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1. Interaction of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution with Industrialisation and the Landscape Pattern in Taiyuan City, China.

2. Impact of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) on soil properties and nitrous oxide fluxes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

3. Response of Vegetation and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage to Grazing Intensity in Semi-Arid Grasslands in the Agro-Pastoral Zone of Northern China.

4. Assessment of the Soil Organic Carbon Sink in a Project for the Conversion of Farmland to Forestland: A Case Study in Zichang County, Shaanxi, China.

5. Impact of Groundwater Table and Plateau Zokors (Myospalax baileyi) on Ecosystem Respiration in the Zoige Peatlands of China.

6. Multifactor relationships between stand structure and soil and water conservation functions of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the Loess Region.

7. Factors affecting variations of soil pH in different horizons in hilly regions.

8. Laboratory study on nitrate removal and nitrous oxide emission in intact soil columns collected from nitrogenous loaded riparian wetland, Northeast China.

9. Simulated nitrogen deposition significantly reduces soil respiration in an evergreen broadleaf forest in western China.

10. Effects of Spartina alterniflora Invasion on Soil Quality in Coastal Wetland of Beibu Gulf of South China.

11. Chinese Milk Vetch as Green Manure Mitigates Nitrous Oxide Emission from Monocropped Rice System in South China.

12. Evaluating the Applicability of Phi Coefficient in Indicating Habitat Preferences of Forest Soil Fauna Based on a Single Field Study in Subtropical China.

13. Density and Stability of Soil Organic Carbon beneath Impervious Surfaces in Urban Areas.

14. Mechanisms Controlling Arsenic Uptake in Rice Grown in Mining Impacted Regions in South China.

15. Effects of the Interception of Litterfall by the Understory on Carbon Cycling in Eucalyptus Plantations of South China.

16. Long Term Effect of Land Reclamation from Lake on Chemical Composition of Soil Organic Matter and Its Mineralization.

17. Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Soil Profile under a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation in the North China Plain.

18. Climate and Land Use Controls on Soil Organic Carbon in the Loess Plateau Region of China.

19. Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Acquisition by a Fern Dicranopteris dichotoma in a Subtropical Forest in South China.

20. Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Influencing Factors in Desert Grasslands of the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China.

21. Cross-Species Extrapolation of Prediction Model for Lead Transfer from Soil to Corn Grain under Stress of Exogenous Lead.

22. Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Based on GIS and Geostatistics in a Small Watershed in a Hilly Area of Northern China.

23. Response of Soil Respiration to Acid Rain in Forests of Different Maturity in Southern China.

24. Modeling the Soil Water Retention Curves of Soil-Gravel Mixtures with Regression Method on the Loess Plateau of China.

25. Emissions of NO and NH3 from a Typical Vegetable-Land Soil after the Application of Chemical N Fertilizers in the Pearl River Delta.

26. Effects of Increased Nitrogen Deposition and Rotation Length on Long-Term Productivity of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Southern China.