
Showing total 41 results
41 results

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1. Evaluation of industrial water use efficiency considering pollutant discharge in China.

2. The heterogeneous effects of exchange rate and stock market on CO2 emission allowance price in China: A panel quantile regression approach.

3. School bus routing problem in the stochastic and time-dependent transportation network.

4. Inferring Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentrations from Chinese Social Media Data.

5. Joint Probability Analysis of Extreme Precipitation and Storm Tide in a Coastal City under Changing Environment.

6. Interaction of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution with Industrialisation and the Landscape Pattern in Taiyuan City, China.

7. Application of MIKE SHE to study the impact of coal mining on river runoff in Gujiao mining area, Shanxi, China.

8. Circuity analyses of HSR network and high-speed train paths in China.

9. Urban air quality forecasting based on multi-dimensional collaborative Support Vector Regression (SVR): A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang.

10. Ownership reform and the changing manufacturing landscape in Chinese cities: The case of Wuxi.

11. Estimating Vegetation Primary Production in the Heihe River Basin of China with Multi-Source and Multi-Scale Data.

12. A component-based system for agricultural drought monitoring by remote sensing.

13. Spatio-temporal evolution of port opening in China's 40 years of reform and opening-up period.

14. A technological combination of lead-glaze and calcium-glaze recently found in China: Scientific comparative analysis of glazed ceramics from Shangyu, Zhejiang Province.

15. Do street-level scene perceptions affect housing prices in Chinese megacities? An analysis using open access datasets and deep learning.

16. Urban amenity and settlement intentions of rural–urban migrants in China.

17. A tool for Swarm satellite data analysis and anomaly detection.

18. Factors influencing traffic accident frequencies on urban roads: A spatial panel time-fixed effects error model.

19. Psychosocial factors influencing shared bicycle travel choices among Chinese: An application of theory planned behavior.

20. Access to medicines for acute illness and antibiotic use in residents: A medicines household survey in Sichuan Province, western China.

21. A time series of urban extent in China using DSMP/OLS nighttime light data.

22. Water consumption, grain yield, and water productivity in response to field water management in double rice systems in China.

23. Relationship between fine particulate matter, weather condition and daily non-accidental mortality in Shanghai, China: A Bayesian approach.

24. Temporal and spatial correlation patterns of air pollutants in Chinese cities.

25. Relationship between ancient bridges and population dynamics in the lower Yangtze River Basin, China.

26. Exploring the potential of open big data from ticketing websites to characterize travel patterns within the Chinese high-speed rail system.

27. Assessment ecological risk of heavy metal caused by high-intensity land reclamation in Bohai Bay, China.

28. How to reach haze control targets by air pollutants emission reduction in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China?

29. Factor contribution to fire occurrence, size, and burn probability in a subtropical coniferous forest in East China.

30. Research on Grid Size Suitability of Gridded Population Distribution in Urban Area: A Case Study in Urban Area of Xuanzhou District, China.

31. Effects of Spartina alterniflora Invasion on Soil Quality in Coastal Wetland of Beibu Gulf of South China.

32. Effects of Heavy Metals from Soil and Dust Source on DNA Damage of the Leymus chinensis Leaves in Coal-Mining Area in Northwest China.

33. The Novel Relationship between Urban Air Pollution and Epilepsy: A Time Series Study.

34. Molecular Characterization of Salmonella enterica Serovar Aberdeen Negative for H2S Production in China.

35. The Effect of Afforestation on Soil Moisture Content in Northeastern China.

36. Estimating and Predicting Metal Concentration Using Online Turbidity Values and Water Quality Models in Two Rivers of the Taihu Basin, Eastern China.

37. Driving Forces of Dynamic Changes in Soil Erosion in the Dahei Mountain Ecological Restoration Area of Northern China Based on GIS and RS.

38. Development of a Compatible Taper Function and Stand-Level Merchantable Volume Model for Chinese Fir Plantations.

39. Prevalence of Veterinary Antibiotics and Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli in the Surface Water of a Livestock Production Region in Northern China.

40. Density and Stability of Soil Organic Carbon beneath Impervious Surfaces in Urban Areas.

41. Mechanisms Controlling Arsenic Uptake in Rice Grown in Mining Impacted Regions in South China.