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1. Visualising Daily PM10 Pollution in an Open-Cut Mining Valley of New South Wales, Australia—Part II: Classification of Synoptic Circulation Types and Local Meteorological Patterns and Their Relation to Elevated Air Pollution in Spring and Summer.

2. Connecting Us Back to Ourselves: Aesthetic Experience as a Means to Growth after Trauma.

3. A Multi-Framework of Google Earth Engine and GEV for Spatial Analysis of Extremes in Non-Stationary Condition in Southeast Queensland, Australia.

4. Pre-Processing Training Data Improves Accuracy and Generalisability of Convolutional Neural Network Based Landscape Semantic Segmentation.

5. Malnutrition Prevalence in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Cross-Sectional Study.

6. Characterization Analysis of Airborne Particulates from Australian Underground Coal Mines Using the Mineral Liberation Analyser.

7. Unrecognised Ant Megadiversity in the Australian Monsoonal Tropics III: The Meranoplus ajax Forel Complex.

8. Ageing-in-Place at Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs): A Case Study on Bribie Island, Australia.

9. Flood Hazard Assessment in Australian Tropical Cyclone-Prone Regions.

10. Low-Voltage Network Modeling and Analysis with Rooftop PV Forecasts: A Realistic Perspective from Queensland, Australia.

11. Electrophysiological and Behavioral Responses of Virgin Female Bactrocera tryoni to Microbial Volatiles from Enterobacteriaceae.

12. Herbicide Resistance in Summer Annual Weeds of Australia's Northern Grains Region.

13. A New Approach to Estimate Fuel Budget and Wildfire Hazard Assessment in Commercial Plantations Using Drone-Based Photogrammetry and Image Analysis.

14. Temporal Stability of Attitudes towards Climate Change and Willingness to Pay for the Emissions Reduction Options in Queensland, Australia.

15. Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.): An Emerging Weed in the Sweet Corn–Brassica Cropping System.

16. Host Specificity in Canopy Nesting Forms of Ochrogaster lunifer : The Larger Children Do Not Care.

17. Automated Quantification of the Behaviour of Beef Cattle Exposed to Heat Load Conditions.

18. The Effect of Direct-Fed Lactobacillus Species on Milk Production and Methane Emissions of Dairy Cows.

19. Application of Phytogenic Liquid Supplementation in Soil Microbiome Restoration in Queensland Pasture Dieback.

20. The Effect of Disease and Injury on Faecal Cortisol Metabolites, as an Indicator of Stress in Wild Hospitalised Koalas, Endangered Australian Marsupials.

21. Cleft Palate Syndrome in the Endangered Spectacled Flying Fox (Pteropus conspicillatus): Implications for Conservation and Comparative Research.

22. Lungfish and the Long Defeat.

23. Assessing the Relative Importance of Climatic and Hydrological Factors in Controlling Sap Flow Rates for a Riparian Mixed Stand.

24. Assessing Seed Longevity of the Invasive Weed Navua Sedge (Cyperus aromaticus), by Artificial Ageing.

25. Deterministic and Stochastic Generation of Evaporation Data for Long-Term Mine Pit Lake Water Balance Modelling.

26. Surveillance, Diversity and Vegetative Compatibility Groups of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum Collected in Cotton Fields in Australia (2017 to 2022).

27. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Endemic Plants of the Australian Wet Tropics.

28. Quantifying Catch Rates, Shark Abundance and Depredation Rate at a Spearfishing Competition on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

29. Suitability Evaluation of Three Tropical Pasture Species (Mulato II, Gatton Panic, and Rhodes Grass) for Cultivation under a Subtropical Climate of Australia.

30. Host–Gut Microbiome Metabolic Interactions in PFAS-Impacted Freshwater Turtles (Emydura macquarii macquarii).

31. Ecological Niche Modeling of Water Lily (Nymphaea L.) Species in Australia under Climate Change to Ascertain Habitat Suitability for Conservation Measures.

32. Ecosystem-Scale Distribution and Phenology of Adult Gonipterini Weevils Associated with Eucalyptus populnea in Central Queensland, Australia †.

33. The Emergence of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Australia in 2022: Existing Knowledge of Mosquito Vectors.

34. Effect of Temperature on Soluble Solids Content in Strawberry in Queensland, Australia.

35. No Sting in the Tail for Sterile Bisex Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt) Release Programs.

36. Prediction of Total Imperviousness from Population Density and Land Use Data for Urban Areas (Case Study: South East Queensland, Australia).

37. Stacked LSTM Sequence-to-Sequence Autoencoder with Feature Selection for Daily Solar Radiation Prediction: A Review and New Modeling Results.

38. Greenhouse Gas Emission Offsets of Forest Residues for Bioenergy in Queensland, Australia.

39. The Common Pool Resource Heatmap: A Tool to Drive Changes in Water Law and Governance.

40. Drought Vulnerability Assessment Using Geospatial Techniques in Southern Queensland, Australia.