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1. Recovered Fly Ashes as an Anthropogenic Raw Material.

2. Use of the Far Infrared Spectroscopy for NaCl and KCl Minerals Characterization—A Case Study of Halides from Kłodawa in Poland.

3. Uranyl Minerals from Abandoned Podgórze Mine (Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland) and Their REE Content.

4. Multi-Tool (LA-ICPMS, EMPA and XRD) Investigation on Heavy Minerals from Selected Holocene Peat-Bog Deposits from the Upper Vistula River Valley, Poland.

5. Recently Discovered Thick Bentonite Bed Hosted by the Lithothamnium Limestones (Badenian) in the Polish Part of the Carpathian Foredeep: The Evidence for Volcanic Origin.

6. The Kupferschiefer Deposits and Prospects in SW Poland: Past, Present and Future.

7. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Roadside Soils on the Białystok-Budzisko Route in Northeastern Poland.

8. Antimony and Nickel Impurities in Blue and Green Copper Pigments.

9. Petrographic Evaluation of Aggregate from Igneous Rocks: Alkali–Silica Reaction Potential.

10. Formation of Diagenetic Minerals in the Carboniferous Rock Complex from the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (SW Poland): Fluid Inclusion, Isotopic and Raman Constraints.

11. Upper Jurassic Bedded Limestones and Early Diagenetic Dolomitized Limestones in the Light of Mineralogical, Geochemical and Sedimentological Studies; Kraków Area, Poland.

12. REE Concentrations in Secondary Uranium Minerals from the Izera Metamorphic Complex (SW Poland).

13. Modal Quantitative Logs for the Objective Recording and Analysis of Very Thick Sedimentary Sequences.

14. Strength Characteristics of Clay–Rubber Waste Mixtures in Low-Frequency Cyclic Triaxial Tests.

15. Industrial Verification and Research Development of Lime–Gypsum Fertilizer Granulation Method.

16. Downhole Lithological Profile Reconstruction Based on Chemical Composition of Core Samples and Drill Cuttings Measured with Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer.

17. Application of Historical Geophysical Materials in Searching for Cu-Ag Ore Deposits—A New Direction of Research.

18. Power Generation: Feedstock for High-Value Sulfate Minerals.

19. Pickeringite from the Stone Town Nature Reserve in Ciężkowice (the Outer Carpathians, Poland).

20. Copper-Bearing Mineralisation in the Upper Devonian Limestones: A Case Study from the Historical Teresa Adit in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Poland.

21. Radiological Hazard Related with Natural Radioactivity in Natural Gas Transportation—A Case Study from Poland.

22. Chemical Diversity of Teeth and Bone Fragments from a Newly Discovered Upper Muschelkalk Bone Bed from Silesia, Poland.

23. Prediction and Potential Treatment of Underground Contaminated Water Based on Monitoring of pH and Salinity in a Coal Mine Waste Heap, Southern Poland.

24. The Diverse Indigenous Bacterial Community in the Rudna Mine Does Not Cause Dissolution of Copper from Kupferschiefer in Oxic Conditions.

25. Trace Element Distributions in the Zn-Pb (Mississippi Valley-Type) and Cu-Ag (Kupferschiefer) Sediment-Hosted Deposits in Poland.

26. Origin of Talc and Fe-Ti-V Mineralization in the Kletno Deposit (the Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland).

27. Comparative Analysis of the Strength Distribution for Irregular Particles of Carbonates, Shale, and Sandstone Ore.

28. Spatial Variability of Metals in Coastal Sediments of Ełckie Lake (Poland).

29. Production Methods for Regular Aggregates and Innovative Developments in Poland.

30. Diversity of Pyrite-Hosted Solid Inclusions and Their Metallogenic Implications—A Case Study from the Myszków Mo–Cu–W Porphyry Deposit (the Kraków–Lubliniec Fault Zone, Poland).

31. New Evidence of the Brizziite, Sodium Antimonate from the Central Paratethys Sea Strata in Poland.

32. First Evidence of the Post-Variscan Magmatic Pulse on the Western Edge of East European Craton: U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Dolerite in the Lublin Podlasie Basin, Eastern Poland.

33. Diagenesis and the Conditions of Deposition of the Middle Jurassic Siderite Rocks from the Northern Margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).

34. Human Health Risk Assessment of Trace Elements in Tap Water and the Factors Influencing Its Value.

35. Seismic-Scale Evidence of Thrust-Perpendicular Normal Faulting in the Western Outer Carpathians, Poland.

36. Heavy Metal Content in the Plants (Pleurozium schreberi and Picea abies) of Environmentally Important Protected Areas of the Tatra National Park (the Central Western Carpathians, Poland).

37. Archaeometric Analysis of the Objects from the Scala Santa (Holy Stairs) in the Crypt under the Piarist Church in Cracow (Poland).

38. The Miedzianka Mountain Ore Deposit (Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Poland) as a Site of Historical Mining and Geological Heritage: A Case Study of the Teresa Adit.

39. Do New-Generation Recycled Phosphorus Fertilizers Increase the Content of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil and Plants?

40. Reconstruction of Copper Smelting Technology Based on 18–20th-Century Slag Remains from the Old Copper Basin, Poland.

41. Geochemical State of Wilga River Environment in Kraków (Poland)—Historical Aspects and Existing Issues.

42. The Long-Term Effect of Industrial Waste Landfill on Surface Water. An Example from Central Poland.

43. Transport Direction and Scandinavian Source Regions of the Saalian Glacial and Glaciofluvial Deposits in a Case Study of Łubienica-Superunki (Central Poland).

44. Burial and Thermal History Modeling of the Paleozoic–Mesozoic Basement in the Northern Margin of the Western Outer Carpathians (Case Study from Pilzno-40 Well, Southern Poland).

45. Fractions of Ni, Pb, Cr, and Their Impact on Enzyme Activities of Arable Land Cultivated by the Simplified Method.

46. Tracing Pre-Mesozoic Tectonic Sutures in the Crystalline Basement of the Protocarpathians: Evidence from the Exotic Blocks from Subsilesian Nappe, Outer Western Carpathians, Poland.

47. Effect of Land Reclamation on Soil Properties, Mineralogy and Trace-Element Distribution and Availability: The Example of Technosols Developed on the Tailing Disposal Site of an Abandoned Zn and Pb Mine.

48. Application of Fluid Inclusions to Petroleum Basin Recognition—A Case Study from Poland.

49. EMPA, XRD, and Raman Characterization of Ag-Bearing Djurleite from the Lubin Mine, Lower Silesia, Poland.

50. Analysis of Spatial Variability of River Bottom Sediment Pollution with Heavy Metals and Assessment of Potential Ecological Hazard for the Warta River, Poland.