick-Walled Tube.

16. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Outputs Generation for Clastic Rocks Using Multi Regression Analysis, Examples from Offshore Western Australia.

17. Prognostic Exploration of U-F-Au-Mo-W Younger Granites for Geochemical Pathfinders, Genetic Affiliations, and Tectonic Setting in El-Erediya-El-Missikat Province, Eastern Desert, Egypt.

18. Mapping Restoration Activities on Dirk Hartog Island Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Imagery.

19. Predicting Outcomes in Frail Older Community-Dwellers in Western Australia: Results from the Community Assessment of Risk Screening and Treatment Strategies (CARTS) Programme.

20. Beyond the First Tipping Points of Southern Hemisphere Climate.

21. Implementation of Home-Schooling: Parents' Practices and Processes.

22. Characterization of a Metamorphosed Volcanic Stratigraphy and VMS Alteration Halos Using Rock Chip Petrography and Lithogeochemistry: A Case Study from King North, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia.

23. Unsupervised Feature Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Autoencoder.

24. Combining wav2vec 2.0 Fine-Tuning and ConLearnNet for Speech Emotion Recognition.

25. Phenotypic Plasticity of Yield and Yield-Related Traits Contributing to the Wheat Yield in a Doubled Haploid Population.

26. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Novel Hemp-Based Building Material.

27. Reproductive Biology of Solanum orbiculatum ssp. orbiculatum , an Australian Endemic Bush Tomato.

28. Changes in Magnitude and Shifts in Timing of Australian Flood Peaks.

29. Experimental Validation of the Cementation Mechanism of Wood Pellet Fly Ash Blended Binder in Weathered Granite Soil.

30. Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology: What Is the Future? Part 2: An Investigation on the Insiders.

31. WA-ResUNet: A Focused Tail Class MRI Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm.

32. Qualitative Analyses of Textile Damage (Cuts and Tears) Applied to Fabrics Exposed to the Decomposition of Carcasses and Associated Insect Activity in an Austral Summer.

33. Approaching Self-Bonded Medium Density Fiberboards Made by Mixing Steam Exploded Arundo donax L. and Wood Fibers: A Comparison with pMDI-Bonded Fiberboards on the Primary Properties of the Boards.

34. An Improved Shallow Water Temperature Model for An Australian Tidal Wetland Environment Using Publicly Available Data.

35. Multimodal Emotion Detection via Attention-Based Fusion of Extracted Facial and Speech Features.

36. Soil Characteristics and Fertility of the Unique Jarrah Forest of Southwestern Australia, with Particular Consideration of Plant Nutrition and Land Rehabilitation.

37. Effects of Urban Green and Blue Space on the Diffusion Range of PM 2.5 and PM 10 Based on LCZ.

38. Mineralogy and Distribution of REE in Oxidised Ores of the Mount Weld Laterite Deposit, Western Australia.

39. Application of Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of Copper Ore Grade.

40. Parasitic Copepods as Biochemical Tracers of Foraging Patterns and Dietary Shifts in Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith, 1828).

41. Rapid Assessment of Architectural Traits in Pear Rootstock Breeding Program Using Remote Sensing Techniques.

42. Computed Tomography Angiography for Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in Western Australia Shows Increasing Use with Decreasing Diagnostic Yield.

43. Early Childhood Teachers' Confidence to Teach Religious Education and the Influences Which Impact Their Teaching of Religious Education in Catholic Primary Schools.

44. Internal Quality Attributes and Sensory Characteristics of 'Ambrosia' Apples with Different Dry Matter Content after a Two-Week and a Ten-Week Air Storage at 1 °C.

45. Quantifying the Potential Water Filtration Capacity of a Constructed Shellfish Reef in a Temperate Hypereutrophic Estuary.

46. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compound Identification and Quantification in Western Australian Honeys.

47. Small Leaves, Big Diversity: Citizen Science and Taxonomic Revision Triples Species Number in the Carnivorous Drosera microphylla Complex (D. Section Ergaleium , Droseraceae).

48. Chemical-Free Biologically Enhanced Primary Treatment of Raw Wastewater for Improved Capture Carbon.

49. Remediating Garden Soils: EDTA-Soil Washing and Safe Vegetable Production in Raised Bed Gardens.

50. Design Requirements for a Monitoring System for a Mobile Hemodialysis Device: Patients' and Care Partners' Perspectives.